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"Генеральный госпиталь" (2 часть) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #11898

Mac tells Robin that he's considering arresting Spinelli for breaking and entering last night, Robin says the only person is Maxie who can stop the wedding. Claudia tells Johnny that she and Sonny are gonna try to have another baby. Maxie can't come up with a good reason not to go through with the wedding, after Lulu says she rearranged Kate's schedule and she being on a plane to Tokyo right now. Olivia threatens Sonny at how he would like if she used his son against him. Carly tells Jax that she's not hungry and is worried about Michael and how he's handling things at Madison. Michael has a hard first day at his new school, and Kristina asks how things are going so far. Olivia tells Sonny that if he gets Claudia pregnant again then she'll pity all three of them. Dominic asks Ronnie he's gonna blow his cover if he keeps showing up at his room like this. Patrick tells Mac that Spinelli loves Maxie and he treats her with respect. Jason agrees to wear the so called pink tie as to Spinelli's request. Michael storms off after an encounter with Kiefer and having a memory that Sam said something to him while he was in a coma. Matt comes to Crimson and says that he's here to rescue her by taking her away to an island til this thing blows over, Maxie says she's marrying Spinelli tomorrow. Spinelli goes to Patrick and asks how he got Mac to like him. Michael learns that Sam never came to the institute, and thinks all the memories weren't real. Maxie goes to Robin asking how she's making it work with Patrick.



Season 47, Episode 124 – Aired: 9/24/2009
Ep. #11899

Michael starts to wonder the stuff that he's starting to remember isn't even real, and how his mother is gonna react to skipping his first day of school. Olivia tries to reasurre the person booking the Metro Court for a convention, that nothing bad will happen, Johnny the comes in and collapses and says he came to see her. Dominic sees his badge on the table and is incredibly nervous that Sonny will see it, Jax then grabs it and puts it in his pocket. Robin tells Maxie that at one time that she didn't want to marry Patrick. Patrick tells Spinelli to steer clear of Mac at least for the time being. Carly asks Claudia if Sonny knows about her trying for another baby. Sonny asks Dominic asks him to come and recuperate at his place so he can keep an eye on him. Michael takes a look in the mirror after remembering what that fortune teller said at the carnival. Patrick and Robin hear Mac ranting at his daughter's choice of a husband, he calms down til he sees a monk and says Spinelli is under arrest. Michael tells Carly he skipped school cause he's starting to remember things that didn't happen. Jax tells Dominic that he knows that he's Dante and he's out to bust Sonny and he offers his help to do that. Claudia is thrown when Sonny says that Dominic will be staying with them. Mac asks Maxie it isn't too late to back out, and he barely could stand seeing Spinelli kissing Maxie. Jax tells Dante that while living at Sonny's he'll have access to evidence. Claudia tells Dominic when he arrives she wants him out of her house. Michael has another memory of Claudia admitting that she sent the gunman and it's cause of her he got shot. Maxie admits to Jason that she doesn't want to marry Spinelli, Jason says she has to tell him and he'll understand cause it won't be fair for eiter of them, a distraught Spinelli overhears everything.
Episode Overview



Ep. #11900

Maxie awakens from a horrible nightmare on her wedding day, and Robin and Lulu says to get up and get dressed. Mac tells Patrick that this is gonna be the worst day for his family, thinking Spinelli isn't right for Maxie. Sam asks Molly just how serious Kristina and Kiefer really are. Spinelli tells Jason that he accidentally deleted his vows from the computer, and doesn't know what to do next. Kristina tells Kiefer that she can't go out today cause she has a reading to do at a wedding. Maxie tells Lulu and Robin the reason that she didn't invite Felicia is cause of the whole spectacle at Georgie's memorial. Jason tells Spinelli to speak the words from his heart cause that is all it takes. The wedding guests start to arrive. Mac tells Spinelli if he wants to do what's best for Maxie then to call off the wedding. Dominic tells Morgan that he's staying with Sonny, and he can still hang out together, he then sees as Olivia and Johnny arrive together. Jason tells Spinelli who's nervous to do what he did the night he sang at Jake's, by focusing on Maxie. Robin gives Maxie a pep talk about her finding her soul mate in Spinelli. Jason tells Spinelli this is it, as he sees Maxie looking beautiful and about to walk down the aisle, Mac tells him to watch out for his daughter, he then says his vows and stuns everyone by saying that he can't marry Maxie.



Ep. #11901

After hearing Spinelli's explain that he can't marry Maxie, Mac passes out with a smile on his face. Robin tells Maxie that since she and Spinelli didn't get married they deserve to continue since they said their love in front of everyone, the guests start to throw rice on them as they leave. Dominic asks Lule for a lift to Jakes's. Spinelli and Maxie get into the the car and don't hesitate at making out in the backseat. Alexis is uncomfortable at Ethan teaching her daughter how to cheat at cards. Kristina tells Molly she shouldn't have told Kiefer about the party at Jake's, and doesn't think he'll show up. Kate surprises Maxie by arriving, Maxie says she didn't get married, but that doesn't mean they aren't. Olivia gets Dominic out of there, and if Kate sees him his cover his blown and recognizes him as Dante. Spinelli asks Jason to go on stage and give a toast to him and his non bride. Dominic leans into kiss Lulu but she pushes him away. Jason catches Maxie's garter, and Sam ends up with the bouquet, Spinelli couldn't be more happier. Patrick asks Matt to help him figure out what Robin has planned, everyone then sings "I Want to Know What Love Is" as Maxie and Spinelli dance.



Ep. #11902

Claudia visits Anthony and tells him of her plans to have another baby with Sonny. Spinelli and Maxie's reception continues. Dante tells Olivia that she has nothing to worry about, since Kate hasn't seen him since he was littleLulu bets Ethan that he doesn't have the guts to get up there and sing, he calls her on it and gets up and surprises her. Coleman continues to woo Kate and she reminds him she isn't interested. Kiefer shows up at Jake's hoping to spend some alone time with Kristina. Patrick tells Robin that he wants to get up there and belt out a tune with his wife. Dominic walks by and Kate tells Coleman that he looks familiar. Claudia storms out of the jail after Anthony says Sonny will never be over that Olivia woman. Kate almost blows Dominic's cover, but it's stopped as Morgan and Molly get on stage and perform "ABC" for the crowd. Sonny tells Claudia that he can't be with her tonight cause he has an important meeting with Bernie. Carly and Alexis were blown away by their kids performance. Milo announces Patrick and Mac and then sing "Macho Man", Coleman stops them and then invites some girls and performs it himself and everyone is up and dancing along with them. Ethan goes to Nikolas saying that he's worried about Luke and thinks that he's in real trouble and Helena could be involved. Lulu and Ethan receive surprising text messages from Luke. Sonny tells Mike that he's uncomfortable doing something, he says he doesn't want to have another but he doesn't as Kristina overhears Sonny saying it was his daughter who killed her other kid. Claudia learns a bit of information while listening to Kate and Olivia argue and that Dominic is Dante.



Ep. #11903

Ethan explains that he needs to get out of town, Lulu then doesn't believe and wants to know what's going on. Dominic comes to take Michael to school, he says that he doesn't a babysitter and can take care of himself. Kate apologizes to Olivia for her drunken stooper at Jake's last night. Kristina approaches Sonny and says that he doesn't have to have a baby cause of her. Ethan realizes that Lulu got the same text message that he did. Claudia once again sees Olivia and Kate talking and tries to hear what they're talking about. Alexis goes to Elizabeth concerned about Nikolas's recent behaviour, Nikolas says he doesn't like people talking about him behind his back. Dominic compromises and says he doesn't have to take him to school, as long as he's careful driving. Sonny learns that Kristina heard him tell Mike and practically blamed her for his son's death. Lucky comes and tells Lulu and Ethan he and Elizabeth are engagesd once again, and wants to have a BBQ tomorrow night and wants everyone there. Nikolas gets a call from Helena and tries to figure out what she's saying cause there's too much static. Sonny tells Kristina that if she'll let him, he'd like to be a father to her. Lulu insists on going with Ethan, but he says he wants her to stay here. Olivia and Dominic try to convince Kate to keep their secret. A woman takes the phone away from Helena and says that she needs her rest. Michael has a memory flash of Carly at the institute telling him to wake up and come back to his family. Kristina calls Kiefer and asks him to meet her at her place. Luke does his best to escape where he's being held by digging through the bars. Lulu joins Ethan on the plan and says she has experience in dealing with the Cassadines. Claudia approaches Dominic and says he has to her what she has to say cause it's important. Kiefer asks Kristina what brought this one, she says that she wants him. Carly says to Michael that the memory of his mother was real, that means the one with Claudia was real. Dominic tells Claudia that whatever she has to say to him to get it over with.



Season 47, Episode 129 – Aired: 10/1/2009
Ep. #11904

Carly says that Jason came just in time cause Michael just remembered something, Michael then lies and says that it's nothing. Claudia tells Olivia that she's glad that she's here cause this is something she needs to hear. Dominic tells Claudia to use him as some sort of leverage to get to Olivia. Sonny tells Alexis that he wishes that he spent more time with his daughter, cause he loves as much as Michael and Morgan. Kristina stops herself and tells Kiefer that she can't do this. Sam comes in and asks Kiefer what he's doing in her sister's bedroom. Molly tells Sonny that she's doing a paper on what it's like to be arrested, and wants his input. Luke is freed from his cell by a mysterious savior and goes looking for Helena. Kristina lays into Sam for just walking into her room without knocking, Sam if she's having sex with Kiefer. Mischa tells Helena that she needs to save her strength. Dante makes a call and says there's been a problem. Jason meets with Johnny and says there's a leak in the organization and what he knows about it. Luke finds Helena and she tries to warn that there's impending danger coming, he then sees that she's really sick and isn't faking it, someone knocks out Luke from behind. Olivia asks Kate if she's mentioned anything to Claudia about her knowing about Dante, and thinks she may have figured out the truth. Alexis tells Carly that Molly told Sonny about his criminal, and how are they gonna explain it to them. Jason tells Sonny that there's no way that Johnny tipped off the police, Sonny says then who else could it have been. Michael approaches Claudia and says it about her visiting him and what she said while he was in a coma. Kristina arrives at the Metro Court and the room Kiefer rented and feels uncomfortable and grabs her and says she's not backing out of this. Michael tells Claudia that there's one memory that keeps coming back to him about her being responsible for him getting shot.



Ep. #11905

Michael questions Claudia about the memories he's been having, Claudia tries to get him to believe that it's probably just a fake memory. Kiefer apologizes for getting agressive with Kristina, she asks what's wrong with him and making him do this to her all the time. Elizabeth insists on going to the park with Nikolas then going back to his place. Sonny asks Dominic to find a leak in their organization, and who's giving information to the police and to bring them to him. Kate leaves so Olivia and Johnny can be alone, since with Maxie and Lulu off someone has to run Crimson. Nikolas returns home and sees Rebecca darkened her hair and is having a dinner being made and served in the turret room, and is finally learning how trust herself as well as him, he apologizes and says he can't do this right now. Dominic tells Ronnie that he needs help and that Sonny and Jason knows that there's a leak in the organization, Ronnie thinks he should give them someone else. Lucky tells Elizabeth she shouldn't beat herself up about stuff that he forgave her for years ago. Nikolas tells Rebecca that he has to meet up with someone for business reasons. Dominic says he's not going to frame some innocent guy just to save his own neck, Ronnie says to name Tommy Soto, maybe they can pin a murder charge on Sonny. Sonny tells Claudia that them trying to have a child has to be put on hold for a while. Sam meet with Kristina and confides in her that she's ready to sleep with Kiefer and needs some sort of protection, Sam wants her to hear her out first. Claudia says to Olivia to do what she asks or she'll go to Sonny and tell him about his son Dante who's parading as his new soldier Dominic. Sonny orders Dominic to take Tommy for a drive and then eliminate him.



Season 47, Episode 131 – Aired: 10/5/2009
Ep. #11906

Nikolas asks Alfred to show him the letter that Elizabeth left for him. Olivia tells Claudia to go ahead and tell Sonny whatever she likes. Jason tells Sam that Michael came to see him asking questions about him not trusting Claudia. Sonny asks Dominic why he feels uncomfortable pulling t he trigger and ending Tommy's life, and wonders if there's some other agenda he has going on. Lulu and Ethan set out to find Luke, but are then caught by men with guns. Nikolas opens up to Robin about his fling with Elizabeth. Olivia stops Claudia and asks exactly what she wants from her. Sonny gives the order to Johnny instead of Dominic. Ethan and Lulu are told to leave the premises right away. Carly says that she's being interventioned cause she snuck a doughnut, Jax says it's about the baby and they need to pick a name for their daughter, Molly, Morgan, Kristina each give they're choices. Claudia says she'll spill Olivia's secrets if she doesn't leave Johnny. Robin tells Nikolas that the letter states that Elizabeth clearly needs space. Spencer comes down and starts to write on the letter from Elizabeth. Ethan tries to work his charm and cozy up to the nurse, she then warns them saying they're in danger. Lucky says Elizabeth went away with Audrey with the boys, Spencer shows the picture and Nikolas sees that it's on the letter that Elizabeth wrote. Sonny tells Jason that Dominic is gonna take care of the leak Tommy. Olivia does what Claudia asks and breaks it off with Johnny. Dominic takes Tommy to a deserted island to kill him under Sonny's orders, but says he's NYPD and that he's his ticket to safety.



Ep. #11907

Claudia isn't going to abandon her baby plans so easily. Olivia breaks up with Johnny and claims she is still in love with Sonny. Carly announces she's come up with a name for her daughter, Josslyn John Jacks, Michael's surprised she didn't use the name Jason. Nikolas becomes alarmed and takes the drawing that Spencer drew before Lucky can read what's on the other side. Johnny tells Olivia that she wants the truth and doesn't believe she doesn't love him anymore. Tommy agrees to what Dominic wants, he tells Tommy to knock him out and make it look real. Johnny makes Olivia see something and plants a kiss on her, she backs away and says for him to leave. Mischa can't assure Lulu and Ethan that Luke is in fact still alive. Helena tells Luke that Mikkos had another son named Valentin, and has been biding his time plotting against the Cassadines. Olivia tells Jax that Kate is the reason that Claudia knows that Dominic is Dante and that his father is Sonny and threw away the man she loved cause of his sister. Sonny isn't exactly pleased with Dominic not following through with the order to take out Tommy, Jason then steps up and saying he did save Morgan's life. Michael breaks a glass and tells Carly and Kristina to stop talking about him. Claudia lures Dominic to the house, and he wonders what her agenda is, Johnny steps in and tells her what she's doing with Dominic.



Ep. #11908

Johnny demands answers from Claudia on what she did to Olivia and what made her break it off with him. Jason tells Sam that Sonny told him to back off of Claudia, which makes him very mad. Jax tells Olivia to let Dante bring Sonny down and offers for the time being to transfer her to another hotel, Olivia says she can't leave her son right now. Morgan offers Michael a solution to tell everyone what he remembers, so they can figure it out and he won't get mad anymore. Dominic tells Johnny to back off of Claudia after threatening to make her disappear. Michael starts to explain that he hears people talking and tries to put the words together. Kiefer comes to get her and Molly and Michael wonders why she would call him. Mischa lets Lulu and Ethan in so they can rescue Luke. Helena asks Luke if this is too much for him to handle regarding Valentin, Luke stops when he hears footsteps approaching the room. Helena tells Luke not to leave her as Ethan and Luke. Carly tells Michael that she wants to hear more about his memories. Dominic rejects Claudia's attempt and says they can never happen. Spinelli comes back from his un-honeymoon with Maxie early and Jason gives him an assignment to find out what Dr. Devlin had with him the night he died. Kristina apologizes to Kiefer about what Michael did to him, Alexis hears them at the door and tells them to come in and sees the bruise on his face and learns it's cause of Michael. Luke, Ethan, Lulu, Helena and Mischa are stopped by a group of gunmen. Nikolas arrives asking what's exactly going on in his family's house. Johnny tells Olivia that whatever Claudia has on her, he'll give his sister up if it means they can be together. Dominic tells Ronnie he and the guys did a good job picking up Tommy, Ronnie says they don't have enough on Sonny. Helena warns Nikolas about Valentin and him setting out on destroying the Cassadines.



Ep. #11909

Kristina tells Sam to promise not to tell Alexis that she's getting birth control and is going to have sex and is worried when she sees Kelly at the clinic. Claudia puts her plan to seduce Dominic in motion and calls Olivia and asks if the room she reserved is ready. Ronnie tells Dominic to make sure that he gets Sonny to incriminate himself. Dominic admits that he likes Morgan and is gonna crush him by having his father arrested. Patrick tells Matt that his wild days are over with and focusin on his life with Robin and Emma, Louise tels Patrick that she went to school with one of his old school friends. Olivia tells Carly she feels bad after suddenly breaking it off with Johnny yesterday. Claudia tells Sonny if she meant what he said that if she was pregnant they would raise it together. Alexis tells Michael he needs to control his rage issues after hitting Kiefer. Johnny tells Sonny that he had a fight with Claudia in front of Dominic yesterday about Olivia. Robin realizes just what a wild life Patrick had before she met him. Kelly assures Kristina that her appointment and the clinic will be confidential. Carly overhears Alexis's conversation with Michael on the pier and says to come to her and not speak harshly to her kid. Dominic writes down and warns Olivia that he's wearing a wire, he gets a call from Claudia to come to her hotel room he then wonders what she could be up to this time. Sonny questions Olivia's reason for breaking it off with Johnny. Robin hears as Patrick and Louise leave for Jake's. Dominic stops Claudia from unbuttoning his shirt before she could see his wire.



Ep. #11910

Sam distracts Alexis while Kristina hides her birth control pills. Maxie tells Robin to give what Patrick wants or else Louise will. Ronnie overhears that Claudia almost spotted Dante's hidden wire. Spinelli tells Jason that he's located the box contains the items from Dr. Devlin's pocket. Olivia tells Sonny that he's lasted this long without him in her life and it's gonna stay that way. Claudia tells Dominic she knows who his real mother is, she'll keep quiet if he sleeps with her. Jason tells Spinelli he's isn't going tonight and he needs him here. Johnny finds himself at Jake's and soon sees Olivia when she walks in, and tells Coleman to keep the drinks coming. Patrick decides to go up and sing, but sees that the bartendar does it first. Carly tells Sonny that he needs to talk to Alexis, cause apparently Kiefer went off on Michael the other day. Claudia tells Dominic that not only Sonny will kill him but so will her father, he then wonders why she wants to sleep with him so badly. Jason tells Spinelli that he doesn't care if he gets arrested it's him that he's worried about. Robin comes home to find some wild outfits to help her spice things up. The police intervene and get Dominic out of the room before his wire is found. Spinelli helps Sam and Jason by diverting all the security cameras to make the entry easy. Ronnie tells Dominic is cover is blown and he's officially off the case. Patrick comes home and sees Robin, she's embarrassed when Louise comes in as well. Lucky catches Sam and in the police-evidence warehouse. Dominic says he won't rest til Sonny is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.



Ep. #11911

Ronnie tells Dominic that if he goes anywhere near Sonny, he'll have him arrested for obstruction of justtice. Robin feels embarrassed for having Patrick and Louise looking at him. Jason learns of Lucky's engagement to Elizabeth, and he's hurt when Sam says tells Lucky nothing going on with her and Jason. Claudia gives Dominic an ultimatum and threatens to reveal his secret. Olivia sticks to her guns when Johnny wants answers. Sonny asks Claudia what she's doing with a hotel room key at the Metro Court, Carly would like to know that answer herelf. Louise then trips over one of Emma's toys while leaving the house. Claudia spins a story for Sonny by saying she got the room for Johnny and paid for it herself. Johnny sees Carly going to Jake's and secretly paying for something she shouldn't be eating from Coleman, and he calls her on it. Lulu returns and Dominic says that he missed her and where has she been, she says it was a family emergency. Lucky lets Sam go when he finds her at the warehouse. Michael thinks the only reason he was asked to come over was about the whole Kiefer thing, Sonny offers to teach him how he dealt with his own demons. Robin and Patrick finally get some alone time. Dominic tells Lulu about a time that changed his outlook on life about a person he looked up to died by order of a hit. Molly catches Jason and Sam in a compromising position. Claudia asks Dominic how he got out of jail so quickly, he says they didn't have enough to hold him.



Ep. #11912

Sam realizes Alexis thinks she's a bad influence on Molly and Kristina. Kelly tells Carly that they're steps to be taken if she does go into premature labor. Kiefer assures Kristina that he's not going to get mad if she disappoints him. Jason tells Claudia that she'll have a lot to worry about if her voice is in fact on that recording that Dr. Devlin made. Carly asks Kelly what the chances are if her baby is born to soon. Kristina is confused when Kiefer gets a call from his father and has to leave to pick him up. Carly thanks Johnny and Coleman for being there for her. Olivia apologizes to Dante on how upset he is for being taken off the case, and says it'll be best if someone else takes Sonny down, he realizes that he hasn't backed off at all. Michael finds Kristina crying on the pier and thinks that Kiefer hurt her, but says that it's her mother wanting her to be perfect, and at least Carly gives him room to breathe. Jason tells Sam that he thinks he got to Claudia, and wants to know the truth about why she's crying, she says that Alexis hates her. Johnny comes to see Claudia, and wants her to hear what he has to say he was there when Carly went into labor, but knows she did something to Olivia, but is still his sister and loves her. Alexis tells Kristina that Molly walked in on Sam and Jason about to make love. Dominic tells Lulu about Claudia trying to sleep with him. Kelly tells Carly that the labor has stopped, but she's not home free, avoid stress or the labor could start again.



Ep. #11912

Coleman comes out and he tells him that Carly is in labor, he then says he's gonna call Jax, Carly is worried cause the baby is coming several weeks early. Olivia tells Jax that it's over and Dante's cover was compromised and was reassigned. Molly asks Sam why does she want to make people that she and Jason aren't going out. Michael remains tortured by his memories. Luke returns to the Haunted Star with Ethan and Tracy says that they've been replaced by new people. Carly goes into labor and is taken to the hospital by Johnny and Coleman. Kristina calls Kiefer says that she's has everything taken care of their night together, Alexis says what exactly does she have prepared. Molly thinks Jason is the reason Sam isn't going public that something might go wrong and she'll lose him again. Epiphany asks Johnny how long has Carly been in labor for. Olivia tells Jax that he sees Sonny has a danger to his family with Carly and her pregnancy. Kelly evaluates Carly and doesn't see any sign of fetal distress. Kristina tells Kiefer that he'll have to wait a month before they can have sex. Jason tells Claudia to stay away from Michael, and says Ian Devlin recorded all of his business dealings including the hit that got Michael shot. Sonny gives Dominic advice never to get married and not to have kids, he then figures out why Claudia is trying to seduce him. Jax hurries and learns that Carly is in labor and Kelly says that there's a good chance the baby will be born tonight.



Season 47, Episode 139 – Aired: 10/15/2009
Ep. #11913

Nikolas sees that Elizabeth is back, and he says that he's checking Helena into the hospital to find the source of her poisoning. Ronnie tells Dante that he's officially back on Corinthos case, and someone must've pulled some serious strings. Jax sees Sonny sitting by Carly's bedside. Alexis is glad that Luke is back and wonders why he called her to the Haunted Star. Luke questions Alexis tells Luke that she's heard all about Valentin from Mikkos and he did a lot of bad stuff over the years and thinks that he's working with Helena. Jason tells Spinelli that Ian must've stashed that recorder somewhere and thinks of going to look at the motel where he stayed at again. Ronnie thinks whoever pulled those favors for Dante also wants Sonny buried. Lucky can't believe that after what Helena did to Luke he should bring her here to General Hospital. Nikolas asks Elizabeth if she needed to leave town just to keep away from him. Olivia learns that Dante is back on the case and someone made sure of it, she then figures out and goes and confronts Jax. Helena sees Rebecca and sees the changes and she's looking even more like Emily. Anthony orders Joey to take out Sonny and his organization, also to take out Claudia and Dominic, but to leave his son Johnny alone. Luke cautions Ethan that taking Rebecca away from Nikolas will only unleash his bad side. Claudia tells Sonny she heard about Carly from Johnny, and will accept that he doesn't want to have another child. Helena asks Elizabeth if Lucky knows that she and Nikolas are becoming lovers. Sam and Jason endure a case of mistaken identity when an undercover cop arrests them for solicitation.



Ep. #11914

Sonny asks Claudia why she's providing Dominic with information, she says that she's just doing her part. Helena tells Elizabeth that she reminds her of Laura, Luke walks in asking what he's interrupting. Carly tells Jax that she's glad that he was okay with Sonny being there at the hospital with her. Rebecca tells Nikolas that she can deal with Helena being in the hospital, Lucky says that his brother is the only person that can unleash the hell on his family. Johnny comes to Olivia saying he went to Claudia last night and knows he did something that made her break up with him. Jason and Sam are arrested and brought into the police station. Diane asks Alexis how Max is doing, thinking she's been dumped and he's now involved with Louise Addison. Maxie and Spinelli scold Jason for his attempt at solicitation, they apologize when he was with Sam. Luke asks Elizabeth how Helena is doing, and asks to leave them alone cause he needs to speak to her. Lulu asks Dominic if he actually believes that Claudia was just seducing him just to get him to knock her up. Johnny tries to get Olivia to trust him and he'll fix it, Claudia looks in the door and sees them kissing, Claudia says to Olivia that it's over. Elizabeth tells Rebecca that she has no idea the kind of trouble that Helena can cause. Luke starts to tamper with Helena's I.V. and questions her about Valentin, Nikolas warns her that this better not be a setup. Diane asks Alexis to join her law firm, she declines cause she likes what she does. Jason gets a step closer to uncovering the truth. Olivia tells Claudia that there's no way that she'll end up pregnant with Dante's kid. Elizabeth tells Nikolas that Helena knows everything about them and is going to tell Lucky. Claudia tells Dominic exactly how Sonny is gonna react when he finds out who he is. Olivia comes to Sonny and says that she has to tell him the truth, Michael listens outside.



Ep. #11915

Jason asks Johnny if he's denying the fact that Claudia might be guilty of having Michael shot. Nikolas tells Elizabeth that Helena doesn't have any proof that they had an affair. Helena asked to speak with Ethan alone, but he refuses to listen to what she has to say, so he and Lucky leave the room. Dominic refuses to give into Claudia's threats. Michael comes in and tells Olivia to stop bashing his father's wife. Claudia is mad when Dominic says there's no way he's sleeping with her. Luke hears Tracy arguing with Helena about her possibly being working with this Valentin. Dominic asks Lulu if she wonders if he slept with Claudia or not, he says that he turned her down. Olivia goes to see Anthony as per his request and asks why he would have any interest in him, he said if his son would be better off if he killed her. Johnny tells Claudia that she's just setting her up for a disappointment if she wants to convince Sonny to have a child. Nikolas and Elizabeth reach a new understanding to stay friends and to keep their distance from each other. Helena warns Luke about Valentin not being dead and out there wreaking havoc. Johnny confronts Anthony and asks him why was Olivia was here and what he said to her. Elizabeth prepares to tell Lucky that she can't remarry him, but she's surprised to see Bobbie, Lesley and Audrey in the living room and say he's has something to tell them. Jason and Sam search a strangers house for evidence and get trapped in the basement, they then hear a scream and a body falls on the floor upstairs. Sonny asks Claudia if she'd like to go to Puerto Rico with him as he goes there on a business trip.



Ep. #11916

Johnny and Olivia act on their feelings and he tells her that he loves her Sam and Jason come across an unconscious pregnant woman on the floor upstairs. Lucky announces to everyone that he and Elizabeth are getting married again. Jax asks Patrick if he ever regretted getting married, he says that his old life is over and wouldn't trade Emma or Robin for anything. Luke notices that this whole remarriage thing doesn't look like a happily ever after to Elizabeth. Nikolas tells Helena that he should've left her to die in Greece, Rebecca then comes in and says that what she and Nikolas have is special. Michael asks Kristina why she wasn't at school today, she then admits that she slept with Kiefer the other night. Olivia asks Johnny to promise to keep their relationship a secret. Luke makes an announcement welcoming Ethan into the family, Lesley shows him the pictures that she took to send to Laura in France. Dominic goes to Olivia's and tells Johnny that Sonny and Claudia are out of the country. Jason and Sam bring the woman in the hospital and they hope that she doesn't lose the baby. Alexis tells Kristina that she signed for the flowers and that they're for her from Kiefer. Jason tells Patrick he and Sam were searching a home that Ian Devlin lived in while he was in town. Jax tells Dominic that there's no need to thank him for getting him back on the case just as long as he sends Sonny to prison. Kristina tells Alexis that if Kiefer wants to have sex she'll tell him that she's gonna wait first.