Season 44, Episode 69 – Aired: 7/6/2006
Ep. #11082
Anna returns Lorenzo's phone and Robert spies on them at the Metro Court. Jason had a nightmare that Manny killed Sam, he wakes up to find Sam at his side. Alexis says to bury the evidence that proves Lucky didn't shoot Manny. Alan questions Maxie about the stolen Hydrocodone from the hospital. Anna wonders if Robert is jealous of Lorenzo spending time with her. Lucky says that he doesn't need Maxie's help anymore, and plants a kiss on him. Robert tells Skye that Anna has been assigned to Lorenzo and Skye admitted that he pulled strings to keep Diego from going back to prison. Skye informs Lorenzo that she's leaving town to have the baby and not to follow her. Jason tells Sam that they have no home or future together.
Episode Overview
Ep. #11083
Patrick thinks Lucky is still hooked on pain medication, and tells Elizabeth how well she really knows her husband. Ric thinks Alexis wants Jason free so that he can run the business and not Sonny. Geprgie wants Lulu to tell the truth that she didn't sleep with Diego, Dillon then shows up and tells Georgie not to blame Lulu for something that she did. Sam tells Jason that if she walks out the door she's not coming back, she takes off the necklace that Jason gave her and drops it in a janitor's mop bucket. Georgie asks Diego out on a date, Diego asks Georgie that if they get closer that she would have to be with him and only him. Ric attempted to look at Manny's file but was interrupted by Det. Rodriguez. Sam apologizes to Alexis for using her as a scapegoat, as a way for making her pay is to get on her good side.