12578 :50x50 - #12578
Kristina is furious with the "Mob Princess" crew for filming her. After producer Trey shows up, he refuses to allow her back out. When Alexis shows up she attempts to throw him out but he has a contract that gives him the right to stay. Alexis attempts to offer her daughter some advise. Patrick tells Ewan that he is ready to be released. Ewan attempts to walk but stumbles. Elizabeth shows up and they share a kiss. Matt signs the confession and Alexis tells him to get his affairs sorted out. Patrick shows up to see his brother and Alexis returns to tell him his fate. Spinelli approaches Olivia at the Metro Court and informs her that he has a lead on Heather’s whereabouts on the night of the storm. Felicia and Mac are about to share a kiss at The Floating Rib when Maxie shows up to inform tell them Matt has turned himself in. Matt then shows up with Patrick and informs them that he signed the confession and the DA has given him five years, starting immediately. Matt says his goodbyes as Maxie attempts to convince Patrick to get Matt to change his mind. Matt tells Maxie that Alexis is going to handle the annulment and she is left feeling shocked. Heather looks at the DNA results and is pleased with herself. Jason tells Sam it was not fair of him to shut her out, and that is why he came to the motel. Jason admits that he was responsible for John being attacked. Sam becomes furious with Jason and wants him to leave. Jason pulls the dragon out of his pocket and places it on her tray before going. Heather shows up to see Sam. Jason tells Elizabeth that Sam lost the baby, and that he has lost Sam.
12579 :50x51 - #12579
Starr is upset on the pier as Michael shows up whilst out running. She explains to him how seeing Tea’s baby made her miss Hope. Starr tells him tells he was right about Sonny protecting someone and that the person is Kate. Starr's phone rings after Michael leaves. Lulu talks to her father on the phone about Anthony’s disappearance. Luke insists that she doesn't say anything to Dante. Lulu is surprised when Johnny shows up at the Haunted Star and learns that he is a potential buyer for the place. She ends up agreeing to him being a partner in the place as long as everything is above board. Johnny talks to Starr on the phone and tells her that he has found a venue for her to sing at. Luke remains convinced that somebody is trying to set him and Tracy up for Anthony's murder. After they celebrate Anthony being out of their lives, Tracy kisses Luke. Tracy wants them to get back together but Luke insists that they cant whilst the heat is on them. Tracy kisses Luke again as Lulu shows up and sees them. Ewan goes to see Kate at Shaddybrook. Kate attempts to say sorry for attacking him but he knows it wasn't her but Connie. After Kate informs him that Connie caused the accident that killed Cole and Hope, Ewan thinks that Connie could be lying. Kate realizes that has missed her period and could be pregnant after Ewen tells her what day it is. Sam looks at the dragon as Elizabeth walks into her room. Elizabeth believes that she and Jason should talk so she doesn’t have to grieve alone. Sam tells her how she is feeling and that she is upset that Jason wasn't there when she really needed him. When Sam insists that she and Jason are threw, Elizabeth wants to now why she is still holding the dragon then. Carly shows up to see Jason at home and he tells her everything that has happened. Jason becomes upset and Carly insists that it is not his fault. Carly urges Jason not to give up on Sam. When Jason shows up at the hospital to see Sam, he learns that she has checked herself out.