Ep. #11898
Mac tells Robin that he's considering arresting Spinelli for breaking and entering last night, Robin says the only person is Maxie who can stop the wedding. Claudia tells Johnny that she and Sonny are gonna try to have another baby. Maxie can't come up with a good reason not to go through with the wedding, after Lulu says she rearranged Kate's schedule and she being on a plane to Tokyo right now. Olivia threatens Sonny at how he would like if she used his son against him. Carly tells Jax that she's not hungry and is worried about Michael and how he's handling things at Madison. Michael has a hard first day at his new school, and Kristina asks how things are going so far. Olivia tells Sonny that if he gets Claudia pregnant again then she'll pity all three of them. Dominic asks Ronnie he's gonna blow his cover if he keeps showing up at his room like this. Patrick tells Mac that Spinelli loves Maxie and he treats her with respect. Jason agrees to wear the so called pink tie as to Spinelli's request. Michael storms off after an encounter with Kiefer and having a memory that Sam said something to him while he was in a coma. Matt comes to Crimson and says that he's here to rescue her by taking her away to an island til this thing blows over, Maxie says she's marrying Spinelli tomorrow. Spinelli goes to Patrick and asks how he got Mac to like him. Michael learns that Sam never came to the institute, and thinks all the memories weren't real. Maxie goes to Robin asking how she's making it work with Patrick.