Ep. #11197
Lucky tries to convince Elizabeth that the pills she found weren't his. Lulu arrives at Jason's with Spinelli and that he needs a place to stay. Colleen begins buying baby stuff for Spencer's arrival at her apartment. Carly is appalled at Jax planning to go after Jerry. Nikolas has second thoughts, but then gives in and puts Spencer in the manger for the pagaent. Alfred calls Nikolas when he sees something in the north tower of Wyndemere. Ric confesses to a priest who turns out to have the same tatoos as Manny Ruiz.
Ep. #11198
Lucky tells Lulu that someone planted pills in his desk and wants her help to prove that he's not using again. Elizabeth tells Patrick that finding those pills where a wake up call for her and is through with Lucky. Alexis begins to feel dizzy while arguing with Ric and Sam tells her to take it easy. Robin shows Patrick a loft but the landlord changes his mind about leasing it because he treats patients with aids. Lulu goes to Elizabeth to look deep down and trust that Lucky was set up. Ric tells the judge that he is ready to drop the charges against Sam. Carly thinks her wedding is jinxed after Jax sees her in her wedding dress. Lucky accuses Maxie of planting the drugs in his desk and tells he wants nothing to do with her. Ric confesses to the priest that he planted the pills to get back with Elizabeth. Jason catches Spinelli with marijuana and says he doesn't want drugs in his home.