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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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NOVEMBER 17, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,063)
Nicole urged Adam not to scare Nancy with his theory about Keith being a murderer. Liz told Jim she wrote to her father Orin about selling Claybank, but so far, she hasn't received a reply. When Jim admitted he thinks Keith isn't mentally stable enough to hold public office, Liz grew more concerned. Laurie announced to an unhappy Vic she's having dinner tomorrow night with Keith Whitney, then walked out in anger when Vic made male chauvinist remarks about women staying home where they belong. Laurie arrived home, just as Adam was about to tell Mike and Nancy his theory about Keith. After Laurie stated she's more determined than ever to go out with Keith, Adam decided to temporarily keep quiet.

NOTE: This episode was pre-recorded on November 16, 1971. The "Edge" studio was dark (no taping or live telecast) on Wednesday, November 17, 1971, due to location shooting for the Hawley Farms remote.

NOVEMBER 18, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,064)
Cookie insisted to Bill she saw a real spirit, not Kate Sloane in disguise. Kate panicked when she overheard Bill's intention to have her picked up for questioning. When Bill, Martha, and Cookie left to have dinner at a restaurant, Frank urged Kate to rob the house. Kate objected to Frank's plan claiming she'd be the first person the police suspect, but Frank convinced her the plan will work if she only steals one small piece of jewelry at a time and pawns it. When Ron stopped by the Whitney house unexpectedly, Colin pressed Tiffany to tell him about Cookie's divorce intentions. Ron was floored to learn Cookie is contemplating divorce. Kate returned to the secret room in the basement and showed Frank the jewelry she swiped...Cookie's antique locket.



NOVEMBER 19, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,065)
Nancy worried about Laurie's involvement with Keith. Laurie realized Vic was so upset about her date with Keith because she and Vic already had theatre tickets. While discussing the past, Gordon credited Geraldine with the family's success in politics, then recalled the night he lost a crucial election and Geraldine commented at least she had two wonderful sons. Geraldine admitted she always wanted to be the mother of a United States president. Keith joked he may skip being a senator and go straight to Pennsylvania Avenue. Vic gave his theatre tickets to Adam and Nicole after sadly declaring Laurie prefers Keith over him. Nancy urged Laurie to break her date with Keith. Geraldine intercepted Laurie's phone call to Keith and was furious to learn about his date with Laurie. Enraged, Geraldine confronted Keith with his betrayal of the promise to stay away from Laurie. When Keith tried to worm his way out of it, Geraldine slapped him, vowing she'll withdraw her support of his congressional campaign and no longer cover up his dirty little secrets...like the death of Suella. Keith horrified Geraldine to her very core by asking if she'd also reveal the truth about the deaths of Rosella Gray, Neil Davenport, Tango Humphries, and all the other people he murdered...

NOVEMBER 22, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,066)
Geraldine became ill as Keith launched into a litany of his murderous escapades, and blamed Geraldine for ordering him to "take care of Suella Duval." Vic attempted to give his scalped theatre tickets to Adam and Nicole, but they not-so-subtly goaded him into calling Laurie to remind her they have a planned date. Adam stirred Vic's curiosity with hints that Keith is trouble, but Adam refused to fully share his suspicions until he has more proof. When Nicole later joked she was worried Adam might suggest Keith is a murderer, Adam stated that was his exact thought. Laurie failed to reach Vic by phone to apologize about forgetting their theatre date, then reaffirmed her view to Mike that Vic's a "hot-head." Nancy pointed out Keith Whitney might have a temper too, but Laurie insisted he's probably "very cool." When Keith informed Geraldine that he blackmailed embezzling Uncle Charles into his conspiracy of murder, Geraldine begged him to stop torturing her. Keith pushed the envelope by freely admitting he tried to murder Nancy with carbon monoxide poisoning. After Geraldine retired to her room in horror, Keith telephoned Laurie, who agreed to accompany him on a day trip to the Whitney summer estate.



NOVEMBER 23, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,067)
Vic was delighted Laurie canceled her date with Keith and agreed to attend the play tomorrow night. Vic insisted on meeting Laurie for a coffee. Martha told a relieved Nancy that Cookie's visit with Tiffany went well, but Nancy was disappointed Cookie still won't return to Ron. Frank berated Kate for stealing a worthless piece of junk like Cookie's locket. Martha warned Bill if Kate continues her tricks, Cookie might go off the deep end again. Cookie discovered her locket is missing, then accused Martha and Bill of stealing it. Vic and Laurie nearly came to blows with Vic's cracks about Laurie considering a career as an airline hostess, but when Vic grew protective over Laurie's impending date with Keith, they ended up in a passionate kiss.

NOTE: This episode was pre-taped Monday, November 22, 1971.

NOVEMBER 24, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,068)
Gordon noted the tears on a depressed Geraldine's face. Geraldine feigned having a cold but reacted harshly when Gordon commented how much Keith has become more sincere like Colin. Then, Geraldine grimaced when Gordon assured her she'd cleverly and successfully buried all of Keith's past skeletons. Keith told Colin and Tiffany about his date in the country, pronouncing Laurie Karr a "new conquest." Nicole advised Adam not to share his suspicions about Keith with Mike and Nancy, but Adam phoned Nancy for a visit anyway. Gordon told Colin and Tiffany that Geraldine fears Keith isn't stable enough for political service but was at a loss as to why Geraldine is suddenly so afraid of Keith. When Nancy recounted the story of her visit to St. Elenora, Adam was astonished to learn Suella committed suicide, as her religious convictions would have considered it a mortal sin. Just as Nancy was horrified to realize Keith probably murdered Suella and made it look like suicide, Laurie got into Keith's car to head out to the Whitney's isolated summer estate.



NOVEMBER 26, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,070)
Adam terrified Nancy with his suspicion that Keith killed Rosella Gray as well as Suella Duval. Nancy interrupted Mike's lunch with Vic, imploring him to come home. Laurie and Keith arrived at the Whitney summer estate, which Keith jokingly called "Whitney's Folly." Laurie was fascinated with the tower on the estate but refused to go inside when Keith reminded her Charles fell to his death from the observation deck. As Keith and Laurie ran playfully through the woods, the tower loomed ominously in the distance. Mike and Nancy weren't reassured when they recalled Adam's deductive powers have usually been right. Laurie heard Keith's hearty laugh, but saw the face of Jonah.

Laurie:"Well, it's just so hard to imagine you as President, Keith. I mean... you hardly look old enough to shave!"
Laurie:"Was it that funny?"

NOTE: This episode was pre-taped on Wednesday, November 24, 1971.

NOVEMBER 29, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,071)
Keith's laughter abruptly died when he realized he was reminding Laurie of Jonah Lockwood. Later, Keith distracted Laurie with campaign talk, but when he mentioned having a bandaged face like a mummy the first time they met, Laurie began staring at Keith's face more intently. Mike and Adam tried to calm Nancy's fears by reiterating Keith has no reason to want to harm Laurie. Mike suggested they all speak to Jim Fields, the one person who knew both Suella and Rosella. Jim was disturbed by Liz's news of Cookie losing the locket. Adam dropped by Jim's office just as Liz opened mail containing an 8x10 glossy of Keith Whitney's campaign pose. Jim assured Adam that Suella never would have killed herself as she was devoutly religious and considered suicide a Mortal Sin. A reluctant Laurie begged Keith to take her back to Monticello, but he insisted on cooking her a steak dinner at the boat house. Jim was stunned when Adam intimated Keith returned to Monticello and murdered Rosella Gray after killing Suella Duval.



NOVEMBER 30, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,072):
Jim satisfied Adam's suspicions by admitting Keith was warped enough to commit murder. Adam speculated Keith stabbed Rosella by mistake while making an attempt on Jim's life, then theorized Keith was probably responsible for Neil Davenport's fatal "car accident." Jim reluctantly agreed to make a house-call when Martha phoned to say Cookie won't leave the house without her locket. Colin tried to console Geraldine about Keith, but they spent most of the talk reminiscing about Keith's amoral cruelty as a child. Colin assured Tiffany he's done as much to help Keith as she has Cookie Christopher. While explaining to Jim about seeing a vision of the ghost, Cookie decided the ghost stole the locket because it belongs to her.

DECEMBER 1, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,073):
Nicole privately speculated to Mike and Nancy that Adam has become too emotional and may be wrong about Keith Whitney's guilt, but Adam arrived with news he's more convinced than ever that Keith's a killer. When Laurie insisted Keith call a local restaurant to see about dinner, Keith secretly feigned the call and told Laurie they'd have to have dinner on the estate. Keith joked about Laurie having never smoked marijuana then caught Laurie staring at him strangely again. Geraldine stunned Gordon with the news she's going to force Keith to drop his congressional campaign for 1972. Nancy phoned the Whitneys, insisting she come over to talk about Keith and Laurie. Meanwhile, at the Whitney summer estate, Laurie recognized Keith's laugh again and realized Keith and Jonah are the same person.



DECEMBER 2, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,074):
A stunned Laurie tried to get away from Keith, who at first denied Laurie's accusations but finally admitted he's in fact Jonah Lockwood. Laurie refused to listen as Keith lied that he didn't attempt to kill Nancy with carbon monoxide. Keith suggested that hysterical Laurie have a drink of sherry to calm down. Gordon warned Geraldine she should never have allowed Nancy to visit, then was mortified when Geraldine insinuated that Keith murdered Suella Duval. Mike and Nancy arrived at the Whitney Mansion, but Nancy insisted on confronting Geraldine alone. Nancy was terrified when a thunderstruck Geraldine collapsed at the news of Keith and Laurie being alone together on a date. Keith drugged Laurie's wine, which she weakly accepted to play along with him.

DECEMBER 3, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,075)
Nancy told Mike, Adam, and Nicole about her meeting with Geraldine. Nancy feared Geraldine's horrified reaction to Keith and Laurie's date, but Mike assured her Laurie would be home safely in time for her theatre date with Vic. At the Whitney summer estate, Keith finished his steak dinner and grinned at an unconscious Laurie, but Laurie was secretly awake. On Adam's advice, Bill arrived at the Karr home, but was skeptical of Adam's theories about Keith. When Bill argued Keith couldn't have returned to Monticello to commit murder without being recognized, Adam realized Keith probably used a disguise. Nancy panicked when Adam drew a beard and moustache on Keith's campaign photo, revealing Keith and Jonah Lockwood as the same man. At the boathouse, Keith lamented being forced to kill Laurie and loaded a rifle. Laurie knocked Keith off balance, making a dash for freedom. Keith chased Laurie through the woods, but she eluded him. Laurie made it to the car, then was horrified to see Keith in a clearing dangling the car keys. Keith fired a shot at Laurie, but missed. Laurie made a mad dash for the tower and locked herself inside. Keith, knowing another entrance to the tower, tried to overpower Laurie, who was armed with a crowbar. Laurie fell and was knocked unconscious while attempting to strike Keith. Geraldine suddenly arrived just as Keith had carried Laurie to the top of the tower staircase. A tearful Geraldine begged Keith to let her help him, but completely insane, he began to recite the Presidential oath. When Geraldine moved closer, Keith tried to finish off Laurie, but in his haste, he tripped and fell headlong down the winding staircase. Geraldine sank to her knees as Keith died at her feet.



DECEMBER 6, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,076)
Sheriff Penbrook telephoned Gordon, who rushed to the summer estate. Adam, Nicole, Mike, Nancy, and Bill arrived at Whitney's Folly. Nancy was terrified when she saw a body covered with a sheet, but Geraldine assured her it was Keith then began to weep. Mike and Nancy were relieved that Laurie was unharmed. Nancy comforted Geraldine and swore they'd never forget that she was the one who saved Laurie's life. Martha told Cookie she wants a piano for Christmas and hoped that Bill was relaying that message to Nancy at that very moment. Martha admitted to Cookie that Aunt Martha thought music was "spiritual" and connected the living to the dead. Ceila stopped by to visit Cookie and made Martha uncomfortable with talk about how Fred is too preoccupied with other things recently. Cookie informed Ceila she's never felt better since she's decided to divorce Ron and stay with her "friends." Martha and Ceila realized Cookie was referring to the spirits that haunt the Marceau house. Bill telephoned Martha and stunned her with the news about Keith. Gordon arrived the summer estate and begged Geraldine not to blame herself for Keith's madness.



DECEMBER 7, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,077)
The doctor attending Laurie told Mike and Nancy that Laurie spoke just before he sedated her, and she said, "Vic saved me." Nancy refused a sedative claiming that Geraldine had suffered far more than she. Bill warned Adam and Nicole that criminal charges might be brought against Geraldine for concealing Keith's identity as Jonah Lockwood, a known killer. Ceila was skeptical when Cookie told her about seeing the ghost and believes the locket was hers in a former life. Listening over the intercom in the basement, Frank was furious to hear Cookie say she's never felt safer or happier. Kate worried when Frank insisted they'd have to use "muscle" to scare Cookie out of the house. Ceila warned Cookie that talk about spirits might get her recommitted to Greenhaven. Frank decided to arrange an "accident" for Cookie. When Kate protested that it might go awry and actually kill Cookie, Frank insisted it was a risk they'd have to take.

NOTE: The doctor in this episode must have trained with Dr. Julia Hoffman from "Dark Shadows." Not only is he anxious to dispense tranquilizers to Nancy (who didn't even witness the horror), he also sedates Laurie, even though she's suffered a potentially serious head injury!

DECEMBER 8, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,078)
Ron caught up with Colin and Tiffany, who were waiting for a delayed airline flight at Monticello International. Colin and Tiffany were stunned to hear the news of Keith's death and attempted murder of Laurie. Cookie, alone in the Marceau home, begged the ghost to appear to her again. Bill and Martha lamented the fact that Keith must have risked being exposed because he truly loved Laurie. A sad and lonely Ron visited Cookie at the Marceaus', but Cookie warned him he wasn't safe from the ghost who has great powers over "the living and the dead." Cookie told Ron that the ghost had "directed" him to get the locket, but Ron slipped and said that he didn't buy the locket. When Cookie became hysterical, insisting on knowing who did get the locket, Ron was forced to admit it was a gift from Tiffany. Bill and Martha arrived home just as Cookie went into a hysterical fit and attacked Ron.



DECEMBER 9, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,079)
Tiffany worried that Keith's criminal madness would ruin Colin's political career. Geraldine broke down and collapsed into Colin's arms. Geraldine told her family that she's as guilty as Keith because she drove him to murder then helped him escape. Adam and Nicole stopped by the Fields' apartment with the grim news of Keith's death and attempted murder of Laurie. Colin promised Geraldine she won't be prosecuted as an accessory to Keith's crimes. When Geraldine stated her life is over, Gordon railed at her selfishness, claiming the rest of the family deserves to grieve, too, and Geraldine can't turn her back on her husband and other son. Colin comforted Gordon, who burst into tears. Ron called Jim with news of Cookie's hysteria. Ron feared Cookie would harm herself, while Jim promised he'd get over there as soon as possible.

Geraldine: "The house shouldn't have been here, Colin. It should have all been...rubble. Rubble and ashes. Nothing should have been left standing! But here it is. Just the way I left it today. As if nothing has altered. As if the world is the same place it was this morning."

DECEMBER 10, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,080)
Martha and Bill admitted to Ron that they deliberately kept Cookie's fascination with the occult and Kate Sloane's tricks from him. Jim arrived to take care of Cookie. Adam arrived home to find Vic on his doorstep. Vic told Adam a friend in the DA's office called about Keith's death, but Vic wanted more details. Adam gave Vic the full story about what happened at the Whitney summer estate. Vic was stunned to learn that Keith was actually old nemesis Jonah Lockwood. Adam congratulated Vic on saving Laurie, since Laurie had remembered Vic's accusation that Jonah drugged his drink. Laurie had only pretended to drink Keith's spiked wine, which gave her time to escape from the boat house. At the Marceau house, Jim suggested that Cookie remain where is and that Ron should leave. All the lights in the house suddenly went off, then the ghostly figure of a woman carrying a candle descended the stairs. Bill grabbed the "ghost" while Jim found the light switch. Everyone was astonished to see that the ghost was Cookie, who stared blankly, seemingly in a demonic trance.



DECEMBER 13, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,081)
Martha worried about Cookie, who had been asleep for thirteen hours. Bill persuaded Martha not to bother Nancy with news of Cookie, since Nancy has enough to worry about with Laurie. Ceila stopped by to keep a lunch date with Cookie and told the Marceaus that she's afraid of Cookie's obsession with spirits. Nancy told Mike that Laurie wants to get away from Monticello for a while even though Christmas is coming up soon. Mike and Nancy theorized that Laurie's resilience stems from surviving a kidnaping by Ben Travis and Eric Barrington two years earlier. Vic visited the Karrs' and was disappointed that he can't see Laurie and that she wants to go away to a tropical island soon. Martha telephoned Nancy and told her about Cookie's latest fit of hysteria. Nancy rushed over to the Marceau house. Ceila lunched with husband Fred, who listened coldly to her animated chatter. Ceila noticed when Fred took an unusually strong interest in Bill and Martha's haunted house. Fred told Ceila he knows someone who might be able to "solve" the psychic phenomena occurring at the Marceau house. Nancy was disturbed by Martha's admission that Cookie believes one of her ancestors is haunting the house. Cookie awoke and stunned Nancy and Martha by declaring herself to be "Alexandra."

NOTES: Although Martha agrees not to call Nancy, she nevertheless ignores Bill's advice and telephones her anyway. It also seems strange that Laurie would want to go away to a tropical island, considering that all of the trouble began with Keith's first murder on the Carribean island of St. Elenora!

DECEMBER 14, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,082)
Colin visited Bill, wanting to know if criminal charges would be preferred against Geraldine. Bill told Colin and Adam it wouldn't do any good to twist his arm as he had already submitted his recommendation - for or against Geraldine - to the district attorney's office. Adam told Colin that he thinks Geraldine has suffered enough. Tiffany comforted Geraldine, then apologized for not being a good daughter-in-law. Geraldine embraced Tiffany, who confessed that she really does love Geraldine like a mother. Colin was moved by witnessing Tiffany and Geraldine's reconciliation, then revealed that Bill recommended no charges should be brought against Geraldine. Nancy was relieved when Cookie awoke and responded to her name. Cookie didn't remember the incident with the candle on the stairs. Nancy told Cookie about the name "Alexandra." An elated Cookie decided that Alexandra must be the ghost's name and was delighted that Alexandra wants to possess her.



DECEMBER 15, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,083)
Adam and Nicole helped Liz and Jim trim their Christmas tree. Adam told Liz and Jim that he and Nicole are expected at the Karr house to watch Colin's press conference about Keith. Nicole and Adam were saddened to hear that Cookie has deteriorated to the point she believes herself to be possessed by the ghost of an ancestor. Nancy considered the possibility of having Cookie committed to another mental facility, but Mike tried to allay her guilt by leaving the decision to Jim. Mike and Nancy wondered if anyone in the Pollock family was actually named Alexandra. The Karrs were stunned when the family bible revealed that Nancy and Cookie's great, great grandmother was Alexandra Mansfield Pollock. Ron poured out his heart at The Raven, while the bartender poured drinks. Ron avoided the advances of a pretty girl who wanted to go home with him. Jim attempted to explain why Cookie would want to be possessed by someone else, but it was so deep everyone decided to concentrate on trimming the tree. Liz lamented the fact that Jim wouldn't allow her to use any of the Hillyer family ornaments, but Jim insisted their tree is a "Fields tree...not a Hillyer one." Liz convinced Jim to let her top the tree with a star that's been in her family for generations, then felt awful when the star fell to the floor and shattered. A messenger arrived at the Fields' door with a telegram from Italy. Liz fell sobbing into Jim's arms when the telegram revealed that Liz's father Orin and stepmother Julie had been critically injured in a plane crash.

Girl: (to Ron) "Why bother getting sober? You'll just get drunk again tomorrow. (smiles) Right?"

NOTES: Episode #4083 was pre-taped with an early 7 am cast call. The messenger in this episode was played by a then unknown actor named... John Travolta.

DECEMBER 16, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,084)
Frank grinned sardonically when he overheard Bill and Martha tell Cookie that they were leaving to watch Colin's press conference at Mike and Nancy's house. Kate begged Frank not to go through with his plan, but she couldn't dissuade him. Ceila stopped by the Marceaus' to tell them about Simon Jessup, a professional psychic researcher and acquaintance of her husband Fred. Bill and Martha told Ceila they'd be glad to meet Fred, but nixed the idea of bringing a "ghost-breaker" into the house. Mike telephoned Nancy from the office to say that Laurie's safely on a flight to the Caribbean. Nancy was saddened when Nicole and Adam arrived with news of Orin and Julie Hillyer's accident. After Bill and Martha left their house, Frank ordered Kate to put on "Alexandra's dress."

DECEMBER 17, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,085)
Colin told Tiffany and Ron that his parents couldn't bear to attend the press conference, but Geraldine and Gordon shocked everyone with their arrival. Colin, who had rejected Ron's prepared speech for one of his own, kept everyone on tenterhooks as to whether or not he'd announce his resignation from the senate. Mike revealed to Vic that Laurie is vacationing on the island of St. Martin. Vic was touched by Mike's insistence that Vic spend Christmas Day with the Karrs. While discussing the Hillyer plane crash, Nancy begged a glum Adam not to speak of Julie in the past tense. Nancy worried when Martha mentioned Cookie taking sleeping pills, but Bill pooh-poohed Nancy's fear of a suicide attempt. Nancy told the Marceaus that she's considering having Cookie committed again. Colin gave a moving speech about the tragedy of mental illness and how it affects society, then vowed he'd work to help the mentally ill as a private citizen or politician... a decision he'd leave to voters. The Karrs and Marceuas were impressed by Colin's speech, which had a particular significance to Nancy. At the Marceau house, Cookie awoke to find "Alexandra" in her room. Kate, as Alexandra, carried a flickering candle and beckoned Cookie to come with her. Cookie followed Kate to the top of the staircase, where Frank hid in the shadows. Frank, with eyes blazing, raised his crutch over his head and prepared to strike Cookie, sending her headlong down the stairs.



DECEMBER 20, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,086)
Fred and Ceila arrived, just as Frank was ready to hurtle Cookie down the stairs. Cookie told Fred and Ceila about Alexandra's appearance, then became angry when Fred suggested Simon Jessup get rid of the spirit. Nancy told Mike about the Hillyer plane crash. Mike suspected it must have upset Adam, since he fought so hard to save Julie from a death sentence in the Harry Constable murder. Nancy telephoned the Fields' and tried to comfort Liz, who feared that Orin's attorney is keeping bad news from her. Bill and Martha arrived home and stated emphatically that they don't need Simon Jessup's help, since the house isn't really haunted. After emphasizing that Jessup doesn't charge a fee for his psychic research, Fred persuaded the Marceaus' to at least consider meeting with Jessup. Cookie became hysterical again at the thought of Jessup exorcising the ghost.

DECEMBER 21, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,087)
Bill told Jim about Fred and Ceila Burns and their offer of involving psychic researcher Simon Jessup. Jim theorized that if Jessup "exorcizes" the ghost, it might actually help Cookie by convincing her the spirits are gone. Adam and Nicole watched a news broadcast which indicated 90% of voters are in favor of Colin Whitney continuing in political office. Ron stopped by Adam's office to enquire about divorce proceedings. When Adam wanted to know if Ron really wants the divorce, Ron assured him that he wants a normal life with a normal wife. Jim convinced Bill and Martha to meet with Simon Jessup, though Bill was still reluctant. Ceila arranged to have Jessup visit the Marceau's that evening. Jim broke the news about Orin and Julie to Bill and Martha. Later, at home, Jim and Liz received another telegram and learned that Julie had died. An upset Liz insisted on flying to Milan immediately.



DECEMBER 22, 1971 (EPISODE # 4,088)
Nancy paid a condolence visit to Liz, who's off to Italy. Nancy and Jim discussed having Cookie involuntarily committed to a mental facility. Mike comforted Adam, who was devastated by Julie Hillyer's death. Mike reminded Adam that by saving Julie in the Constable trial, he gave Julie three years of happiness with Orin. Mike told Adam about Alexandra Pollock, who was married to Monticello's first mayor Jeremy Pollock in 1786. Mike revealed that Alexandra was apparently a post-Revolutionary "Jezebel." Nicole sat down with a drunken Ron at the Coach House. Ron depressed Nicole with talk of how easily marriages fall apart. Adam arrived to see Ron and Nicole having an intimate moment. Nicole left the table in tears over Ron's depression and the thought of marriage.

DECEMBER 23, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,089)
Cookie waited anxiously for the arrival of the Burnses and Simon Jessup. Cookie told Bill and Martha she's convinced the spirit is her great grandmother Alexandra Pollock. Cookie refused to meet with Jessup, whom she fears will drive Alexandra away. Bill was skeptical of Jessup, despite Jessup's assurance that he uses scientific methods and has no pre-disposition about the presence of spirits. After Ron's visit, Nicole talked marriage, but Vic interrupted the moment as Adam tried desperately to avoid the discussion. Vic told Adam and Nicole that Laurie is safely tucked away on St. Martin. Jessup assurance that he can detect false encounters with the supernatural didn't sit well with Frank and Kate. Cookie attempted to stop Jessup, who stated the evil spirit of Frank Sloane might be present. Martha believed Jessup when he felt a "cold spot" in the living room.



DECEMBER 24, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,090)
After thinking about it, Cookie hoped Jessup is genuine so that he can make Alexandra appear again. Frank plotted to harm Cookie and insisted Kate dress as Alexandra to do it. Bill counseled Adam that he and Nicole may be getting serious about one another if they can things important enough to fight about. Frank overheard Martha's phone call to Bill, who said he wouldn't be home until very late. Bill agreed with Adam about not publicizing Charles Weldon's embezzlement from Geraldine. Bill jokingly invited Adam and Nicole to Simon Jessup's seance. Cookie awoke when Kate, dressed as Alexandra, entered the room with a candle. Kate spoke to Cookie in sepulchral tones, instructing her to swallow the bottle of sleeping pills. Cookie obeyed, thinking she'd be able to join Alexandra in peaceful eternity. Bill caught Kate sneaking out of Cookie's room.



DECEMBER 27, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,091)
Frank flinched when Bill asked if Kate had help in getting in and out of the house, but Kate claimed the spirit was guiding her to get the house back. Bill refused to listen to Kate's pleas about letting her go. Adam admitted to Vic that he's avoided marriage because his own mother was so desperately unhappy. Vic convinced himself to propose to Laurie the minute she returns from St. Martin. Ron informed Mike and Nancy that he plans to resign as Colin's press agent. Nancy realized Ron has lost interest in everything because of Cookie. Before officers took her away, Kate told everyone that Cookie didn't look right, and there's an empty pill bottle by the bed. Martha ran to Cookie's side and screamed that Cookie killed herself.

DECEMBER 28, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,092)
Nancy couldn't dissuade Ron, who stated that he's going to give Cookie a divorce than start a new life somewhere else. Martha called Nancy with news of Cookie's survival after doctors pumped her stomach. Frank prayed the doctor wouldn't be able to awaken Cookie. Bill phoned Jim, who revealed the pills were too mild to be toxic. Mike, Ron, and Nancy arrived at the Marceaus. Everyone speculated about whether or not Cookie took the pills with the intention of ending her life. Cookie had hysterics when Bill told her he caught Kate sneaking out of her room, dressed as Alexandra. Cookie was forced to face the truth when confronted with the locket Kate had stolen.

DECEMBER 29, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,093)
To avoid an accusation of bias, Bill convinced Adam to serve as Kate's public defender. Kate insisted she was solely responsible for the Laughing Woman, though Bill still thought it was the result of a recording device. Jim told Mike and Nancy he doesn't think Cookie attempted suicide, but added it's probably best to leave her at the Marceaus as removing her would be viewed a rejection. Jim was speechless when Liz phoned to say she wants to bring Orin back to Monticello to recuperate.



DECEMBER 30, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,094)
Ron told a sleeping Cookie he'll give her freedom no matter how much it hurts him. Martha dismissed Simon Jessup after telling him about Kate's capture, but Jessup insisted spirits might still be at work inside the house. Jessup subtly appealed to Martha's hidden curiosity about psychic phenomena. Ron joined a depressed Nicole for lunch and they commiserated about doomed relationships. Adam was slightly jealous to see Nicole and Ron laughing together. A hysterical Cookie prevented Jessup from leaving. After Cookie insisted Alexandra is angry with her, Jessup looked at Martha will challenging eyes.

Adam: (spotting Nicole with Vic) Don't look now...but it seems that Greta Garbo doesn't want to be alone after all.

DECEMBER 31, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,095)
Adam warned Bill he'll fight for a reduced sentence for Kate, then Bill agreed to drop the larceny charge. Bill informed Adam they're going through with the seance tonight in hopes it will convince Cookie the house isn't haunted. Fred Burns became curiously testy when Celia insisted Kate Sloane was singularly responsible for the haunting. In the secret room, Frank bemoaned the fact he's running out of food and liquor while Kate's in jail. Jessup countered Martha's skepticism about the seance with the idea of New Year's Eve being the end and beginning of something new...just like life and death. As the seance got underway, Bill was incredulous, Martha and Celia frightened, Frank indifferent, and Cookie hopeful. Everyone was astonished when a light appeared in the darkness as Jessup implored the spirit to show itself. Cookie fell to her knees, laughed demonically, and claimed to be the spirit of Alexandra Pollock.



JANUARY 3, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,096)
Bill informed Nancy the plan to convince Cookie ghosts aren't present backfired. Ron asked Vic to represent him in the divorce suit for Cookie, but Vic warned him it isn't easy to get a divorce just because both parties are willing. Vic hoped the slow legal process would give Ron and Cookie time to change their minds, but Ron stated he's ready for other women. Vic feared Ron meant Nicole. Martha and Winston lamented Julie Hillyer's death and Orin's being widowed a second time. When Martha told Winston about the seance, Winston recalled reading a biography of Alexandra Mansfield Pollock, the wife of Monticello's first mayor in 1850. Cookie wasn't phased by Winston's suggestion that Alexandra was a wicked woman. The disappearance of a dozen eggs stymied Martha, while in the secret room, Frank was busy frying himself breakfast.

JANUARY 4, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,097)
Martha joked to Nancy and Cookie that the ghosts made food disappear. Cookie's head was filled with romantic ideas about Alexandra, the sort of wild, free woman Cookie longs to be. Vic noted Adam's bitter tone when Adam speculated Nicole is happy to let Ron cry on her shoulder. Adam called to invite Nicole to dinner, but there was no answer. Nancy took an instant dislike to Fred Burns, who stopped by the Marceaus with Celia. Frank jumped for joy when Nancy admitted to Martha she and Mike might buy a larger house to accomodate Cookie. Alone in her room, a despondent Cookie begged Alexandra to appear.

JANUARY 5, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,098)
Adam pressed Nicole for her whereabouts the previous night, but Nicole refused to answer. Vic tried to stall Ron's insistence on speeding up the divorce. In jail, Kate was stunned to learn from Adam that she may be imprisoned for two months. Adam balked at Kate's insistence that she can't be away from her husband's "spirit" for more than two weeks. Bill dismissed Jessup's desire to continue investigating Alexandra's spirit, then suggested he get permission from Nancy or Ron. Ron met with Nicole to talk about opening his own PR firm. A worried Vic spotted Nicole and Vic and misconstrued their intimate lunch.



JANUARY 6, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,099)
Jessup implored Nancy to use her common sense and allow him to continue investigating Alexandra's spirit so that he can prove definitively whether or not she exists. Nancy rejected Jessup's idea, stating Cookie is being ruled by her imagination, but Jessup and Nancy agreed to let Jim decide. Adam admitted to Martha he's disturbed by Kate's speaking of Frank as if he were alive. Jessup convinced Jim that he can help Cookie's recovery by proving whether or not psychic phenomena is at work in the Marceau home. Liz phoned Jim to say she's on her way back to Monticello with Orin, who stared blankly ahead from his wheelchair.

JANUARY 7, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,100)
Bill paced impatiently waiting for Jessup's arrival, then declared he couldn't believe being talked into another seance. Nancy delighted Vic with news that Laurie is returning in a week. Vic confided to Nancy he's going to propose to Laurie as soon as she gets home. Nancy and Vic speculated Mike's visit to Capital City concerned a narcotics investigation by the Crime Commission. After a physical examination of the house with electronic equipment, Jessup declared the house "spirit free." Bill made Jessup divulge his findings to Cookie, but while he and Cookie talked, the thermometer plunged down to 30 degrees. Jessup declared a spirit is active in the house but didn't know whether it was good or evil. Jim welcomed Liz and Orin home. Orin burst into sobs, begging Liz to take him home to Claybank.

JANUARY 10, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,101)
Liz fretted about being inadequate since Orin doesn't want to share the Fields' home. Jim evaded Liz's speculation that Jim is probably unhappy to have Orin living with them. Nancy searched the real estate ads for a new home. Mike returned from Capitol City. Bill brooded about Jessup and told Martha he wasn't impressed by all of Jessup's "scientific" gadgets. Jim was worried when Orin implied that they should all live together at Claybank.



JANUARY 11, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,102)
Nancy queried Mike about his business in Capitol City. Mike confessed that the Crime Commission is searching for over a million dollars worth of heroin that disappeared a year ago after it was to be distributed from the Monticello area. Mike revealed he's involved because Joe Dennison, a former client, offered information in return for clemency, and would only speak with Mike. Dennison stated the heroin shipment had been hijacked by a rival gang. Ron signed preliminary divorce papers at Vic's office. When Ron commented about being late for a lunch date, Vic insinuated it might be with Nicole. Ron insisted Adam is solely responsible for the rift between himself and Nicole - a rift that can be healed with a marriage proposal. Mike and Nancy telephoned Cookie with the news that they're looking for a larger house, but Cookie wasn't pleased at Mike's suggestion it would be big enough for Cookie to stay with them. Laurie arrived home unexpectedly. Mike phoned Vic, who was ecstatic to hear of Laurie's return. Laurie agreed to have dinner with Vic. Nancy told Mike that Vic intends to propose to Laurie at dinner.

JANUARY 12, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,103)
Dining with Mike, Adam admitted that he and Nicole aren't seeing each other personally very often. Nicole visited with Cookie and was uncomfortable when Cookie made references to being Adam's first girlfriend in Monticello. Later, Cookie claimed that even beautiful women like Nicole and Tiffany Whitney would be no match for Alexandra. Cookie told Nicole that Jessup is performing another seance tomorrow night and invited Nicole. Nicole was embarrassed when Cookie asked Nicole to bring Adam, and Nicole was forced to admit she and Adam aren't seeing as much of one another any more. Cookie told Nicole about Alexandra and what a wicked lady she was - stealing men from other women. Adam noted Vic's jittery demeanor when Vic and Laurie arrived at The Coach House. Later, Mike confided to Adam that Vic intends to propose marriage. Vic nervously gulped down margaritas while trying to muster the courage to propose.



JANUARY 13, 1972 (EPISODE# 4,104)
When Vic steered the conversation to marriage, Laurie admitted finding a husband wouldn't be a goal for her, nor would it necessarily bring fulfillment. Adam anxiously answered the phone, hoping it was Nicole, but it was only Jim. Adam told Jim he wants to visit with Orin. When Jim wondered if Nicole would be coming too, Adam said she probably wouldn't be able to make it. Meanwhile, Nicole phoned Martha to accept Cookie's invitation to the seance, but stated that she didn't think Adam would be coming with her. Mike confessed to Nancy that Vic is exactly the type of man he wants for a son-in-law, but feared that Vic wouldn't be able to muster the courage to actually propose. Thinking about Nicole, Adam set aside his pride and called her, but she was still on the phone with Martha. Martha convinced Nicole to telephone Adam, but when she called, he was already on the phone dialing her number again. After several failed attempts to call one another, Adam and Nicole finally reached one another, but faced a dilemma when Adam insisted they visit Orin, while Nicole said she'd promised Cookie to atend Jessup's seance. Adam solved the problem by suggesting they do both. Vic almost blew his chance to propose, but outside the Karr home, he finally blurted out a proposal. Laurie happily accepted and pulled Vic in for a long kiss. Mike and Nancy came to the door and saw that Vic and Laurie, locked in a passionate embrace, were oblivious to the fact that they were leaning against the doorbell.


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