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"Генеральный госпиталь" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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ep. #11738

nikolas and patrick continue discussing the quarantine as rebecca talks on her phone nearby, he then sees her and she vanishes yet again. maxie asks robin where emma is, she then hears her crying nearby. luke is shocked to learn that he knows holly sutton, and probably learned her all about luke. claudia tells carly that anthony shot kate, carly asks how long she knew and why she's telling her this now. jason tells sam that he needs anthony alive in order so he can protect spinelli. sonny chases after anthony, ric is then told by sonny that he can't protect him anymore. jax threatens agent rayner that he'll use his resources to bring a scandal to the federal government. anthony runs into trevor in the hospital chapel and says that sonny is hunting him down like a dog, trevor says that he's going to find sonny for him. kate tells carly that he isn't going to leave claudia and come back to her. maxie and johnny help robin back to the car and manage to get it started and head for the hospital. winnifred tells spinelli that she'll arrest if he doesn't leave, he says that he cannot allow the poison to be returned to equinox. trevor tells sonny that anthony is hiding in the chapel, cause he's delivering him for kate and what he did to her. claudia tells ric she was only proving her loyalty to sonny by telling him about kate. patrick asks sam to check at mercy to see if robin and emma were admitted over there. jason comes into the chapel and tells sonny that he can't kill anthony. luke asks ethan if he ever knew his birth parents, he says that they died when he was 15 years old. nikolas tells carly that he's gonna what he can, and once again comes across rebecca. trevor reveals his plans to claudia as he shows he has the sphere of poison and will trade it for his freedom. nikolas comes face to face with rebecca. an explosion occurs in the o.r.



ep. #11739

the hospital fire spreads following the explosion, sending everyone into chaos. jax tells maxie, robin and johnny that there was a posion coming through the vent and the hospital is in lockdown. trevor hopes to trade the poison sphere for his freedom. winnifred thanks spinelli for getting her out of the there at the split second the o.r. blew up. some debris falls on nikolas and rebecca, he then tells her to quickly get out. sonny spares anthony and lets jason do as he wishes. epiphany tells lucky that she has a lot to deal with, he ignores her wishes to go check on elizabeth. luke asks ethan what brought him to port charles. jax is willing to get in there and tells agent rayner that he can arrest him when he's done. jason takes anthony to a nearby room and restrains him in the bed. kate tells olivia to go and look for the dvd. robin asks maxie to take emma to mercy, cause she's needed here for patrick. lulu is relieved when spinelli is alright, and has some bad news cause the fire is heading right for them. patrick tells nikolas that the fire extinguishers aren't working. elizabeth is startled when someone(who looks like emily) comes into check on her. carly tells sonny that trevor has one of the poison spheres. jax and robin enter the hospital to look for the ones that they love. sonny puts a gun on trevor, and he threatens to drop the sphere. johnny uses his family influence to get emma treated immediately. luke says that he'll take of 20 dollars that he owes him if he wins this game. nikolas comes to get elizabeth out of her room, elizabeth says that nikolas has to find her. robin calls patrick and says that she's helping with the evacuation. sonny sees anthony restrained but he doesn't lift a finger to help him. rebecca gets hit on the head knocking her out. trevor and sonny have another showdown, sonny fires his gun and there's an explosion in the oxygen closet.



ep. #11740

sonny tells jason that he had trevor and he has the missing sphere of poison, and says for him to check on anthony, while jason goes to find trevor. claudia overhears kate and olivia arguing about a dvd. patrick sees matt tending to elizabeth cause he took an oath. lulu and tracy share a moment about her being a good stepmother, tracy says that she's always welcome in the mansion. rebecca is shown laying unconscious on the floor, as nikolas helps edward and monica out of the hospital, edward then commends nikolas and says that emily was right and he is a good and decent man. carly is amused about olivia fighting with kate, kate says that she should talk in helping claudia if she knew what she did. robin overhears a woman concerned about the cold affecting her baby. spinelli tells winnifred that what she did to him is forgiven, patrick tells him that maxie is with emma at mercy hospital. mac tells patrick that he has pilots standing by but the wind is picking up and can't send up the choppers. claudia tries to take possession of the incriminating dvd as she sees it on the floor. jason goes around the nurses station to see if anyone is there and comes across rebecca and picks her up before more debris falls. jax offers to fly the helicopter himself, mac says that it's too dangerous in this weather. rebecca thanks jason for saving her and he tells her that she looks like his sister, sam then sees her and is amazed on how she looks like emily. spinelli tells carly that jax is attempting to land the chopper on the roof. monica and edward are startled when rebecca and sam come around the corner, and monica calls her emily. carly and spinelli watch from the roof as jax attempts to land, and looks like he's about to crash.



ep. #11741

carly watches in horror when the chopper that jax is flying bursts into flames. monica faints at the site of rebecca(cause she looks like emily). alexis thinks the worst when she hears and explosion. nikolas and jason clears the stairwell so people can make it to the roof. kate tries to tell sonny what she learned but doesn't get the chance to, kate then sees the dvd on the floor and tells olivia to go and get it for her. alexis is relieved when jax come into the trailer, and asks mac for another chopper cause he's confident that he can land it on the roof. the doctor at mercy mistakes maxie for emma's mother and discusses treatment options. ethan's eyes widen when luke mentions robert scorpio and that his roots where here in port charles, people then come into the bar and tell luke and ethan that it's a stick up. nikolas thinks that rebecca has a connection to emily somehow, but monica says that if emily had a sister then paige bowen would've told her. alexis is against jax going up in another helicopter, jax that he'll find one of his own if he has to, alexis then authorizes it. carly asks lucky if he came up the back stairs and if so she can make her way and out. the doctor learns maxie and johnny aren't emma's parents and needs someone who is. the bartendar says that ethan and luke stole her money, she the takes a wad of money in ethan's jacket. carly is in danger when she tries to escape the hospital. olivia doesn't give kate the dvd, which pleases claudia and olivia tells kate it's for her own good. luke fakes a heart attack, and ethan knocks out someone and they learn that he's the sheriff. patrick tells elizabeth, tracy, lulu, that a helicopter has landed on the roof. nikolas finds rebecca and she says why he's doing this when he doesn't even know her. anthony is discovered missing by jason. johnny tells robin that emma has pneumonia and she has to come with him now, she's hesitant at first but then goes. sonny tries to get carly to come with him and debris starts to fall.



ep. #11742

luke and ethan make the best of things while in jail. patrick overseas evacuations on the hospital roof. trevor encounters claudia in the stairwell and says that'll make a bet that he'll make it and she won't. maxie holds emma while waiting for robin to show up, if she ever does. rebecca tells nikolas that it's a coincidence that she looks like emily and nothing more, nikolas that it's possible that she's related to her. winnifred tells mac that he wants him to rescue spinelli. ethan wants to make a deal with luke. jason searches for anthony and tells sam that someone cut him loose. nikolas attempts to show a picture of emily but she says she doesn't want to see it and walks away. patrick tells lulu, lucky, ric and olivia that they are next on the list to be evacuated, ric asks patrick if his father was taken out already. sam tells spinelli that there's nothing he could do to get communication back and to go to the helipad. trevor and claudia quarrel and he then thinks of a better idea to make his escape. luke tries to persuade the guard to let him out, he says that his brother is the sheriff. the doctor tells robin that emma has pneumonia and has labored breathing. ric encounters trevor and says that if this is the last time they see each other he wouldn't care. jason finds claudia in the stairwell and asks him if he's going to rescue her. luke is impressed with ethan when he works his magic over nina, but the plan goes awry when she gets locked up to. sam sees trevor talking with kate and he says for her not to take another step. nikolas finds rebecca, who agrees to go with him, then something falls right on her. spinelli is locked in a utility closet. trevor threatens to drop a sphere of poison off the roof of the hospital. nikolas promises rebecca he won't let anything happen to her.



ep. #11743

jason heads off to find trevor and the poison sphere, he runs into patrick and learns spinelli might be in trouble cause he left his laptop behind. nikolas gets rebecca freed, she thanks him and some debris falls on his head knocking him out, rebecca then tries to get him out of the way. sam tries to get trevor to hand over the vial so that no one else gets hurt. lucky tells elizabeth that he was on the next flight so he can be by her side. maxie climbs the stairs in effort of getting to spinelli. sonny and carly share a heartfelt moment as they try to escape the hospital. diane lifts alexis spirits by saying that jax playing the hero by rescuing everybody and that everything will be alright. jason and rebecca free nikolas. tracy tells lulu that she's grateful for staying by her side, and wonders why luke hasn't come to the hospital yet. rebecca wakes nikolas up, and the two head to the roof for the next launch and claudia and kate are shocked at how much she looks like emily. trevor starts to push sam over the roof and they both fall. nadine tries to calm matt down, but he says he ain't leaving til he knows that patrick is alright. sam hangs on with the poison sphere, jason then sees her and grabs onto her. alexis tells diane that ric is out, diane asks if there's any news on kate. elizabeth tells lucky about that woman that looks like emily, he then goes and sees if there's word on nikolas. agent rayner says to patrick that he's a witness and needs to be briefed right away. nadine fears she feels more for nikolas then he does for her, when he sees someone that looks like emily outside the hospital. jason pulls sam up and grabs the poison sphere before it falls.
episode overview



ep. #11744

luke tells the guard to get ahold of his son who's on the pcpd. jason tells sam that they have to rescue spinelli and get the last helicopter ride. nikolas insists that rebecca accompany them to mercy with the others. johnny finds one of maxie's shoes on the floor. carly tells jax that all she could think about was the possibility of him being dead, alexis interrupts carly and jax's moment and ask if there's any news about sam. robin tells emma that it's better in here then being out in the storm two hours ago. agent rayner comes in and said an ambulance is here to take them to mercy and kate is about to tell sonny, agent rayner says that sonny isn't going until they have a talk. luke tells ethan that it's kind of embarrassing for his son to be on the police force. edward tells mac to find someone named rebecca shaw who bares a resemblance to emily to try and track her down, edward says to monica that she was put in their path for a reason. johnny gets maxie to safety, maxie insists that they go and find spinelli. lulu is glad that carly is alright. sam notices that jason is bleeding in his arm and in an exam room she sees just how bad it really is. rebecca tells nikolas that she can take care of her own exams and not to speak for her. lulu is told by carly that johnny went back into the hospital looking for spinelli. nikolas tells edward and monica that rebecca is here in an exam room, edward asks him if she said that she was adopted. kate taunts claudia over information on michael's shooting. nikolas learns that rebecca was released after only having minor smole inhalation. lulu watches as johnny and maxie make it out of the hospital and maxie embraces him. jason and sam go to the utility closet where spinelli is being held.



ep. #11745

sam and jason call out spinelli's name, as he lays on the floor unconscious. lulu is glad that both johnny and maxie are out and safe. nikolas wonders where rebecca went after being released from the hospital. mac lays into maxie about what she was thinking going into a burning building. ric tells claudia and sonny that trevor is dead, and anthony is also missing. patrick is being briefed by agent rayner on the amount of poison spheres were taken. rebecca comes into elizabeth's room, she then thanks rebecca for coming for her, and she says about her friend emily that died over a year ago. robin tends to emma, nikolas comes into see her and explains of the rebecca woman that looks like emily, robin says that they're might be a explanation. jason and sam get into the room but spinelli is no where in sight, they see an opening in the vent. johnny learns that claudia was in the hospital and passed out. nikolas is told by elizabeth that rebecca came to see her. robin tells mac that emma is being released from the hospital soon. johnny insists that he and claudia leave town like to italy, but says they should stay where they are. ric warns sonny not to trust claudia. maxie and winnifred face off over spinelli's safety. patrick returns home to robin and emma. an explosion rocks the hospital before sam and jason can rescue spinelli.



ep. #11746

jason tells sam that if he's not back in two minutes for her to leave. lucky tells maxie that he's not going to let her go back into the hospital. patrick tells robin that there still could be other casualties at the hospital tonight. lulu sees that tracy is feeling better having thrown a bedpan at an orderly, that and she hasn't heard anything from luke. nikolas asks marty at the front desk for some information, rebecca then says that if he does what he asks she'll sue for breach of privacy and for nikolas to back off. olivia tells sonny that kate told her to get him and that she needs to see him right away. winnifred gives maxie an order to stay put and to wait for spinelli to be rescued. jason rescues spinelli and they notice that he isn't breathing, sam the performs cpr to. sonny tells kate that they were better off not getting married. claudia tells johnny that she may not have a choice in leaving town and told sonny that anthony could walk and is the one that shot kate. spinelli says that he has to go back for his laptop cause it has all the information from tonight's events and cannot be redone. lucky tells nikolas that elizabeth told him about rebecca and can't believe the woman that looks like, emily and asks marty that he's here to question her. kate is mad and tells olivia that if she had the dvd then none of this would be happening, and him staying with claudia cause he loves having power. sam, jason and spinelli go through the door and go left to the lobby of the hospital. patrick sees emma all fussy and offers robin to feed her, robin says that patrick should do it. maxie sees as spinelli makes it out of the hospital and immediately goes into his arms and kisses him.



ep. #11747

agent rayner tells sam that they have survived the fire but this is far from over. max and milo try to figure out who the dvd that they found belongs to, claudia says that it's hers. spinelli wakes up in his room with maxie waiting and gives him his breakfast. jax apologizes to carly for staying in the same bed as her and says he wants to spend many mornings together, edward then interrupts them to discuss with jax the future of general hospital. jerry tells claudia that the next clue is in the room that's closest to sonny's heart. agent rayner asks sam when's the last time she saw anthony zacchara and he better turn up alive or else her friend spinelli will be in jail for life. johnny apologizes to lulu for the way he treated her last night when the person he was really mad at was himself. winnifred defends spinelli and says he should be held accountable for his past disgressions, alexis tells agent rayner says that if he should speak to her and not her daughter without a subpoena. maxie and lulu each get a call and says it's a disaster. max meets with diane at the metro court, hoping that milo can start doing something that he loves. kate snoops around at sonny's, as claudia figures it out that the dvd is in michael's room. winnifred issues a warning to spinelli. lulu pulls off a miracle and there's no one to wear the dress, so maxie says she should wear it since she's a heart transplant survivor, spinelli arrives sick cause maxie wanted him to be her escort. jax and carly have a makeout session in the elevator all the way to the 16th floor, and stop when people get on and start again when they get off.



ep. #11748

winnifred goes to see jason and gives him some vital information that if agent rayner doesn't get anthony then spinelli will be re-arrested. maxie sees how sick spinelli is and thinks she'll find someone else, so she thinks of federico. sam and lucky come to the conclusion that they're relationship is over and she says that lucky needs to be happy. max unintetnionally interrupts jax and carly in bed, he apologizes and says he was supposed to meet diane in that room. kate tells sonny that he has no idea the kind of woman that he's married to. alexis sees nikolas sitting in the lobby of the metro court, and asks if he's waiting for someone, he says there's a woman that looks like emily and asks if he's spoken to rebecca and if there's any connection with emily. sonny upsets kate when he defends claudia. jason assures winnifred that he'll keep spinelli out of prison, diane then sees them talking and wonders if something is up, she then says that she's looking for a place to hide from max. jax gives max some advice hoping it'll get him out of the room a lot faster. johnny refuses to be maxie escort, but lulu says that spinelli should decide who should be johnny's date. nadine overhears nikolas tells alexis that no one will come close to emily and that he'll never love anyone else. jason admits to diane that he agreed to give the f.b.i evidence against anthony to free spinelli, diane says to find him fast. sonny suggests to jason that they work together to find anthony. morgan delivers the room service, jax then tells him that he's coming home. rebecca tells nikolas that there's nothing she can say and doesn't



season 46, episode 479 – aired: 2/23/2009
ep. #11749

rebecca is surprised by nikolas's lifestyle at wyndemere an immediately isn't impressed. claudia calls kate's bluff to make good on her threat. jason likes the idea of sonny helping him in any way to find anthony, but sonny says he can't run the organization if he turns one of his own in. robin tells patrick that she wants to go out tonight and have judy look after emma, but patrick doesn't want to. spinelli checks in with lulu if the gala is over yet. alfred sees rebecca and sees the resemblance to emily, and nikolas says for them not to be disturbed. ric overhears claudia and kate's argument. jason asks sonny if he wants the business back, sonny's interrupted by a phone call and says he located anthony and if he wants to find him himself then he has to pack his bags. nikolas tells rebecca the story of emily and how he came to fall in love with her. jason is glad that sam came so quickly cause sonny has found anthony and needs her help. nikolas shows a picture of emily and is amazed of the resemblance and immediately thinks nikolas is after something and runs away. johnny and maxie come into the limo and thinks that the publicity was a great triumph. claudia tells ric not to bother with sonny cause he never trusted him. anthony sits on a lawn chair in a tropic paradise, and says he won't be there for long. sam and jason arrive on the island posing as a couple in their search. ric spots the dvd while leaving sonny's place but is unable to get to it. spinelli is glad when maxie shows up and sits down with her and opens up and tells her thath e loves her, but sees that she's asleep, maxie then sees a tombstone with her name on it and wonders if she's dead.



ep. #11750

maxie has a vivid dream and narrates how her future could've played out had she not had a heart transplant; lulu not being interested in marriage and waiting tables at kelly's and has a bit of a temper; b.j. and matt engaged to be married; patrick married to carly, maxie then wonders why he isn't married to robin; mac a beat cop instead of the police commissioner; spinelli having a snarly attitiude to other people, while bumping into b.j. and dropping his laptop. robin catches bobbie and monica in patrick's office looking at the list of possible staff cuts; mac at jake's and drinking of all things cause of; johnny trying to encourage lulu into stripping. spinelli asks b.j. why would she bake for someone that she doesn't even know, johnny arrives and asked if spinelli is bothering her. b.j. asks bobbie that she wants to have a menu of healthy food to honor maxie's memory. patrick tells robin that she need not worry cause her job is secure. maxie wakes up and tells spinelli that she's lucky to be alive, cause everyone in her family needs her around.



ep. #11751

mike meets rebecca and sees the resemblance of emily, nikolas then comes in and thinks that he's still following her. spinelli comes to sonny's and he says he has a job for him to freeze anthony's account before he has a chance to use the money, spinelli says he can't not without jason's go ahead. jax and carly say that last night was incredible, and says they want to do it every night for the rest of their lives. kate tells lulu and maxie that despite everything that happened, they did good for crimson and kate invites maxie to an opening of a night club in manhattan and says that johnny should also be there. claudia tells spinelli that all he has to do is freeze the offshore accounts which will make catching anthony a lot easier. kate says to johnny that she'll pay him a thousand dollars if he does it. sonny sees rebecca and says that it's uncanny on how she looks like emily. anthony is irate that he cannot access his accounts. sam cons a staff member into revealing anthony's location at the resort. spinelli helps bernie by fixing the fax machine. sam and jason move into anthony's cabana, and sees that he's gone, jason says that someone must've tipped him off. claudia comes back from her run and anthony sneaks up behind her, and puts a gun to her head and says she's the only one who knew about those accounts.
episode overview



ep. #11752

nikolas interrupts lucky and tells rebecca that gh has reopened and that the damage was minimal, and if she wants he can get her a job at the clinic, but refuses to work at some place when she looks like the woman that it's named after. anthony takes claudia to kate's house, and that she better pray that sonny doesn't his wife to die. luke sings while ethan works on their escape. jason tells sam that anthony has taken off, sam thinks that she may find a way to find him. carly gets a call saying that morgan is sick. anthony holds claudia hostage. sonny tells bernie if he wants to continue to work for him as his accountant. the maid comes through for sam and tells that a valet heard anthony talk about going to port charles. jason calls sonny and says that he's headed back home and for him not to do anything til he gets home. nikolas checks on elizabeth, and says that he's not making a good impression on rebecca as of late. jax offers to take morgan and carly to go and see lady jane, but carly doesn't want to take morgan out of school and freak him out. rebecca is hesitant to accept a job at kelly's from mike, edward walks in and is glad that he found her and thinks it's out of the question her waiting tables. claudia calls sonny as to anthony's request and says that anthony wants a million dollars, he takes the phone and tells sonny that he wants 20 million wired to an account in the grand keys. rebecca takes the job at kelly's. `tracy fills luke in on the situation with the poison, she then agrees to post ethan's bail, but refuses to help luke, ethan is then grateful and hugs tracy and luke tells her to look in her purse and she notices all her cash is missing. edward tells nikolas that he feels that emily and rebecca are somewhat connected and will find out how. rebecca asks sam if lucky is seeing anyone.
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ep. #11753

luke tells tracy to search ethan and she'll find her missing money, tracy says that luke set him up. jason tells sonny that he'll use any amount to keep anthony alive and the feelings that sonny has for claudia. carly tells jax that sonny was different with morgan at christmas and they forgave each other when they went to see michael on his birthday. lulu tells spinelli that maxie and johnny aren't back from the club yet. tracy forgives ethan's debt and says that he's free to go. spinelli threatens to crash kate's computers, lulu tells kate to ignore what spinelli said. jax says to carly that they have to wait for this crisis to be over. anthony taunts claudia over her feelings for sonny. jax tells olivia to do something special for morgan by opening the pool early. claudia calls sonny to bring the cash to warehouse 9. kate has another proposition for johnny and lulu to attend a film festival, he says he'll do it she makes it worth his while, kate then agrees to pay johnny the usual thousand dollars. jason tells sonny that the bag of money has a tracking device inside. anthony tells claudia that she's a disappointment and sonny better show up with the cash. maxie and johnny are amazed how fast their pictures from their night at the club are on the net, he then promises lulu that he's doing it for them. ethan charms tracy, who suggests luke give him a job at the haunted star. anthony condones sonny on arriving on time and makes sure that he can't grab him and claudia, claudia is shown on the roof with a bomb strapped to her.



ep. #11754

anthony tells sonny that claudia is on the roof of the building across the street with a bomb strapped to her. jason assures agent rayner that he will have anthony zacchara tonight. nikolas takes alexis to al's and sees the reason he brought her there is because of rebecca. jax tells carly that he's grateful for alexis in what she did to string along the divorce, and says that they would've reconciled eventually, olivia interrupts jax by saying that he has a phone call. spinelli is brought in and agent rayner says that jason didn't come through with his deal, maxie sees spinelli and refuses to leave unless he's released. jason points a gun on anthony as he's about to get in his car, sonny then calls jason and asks him to talk him through defusing a bomb. nikolas goes so far as to pay a waitress just so rebecca can wait on them, alexis then apologizes to her for nikolas's behaviour and that she told her repeatedly to leave her alone. agent rayner tells johnny to help spinelli by helping them find anthony. carly tells olivia that it's possible that she never stopped loving him. lucky goes to see elizabeth and explains the kiss they shared on the roof, but explains it was only in the heat of the moment. jason punches out anthony so he can focus on helping with sonny. maxie tells spinelli that she'll break him out of here if she has to. sonny saves claudia by dismantling the bomb. jason calls agent rayner and says he has anthony, he says that spinelli dodged a bullet. nikolas insists on helping rebecca and he ends up with tomato soup all over him, tries to mop it up and he and rebecca slip and fall on the floor laughing. anthony is brought into the station and wants to talk with johnny. agent rayner demands that jason deliver evidence against sonny.



ep. #11755

patrick wants to spend some time with robin and emma, robin says she has to run a few errands. jason tells sam there's nothing to celebrate and that the f.b.i isn't letting him off the hook cause now they want sonny. conny invites claudia into his room and his bed as the two make love. rebecca gets an eyeful when she walks in and sees nikolas half naked. rebecca tells nikolas that he can stay and she can throw something together so they can talk downstairs. sonny asks claudia what anthony was going to say to him, claudia says not to listen to a word that her father says. johnny says to claudia that he can have them packed and out in no time, claudia says that she isn't leaving, he then asks what's keeping her here. jason says that he might not have a choice but to get spinelli out of the country and set him up with a new identity, spinelli and maxie arrive with the food and tells him how grateful he is in saving him from the feds. spinelli offers sam that once she becomes a p.i. for them to have their own agency. sonny offers to babysit emma while patrick goes into emergency surgery at the hospital. robin wonders why sonny is holding on to claudia. claudia tells johnny that she likes being married to sonny. jason cuts spinelli's speech and asks to speak to him alone, jason says that it's not over. alexis sees nikolas making some progress with rebecca, she explains to him that she did her research on rebecca and her birth records indicate that she wasn't adopted and has no ties with emily whatsoever. sonny tells robin that he can trust claudia and she's good in his corner. spinelli overhears jason telling sam that he still could go to prison cause agent rayner wants sonny and that he's the leverage.



ep. #11756

nadine meets with nikolas at kelly's and sees when rebecca comes down the stairs that she works there. lulu meets ethan and sees as he's taking money out of the till and threatens to call the cops, until luke says for her to put the phone down and that he does work for him and it's all cause of tracy. jason sees spinelli working with something on his computer and asks what he's doing. tracy resents what luke just said about winning one over on her. nikolas says to nadine that alexis did some checking and rebecca has no ties to emily, rebecca comes to order, nadine notices something going and says that she can't do this, nikolas says that he was leading her on and is not ready for a relationship. elizabeth asks patrick if she can be discharged, patrick says as soon as he looks at her bloodwork. lulu tells ethan that tracy may not fall for his act, but she's on to him. winnifred tells sam that spinelli might do something foolish now that agent rayner now wants evidence against sonny. winnifred spies on spinelli as he gets a fake passport. lucky brings cameron and jake to see elizabeth. matt is there for nadine when he sees her crying. edward has a surprise for monica and says that when rebecca shows up that she is they're guest in the house, rebecca says she's staying at kelly's. spinelli leaves jason a goodbye note. nikolas tells the quartermaines that they're crowding rebecca. robin tells ethan that she doesn't have any children.



ep. #11757

nikolas defends rebecca to the quartermaines, and tracy accused her of having an alterior motive and just happened to arrive in port charles. carly gets something regarding michael and tells jax about it. patrick tells matt that he and robin shared a few good days together, but then all they do is fight. ethan tells robin that she does look like the maternal type, robin then tells him all about her parents who are spies. rebecca tells nikolas that she has her own life and that she could've handled things by herself. max tells sonny that the other men that won't accept that he's taking back the organization, carly stops by and tells sonny about an experimental procedure and michael could be a good candidate for it but includes having things inserted into his brain shocking it, sonny says that having the procedure then to go ahead and he can have it. claudia makes her annual weekly visit to michael's room. lulu thinks that ethan is trying to get luke drunk so he can rob him again. rebecca comes back to the quartermaine house and came earlier cause edward invited her there, monica then apologizes for tracy and the way she treated her. robin has some flashbacks when she wasn't paying attention to emma, so she calls judy to check up on her. lulu tells ethan that she doesn't like him and doesn't trust him, and sees a wallet, ethan says it's robin's and came here on an impulse and says she was stressed and didn't have any kids. patrick hears robin tell sonny that she'll be working at mercy full time til general hospital is reopened. rebecca feels guilty over the way that she has treated nikolas.


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