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"Santa Barbara"(США) - резюме серий на английском

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Original airdate: October 8, 1992
Kelly is invited by McCabe for a dinner in the Oasis. Skyler is eating dinner with Minx. Also BJ and Warren appear at the dinner. Skyler and BJ are having a dispute as BJ feels herself betrayed from him. Skyler later meets Warren. Together they work out a plan to prove BJ's innocence. Ted and Lilly are staying together over night on a lonely island. Angela and CC are flirting heavily with each other.

Original airdate: October 9, 1992
Jody and Micah go together to Boston for bringing back their children. Jody tries to find the whereabouts of the two by contacting several boxing agencies and finds them. Warren and Skyler are meanwhile visiting the motel in which BJ was spending the night before the death of Frank. But BJ is already there waiting for them. She is desperate as nobody is believing her.

Original airdate: October 12, 1992
Lilly and Ted find out that they are not at all alone on the "abandoned" island. Andie tries to flirt with Reece. Ken has newly decorated Sophia's apartment. She is very enthusiastic about. When Sophia is finding a scorpion in the room she is having a nervous breakdown. Ken is giving her a tranquilliser which is in truth a sleeping pill. After this he drives to his mistress Andie.

Original airdate: October 13, 1992
Gina and Lionel are using Stapleton and Camilla at their skiing place to make each other jealous. But both are not going too far as they really love each other. While under hypnosis, BJ remembers the events of the murder day. Sophia has hurt herself and is getting first aid from Kelly and McCabe. Ken is getting home late. He pretends that he was shopping.



Original airdate: October 14, 1992
Jody and Micah are still in search for Sawyer and Aurora. They are followed by somebody on order of the jealous Carla. She has ordered a private detective to make photos from them. Lilly and Ted are on the island of Boratunga. CC and Angela are having different reasons for getting Ted back home. They go in search for Ted.

Original airdate: October 15, 1992
Mason and Julia are having an appearance on a television show where they run against each other for the position of the district judge. Mason is using all kind of tricks to win. BJ fires her lawyer as she does not feel understood by him. She would prefer a woman as her representative. Warren approaches therefore Julia who is not very delighted especially when she finds out that the judge in this case will be Mason. Lionel and Gina are getting again closer at their skiing place. Micah forces Jody into a kiss. She first pushes him away but then repeats the kiss. In the hotel she tells him that they are not here for romance but for their children. Micah tells her that he has noticed that McCabe must have sent somebody behind them and therefore the kiss. She would not have repeated the kiss if she found it so unpleasant. They finally find Aurora and Sawyer in the park. Sawyer is badly damaged from his boxing fight and Micah has to bring him to the hospital.

Original airdate: October 16, 1992
BJ reproaches Reese for thinking that she has killed Frank. Reese tells Warren that BJ is not his but Cruz's daughter. Julia is accepting the defence for BJ. Kelly talks with Reese about her aversion against Ken and gets to know that he has been with Andie and not shopping at the time of Sophia's fall. She asks McCabe to make some investigations.

Original airdate: October 19, 1992
CC and Angela went to Boratunga. Lilly and Ted are pretending to be in love with each other which is making Angela very jealous. For the time of the murder trial Julia is staying with Kelly. She intents to fight for homicide and to prove that BJ has been abused by Frank in case BJ is making a confession. Ken is giving Sophia a sleeping pill so that he can go to Andie.



Original airdate: October 20, 1992
Lionel and Gina are getting back from their holidays and are fully in love which each other. Jody and Micah bring back their children to Santa Barbara. Sawyer does not want to tell Jody what he has seen in the night when Frank has been murdered. He lies by pretending that he has not seen BJ at the place where the murder has taken place. Micah looks through his lie and is taking him to task.

Original airdate: October 21, 1992
BJ visits with Kelly a meeting of people who have been abused as a child. Kelly hardly can't believe that so many children are getting abused according to the statistics. McCabe is visiting Rosa in order to find out about an incident which happened at the party. He finds the scissors by which BJ has nearly stabbed Warren. Sawyer is meanwhile quite sure that he has seen how BJ has shot Frank at the scene of crime.

Original airdate: October 22, 1992
McCabe would drop his charge against Sawyer if the latter would testify what he has seen in the night of the murder. When Sawyer is telling BJ that he has been a witness of the murder she is shocked. But later she remembers all the details. BJ persuades her brother to testify. Carla is presenting Micah the picture in which he is kissing Jody and makes a scene.

Original airdate: October 23, 1992
Reese and Jody are fighting. Reese is making it clear to Jody that their relationship is over. The kissing pictures of Micah and Jody has finished him off. Warren is preparing BJ in the courtroom for the questions of the prosecutor. Lilly is upset when Rafe is arriving unexpected at Boratunga. He is very unhappy to see her with Ted.



Original airdate: October 26, 1992
Sawyer is reproaching himself for testifying against BJ even all are encouraging him that he is doing the right thing. Jody asks Micah to talk with Reese. He should explain to Reese that the pictures where he is kissing Jody are completely harmless. BJ freezes in the courtroom when Warren wants to go with her through all the facts in the night of murder. This is prolonging the trial.

Original airdate: October 27, 1992
The native people of Boratunga are celebrating something and drum through the whole night. For the tourists of Santa Barbara this is getting a very hot night. CC thinks that Angela is still suffering because of Warren and confesses his love to her. Not long thereafter Ted appears at Angela and wants to have sex with her. She rejects him. Meanwhile Rafe is sneaking into the hotel room of Lilly and tells her how much he is in need of her.

Original airdate: October 28, 1992
The trial in the murder case of Frank Goodman starts with an incident. Frank's girlfriend slaps BJ. Jody and Reese are investigating Frank's past in order to find further proof in favour for BJ. On the first day of the trial the message is coming that Cruz has been found. Kelly is shocked as she wanted to spare him to testify against BJ. She wanted to testify as a witness instead of Cruz.

Original airdate: October 29, 1992
CC and Angela confess that they are mutually attracted to each other. Ted and Lilly decide to go on to pretend a relationship. By this Ted intents to irritate Angela and Lilly tries to make Rafe jealous. The trial against BJ starts with the questions of McCabe. Kelly testifies that Cruz has burned BJs dress in order to protect her.

Original airdate: October 30, 1992
Ted tries to persuade Angela to forget CC. Warren and BJ want to marry. Not only because by this he need not to testify against her at the court but also because they are in love. Ken sees the design drafts of Andie and recognizes in her model Reese Walker. He beats her up. Sophia starts to get more and more forgetful and distracted. It seems that she has become addicted to Ken's "vitamin pills".



Original airdate: November 6, 1992
The prosecutor Arnold is trying to prove the murder on Frank Goodman by BJ with not only lawful means. Julia and Mason decide to try it again with each other after having a long debate in the office of the judge. The forced separation is shaking their nerves more than they wanted to admit at the beginning.

Original airdate: November 9, 1992
Dolly Forster is questioned as a witness of the prosecutor. She testifies that she has seen in the night of the murder that BJ has thrown away a pistol. In the light of this fact Julia intends to plead for guilty to get a more merciful verdict. But Arnold the cold-blooded prosecutor is not ready to make any deal. On the occasion of a birthday party Ted is announcing his engagement with Lilly.

Original airdate: November 10, 1992
Dolly Forster's statement that she has seen BJ in the night of murder throwing away a pistol is putting a strong weight on the accusation. Jody is therefore totally desperate and visits Skyler. Warren and BJ are finding out that BJ was taking in the night of murder a shower with a gun. BJ is now totally confused and thinks that she has murdered really Frank and has to go to the prison.

Original airdate: November 11, 1992
Jody totally drunken tries to attract Skyler who turns her away. The next day she feels ashamed for her attitude. Meanwhile BJ and Warren are dreaming about that everything will turn to the better. They intend to stay together as a writer couple happy till the end of their days. Ted and Lilly are engaged. CC threatens to disinherit Ted. Sophia tries to calm CC down.



Original airdate: November 12, 1992
CC is getting worried about Sophia and asks Micah by which sign one can recognize a misuse of pills. Kelly suspects still Ken for giving Sophia the pills. BJ is not sure about if she should plead guilty or not. Reese and Jody think that it would be better to plead guilty because if the jury is believing her that she has acted in self-defence she would get away with only a little punishment. Warren is stressing on her innocence.

Original airdate: November 13, 1992
Jody and Reese are called to the witness stand and get cross examined by Arnold. Julia thinks that it is necessary that BJ herself is getting into the stand of witness to show her credibility. Julia meets Mason and tells him that he is embittered over the election of the new judge. He shows himself hurt and reminds her on their trustful relationship they had before. He makes some compliments to her and both start feeling better. Kelly visits Sophia and takes secretly along one of Sophia's vitamin pills. She intents to get it examined by an expert. Micah is called to an operation of young man of whom the identity is not known. After the operation Micah finds out that it is his own son Giovanni.

Original airdate: November 16, 1992
Gina tells her hairdresser that Ted and Lilly wants to marry. Angela overhears this talk in secret. Later she tells Gina that this marriage could turn easy into a double marriage because CC has asked her to marry him. Lilly suspects Lisa that she was only pretending her pregnancy for getting Rafe to marry her. BJ starts to remember some of the incidents at the particular night. Arnold is putting a lot of pressure on her till BJ admits that she might have shot Frank. Warren jumps up in disbelief and is brought out of the court room.

Original airdate: November 17, 1992
Ted and Angela have fallen into a pit and can't get out anymore. Angela turns out as a good scout and splints the broken leg of Ted. CC and Lilly are searching for the two missing ones. Micah is not very happy for finding out that it is his son whom he was operating.



Original airdate: November 18, 1992
Gina arranges with much devotion the marriage of Lilly even the groom is still missing. Julia wants to represent the murder as self-defence and tries to get BJ free on probation. Ben Arnold is taking her strongly under cross fire and describes BJ as a hysterical confused person. He provokes BJ so strong that she shouts at him. By this he has reached his goal to proof that BJ is loosing quickly her self-control.

Original airdate: November 19, 1992
Micah, Aurora and Sawyer are able to persuade Giovanni to stay. All are surprised when they find out what kind of profession their new family member is having in mind. Meanwhile at the court Eugene is getting into the stand of witness and confesses that he abused Frank while being a child. This statement Arnold is using very successfully for his purpose.

Original airdate: November 20, 1992
Ted and Angela are still missing. Gina is having the vision that something happened to Ted. Together with Lilly she is informing CC about it. Even though he thinks that the two have been kidnapped he does not want to inform the police. Warren and BJ want to have a nice evening together in the Oasis but get disturbed by a reporter. A girl from the table next to them is showing her sympathy and admiration for BJ.

Original airdate: November 23, 1992
Julia is asking Mason to get permission to interrogate an additional witness before the final speech. He agrees against the wish of Arnold. Sally confesses that she has been also sexually abused by Frank when being a child. By this it is proven that Frank has been a child abuser. BJ's chance in getting acquittal are very good after Sally's confession. Arnold is not at all happy about this.

Original airdate: November 24, 1992
In the trial of the case Frank Goodman occurs a sensational turn. BJ all of a sudden can remember how Frank has lost his life. BJ declares that she can remember that Frank has killed himself by a shot into his armpit. She got frighten and took in panic afterwards the gun to herself. After the final speeches of Julia and Arnold the jury is retreating for a conference.



Original airdate: November 25, 1992
After Ken has given again a pill to Sophia she is breaking down. Reese begs Andie to keep herself in distance of Ken. Gina, Lilly, Rafe and Lionel want to search in the underground tunnel for Ted and Angela. Also CC is joining them after some hesitation. They are really finding the two. Gina's inspiration has turned out to be right.

Original airdate: November 27, 1992
McCabe is trying hard to gain Kelly's affection. But Kelly is not sure about her feelings as her thoughts are still with Cruz. Ken is going to give pills to Sophia by which she gets addicted. Meanwhile she has to rely herself with her business totally on Ken. Angela and Ted are getting helped out from the pit by Gina, Rafe, CC and Lilly.

Original airdate: November 30, 1992
McCabe has found out new information about Ken; he has been married for two times already. Sophia has told him that Ken has only one marriage behind. The jury is still discussing. This is making the Walker family and their friends nervous. Warren is not able to uplift BJ's mood. Mason worries about his marriage in case Julia is going to accept the job of the federal judge.

Original airdate: December 1, 1992
BJ is acquitted by the court. The joy is great in Santa Barbara. All friends are celebrating the acquaintance with BJ. Only Mason and Julia are not able to share their joy as they have separated themselves during the trial more than they would like to admit. Aurora tries to reconcile her father with her half brother Giovanni. Not an easy task.



Original airdate: December 2, 1992
Jody is invited for dinner by Micah. As something went wrong with the dinner Jody invites Micah for a picnic on the floor. He turns on music and teaches her how to dance a Tango. At the end of the Tango he kisses her passionately which she obviously enjoys. Micah is very pleased with the turnout of the evening. Lilly offers Ted to cancel their engagement. They discuss the matter and Ted announces to all that they are going to marry. Reese is with Andie who has dressed him as a dressman. She gives him a lot of compliments on his outlook by getting closer to him till he kisses her passionately. He then steps back and apologises to her that he is not ready for more. He wants to give back the suit but she tells him that she has given it to him as a present. He then invites her for a dinner the next day in the Oasis.

Original airdate: December 3, 1992
Ted is dreaming about his marriage. He only did not marry Lilly but Angela in his dream. Kelly advises him to find out finally about his true feelings. CC is making a marriage proposal to Angela. After some thoughts she accepts. Ted is shocked about and confesses to CC that he was having over the past month an affair with Angela. McCabe is becoming the new partner of Reese.

Original airdate: December 4, 1992
McCabe has got some sympathy from Kelly because he has lost his job. She goes with him for a dinner. Afterwards they land in her apartment where he kisses her which she let happen but soon regrets afterwards. After Angela has confirmed to CC her affair with Ted both are having a heavy fight. BJ is getting an offer from Hollywood. There they are showing interest into her story and offer to her a lot of money for the movie and television rights.



Original airdate: December 7, 1992
Andie and Reese are having their date in the Oasis. Micah and Jody are also getting ready for a dinner evening in the Oasis. They are delayed because Micah is having a discussion with Giovanni, trying to knock out of his head the idea of becoming a priest. Gina is asking Lisa to go for a trip with Rafe in her own interest so that Rafe is not disturbing the marriage of Lilly. Rafe and Lilly are having a talk. He loves her but is not ready to divorce Lisa and marry her. Lilly tells him that she feels good with Ted because this relationship is not so complicated as with him. Lisa gets a phone in the Oasis. Richard wants to meet her and be with her over the night. She should meanwhile find a good excuse for Rafe for not coming home. She puts the receiver down and runs out of the Oasis. She goes to a church. There she lights on a candle and thinking she is alone she starts to talk loud about her despair. Giovanni asks her if she might talk to him about her problem. She tells him all about her lies to Rafe. Giovanni advises her to confess the truth to him even for the danger that he will go away from her. Rafe comes to the Oasis and sees Richard. From the new bartender he finds out that Richard is having an appointment with Lisa. When Micah and Jody arrive in the Oasis she is having trouble to see Reese dancing with Andie. Micah noticing why she is so distracted offers to her also to dance which she gladly accepts. It's now the turn on Reese in getting distracted. He stops dancing and Andie runs for the toilet. After the dance is over Jody addresses Reese at his table. He tells her that over the twenty years in being together with her he never found out that she knows to dance Tango. She tells him that she also did not know that he is a dressman. On coming home Jody is making Micah happy by giving him a soft kiss before retreating to her room. Ted and Lilly discuss their marriage. She asks him if there will be also a honeymoon. Ted says of course he finds her very attractive. They are having a romantically evening.

Original airdate: December 8, 1992
Warren finds BJ while reading his manuscript which he has written some years ago and which was turned down at that time. BJ is very enthusiastic about and wants to find a publisher for it. Julia and Mason are going for a holiday trip at the weekend. Angela is playing down her affair with Ted and tells him that she wants to become his wife.



Original airdate: December 9, 1992
Julia is disappointed that Mason has given up the hope for getting another child. Jody is working in the hospital to help people who got abused. Giovanni is also working as the new priest for the hospital. Gina is fully engaged in the preparation for the marriage of Lilly and Ted. CC does not want to marry Angela anymore as she did not tell him about her affair with Ted.

Original airdate: December 10, 1992
During their weekend trip Julia tries to persuade Mason to adopt a child. They start fighting about this matter and break up their travel. Kelly and CC are in worry about Sophia. When Gina finds out that Angela and CC have separated themselves she tries to negotiate. She is afraid that Angela could endanger the marriage of Ted and Lilly.

Original airdate: December 11, 1992
Before her marriage Lilly is having a bachelor girl party at Sophia. All her friends have come. Also Gina, Minx, BJ and Kelly are coming. BJ has talked with a publisher to take Warren's book into consideration. Warren is discussing a proper engagement ring for BJ with Minx which he wants to give to her at Christmas. When the phone rings and he takes he finds out about BJ's arrangement for his book. He gets upset and fetches BJ at the party. They are having a dispute in the car and he tells her what he intended to give and say to her on Christmas day. He shows her the ring and she tells that it is beautiful but she can't accept it. Warren says he has only shown it to her and not given it to her. Then recognising what she just said he asked her why she can't accept it. She said because he told her that there is no trust between them. He gets upset and shouts to her she should marry him. She smiles and accepts. Angela and CC are having a talk. She swears that the relation with Ted was based only on sex and at no time on love. Ted comes in and she asks him to tell CC the same. Ted confirms frustrated. He goes and fetches Lilly and takes her to his room. He tells her that he was a blind fool and now he knows what he really wants, it is she. CC and Angela make it up again together. Kelly wants to talk with Sophia but she collapses.

Original airdate: December 14, 1992
CC and Angela are together again. Sophia has to be brought into the hospital. Meanwhile Mason and Julia pick up a pregnant hitchhiker. McCabe is trying hard to get more information about Ken Mathis.



Original airdate: December 15, 1992
Ken is already very close to his goal to overtake the "Armonti" Industries. Half of it is already belonging to him and now Sophia is lying in the hospital with a poisoning created by an intake of too much pills. Ken's mistress Andie can't be happy with him about his success as she meanwhile has fallen in love with Reese. Kelly wants to find out about Ken under all means.

Original airdate: December 16, 1992
Kelly and CC are worried about Sophia's condition and want to intervene and to tell her their opinion on her drug addiction. Warren and BJ want to marry but Gina hopes that this is going to happen not too soon as first of all Ted and Lilly's marriage is on the card. And after all there can be only one big marriage in Santa Barbara each year. Jody is finally confessing to BJ about her separation from Reese.

Original airdate: December 18, 1992
Reese and Sawyer want to test Warren as their new family member and make jokes on him. Ken manages to get from Sophia her signature for a business power of attorney by which he can make all financial decisions by himself. The pregnant hitchhiker Gracie is telling Mason and Julia her tragic story. McCabe has new information on Ken which he wants to investigate together with Kelly.

Original airdate: December 18, 1992
Julia is hosting the pregnant hitchhiker Gracie. She intends to have a serious talk with the father of the child who has left her alone. Mason thinks that Gracie is a swindler. Jody intents to stay with Micah over Christmas. Also Sawyer and Aurora are expected. Reese wants to stay alone. Warren gets a call from the publisher who wants to edit his book.



Original airdate: December 21, 1992
Kelly searches together with McCabe for proof that Ken has killed his first two wives. Connor avoids Kelly's questions about his family. When Kelly is talking on the phone with Mrs. McCabe the latter denies to know a Connor. CC is giving Ted and Lilly at Christmas a plot of land as a Christmas present. A phone call from Lisa that Rafe was having an accident is disturbing the harmonious atmosphere. Warren dislikes BJ's naive manner.

Original airdate: December 22, 1992
Lilly and Ted rush to the hospital after they heard about Rafe's accident. Ted is getting jealous when he sees how Lilly worries about Rafe. Sophia's health is improving and is on getting released from the hospital. Ken did not visit her a single time. Even CC is knowing about this fact he lets Sophia think that Ken is loving her and wants to celebrate Christmas with her.

Original airdate: December 23, 1992
Gracie disappears secretly without saying good bye. She is taking a valuable candlestick and a tea service along with her. BJ is having a fight with Warren because of the bad game of the publisher. BJ goes home and asks Jody to go and fetch her things from Warren. Jody visits Warren but not to take along BJ's belongings. She talks with Warren to rethink their fight. Warren goes to see BJ and apologises with a passionate kiss. Reese finds it disgusting that Micah has come along with Jody to his house. He points out that Jody is still his wife. Kelly finds out from McCabe that his sister Molly has died because of a series of bad circumstances for which he himself feels alone responsible. He went as an undercover agent into the drug scene. Before he made his parents believe he is really heroin addicted. While trying to get him out of this scene his sister got killed.

Original airdate: December 24, 1992
At Christmas eve CC is having a strange dream. He is brought by a homeless person to his living place. He is meeting there also Mason, Lionel and Sophia. Everybody of them is telling about their experience and what they have learnt from it. When CC is waking up he is a new man. He is passing on the wise advises and to the other three. All are surprised by his new gentleness and generosity.



Original airdate: December 28, 1992
Gracie notices that the invitation cards for the marriage have not yet been posted. But nobody is listening to her as all are too busy with the preparations for the event. Andie confesses to Sophia that she was having an affair with Ken. Sophia is upset beside herself. Kelly and McCabe want to get the corpse of Ken's first wife and to performed an autopsy. It is under suspicion that Ken has poisoned her with strychnine.

Original airdate: December 29, 1992
Warren and BJ are getting disturbed in their Christmas mood by the movie producer Donna Kent. She also is having interest in filming BJ's life story. She is having special reason for this. Rafe is dreaming that Lisa has pretended her pregnancy to force him to marry her. While Gina is testing the prepared banquet of the start cook Pierre, she is finding faults with everything.

Original airdate: December 30, 1992
CC is giving Ted fifteen percent of the share on Capwell Enterprises at their bachelor party. The marriage of Lilly and Ted is in danger not to take place as the chaos is perfect. Lilly's wedding-dress is full of colour. Samantha was testing her artistic talent on the dress and got hunted by an upset Gina. Mason comes at the right time to protect her. Samantha is bringing a big box as a present for Lilly to make up for her fault. When Lilly opens the parcel she finds the not posted invitation cards. The cook and the band have cancelled their appointment. Gina is close to a nervous break down. When Lionel comes to lift up Gina's bad mood she is letting steam off. Lionel goes to inform Ted and Ted hurries home to comfort a very unhappy Lilly.



Original airdate: December 31, 1993
Sophia's condition is getting worse and worse. Yet she wants to go to the marriage of Ted and Lilly. McCabe finds out that Ken has killed his former wives with strychnine. As Ken intents to go on a cruise with Sophia at the evening, she is in extreme danger. The marriage starts but before Lilly can give her yes to Ted, Rafe is disturbing the ceremony. Rafe tells Lilly when they are alone that he is now ready to get away from Lisa and share his live only with her. When Rafe leaves to wait outside the house Gina tries to save the marriage by giving some good advises to Lilly on how to decide between the two men. Meanwhile Sophia's condition is getting worse and she has to be brought into the hospital. Mason and Julia left the party for the hospital to see Gracie who is just on delivering her child. They soon find out that she was only acting because she did not want to leave them. Ted is talking with Lilly ready to take a defeat but she decides herself for him. The marriage is taking place. Rafe is standing at the window and silently retreats.

Original airdate: January 4, 1993
Lisa is desperate. She phones to Rich to help her saving her marriage. Soon it turns out that Rich was visiting her with other intentions. Rafe is coming home in time to prevent Rich from raping Lisa. Ted and Lilly are on their trip to their honeymoon place and somehow scared of their first night.



Original airdate: January 5, 1993
BJ is still having big problems with her past. When Warren and BJ want to write about their experiences they end up in a heavy fight. BJ finally runs away and meets by accident Rafe. Also he is having problems; Lisa does not want to tell him if there has been ever really a baby or not. Sawyer is joining them later and tries to encourage BJ. He thinks that she should finally make a confrontation with her past.

Original airdate: January 6, 1993
Gina and Lionel surprise Ted and Lilly at their honeymoon place. Trying to help the young couple in their love making Gina has brought her daughter a collection of sexy underwear. Lilly finds this rather repulsive. Rafe visits Lisa in the hospital. She tells him that what happened was her guilt. She has asked Richard to help her to pretend her pregnancy as she wanted to hurt Lilly. Rafe takes this calmly telling her that this was what he already figured out by himself. He takes her hand and tells her but beside of all they are married and he will keep to her. Lisa replies that she is not his wife. When Rafe asks why, she confesses that the priest was only an actor which Richard has organised and so they are actually not married. The nurse is coming in to see for Lisa and Rafe is using this chance to get out of the room. He manages it only up to the desk in the hall where he goes down to the floor crying.



Original airdate: January 7, 1993
Sophia's condition is very critical. Yet she manages to survive the night and is having the worst behind. Ken is locked up in the jail because of suspicion of murder. He incriminates Andie Klein telling the police that she is incredible jealous. Andie is asking therefore Reese for help. She tries to seduce him but with no success. Micah is inviting Jody. Jody drives first to Reese. On seeing him with his open shirt and Andie in the bathroom she loses all her scruples and drives to Micah making love with him. Lionel and Gina are still at the tropical island. Gina wants to fly back but Lionel bribes the taxi driver so that they are too late for the plane. Gina finds this not amusing as she has much to do with her Gina Jeans but finally Lionel finds a way to make her laugh and enjoy their stay.

Original airdate: January 8, 1993
Gracie is unhappy. She can't bear the thought that she should give away her child for adoption by which she never will have the chance to see it again. Mason and Julia are making plans for their new house. They are thinking about a new use of the old baby room. Mason wants to turn it into a billiard room, Julia would like to use it for a library. Gracie hopes that it will remain a baby room, Also that Mason and Julia will adopt her baby.

Original airdate: January 11, 1993
Reese is bringing Andie to the jail for an interrogation. Ken requests McCabe to get the chance to talk to Andie. He is very thirsty and asks one officer to bring him some tea. Andie also wants to talk to Ken. While the officers retreat to discuss this in another room, Andie takes the chance to poison the tea. Reese gets a call and runs away while Andie is allowed to visit Ken. The officer is handing over to Ken the glass of tea. Ken asks her why she was going on giving poison to Sophia when she knows that he would be the first suspected. She tells him that she is having nothing against Sophia but she wanted to see him in jail after all what he has done to her. He gets excited and drinks the tea while telling her that this was her mistake as now he was telling the police the truth that she is the guilty person. She tells him calmly that mentioning her was his mistake as now he will die. He looks at his glass and at once realises the truth of her words. But it is already too late he breaks down to the floor and is no more able to shout for help. Andie waits till he is dead and then starts to shout for help. When the officers come they find Ken dead. Andie plays to be shocked and tells that Ken was getting very excited and all of a sudden breaking down.



Original airdate: January 12, 1993
Rafe is separating himself from Lisa definitive. In a letter to Lilly he is asking her to run away with him. Lilly meets Rafe for the last time just to say to him good bye. Ted is happy that Lilly was deciding herself for him. Julia and Mason are not sure about if they should adopt the baby of Gracie. Finally they decide against the adoption. Warren is repeating his marriage proposal to BJ.

Original airdate: January 13, 1993
Andie is cooking for Reese and tells him about Switzerland. Reese tells her that he does not want to start a relationship with her. Meanwhile the autopsy is showing that Ken has died on apoplexy. Micah informs McCabe that there is a drug which can create an apoplexy but this drug cannot be detected in the body. Micah knows also that one can get this drug only in Switzerland. Reese meets McCabe at the police station. He tells him that somehow he thinks that there is some truth in the story of Ken. Both visit Andie just to find her apartment upside down which she must have done in a fit of anger after has Reese left her. Jody is waiting for Micah with a wonderful dinner and a sexy outfit. But when the bell rings it is Andie who is at the door.



Original airdate: January 14, 1993
Andie is making her way inside the house to Jody. She suggest to drink a tea together and have a chat. Jody tries to get rid of her and is not at all in the mood for drinking a tea with the friend of her husband. While Jody takes the phone and gets informed by Micah that he can't come so soon because of an urgent operation, Andie takes out her poison and starts poisoning the food. Shortly afterwards while Andie tries to persuade Jody to start eating Reese is at the door. On hearing that Andie is there he runs inside the house just to see that Andie has gone. When he comes back from his search he notices that Jody is just on starting to eat. He quickly turns the whole food over and spoils it by loading all on the table. When Micah comes he finally starts to explain why he has done so. He takes Jody in safe custody by using handcuffs for her protection. Micah and Reese start fighting over Jody. The phone rings and they get informed that Warren and BJ are having their marriage the other day. Jody ends the fight of the two men by deciding to go along with Reese. She is giving Micah a deep kiss and leaves the address of the hotel with him asking him to be there in time with her for the marriage celebration. After Jody and Reese left Andie is coming out of her hiding place and getting into the house again. She notes down the address of the hotel and decides to be also there. Gina finds that Lionel is too good for her and they should better separate. Lionel explains to her why he loves her so much and all takes a good end. Warren and BJ start to sleep separately to give some credit for the tradition. BJ is getting a nightmare: while making love with Warren his face changes to the face of Frank. Frank gets up and beats Warren down to the ground. BJ tells Frank that he has no power over her and wakes up in the worried arms of Warren. She takes away the bed sheet and asks him to make love to her.



Original airdate: January 15, 1993
CC is throwing coins in the fountain. Sophia comes along in a green festive dress and tells him that giving up has been never his strength. CC says that he has to learn it. Sophia replies that she hopes he does not mean this seriously.

Julia is reading the instruction of the pregnancy test she is going to take. Mason is coming out of the room and she quickly hides the box behind herself. Gracie is coming in chewing something and inquires at Julia what she wants to talk to her. On seeing Gracie, Mason turns around and leaves at once the room.

BJ tells Warren that she still can't believe that they are going to marry today and she is going to be his wife. Warren states simple that this will happen. He asks her if she does not regret that they did not wait. (Remember? They just got up after their first night). She asks him if she looks like somebody who is sorry about something. He tells her no, but for keeping up at least a little bit of tradition he will go now as her mother is going to prepare a lot with her.

CC and Sophia look into the fountain. Sophia asks him what he is seeing in it. He tells her that he sees all the old times when everything was still in order. . . and everybody knew to whom one belongs, Sophia continued his sentence. CC tells her if he only could turn back the time. Sophia adds that this would be not necessary. CC rejects her idea and tells her that they both have so often tried it together and they never managed to stay together. Sophia tells him that life is too precious to be wasted and now she thinks she has learnt her lesson. Therefore today she has come to tell him that she loves him and she always has loved him and if he still wants to take her back as his wife she would say yes. CC's mood turns and tells her that he certainly still has a longing for her and is taking her back as he loves her. They happily embrace each other.

Julia is telling Gracie that she has found the baby things from Samantha and she might be able to use it. Gracie is desperate. She tells Julia that she has talked with Mason and knows. Julia tells her that if it would be only her decision then it would be no problem but it must be the wish of both of them otherwise this would be not fair. Gracie tells her that she fears so much for her baby because she will not be able to give something to it. All the things which are so normal for Samantha. She fears that one day her child will hate her for this. Julia takes her in her arms and comforts her by saying that she thinks that the most important thing for a child is that it knows it is loved. Love is the only thing that really counts and this everybody would confirm to her.

Reese and Jody are standing at the beach. Reese is a handing over a rose to her. Jody asks him what he wants for this. If he wants her to say sorry. He says no but he knows what he wants to say. He knows that he made the biggest mistake when he has left her because he loves her and he wants that everything will become as before. Jody asks him if he thinks that works just like this. He says yes, just like this. She should tell him if Micah ever could kiss her and give to her what he is going to give her now. He bows over and kisses her passionately. She steps back and tells him that he is very arrogant and she does not want this. She is happy that she has finally make her life work without him. They had great sex together but this is not enough to think that by simply he wants her back that this will work. Reese tells her that it will work because he is going to win her back.

Gracie tells Julia that she is feeling totally sick. Julia tells her that she is going to bring her a glass of milk. Gracie shouts no. Julia tells her that next time a simple no would do. Gracie starts to breath heavily and tells her that she is going to have her baby. Julia says that she will not be taken in by her again. She has gone through this already once and she no more believes her. Gracie starts pressing and shouting and Julia considers if this show could be true and Gracie really is going to get her baby. She tells her in case it is true there is no reason to be excited as she knows that there is standing a person before her who has gone through all of this already and knows what to do. She turns around and opens the door in search for Mason. Then losing her control she starts shouting for Mason who comes with high speed just to hear her saying excitedly that Gracie is in labour.

Lilly walks up to Reese and asks him if he is ready for this difficult walk. He says yes, if he only would know where BJ is hiding herself. Lilly asks him to look to his left side. BJ walks up in her marriage dress and embraces Reese. Reese is asking her if she really wants this step to do. If she changes her mind he will take her away. BJ very seriously and steadfast tells him that nothing in the world could hinder her anymore to become Warren's wife. Reese tells her that this is what he wanted to hear from her.

The guests are flowing in through a portal decorated with flowers. They are led by Sawyer to their seats in the open air arrangement. It is all beautifully set up only the wind is blowing a little bit to strong through the hair of all. Lionel and Warren are watching them coming. The sight to the sea behind the area where the guests are sitting is wonderful. Warren confesses Lionel how he feels. He always wanted to marry in Las Vegas. How can somebody agree to such a thing. Lionel pats his back and tells him that he sounds as if he is getting the classical cold feet. Minx is coming with a companion taking place next to Gina. Then CC and Sophia are taking their places behind Kelly and McCabe. Micah is sitting next Aurora. Warren suggests to serve first the food and while all are eating he quickly marries. Lionel tells him that once he has seen his beautiful bride he will forget the people around and see only her. The priest is coming. He opens his book. Lilly walks slowly up to them followed by the happy glances of Gina and Ted. She takes her place next to the priest and greets Warren. Then the musicians start to play on their violins and Reese is guiding BJ the path up from the beach to the marriage group where he hands her over to Warren.

Mason is sitting with a blown up paper bag next to Gracie on the bed. Julia gives breathing advice to both of them asking Gracie only to press when the labour pains are there. Mason tells her that she should let Gracie breath when she likes to breath. Julia finds that he is a man and better should shut up and concentrate on his own breathing. All of a sudden the baby has come out. Mason gets up and looks under the blanket. He shouts excited that the baby is here turns around and falls unconscious to the ground.

The priest starts to ask his question which are replied by Warren and BJ together. He then tells the whole audience that Warren and BJ have written their marriage vows by themselves to say it now. He turns to Warren and asks him to start. Warren is standing like a stick not able to open his mouth. The people start to look at each other and to give their comment. Kelly thinks that he has forgotten his text. Minx says that she knew that something like that will come. Somebody wonders if he is going to leave her alone.

Samantha is sitting next to Gracie who is holding her baby. She asks Gracie why she does not want to have her baby. Gracie tells her that because she thinks that she will not be able to give to him all the things he is in need for. Samantha asks her why she then is not giving it to them they will certainly take good care of her baby. Gracie tells her that for this she has to ask her mother. Samantha looks to Julia and begs her to keep the baby. Julia tells her to ask better her father. Samantha looks to Mason and tries to get a yes with her sweetest voice and Mason looks as if he agrees.

In a hotel room Andi with a black wig in the dress of a chambermaid carries a nicely wrapped up parcel to the sofa and opens it. She lifts up the long flowers and takes out a rifle.

Lionel tries to get Warren back to earth. Warren still is not moving. Somebody bursts out that this can't be. Lionel asks Warren to say something. BJ eyes are getting bigger and bigger wondering what was going on with him. Warren turns to BJ and says that he is sorry. BJ asks him if he is really determined to marry her and Warren says a firm yes and all look again happy. He then starts his marriage vows which touches the heart of the couples present in the audience starting looking happy to each other. Then BJ tells her vows and Sophia gets closer to CC rubbing her hand at his shoulder and they look at each other as if they are just telling their vows. Warren is allowed to kiss BJ and then they walk back through the audience. All get all up and applaud. In the background one can see Andi up on the balcony in the third floor looking down to them.

Mason is sitting next to the cradle. One of his fingers is held firmly by the hand of the new-born and he is talking to him giving his advises for the life. He starts talking about the women calling him Chester telling him that the only advantage men are having is that they are physically stronger than woman. Julia enters the room with a mischievous smile and asks him if he is not exaggerating by boasting with the physical strength of the men. Mason blows up his chest to show that this is obviously the case. Julia asks him to show her his strength while she places her arm on the table. Masons first can't believe that she really wants to measure her strength with him. He puts his arm also on the table and takes her hand starting to count. When he reaches three Julia tells him that she is pregnant and at the same moment presses Mason arm easily down to the table winning the deal. Mason can't believe what he just heard and they happy kiss each other.

The people are walking around through the palm trees holding their glasses and chat. Reese states happily to Jody that now their daughter is married and soon she will get herself a child and she is becoming a grandma. Jody laughs and then says sorry for having taken so much from him. Reese tells her not to say this because the truth is that she has given something to him. BJ is his and her daughter and nobody will ever change this. Jody's mood obviously softens very much on hearing this. Andi watches them from the balcony. Warren step before BJ and asks her for the first dance. The music starts and they start to dance surrounded by all who are watching them. Minx tells Lionel that she thinks that she is going to cry. He hands her over a handkerchief. She thought she is going to die when Warren hesitated. Lionel tells her that he did not worry because he knew how much Warren loves BJ and if this would be only half as much as he is loving Gina then this would be more then enough. He turns by this to a happy Gina and kisses her while Minx rolls her eyes turning to her companion. Reese walks up to Warren and takes BJ for a dance while Jody takes over Warren. Micah looks over to them with a smile of an understanding loser. Slowly one couple by the other start dancing under the big bower. McCabe dances with Kelly when all of a sudden he notices Andi recognising her under her disguise. He takes Kelly aside and asks her not to turn around and wait for him while he is going for Andi.

Hiding herself behind some flower bushes at the balcony Andi is bringing the rifle in place. She looks through the search glass and fixes first Kelly then slowly finds her mark at Jody while making her countdown with a rhyme. Meanwhile McCabe is running and searching for the room. At the last countdown he grabs Andi and carries her away while she is kicking her feet in the air.

Lionel starts to give a toast for the newly married couple. And then starts to dance with Gina in front of an open gate of the arbour with a view to the beach and open see. While giving her a light kiss the names of the actors pop up in front of them. They dance out of the camera while Aurora and Sawyer dance into it also kissing themselves while the names of the actors appear. This goes on till all the characters are shown then one sees again Julia and Mason, Angela, Rafe and Lisa, and Rosa. RTL starts to thanks their viewers especially the one who kept with them through all the 2123 episodes. After this they start to show the Dobsons, the writers, the cameramen and all the other people working behind the camera. The end is the executive producer Paul Rauch of whom one is not getting to see his face but only a figure who is throwing down to the floor his burning cigarette. He steps on it and walks away.
