Ep. #11938
Johnny asks Olivia where she got the photo from. Lucky finds a "For Sale" sign thinking this is what he and Elizabeth need. Rebecca admits to Nikolas that she somehow knew the truth but couldn't face it. The mysterious man slam something down on a picture of Jason breaking the glass. Spinelli tells Maxie that he made a final walk through. Olivia tels Johnny that Dominic brought it and told her that he thinks that he took the picture out of grief. Sonny tells Dominic that Max and Milo will be taking them but won't be going in. Jason unburdens himself to Carly saying he doesn't have time to talk cause he has to get ready for a meeting. Elizabeth suggests selling the house that Jason got her for the downpayment for the property. Dominic explains his theory to Sonny and wants him to get concrete proof that he sent that picture to Jason. Maxie tells Spinelli that the artist has to arrive to do some work for Crimson, she'll have to make sure that happens. Lulu sees Johnny taking his frustration out on a payphone and asks why the hostility, and asks how she feels about Sonny knowing he had his sister killed, Dominic then arrives on the pier and asks if they're talking about him. Sonny asks Olivia if she's alright and warns her that Johnny might be unstable. Dominic tells Lulu to stay out of it and to let him do his job, Johnny overhears and learns Dominic's secret about him being Olivia's son Dante. Elizabeth comes home to find Nikolas in her living room, he asks if she feels about the Lucky the same way about him. Joey gives the men that when Sonny shows they're gonna welcome him with open arms, they're then distracted by a homeless man asking for spare change.