ep. #7093
sharon shares with nikki her concern for cassie and noah. sharon is trying to stay positive but the nightmare is getting worse. she concludes that someone is intentionally doing this to nick and that they have been plotting this right under their noses for months now. phyllis apologizes to michael that she let the cat slip out of the bag to mary about him going to see chris in hong kong. michael doesn’t know if he can forgive her, and hangs up. phyllis is also upset that she has to break up with jack so victoria will get off her back about selling information. phyllis and jack take their relationship underground again. mary tells paul what she heard from phyllis. it really bothers mary that chris can find time for michael and not her husband. isabella rushes to paul to tell him that her husband has just called her and made a threat on her life. isabella feels that she is in danger. she didn't feel safe until she met paul, and if he goes to hong kong, she won’t stay in genoa city any longer. olivia tells neil that she’s going to make nate understand that he’s not going to see malcolm any more. neil doubts nate will ever get over this and leaves. victor asks matt and cody if they have any idea who framed nick. cody mentions larry warton since he hassles nick every once in a while. matt/carter brings up matt clark’s name.