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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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Widows, Geraldine and Tiffany return to Monticello. Geraldine realizes that they must try to put themselves back together, so to speak, and go on living, but Tiffany feels she'll never recover. Fearing that mourning will become Tiffany's whole life, Geraldine invites Nancy to visit ,hoping she can draw Tiffany out of herself. Unable to even see a guest, Tiffany escapes to her room. Geraldine hires John and Trudy, Orin Hillyer's former butler and maid.

Vic practically destroyed after hearing Laurie testifying to "an affair" with Johnny Dallas has been drinking steadily and morosely. Laurie is frantic that Vic has not returned home. The next day Vic comes home for his clothes, and Laurie makes him read the letter of explanation which he overlooked before rushing to court yesterday. Afterward Vic agrees to go out for coffee to talk it out, but when he answers the phone and finds Johnny is calling, he wordlessly walks out. Ironically Johnny was calling to tell Laurie that he has seen Vic and he is all right. Kay Reynolds seeks Vic, and expressing regret that her suspicions about Laurie and Johnny were true, offers him any consolation he'd like. He tells Kay it has hit him so hard that he can't go home back to Laurie. Meanwhile, Lauire is depressed and believes that her marriage is over. When Vic and Laurie accidentally meet he makes it clear he feels she is involved with Johnny and mentions that Kay reminded him he's a good divorce lawyer. He adds that he is not actually ready to talk divorce but he is not ready to think about reconciliation either. Laurie visits Johnny at the restaurant to talk about Vic, then Vic and Kay walk in for lunch. Johnny coolly suggests that they be adult about this and all have lunch together. Laurie says she is not that sophisticated and runs out.

Mike Karr rests the defense case for Adam and is badly depressed that he did not a strong convincing closing argument.

In San Francisco, Kevin confronts Joel about changing the time on his watch the night of the murder. Joel replies that he was only testing Kevin's powers of observation as a detective, and Kevin can't shake this story as there is no motive to tie Joel to the murder. However, when Lucy Wilson slips and mentions Jake was their stepfather and that Joel is her brother, Kevin realizes that Joel's motive was revenge for Jake killing Joel's mother Edith. Changing the time provided Joel's alibi. Kevin confronts Joel with the theory. Realizing that Kevin will go to the police, Joel pulls a gun on him and forces him to drive to a deserted cemetery, where he and Lucy used to bury their dead pets. At gunpoint, Joel forces Kevin to dig his own grave.

Worried by Kevin's prolonged disappearance, Phoebe calls Bill in Monticello who has the San Francisco PD put an APB out for Joel. She then calls Lucy and tells her Kevin's theory. Lucy can't believe the story, but after she discovers that Joel's gun is gone from his desk, she recalls Joel's lifelong lack of emotion over cruelty and his impassiveness toward killing. Lucy then remembers the graveyard and drives there with Phoebe. They arrive just as Kevin, trying to escape, is shot in the leg by Joel. Lucy manages to stop him from killing Kevin, and he gives her the gun, realizing that it is all over. They take Kevin to the hospital where his injury is found to be not serious. Joel signs a full confession. Back in Monticello, Judge Blackwell rushes through an immediate release for Adam, who hurries home to his overjoyed wife, Nicole. Mike asks Adam to rejoin the law firm again as his partner once again.

Geraldine Whitney realizes Adam has the same charisma and quality Colin did, and after having his background checked, she tells Tiffany that Adam could go far. Geraldine remarks that she is going to do Adam the biggest favor of his life.




Martha continues to direct her anxiety and depression toward Phoebe's relationship with Kevin, implying that they are going to live together. Actually, Phoebe has made it clear to Kevin that she will only live with a man after marriage. They agree they are not ready for that yet. Martha sees Dr. Lacey, who says Martha's moods swings are due to menopause. He prescribes tranquilizers, but they don't help much. Continued pressure from Martha causes Phoebe to get a place of her own. Martha turns her attention to babysitting for Jason Fields, Liz and Jim's baby. But, Martha becomes so possessive of the child that she creates a scene when Liz comes home early from a trip to Canada. Martha accuses Liz of not trusting her with the baby. Liz fears that Martha is too dependent on the baby but realizes it would hurt Martha deeply to be kept completely away from Jason. Liz tries to maintain the relationship with Martha but on a less frequent basis.

Following his exoneration of the Jake Berman murder, Adam becomes quite a celebrity. Geraldine decides Adam is destined to be in public service and spares no effort to convince him of this. Nicole fears a life in public service will hurt their marriage, so she subtly discourages it. Adam rejoins Mike at work, but Geraldine's leak to the press that Adam accepted a bid for the senatorial nomination swings the balance, and he decides to let it stand. Geraldine puts the wheels of a well- oiled campaign in gear, as the public relation set up begins. Tiffany reminds them that Nicole's father, a crooked politician, is in prison for a conviction of being the head of a loan shark ring, and when the public realizes this, Adam's political career will be over before it begins. Nicole is apprehensive at a request from Ben Travis, her father, that she visit. After his conviction, Ben had insisted that she forget his existence. A secret, unpublicized visit is arranged. Learning that Nicole has agreed to visit, Travis makes the prison chaplain promise not to tell Nicole that her father is dying.

The movement of a crime syndicate into Monticello troubles state and local law enforcement. When a former cellmate of Johnny Dallas is killed gangland style, Johnny is questioned by the police, but he denies any knowledge. The syndicate is aware of this questioning and roughs up Johnny's restaurant as a warning to keep on "knowing nothing".

Vic Lamont succumbs to Kay Reynolds' pressure that he leave Mike Karr's law firm and open his own office on the strength of a very large account- her father's new electronics company. Kay finds an office for Vic and arranges a loan from her father to open the office. Kay invites Vic to her home for dinner and, having drunk too much, he awakens hung over in Kay's bed to find her father Walter LePage standing beside the bed. At his next meeting with LePage, over dinner, Vic drinks too much again, causing LePage to note that Vic can't hold his liquor. LePage cryptically tells Vic that he gave Ashley Reynolds a job for Kay's sake and Ashley did well. Now he's helping Vic for Kay, and hopes Vic can do as well as Ashley.

Laurie is miserable and depressed, since her situation with Vic is tenuous. He's made no decision on whether they have a future or not. Finally, Laurie sublets her apartment to Phoebe and moves back home with her parents. Johnny's declaration that he loves her only complicates things for Laurie. She painfully tells him that they have to be friends only. Mike asks Vic to consider that he's left Laurie on tenterhooks about their future. Vic solves the problem by bringing Laurie legal separation papers.




Adam hears a rumor that DA Peter Quinn is going to challenge Adam for the party's senate nomination. Kevin rankles under Geraldine's pressure that he clear virtually all stories through her. He agrees to accept the newspaper's assignment to follow Adam's campaign. Phoebe realizes that she never gets to see Kevin, now that he is constantly with Geraldine on the campaign trail. Geraldine continues to notice similarities between Kevin and her dead son Keith.

Nicole visits her father in prison. Ben tells her that he called her there to persuade Adam not to run for the senate. Travis warns it will ruin their marriage. Nicole is shocked to learn her father is terminally ill, and she has mixed feelings when the governor agrees to pardon Ben into her custody. Considering Nicole's feelings instead of the voters', Adam arranges for Ben to live with them. At home, Ben continues to pressure Adam to give up politics, pointing out that Geraldine is virtually running his life.

With another gangland killing in Monticello, the crime commission is reconvened, and Mike Karr is appointed the chairmanship. It is felt two or more rival gangs have moved into the city. When Johnny refuses the mob's offer to buy into his New Moon Caf�, they return to terrorize and assault his employee Danny Micelli. Johnny tells Danny that if anything else happens, he will go to the police.

Realizing Vic has no intentions of reconciling, Laurie signs the separation papers and calls to say that she is bringing then over. Kay answers the phone and tells her to come by. When Laurie arrives, Kay makes sure that Laurie finds her in her bathrobe and Vic in the shower. Shocked, Laurie hands Kay the papers and leaves no message. Hurt and confused, she visits Johnny at the New Moon and resumes playing the piano there. Feeling this is another barrier between a reconciliation with Vic, Nancy is upset.

Walter LePage compliments Vic on his work but makes it clear that he sees Vic as an investment in Kay's future and will keep an eye on him for Kay. Vic replies that he is nobody's property.

Feeling bad for Martha, Liz Fields relents and allows her to visit Jason again. Once more, Martha assumes control of the baby. Jim warns Bill that Martha is becoming addicted to Jason and the situation has to stop. When Liz informs Martha that a regular babysitter for Jason has been hired, Martha is crushed. She becomes hysterical, raving that Liz is a poor mother, and then she collapses. Coming to, Martha realizes she needs help and agrees to see Jim professionally.

On tranquilizers, she visits Jason when the Fields are out, which upsets the babysitter and makes the situation worse. Nancy suggests Martha consider adoption. Martha agrees, and she visits Lt. Chandler's wife Ada, who runs an adoption agency. Learning their age would not be against them, Martha begins to file the papers. She is very happy and high spirited; sure she will become a mother. Bill meets with Ada and mentions that he feels adoption for him at this age is absolutely out of the question.



MARCH 1974

Ben Travis' caretaker arrives in the person of male nurse Morlock Sevigny, but he prefers just to be called Morlock. He is a cold, quiet man with no references, as his previous employers have also been terminally ill. He insists he will get his own apartment.

Seeing that his attempt to persuade Adam to give up politics has failed, Ben ensures that his obvious pain makes Nicole feel she must stay with him, instead of accompanying Adam on the campaign trail. Ben confides to Morlock that if Adam wins the senate seat, Nicole will lose everything, since Adam will not care about anything except power and glory. As Ben predicts, Geraldine now monopolizes Adam. Ben points this out to Nicole, making sure she believes all of her problems are due to politics.

Geraldine and the Whitney advisors continue to run Adam's political campaign. When Adam chafes under Geraldine's limits on his speeches and stands, she explains a certain amount of moderation is needed, as idealism and unfashionable stands scare off the voters. She insists that the speeches say what the voters want to hear.

Phoebe resents Geraldine's over-involvement in Kevin's life. Geraldine shows Kevin pictures of the late Keith Whitney and points out the similarities between both men. She tells Kevin to think of her as family, while smoothing his career path and caring for him as she would a son. Tiffany is horrified by Geraldine's attempts to turn Kevin into Keith and Adam into Colin, thereby having her two sons back.

Nicole's loneliness, caused by Ben's sabotaging Adam's calls to her, convinces Adam to cancel half the tour and return home. Geraldine clings to Kevin and states that Adam quitting the campaign would be like losing Colin again.

Bill feels terrible that his off-hand remark to Ada Chandler has irreconcilably ended his and Martha's chances of adopting a baby through any agency. Deeply depressed, Martha feels she will never have a child. However, private attorney Paul Fairchild approaches Martha about a private adoption. He has Martha meet Taffy Sims, an unwed mother with a young child she can not keep. Fairchild explains that there will be expenses, medical bills, etc., a few thousand dollars, but that this is gray market, not black market. Taffy makes it clear to Martha that she not only expects her bills to be paid, but she also wants enough money to start a fresh life. She insists on $7,000. Martha is terribly upset, but Jennifer, the baby, is brought in, and Martha is immediately in love with her. Fairchild now proclaims it to be unreasonable, and tells Martha to forget it. Desperate for a child, Martha asks Liz to loan her the money. Liz agrees.

Annoyed that Laurie is playing piano at the New Moon, Vic tells her that he is filing for divorce. When LePage hears this, he informs Vic that he expects a proposal to Kay.

Seeing that force won't persuade Johnny Dallas to sell the half of the New Moon to the syndicate, Floyd Porter switches tactics and reminds Johnny he should repay the loan which Vic cosigned for him. Wanting to pay Vic off, Johnny decides to sell. Laurie overhears this and tells Mike, now head of the crime commission. Mike and the commission realize that although he has no record, Porter is very deeply involved with the criminal syndicate. The Karr's worry about their daughter working at the New Moon, but realize she is an adult, who cannot be told what to do.

When Mr. Roth, the elderly owner of the Laundromat next to the New Moon, refuses to sell so they can expand, Floyd reports to his boss...Morlock, who reminds Floyd that he's the muscle...it's his responsibilty to convince Roth. Later, the police learn that Roth has had an accident, and his back is broken. The cops are sure the mob arranged it. Johnny tries to avoid the reality of what is happening.



APRIL 1974

Everyone except Johnny Dallas is convinced that the mob had something to do with Mr. Roth's accident. Lt. Chandler, and then Mike Karr, asks Johnny to go undercover for the police to investigate the escalating crime in Monticello. Insulted, Johnny refuses to consider it.

Ben Travis' attempts to sidetrack and undermine Adam's senate campaign dissolve into sarcastic ranting and raving. Adam, with Nicole's support, decides that he will definitely try to win the nomination. Adam's speech is full of charisma, and a delighted Geraldine reports that Edward Hanley, chairman of the national committee, has dropped support of Peter Quinn for Adam. Ben insists to Morlock that he just can't succeed in getting Adam to quit politics. Ben is horrified when Morlock replies "you swore to us you'd make sure that he would not get the nomination and that's why you got out of prison". Ben suddenly realizes that Morlock is one of the criminal syndicate who approached him in prison about this issue. When Morlock adds that if Ben fails, Adam will be killed rather than allowed to run for the senate in the fall, Ben doesn't know what to do.

The night of the opening of the newly expanded New Moon Caf�, Ben learns that Adam already has enough signatures to enter the senate primary. On their way to the grand opening, Adam and Nicole are stopped by two muggers. Adam insists that he does not have any cash, only credit cards. One of the hoods grabs Nicole. Adam goes to take her back. The other hood pulls a switchblade and stabs Adam!

When Kevin develops a case of the flu, Geraldine moves him in to the Whitney Mansion. She repeatedly calls him Keith and professes her love, claiming she needs him there. Kevin warns her not to use her influence to further his career and consults with Jim about her need to identify him with her dead son. Unknown to Kevin, Geraldine discourages Phoebe from seeing him when she visits. Phoebe is furious and resentful. Explaining that she is very vulnerable, Tiffany begs Geraldine not to recreate Keith in Kevin and Colin in Adam. Tiffany remarks that if Geraldine does a good job with Adam, Tiffany might just fall in love with him.

The breach between Vic and Laurie widens, ironically, by fate. Hurt that Laurie is playing piano at the New Moon again, Vic files for divorce, as LePage presses Vic to propose to Kay, and Kay presses Vic to move in to her house. Vic decides he has to talk to Laurie first, but still reeling from the divorce action, she is with Johnny. When Vic walks by the restaurant, he sees them kissing. Vic then calls Kay and asks her to marry him. The following morning Laurie, while having breakfast with Phoebe in Vic's hotel, sees Vic and Kay come downstairs. Kay makes sure that Vic is forced to tell Laurie that he and Kay are getting married after the divorce is final. Later, Kay is upset when Vic gets drunk at the news that his divorce has been granted. Laurie happily finds that she can now tell Johnny that she loves him.

Determined that nothing will stand in their way in adopting Jennifer, Martha informs Bill that the private adoption includes $1400 for reimbursement expenses to Taffy Sims, and then she borrows $5600 from Liz Fields, as the actual amount agreed upon was $7000. With the money paid and the papers signed, baby Jennifer goes home with the Marceaus. Bill is tickled pink with his new daughter. Jim is amazed to learn from Liz the truth about the money and voices fears that the adoption is not legal. Meanwhile, Fairchild assures Martha that Taffy has left town. However, Martha is stunned when Taffy shows up demanding another $1000, since Fairchild took $1000 as his attorney's fee. Taffy warns she won't leave town until Martha pays the difference. Fairchild threatens Taffy for going to the Marceaus' house. Bill insists that Fairchild set up a meeting with Taffy to warn her about blackmail, and only Martha's fear of losing Jennifer stops him from having Ms. Sims arrested.

Danny Micelli and Babs Werner, a waitress who had a crush on Johnny, discover how much they have in common and realize they are falling in love. When Danny asks Babs to marry him, she happily says yes.



MAY 1974

Shocked at Taffy's deception and extortion demands, Martha pleads with her to go away and leave them alone. But, when Martha's back is turned, Taffy grabs a napping Jennifer and disappears into the night. Hysterical, Martha begs Bill to find Jennifer and return the one thing that is important in her life. Bill contacts Fairchild, assuring him that although the police are looking for Taffy, they do not want to press extortion and kidnapping charges against her...they only want to settle with Taffy and regain the baby. Luke Chandler, who was suspicious of Sims' neighbor's glib answers to questions, returns and discovers Taffy hiding there with Jennifer. The Marceaus, Taffy, and Jennifer meet at Fairchild's office. Adamant, Taffy refuses to return Jennifer unless the Marceau's pay her an additional $500. Bill is just as adamant about not paying any more, but finally, for Martha's sake, gives in and writes a check for the $500, payable to "cash". After the Bill and Martha leave with Jennifer, Fairchild chuckles about Taffy taking a terrible chance, but she may have done them a favor, because it proves that Bill, the chief of police, is only human after all and can be "had". Later, Taffy returns and successfully pleads to remain in town to start her new life.

Waging her own campaign, Geraldine persists in her effort to adopt Kevin and have him change his name to Whitney, or perhaps even Keith. She tells Phoebe that if she stands in the way of Kevin's advancement, he may one day hate her for it. Geraldine's successful political victory for Adam reminds Tiffany of Colin's victories. She sees history repeating itself, but this time she is all alone and cannot help but fantasize about a closer relationship with Adam. Tiffany turns to liquor for solace and escape from Geraldine's effective tricks of replacing her dead sons with Kevin and Adam. Kevin accepts an interim assignment to do some articles exposing the rise of organized crime in Monticello. He forcefully declares his love to Phoebe and his subsequent rejection of all Geraldine has to offer.

Receiving his final divorce decree, Vic staggers in to the New Moon and tells Laurie how much he hates her. Furthermore, he is plunging into marriage again with Kay Reynolds.

After the first attempt on Adam's life fails, Morlock orders Floyd Porter to a risky second attempt. However, because of a last minute phone call from the Big Boss, Morlock aborts the attack by calling the hospital and alerting the duty nurse about a possible dangerous threat to Adam's life. Floyd has to retreat to the closet when a drunken Vic staggers in, and finding Adam asleep, leaves unaware of the danger to Adam. Morlock calls the hospital and insists on speaking with Adam. The ringing phone disrupts Floyd, as he is about to smother Adam with a pillow. Floyd manages to escape the room without harming Adam, but not unseen by the night nurse, who is puzzled about a seaman (Floyd's trademark) being there after hours. Bill is also suspicious when he uncovers the possible connection of a mysterious seaman and Adam's first assault near the New Moon, a known hang out of Floyd's.

Sufficiently recovered, Adam makes an election eve TV broadcast from his hospital room, and he wins the primary election. When Ben learns of Adam's victory, he confesses to Nicole that he is not really dying. Ben explains it was only a ruse devised by the mob to free him from prison, so that he would be able to stop Adam's campaign. Ben tells a horrified Nicole that he will be killed if he doesn't stop Adam's senate victory, but he hides the possibility that it is Adam's life that is really in danger. Nicole, stunned by this horrendous news, agrees to protect her father from being forced to return to jail and agrees not to tell Adam. Upon Adam's release from the hospital, the Drakes depart for a belated honeymoon at a private estate located on St. Anthony, an isolated island near Nassau, generously arranged by Geraldine.

Adam and Nicole accept the offer to sail on a yacht, The Sprite, owned by Malcolm Dimes, a friendly neighbor. Unknown to the Drakes, Dimes is actually a member of the mob and part of another assassination attempt! When Ben presses Morlock for details about Adam's impending death, he is shocked to realize that these professional experts at naval tragedies were responsible for the deaths-at-sea of Senators Gordon and Colin Whitney. Blissfully unaware of any danger, Adam and Nicole set sail on the Sprite. As they enjoy the sun, the sites, and each other, Floyd Porter places a time bomb in the yacht's engine room and times it to go off that evening at 8pm. As the Drakes sit down at 8 for a lobster dinner, the bomb detonates, blowing the Sprite to fiery pieces. In the water, Nicole frantically clings to some wreckage, calling out for Adam, who floats unmoving on a piece of debris.



JUNE 1974

Luke Chandler, investigating the increased outbreak in violent crimes, recognizes Harry Johnson, a wanted criminal from Detroit. Luke suspects that Johnson may have been the one who assaulted Adam at the opening of the New Moon Caf�. Luke has Johnson detained for resisting arrest pending extradition to Detroit. Paul Fairchild represents Johnson and coolly asks Bill to release Johnson from Monticello, allowing him to return and face charges in Detroit. Bill realizes this would conveniently remove Johnson from Monticello, before Adam could return from the Caribbean and positively identify him. When Taffy Sims shows up again at Martha's, she allows her to believe that Johnson is her boyfriend, and says it would jeopardize the adoption if he were jailed locally. Since she further insinuates to Bill that she may depart for Detroit with Johnson, Bill, concerned for Martha's precarious mental health, finally orders a puzzled Luke to release Johnson for extradition immediately.

Kevin promises Phoebe that he will leave the Whitney mansion and Geraldine's clutches, but acquiesces "temporarily" when the news regarding Adam's disaster in the Caribbean seems more than Geraldine can handle. Phoebe delivers an ultimatum - they won't see each other "temporarily" until Kevin does leave the house. Just how permanent the separation will be is up to him. Kevin plays on Phoebe's sympathies, telling her his life is in constant danger from the gangsters that he is reporting on.

Vic and Kay Lamont, just married, appear to be on rocky ground already. Vic is broken up about the news of his close friend, Adam. Fear mounts for Adam's and Nicole's safety as their friends and family wait for meager news bulletins from St. Anthony about the fate of the survivors. Through some miracle, a rescue boat finds Adam floating among debris, slightly injured, but alive. The stunning news of Adam's sole rescue reaches Monticello, and everyone is grief stricken over Nicole's apparent death. Ben Travis blames his weak will for permitting the destruction of his adored daughter. When Ben confronts Morlock with a gun, he realizes that Morlock's death, or any attempt on his part to expose the truth, would mean his own sudden and violent death. This realization about his cowardice renders him an ineffectual, broken man.

Geraldine and Tiffany argue bitterly over Geraldine's pending departure to St. Anthony to be with Adam. Tiffany feels Geraldine is more concerned about making sure the senatorial campaign is not interrupted, while Tiffany admittedly loves Adam and is deeply concerned about his welfare, empathizing with his loss. Arriving in St. Anthony, the two women realize that although Adam is physically fine, emotionally he has become obsessesd with the notion that Nicole is still alive, and she has been saved by some passing vessel that has not reported it yet. Adam demands that Lt. Hewlett of the local police trace down every ship in the surrounding islands, an impossible task. Enraged by the lieutenant's refusal, Adam attacks him and is arrested. Despite Geraldine's attempts to keep this quiet, the news leaks out, and political enemies have a field day with the possibility that Adam has become completely unbalanced and is no longer senate material. Mike rushes to the island, and appealing to Adam's rational mind, makes him realize the truth about Nicole's death. Adam, Mike and the Whitney's, enroute home by air, read about Malcolm Dimes' suicide. Adam learns that Dimes was under investigation for alleged mob connections and was due to give testiomony. This fact and the report that the police found a bomb fragment in the Sprite's wreckage fires Adam's obsession for a thorough investigation.

Back in Monticello, Floyd Porter arrives with blistered hands rubbed raw from his rapid escape by rowboat after setting the bomb on board the Sprite.

Newlyweds Danny and Babs Micelli return from their honeymoon to their jobs at the New Moon. Babs inadvertently overhears Floyd speaking on the phone to Morlock. Later, when Floyd drunkenly tries to kiss Babs, Danny stabs Floyd's hand with a fork. Danny feels it is fair retribution for injuries Floyd caused him when he crushed his hands in the piano at the New Moon. Babs, in an effort to apologize and ward off any other possible assaults, goes to Floyd's apartment. Morlock arrives, while Floyd hides Babs in the closet. Morlock proceeds to talk more "business" about the Sprite bombing, and then accidentally discovers Babs hiding. Danny, frantic over Babs' sudden disappearance, reports it to the police. Luke, suspicious about Floyd's fight with Danny, discovers that Floyd has disappeared also. Later, Danny is called to headquarters and tragically has to identify the body of his beloved wife, who was found shot to death in a nearby wooded area.

Nancy insists that Laurie invite Johnny Dallas home for lunch, but when he makes a surprise impromptu proposal, Nancy and Mike are shocked and disturbed.



JULY 1974

Babs Micelli's murder catapults Johnny Dallas into the dangerous decision to work for the police as an undercover agent to crack the syndicate. Johnny is to become Mike Karr's informant. Johnny is further warned that for Danny and Laurie's protection, he is to never divulge his undercover disguise. Disgusted by Johnny's sudden "friendship" with Porter, Danny angrily reminds Johnny that Porter may have killed Babs.

Kevin observes Porter, missing since Babs' murder, in a local bar and reports this to Luke, who immediately picks up Porter for questioning. The situation takes a dramatic, unexpected turn when Paul Fairchild meets with Morlock and is told that Porter must be released immediately, and Fairchild will have to "put the screws" to Chief Marceau. Drawn into the vortex of crime, Bill fears what the loss of Jennifer might do to Martha and learns from Fairchild the complete details of the black market transaction between Martha and Taffy Sims. Fairchild also explains that Taffy will now claim that Martha used the $7000 to bribe her into agreeing to the adoption. Even if the Marceaus wanted to prosecute, no judge would ever allow the adoption, because the whole case has become "tainted". The Marceaus are trapped into complying, and Bill grimly orders Luke to free Porter. Bill justifies his decision to Luke by pointing out the lack of substantial evidence against Porter, who is a valuable link for Johnny's undercover work. This seems reasonable, but Bill knows he really has compromised.

Laurie is overjoyed that her parents are giving her an engagement party and feels they've finally accepted Johnny.

Adam launches a crusade to bring Nicole's killers to justice and terminates his political career by throwing his support to Peter Quinn. Adam believes that the Sprite was bombed to stop Malcolm Dimes from testifying about his mob connections. With financial support from Tiffany, Adam goes to New York to investigate Dimes' associates. Geraldine takes Adam and Kevin's departure extremely badly and suffers from severe emotional depression, seeing their loss as the loss of her two dead sons all over again. In New York, Adam persuades DA Ruben Gardner to give him the list of Dimes' criminal associates, and despite the dangerous risks involved, plans to proceed with his own investigation. Adam is surprised to discover Tiffany in his hotel room, and although grateful for her support, he gently tells her that he is not interested in becoming more than just good friends. Adam, who has been followed, is later abducted by George Kelso's hoods. Kelso, who is also on the DA's list, states that Adam, not Malcolm Dimes, may have been the intended victim! When he returns to Monticello, Adam tells Kelso's story to Mike and Vic, but they cannot convince him to leave law enforcement to the police.

Morlock sets up a meeting between Ben Travis and the "Big Boss", the mob boss. The head of the Monticello syndicate is none other than Walter LePage! Realizing his life depends on the impression he makes, Ben insists he realizes Nicole's death was an accident and bears no hard feelings toward the mob. Furthermore, he professes to still be a loyal syndicate man. LePage tells Ben that he'll accept this but reminds Ben that the organization always must come first.

Drinking heavily, Vic admits to Adam that he's rapidly becoming a rich man, but he's not happy. Sarcastically, Vic says he was bought for a price and is no longer his own man...he is afraid of his father-in-law Walter LePage. Vic says that he finds he's becoming LePage's yes man. His sarcasm toward Kay makes it obvious that his marriage isn't making him happy either.




Adam keeps an appointment with Assistant District Attorney O.B. Henderson, who has dealt with George Kelso and knows he is a "straight forward" syndicate man-- that his tip about who was the intended victim aboard the Sprite was probably correct. Asst. DA Henderson turns out to be an attractive, vigorously independent woman named Olivia Brandeis Henderson--Brandy for short. As Adam leaves the building, he recognizes Harry Johnson as one of the assailants in his mugging. Johnson, garbed in a chauffeur's uniform, flees into a limousine, but Adam calls Bill to have Johnson picked up. Later, Adam accepts Vic's dinner invitation to meet his new wife and influential father-in-law. Everyone is stunned when LePage's chauffeur turns out to be Harry Johnson!

LePage claims he had no idea Johnson was a criminal, then Johnson is taken into custody. Paul Fairchild threatens to terminate the Marceau adoption if Bill doesn't pull strings and release Johnson within three days. When Martha becomes overwrought to the point of hallucinations about losing Jennifer and then promises to leave her husband, Bill desperately submits to Fairchild's blackmail. Bill starts to write a memo to Brandy stating "certain new facts regarding Johnson's alibi have been substantially corroborated", when Kevin, there on assignment to publicize the new Police Headquarters building, interrupts Bill. While dining at the New Moon Caf�, Harry Johnson, released on bail, is approached by Cheats, the hood who actually stabbed Adam during the mugging. Cheats claims Johnson "ratted" on him in order to get released. An argument ensues, and Cheats produces a gun, which he uses to shoot Johnson to death. As Bill and Kevin talk, word comes that Johnson, temporarily released on bail, has been shot and killed. Bill crumples and discards the memo to Brandy and leaves his office. Suspicious, Kevin takes the memo from the garbage can and vows to discover why Bill seems to be doing favors for the underworld. Despite intense opposition from Mike Karr and Phoebe, Kevin pursues his investigation, putting Luke on the defensive.

Faced with the possibility that Gordon and Colin Whitney's deaths were not accidental but political assassinations engineered by the same people responsible for Adam's attempted murder, Tiffany appeals to Adam to uncover the truth. Brandy tells Adam that although Morlock has no criminal record, there was a scandal concerning him and a young girl when he attended an Ivy-League college on a scholarship, resulting in his expulsion. Embittered and jobless, Morlock turned to the world of crime. She also shows Adam two medical reports regarding Ben Travis' terminal illness and suggests that Ben may not be a dying man after all. Adam threatens Ben with another medical exam, forcing him to confess that he was released from prison solely to stop Adam's senatorial campaign. Adam leaves to confront Morlock with this information.

At the Karr engagement party for Laurie and Johnny, Vic shows up drunk and throws a punch at Johnny. When Kay learns of Vic's visit to the Karr's, they argue bitterly, and LePage vows to make Vic pay for hurting Kay. With Johnny's acceptance of a dubious shipment of boxes marked "Delaware Foods", Danny becomes suspicious. Opening the crates, Danny discovers that they contain an arsenal of guns. He confronts Johnny,and infuriated, Danny quits his job. Johnny calls Floyd Porter and tells him that the guns put his parole in jeopardy, so he won't play ball anymore. Porter rushes to Morlock's apartment just in time to find Adam there. Adam, who has come to demand the truth from Morlock about his mob dealings, suspects that merchant seaman Porter may be the missing sailor who left the Sprite just before the bomb exploded. When Adam and Brandy present their theory to Bill, they are surprised that Bill isn't more willing to listen. Luke pledges to find the evidence to convict Porter.




Morlock goes to Ben's place and fixes him a drink. Ben accepts it, not knowing that it is laced with arsenic! Ben eventually passes out, while Morlock leaves a typewritten "suicide" note with a picture of Nicole nearby. He then reports to LePage that everyone will believe that Travis took his own life, and Adam will have lost the only possible link to the organization. Bill investigates Ben's death, and accepting the evidence as a valid suicide. Lt. Chandler, continuing his investigation into Porter's whereabouts during the last week of May(when the Sprite blew up), discovers from Porter's landlady that he was out of town and returned tanned, saying that he was on a "sailing trip". However, before Luke can arrest Porter, he contacts Morlock and exacts a promise to have him released from jail immediately. Morlock and Paul Fairchild enlist Johnny Dallas to provide Porter with an alibi for May 30, thus allowing Porter to slip through police lock-up again. Bill and Mike know that Johnny's alibi is "trumped up" but say nothing to keep his cover. When Martha finds out that the Porter investigation is still going on, she and Bill argue bitterly over his obligation to his job or his family.

Martha is very close to a complete mental breakdown due to the pressures of finalizing the adoption. Kevin further pursues the Porter investigation and questions Danny Micelli, now working at Willy's Bar. When Danny deliberately allows Porter to overhear his evidence about Porter being out of town in May, Porter brutally attacks Danny, nearly killing him. A hospitalized Danny tells Bill who attacked him, and Bill vows "this time he's not going to get away!" Fearing arrest, Porter rushes to Taffy Sims' apartment and decides to call Fairchild for advice. Fairchild shows up at the Marceaus to remind Bill of his "usual procedure" regarding Porter, forcing Bill to make a momentous decision that stuns the entire city of Monticello. After more than 30 years in law enforcement and 16 years as Chief of Police, Bill resigns! Bill's public reason is "ill health", which few of his friends believe. Morlock and Fairchild, in a last ditch attempt to salvage a bad situation, plan to have Taffy obtain a court order to remove Jennifer from the Marceaus.

By the falling out between Johnny and Danny and the confirmation of Johnny's dealings with the mob, Laurie breaks her engagement to Dallas. Johnny goes to Mike and demands to be let out of his undercover assignment, even if it means selling the New Moon just so he can have a normal life with Laurie. Mike warns him that the mob doesn't like defectors. Johnny realizes how risky his decision is when Morlock and some hoods threaten not only his life but Laurie's, as well. Laurie observes these hoods hanging around, and she assumes Johnny is still involved with the mob. She blames him for lying about trying to reform. Fearing that he will lose the woman he loves, Johnny tells Laurie the truth about his undercover work. They go to Mike and tell him that Laurie is now one of the knowledgeable inner circle.

Relegated to persona non grata by father-in-law Walter LePage for his cavalier treatment of Kay, Vic is puzzled when he discovers while reviewing an "evaluation of recent acquisitions" list that the New Moon may be partly owned by LePage. But when Vic tries to tell LePage that a company he plans to buy is run by criminals, LePage scoffs. Vic promises he won't stop investigating this suspicious company.

Brandy is mildly disturbed by the arrival from New York of her former fianc� Noel Douglas.




Martha can't help but feel responsible for Bill's decision to resign from the police force. When Taffy, Fairchild, and Morlock learn of Bill's resignation, they plot to regain control of the situation. Sims and Fairchild present the Marceaus with a court order to regain Jennifer. The Marceaus contact Mike and Adam, and they discover that since six months is not up yet, the adoption isn't final. Taffy can reclaim Jennifer. In a tearful parting, Taffy takes Jennifer from Martha and unleashes a tirade against the Marceaus, driving an emotionally strained Martha to desperately attack Taffy. Requiring restraint from Jim and Liz Fields, Martha cries out that she could kill Taffy Sims. When Martha brings Jennifer's belongings to Taffy's apartment, Fairchild says that they will never let her see the baby again unless Bill reconsiders his resignation.

Puzzled by Taffy's cruelty, Adam becomes the Marceau's legal council. He visits Sims and learns that she will not let them see Jennifer again. Furthermore, Jennifer may be sick, and her mother doesn't appear to be too concerned. Appalled, Adam leaves. Taffy, bitter about having the child cramp her style again, threatens Morlock and Fairchild with the news that she'll tell Drake everything unless she sees some real money fast. Sensing from Adam that something was wrong with Jennifer, Martha calls Taffy and learns about Jennifer's alleged fever. Martha sneaks out of the house, heading straight to Taffy's apartment. Finding Martha gone and fearing she may have gone to see the baby, Bill calls Taffy, but she tells him that Martha is not there. Bill continues the search. Meanwhile, Martha enters the apartment and sees that Taffy has locked the "sick" baby in the bedroom. Martha is horrified at the sight of a loaded gun, which Taffy keeps "just laying around for protection". Taffy, rolling her hair, becomes vile and abusive. Martha picks up the gun and threatens her to open the door. Taffy turns suddenly to throw Martha out and the gun goes off!

Taffy collapses into a heap before an astonished Martha. Fairchild knocks and enters from the hallway. Examining Taffy, Fairchild declares that she is dead. "You've killed her," he tells a stunned Martha. Fairchild persuades Martha not to contact the police, but rather, to leave immediately since no one knows Martha was there. Fairchild reasons that while confessing won't bring Taffy back to life, it will ruin Martha's life. Martha returns home, lying to Bill and Adam that she just drove around to clear her head instead of confronting Taffy. Fairchild makes a police statement that he saw a shabby man running away from Taffy's apartment, probably an armed intruder wanting to rob her, though nothing appeared to have been taken, and the murder weapon is missing from the scene of the crime. Ada Chandler, representing the welfare agency, examines Jennifer and returns her to the Marceaus' temporary custody. Adam pleads their case before the judge and obtains a swift decision-- Jennifer is legally theirs. With their troubles apparently over, Bill returns to work. His first case is to find Taffy Sims' murderer. Martha, still haunted by the murderous sound of the gunshot, still shows puzzling signs of nervous fatigue which worries Bill.

From the sudden arrival of Angela Hillyer, Jim and Liz Fields learn that Liz'z father Orin has suffered a stroke. Angela confides to Liz that he has become hostile and claims that Angela is being unfaithful. Unable to contact her father directly, Liz decides, against Jim's wishes, that she and Angela should return to Italy with baby Jason.

Following his split from Phoebe, Kevin returns to the Whitney mansion. Tiffany accuses her mother-in-law of trying to incorporate the qualities of both Colin and Keith into Kevin. Tiffany, who coincidentally appears whenever Adam and Brandy dine together, has her curiosity aroused when Noel Douglas approaches her table. Noel suggests they have a great deal in common and could perhaps be of service to each other's "mutual interests".

Still grieving over Nicole, Adam finds himself drawn to Brandy but backs off from a deep commitment feeling, that he can not promise her that yet.

When Vic berates Laurie about her upcoming marriage to a criminal, she blurts out that Johnny is actually working undercover for the crime commission. Vic later congratulates LePage for not buying into the dubious company that owns the New Moon, but wonders why LePage man isn't more grateful for his advice. Privately, Vic tells Kay that he was wrong about Johnny's character and that Laurie is lucky to have landed him. Kay is puzzled by Vic's sudden change of mind. Meanwhile, Morlock warns Johnny that Drake has become too inquisitive and may have to be permanently stopped.

Johnny learns from Morlock that Floyd Porter was the one who bombed The Sprite, and that the mob will not let him bring them down. He passes this on to Mike and Bill ,but police protection is too late. Porter is stabbed and killed in the prison shower!

Tracy Dallas, Johnny's sister, arrives for his wedding to Laurie. Tracy insists she is clean from dope and would be grateful for a warm reception from her big brother, who once went to jail because he attacked the man who supplied her with drugs. When she is introduced to the Karrs, Tracy invents a larger-than-life account of her past, disturbing Johnny, who is already upset over her constant demands for large sums of money. Danny resumes working at the New Moon, and one day he discovers Tracy with her hand in the till. She insists she has a right to her brother's money.




Bill returns to work with renewed vigor. The Marceaus attend Johnny and Laurie's wedding. Martha, still haunted by memories of killing Taffy Sims, sees Taffy's image as the bride and faints. Meanwhile, Morlock pays Adam an unexpected visit. Pouring glasses of cognac for himself and Adam, Morlocks spike's Adam's drink with a lethal dose of arsenic. Adam picks up the glass, seemingly ready to take a sip, but later pours the contents back in the decanter.

After the Dallas wedding, Adam and Brandy return to his suite, and they relax. Adam offers Brandy a cognac, but she opts for wine instead. Adam has a drink from the poisoned decanter, and before long he gets cramps, sweats, and finally passes out. The quick action of Brandy saves Adam from death, and he immediately accuses Morlock of poisoning him. To Luke and Bill, Adam points out the obvious parallels between this murder attempt and Ben Travis' "suicide". Luke moves quickly to arrest Morlock. Even though Fairchild protests vehemently, Morlock is brought in for questioning. Fearing Morlock's retaliation, Fairchild goes to Martha to have Bill release Morlock, the full price tag being his silence about the Sims murder. Fulfilling his threat of telling the truth about Taffy's murder, Fairchild turns the screws too tight for the last time. Martha breaks down and confesses to the crime!
Martha explains how Taffy's death was an accident... the gun just accidentally fired. Mike arranges for Martha to surrender voluntarily and explains that it is not a question of guilt, but rather the degree of intent and Martha's ensuing concealment of the truth that must be dealt with. Luke arrests Fairchild, who claims to have thrown the gun from his speeding car into a wooded area somewhere between Monticello and Glen Eagle. Morlock is released for insufficient evidence, just as his lawyer faces a possible prison sentence. When Mike suddenly develops a possible case of hepatitis, Adam steps up and becomes the lead attorney for Martha.

Danny finds Tracy an impossible employee. He fires her, giving her a week's salary for a bracelet she wants to buy. Later, Tracy is detained by the jewelry store manager, who claims she attempted to steal the bracelet. Danny pays the man to let her go. When Danny says that he will expose her to her brother, Tracy lashes out, inflicting nasty gashes on his face. However, she later persuades Danny to let her return to work at the New Moon, in an attempt to make up.

Johnny and Laurie cut their honeymoon short. She finally admits that she blurted out to Vic that Johnny was working undercover. Johnny fears Vic may be vindictive and betray the confidence. Laurie assures him that Vic would never do something like that. Vic, resigned to the loss of Laurie to Johnny, reconciles with Kay.

Geraldine and Phoebe arrive at an uneasy truce over their expectations for Kevin's future. Kevin is immediately suspicious of Tiffany's new acquaintance Noel Douglas. Noel tells Tiffany that he is not sure that he is still interested in Brandy. On a date with Kevin at the New Moon, Phoebe is annoyed by the solicitous attention Tracy pays Kevin.




Mike is hospitalized and then ordered to mandatory bed rest for his case of hepatitis. Adam, menwhile, becomes increasingly more attracted to Brandy. Matters take a turn for the worse, though, when DA Ira Paulson assigns Brandy to the Marceau trial. She confronts Adam with her fear that opposing each other in court will affect their feelings for one another. Paulson further demands that Brandy not see Adam socially for the duration of the trial. This angers Adam, prompting him to reject all possibilities of detrimental publicity which could harm the case. Martha's fragile emotional state makes it necessary for Adam to accept an early trial date, even though they don't have hard evidence to prove she didn't have intent to murder.

Brandy opens the trial by impressing upon the jury that there can be no excuse for Martha taking the law into her own hands, and for Martha's later concealment of the crime. Paulson prevents Brandy from going to a festive holiday gathering at the Karr's with Adam. The prosecution's first witness is Luke Chandler, who testifies about Martha's outspoken hatred of Taffy. Bill fears this has damaged the case badly.

Kevin receives an anonymous call from a man, who claims to have the Sims' murder weapon for sale. Adam is pleased. Kevin obtains $5000 from the paper and makes the transaction, but shortly afterward, he is knocked unconscious from behind by another man and loses both the money and the gun. Adam is severely dejected. The weapon was the one piece of evidence that could have proved Martha's story of a defective "hair" trigger. Kevin, more humiliated than injured, can not be consoled by Phoebe ,who accepts his marriage proposal. Unbeknownest to them, Geraldine has secret plans to make Kevin the heir to her vast estate and does not approve of his choice of profession or future wife.

Tiffany finds Noel Douglas both attractive and infuriating. Not certain if he is really interested in her or her money, she finds Noel's cavalier attitude toward her upsetting. She admits she feels helpless about Adam's attraction to Brandy and is furious after she learns of Noel's recent visit to Brandy. When Noel arrives very late for a date, Tiffany accuses him of being at Brandy's first, and then sends him away. Later, after his apology, she agrees to date him again.

Danny and Tracy are constantly at each other's throats. He can't forget that she appears to be a thief and a liar, but for the sake of keeping peace in the family, he doesn't tell Johnny about Tracy's episode at the jeweler's. Confronting her about her supposed large lifestyle in Chicago, Danny finds out Tracy's former address and confirms that she did live in the upscale apartment. Danny wonders what profession would allow her to live such an extravagant lifestyle. When Noel Douglas arrives alone for dinner at the New Moon, Tracy recognizes him and tries to avoid him. Later, he corners her in the cloakroom, and when she rebuffs his advances, he offers her money for the privilege. Danny and Laurie are puzzled by Noel's interest in Tracy and her violent destruction of a note Noel left for her. On Christmas day, lonely and bitter over his memories of his late wife Babs, Danny grieves for the family that they will never have. Breaking down, he turns to an equally desolate and sympathetic Tracy.




Various close friends of Martha are forced to testify to her hatred toward Taffy Sims. Adam's forceful examination of Fairchild and revelation that the whole adoption scam was an extortion plot does not out weigh that fact that Martha confessed to killing Ms. Sims. Everyone in the court is stunned when a package containing the missing murder weapon suddenly and mysteriously is handed to the prosecution. With the case going so bad, there is only one thing for Adam to do: place Martha on the witness stand. Bill, fearful of his wife's mental state, goes to Mike and Adam and convinces them to let him testify. Martha begs Bill not to ruin his career by exposing his unfortunate "favors" for the underworld, but Bill testifies to his orders to release Harry Johnson and Floyd Porter because of Fairchild's threats. Adam calls Luke Chandler to the stand, who explains that those criminals would have been released anyway due to lack of evidence. Bill gets the support from the police commissioner who says that his actions because of the mob's strong-arm techniques won't jeopardize his job.

Martha then testifies to what happened the night of the murder. She says that when she was threatening Taffy with the gun, it went off almost by itself. Brandy then produces the gun and asks Martha to fire the gun in to a protective shield. Since Martha has to exert such force to pull the trigger, this negates her claim that there was a hair trigger - thus destroying the defense's case.

In a secret meeting, LePage says that he would get Vic to represent Fairchild should he need legal assistance. Privately, Morlock recalls his role in recovering the murder weapon and altering the trigger to insure that Martha and Fairchild go to jail. Morlock boasts to Johnny Dallas that Martha will be convicted which puzzles and upsets both Johnny and Mike. Kevin desperately searches for some clue to help exonerate Martha. He goes over the pictures of Taffy Sims body at the murder scene. At the Marceau house, Kevin shows Bill and Adam the pictures. Martha comes in to the room and when Bill's attempt to hide the pictures from her fail, she looks at them and says that something is wrong. When she fired the fatal shot, Taffy was rolling up her hair with curlers. The pictures of the body clearly do not show curlers in Taffy's hair! Adam's contention is that Taffy "died twice" that night. He sets out to prove that Morlock and Fairchild were the ones responsible for the death sometime after Martha left the apartment.

Ira Paulson and Brandy argue over her apparent softening of her cross-examination of Martha and demands that she show her mettle in another courtroom showdown against Adam. Brandy does not consider Martha's testimony about the curlers as real evidence. Adam and Brandy polarize in a confrontation when he insists that he will prove his case of reasonable doubt and will win Martha's freedom.

Jim Fields has been offered an important psychiatric post in Canada but has trouble making up his mind as Liz and Jason are in Italy caring for Orin. Trying to keep a hold over Kevin, Geraldine requests that Kevin and Phoebe postpone their marriage plans.

Danny and Tracy Dallas are getting along better which pleases Johnny and Laurie. Noel Douglas who is slowly captivating Tiffany Whitney, pursues Tracy to her apartment where he reminds her of her one time profession as a call girl. Johnny and Laurie are pleased that Vic and Kay are willing to put the past to rest and resume a friendlier atmosphere.




Adam recalls Paul Fairchild to the stand in a vain attempt to get him to admit that Taffy Sims was shot after Martha left the apartment. Adam has no recourse but to plead with the prosecution for a continuance so that he can prove his theory that Morlock and Fairchild engineered the whole plot to control Police Chief Marceau. But, Adam is denied the continuance, and he prepares his summation for the jury - hoping that he can persuade them of Martha's innocence. Mike, almost completely recovered from hepatitis, plans to be at Adam's side when court reconvenes. Ira Paulson, feeling guilty about causing a rift between Adam and Brandy, agrees to go to the Karr home and offer the defense an opportunity for Martha to plead guilty - hopefully gaining a lesser prison sentence. Adam adamantly refuses to consider their suggestion, because he firmly believes in Martha's innocence, but agrees to contact her and present her with this distasteful option.

Kevin is surprised and pleased to learn from Geraldine that he is to have a new and prestigious assignment as a world crime correspondent when the trial is over. He is unaware that Geraldine maneuvered the assignment in order to separate him from Phoebe. Kevin tells Phoebe that this would be a romantic honeymoon. Geraldine is not pleased by this as she does not want Kevin and Phoebe to marry. Joe Pollock tells Kevin that he must leave within a week to cover an important murder trial in London. Phoebe, unable to commit herself to hasty wedding plans, breaks off her relationship with Kevin.

Tiffany is swept off her feet by Noel Douglas' marriage proposal. She tells Geraldine that she will accept no matter her objections. Geraldine feels her daughter-in-law doesn't know enough about the background of Douglas' background and fears that he may be a fortune hunter. Geraldine is further disturbed to learn Tiffany plans to move from the mansion when she marries and fears being left alone in the large house.

Walter LePage learns that Kay has invited Johnny and Laurie to finner. He viciously berates John's character. In defense, Vic blurts out the truth that Johnny is really working undercover for the cops. Furious, LePage contacts Morlock who arranges to have Johnny murdered in an early evening robbery at the New Moon so no suspicion would fall on the mob.

Vic goes to the New Moon to pick the Dallas' up for dinner. Otis and Vinnie enter and hold up the restaurant. They hold the patrons at gunpoint and take all the loot. Finally as they are about to leave, one of the hoods turns to confront Johnny. Thinking it's all over, Johnny begins to walk away to call the police. As the hood asks Johnny where he is going, "You going for a gun" You're going for a gun, huh?" he fires a shot at his intended victim. However, Johnny has stepped further out of the line of fire and Vic is shot instead! The crooks flee. Vic is rushed to the hospital. Before wife Kay can reach the hospital, Vic dies with Johnny at his side. LePage is enraged that Johnny is still alive and orders Morlock to take care of that matter himself.

Because it appears that Johnny was the intended victim, Mike and the crime commission plan to expose Johnny's cover hoping to remove all retaliatory threats to his life. Alone at the New Moon, Johnny waits to tell Danny the truth about his undercover work. Morlock arrives to kill Johnny; however, Danny comes in just as Morlock has his gun trained on Dallas and interrupts the murder. Thwarted, Morlock viciously lashes out with cruel innuendoes about Babs to Danny. He lets slip that he knew Babs went to Floyd Porter's apartment on the night she was murdered. Danny lunges at Morlock and they have a brief fight before Johnny breaks them up and sends Morlock away. Danny says that he felt a gun strapped to Morlock and guesses that he came there to kill Johnny.

Otis and Vinnie go to Morlock for payment for their job at the New Moon. Morlock gives them keys to a blue sedan parked on the corner and the address of a cabin in the country where their money will be found. The thugs get in the car and drive toward the country cabin. However, as they reach the steep winding country roads, they discover that the breaks have failed, as they rapidly approach a precipice. They turn the steering wheel rapidly and then throw their hands up in horror as the car spins wildly out of control and crashes!

Later Danny goes to Lt. Chandler to tell him about Morlock and his possible involvement in Babs' murder, but Luke is too preoccupied about the discovery of Otis and Vinnie's bodies at the bottom of a gorge. Not getting any immediate satisfaction from Luke, Danny goes to confront Morlock and somehow force the truth out of him. Morlock denies everything. He asks Danny to leave so that he can return a call to LePage. Danny defiantly searches the room for the gun to prove Morlock had intended to kill Johnny. He discovers it in a bureau. Morlock tries to take the gun away from Micelli. The two men struggle over it. They tumble on to the bed. Locked in a life and death embrace, a shot rings out!



MARCH 1975

As the shot rings out, Danny jerks with apparent pain, but it is Morlock who rolls off the bed bleeding from a gunshot wound. He is rushed to the hospital. The police realize that the shooting was an accident and do not charge Danny with a crime. Morlock has a serious, but not fatal, wound. While groggy on painkillers and seeing a priest in his room, Morlock thinks the Father is there to administer last rites. Believing himself about to die, Morlock makes a deathbed confession to Adam to his numerous crimes. He confesses to his involvement in the Sprite explosion, murdering Babs Micelli, Floyd Porter, and lastly Taffy Sims. He explains that Martha was to believe that she had shot the woman but that there were blanks in the gun. After Martha left the apartment, Fairchild called Morlock over. As Taffy was unrolling her hair and demanding more money, Morlock picked up the gun, replaced the blanks with live ammunition, and shot Taffy Sims dead. Unfortunately this confession, although witnessed, was not given with awareness or consent - therefore inadmissible in court - and cannot be used to save Martha. Adam rushes over to Fairchild's apartment just as the crooked lawyer is packing to skip town. Adam confronts him with the details to the Sims murder and Fairchild crumbles. Adam brings Fairchild to the Karr's where he makes a full valid confession to Bill, Luke, Mike, Adam, and Nancy. Even though Morlock and Fairchild are imprisoned, Morlock remains silent about the real head of the syndicate leading Mike and others to believe maybe Morlock is the leader. When there is talk that the crime commision should be a permanent committee, Nancy fears for Mike's safety again.

Relieved that Johnny's undercover work is over, the Dallas' are elated to learn that Laurie is preggers.

Brandy finds her budding romance with Adam has abruptly ended. On a post trial visit to New York, Brandy's brother, Dr. Quentin Henderson, notices his sister's depressed mood and plans to keep in close contact. Adam does not want to forgive Brandy for her forceful attack on Martha despite his protests that he realizes she was only doing her job. Brandy and Nancy both suspect the real reason for Adam's attitude is his obsession that somehow Nicole may still be alive. The Karrs are disturbed to learn that Adam has been secretly running an ad in local Caribbean papers offering a reward for information about Nicole. Adam delivers to Geraldine her revised will which names Kevin as sole heir and is shocked to learn from her that Nicole had a first cousin, Serena Travis Faraday, the black sheep of the family, presently living in Capitol City with her publisher husband. Adam tells Mike he's resolved the Nicole situation and is no longer looking for her, but Mike asks if his interest in Serena isn't yet another search for Nicole.

When Kevin's new foreign crime reporting assignment begins immediately after the Marceau trial, Geraldine forces Phoebe to make a decision and let Kevin leave with out marrying her. Geraldine forcefully points out not only how prestigious the trip will be for Kevin's career, but she will disinherit him if they marry now. Phoebe not only finds herself without a fianc�e, but without a job as well as Jim Fields has left for Canada.

Without reservation, Tiffany accepts Noel Douglas' proposal, ignoring Geraldine's warning about not knowing enough about the man. Unknown to the Whitney women, Noel has been making regular intimate visits to Tracy Dallas reminding her of the old days in Chicago. Tracy insists she does not want to carry on the relationship once he marries but he has different plans. With Babs' ghost laid to rest, Danny goes to Tracy's apartment (while Noel remains hidden in the bedroom) and bumblingly confesses his love for her. Following the Douglas' simple wedding ceremony at the Whitney mansion, Geraldine's toast to the couple's future happiness is ominously interrupted when her champagne glass suddenly falls from her hands and is shattered.



APRIL 1975

Mike and Adam accept a difficult plagiarism suit against Capitol City Adelphi Publishers. They find valuable help in ending the case from Serena Faraday. Adam, curious about Serena who is Nicole's cousin, is caught in the personal problems of Serena and her husband Mark, who works for the publishers. The Faradays recently went through an acrimonious divorce. Mark explains his ambivalent feelings toward Serena, who has gained custody of their son Timmy. Serena, secretive about her early vagabond life as a child, appears to be privately tormented and reluctant to be friendly with Adam. Adam returns home after wrapping up the lawsuit expecting never to hear from either Faraday again, but he discovers that Mark has sent him an oil portrait of Serena as a gift. Later a distraught Serena calls and says that Mark has virtually kidnapped their son Timmy from his boarding school and refuses to relinquish the boy. Mark charges Serena openly of being an unfit mother because of repeated affairs, which she vehemently denies, and accuses Adam of being blind to the type of woman she is because he has fallen in love with her.

Quentin Henderson sets up his new psychiatric practice in Monticello with the help of his assistant Phoebe and his sister Brandy. Quentin is concerned for Brandy's depressed mood since her break up with Adam. Conversely, Phoebe is delighted when she and Kevin, recently returned from Europe, set a wedding date of June 6, the 3-month deadline Phoebe promised Geraldine she would wait so that Kevin won't be disinherited. Geraldine shows interest in the fact that Phoebe's new employer is young, handsome, and single.

The Monticello crime rate still soars even with Morlock's capture. The police fear they haven't got the hidden "man at the top." Walter LePage must answer to his superiors for Johnny's undercover spying for the police. Gerald Kincaid, sent by the mob, checks on Johnny at the New Moon and warns him his "business partner" will not tolerate further police association. Johnny is later puzzled at a slip of the tongue by LePage, who states that Vic was killed while saving Johnny's life. Johnny wonders how LePage knew about Johnny's undercover work before it became public knowledge.

Laurie miscarries her baby and worries everyone when she cannot cry. Laurie irrationally insists that she killed Vic twice, since she feels completely at fault over his death - and for losing the child she and Johnny were to name for him.

Tiffany and Noel Douglas return home early from their honeymoon because of Noel's "pressing business affairs." Unknown to Tiffany, Noel now has control of her fortune and has set Tracy Dallas up in a luxury apartment for his private entertainment. Tracy quits her job at the New Moon, lying about having a new high paying fashion job and making Danny think that he is losing her to this glamorous new life.

MAY 1975

Mark Faraday allows Adam to act for Serena and convinces him to return Timmy to his mother. Embittered by 10 years of an unfaithful marriage, Mark warns Adam that he will only be hurt if he pursues a relationship with Serena. In order to repay Adam for his help, Serena arranges a dinner date at her apartment after her long journey of driving Timmy back to boarding school. Adam arrives and learns from the building super that Serena returned already but left with a suitcase. A puzzled Adam returns to Monticello believing he had been stood up. He learns from Tiffany, Serena's old friend from school, that as a teenager, Serena used to suffer memory lapses. Meanwhile at the New Moon Caf� a group of boisterous patrons arrive and one, a woman named Josie, who bears a striking resemblance to Serena, makes obvious persistent plays for Johnny.

Brandy is appointed the liaison between the DA's office and the Crime Commission. Adam congratulates her and realizes how much he has missed her since their separation. They rekindle the romance. Quentin is concerned because he feels that Adam may hurt his sister again.

Tiffany decides to pay her old friend Serena a visit in Capitol City. When they return to Serena's apartment, they find the place in shambles and the message "Prepare to die" written in lipstick across the living room mirror. Since nothing appears to be stolen, Serena accuses Mark of this vindictive act but refuses to press charges when the police arrive. Serena pleads with Tiffany to go to Adam and tell him that she needs his help - not only legally, but to help her put her life back in order. She claims that all her life she needed someone with Adam's strength and kindness and fears that a misunderstanding has ruined her relationship with him. Serena says that she was asleep in the apartment when Adam arrived for their date. That night Tiffany is aroused by a phone call from Mark who has taken back the oil portrait he sent to Adam and wants to return it to Serena. Tiffany discovers that her hostess has dressed and disappeared. Tiffany returns home, deeply troubled by Serena's strange behavior and by Mark's seemingly irrational vindictiveness. She arranges to speak to Adam who reluctantly agrees to get in touch with Serena.

Meanwhile, the seductive Josie returns to the New Moon and finds a receptive ear when Gerald Kincaid is attracted to her fictitious claims about an affair with Johnny. Mark enters Serena's apartment with his own key and replaces the portrait. After he leaves, Josie arrives, finds a pair of scissors, and slashes the portrait in a violent frenzy.

Johnny finds himself entangled with the mob again when Kincaid graphically threatens Laurie's life by showing Johnny how easily a bomb can be placed next to his wife anytime. Kincaid demands that Johnny spy on father-in-law Mike Karr, who heads the Crime Commission, and discover the name of the secret witness who plans to expose everything about Monticello's organized crime. In return, Johnny will get his freedom from further mob obligations and complete ownership of the New Moon.

Desperate to become pregnant again, Laurie becomes completely hysterical when tests show that she is not pregnant. Nancy feels she should wait a while to completely recover from the first miscarriage and Vic's death. Nancy and Mike wish they could make their daughter realize that she was not responsible for her miscarriage or Vic's death.

At the Whitney Mnasion, Kevin accidentally leaves with Noel's briefcase. To discover Noel's whereabouts in oredr to return it the briefcase, Kevin opens it and discovers the lease to a luxury apartment signed by Tracy Dallas. Kevin learns of Noel's infidelity when the doorman at the apartment building confirms his suspicions. Meanwhile, to keep Kevin from moving out after his marriage to Phoebe, Geraldine plans to fake a "heart attack" so that her "son" will have to stay and nurse her back to health. She gets some pills from Dr. Lacey under false pretences. Upon returning home she takes them, and her pressure starts to rise. Kevin rushes home to tell Geraldine the truth about Noel and is badly shaken when it appears that Geraldine has had a heart attack brought on by her concern for Tiffany's welfare.



JUNE 1975

Carrying out Kincaid's orders to insure Laurie?s safety, Johnny places a bug in Mike's study so the mob can keep track of the Crime Commission and learn who is double-crossing them. However, after a moment of soul searching, Johnny removes the bug.

When the police finally contact a possible secret witness, Ernie Casper, who was high enough in the ranks of the mob to name the bosses, an all out campaign of strict security is put in place to protect the witness. Mike meets with him at a sleazy bar, Pier 19, and arranges to comply with Casper's demands of no police protection. Mike guarantees him a large sum of money and a new identity in a foreign country in exchange for his valuable information. As good faith, Mike gets Casper to agree to give the name of the mob's informant placed in Police Headquarters. When Mike arrives to the bar to meet the witness again, he finds that Casper has been murdered. Mike, Bill, and Luke are chagrined as to how their well-guarded secret could have leaked out. The whole story is then leaked to the press - presumably by the informant in Police Headquarters - and Bill is galled. This frightens the other possible witnesses underground.

Johnny believes himself to be responsible for the murder, but unknown to him, it was the bar man at Pier 19 who informed Gerald Kincaid and killed Casper. Kincaid, cleverly seizing the opportunity to keep Johnny entangled, gives him complete ownership of the New Moon. At a follow up meeting in Mike's study, Bill speculates that the phone may have been tampered with, but they can't be certain. Nancy is alarmed at her husband's dangerous involvement with hoodlums again and the threat to their home and family. Also, Laurie and Johnny have developed a rift in their marriage. Luke tells Mike and Brandy of the secret investigation that Bill has conducted to expose the spy at Headquarters, speculating that the spy must be in the only other office that has access to these confidential matters--- Brandy's office!

Adam finds himself further drawn into helping the troubled Serena. He assures Brandy that Serena is only a friend who needs help. Reminding Brandy that their resumed relationship is to remain casual, Adam learns that Brandy has trouble keeping her deep regards for him in check.

When she receives a second lipsticked death threat on the mirror, Serena calls Adam for help. She is convinced that Mark is behind it, and Adam is half inclined to believe her since Mark has a duplicate key. Mark denies any knowledge or involvement in the crime, warning Adam that Serena is using him. Adam is disturbed when Mark knows about Adam's plan to spend the weekend with Timmy, something Mark couldn't possibly have known. Timmy is awakened by a nightmare and tells Adam about a dark haired lady who has come to his boarding school to kill him. After the delightful weekend together, Adam prepares to drive home and realizes a small gift left in the car. He returns to Serena's apartment, finding the door unlocked and a terrified Timmy huddling in his bedroom - screaming for his mother to save him from the dark haired lady who suddenly appeared. Josie, hiding in the closet, manages to slip past Adam and get away before he has the chance to catch her.

Geraldine's simulated heart attack succeeds in postponing Kevin's marriage to Phoebe. Quentin Henderson moves into his new apartment and tells Brandy that he has fallen in love with Phoebe, who finds him a good friend and a firm shoulder to cry on. Geraldine accidentally overhears Kevin denouncing Noel's infidelities with Tracy. She demands Noel end all connections with Tracy as a price for her and Kevin's silence to protect Tiffany from ever learning the truth.



JULY 1975

After driving Timmy back to his boarding school, Adam returns home, perplexed about Serena's disappearance, and tells a pleased Brandy and Quentin that he has become involved with Mrs. Faraday for the last time. Suddenly, Adam is contacted by the Capitol City police and learns that Serena was found barely alive in a tenderloin hotel - apparently after attempting suicide by taking an overdose of pills. Pressured by Brandy, Adam rushes to Serena, only to find she has no idea of how this happened or where she was after saying goodbye to Adam before the weekend. She admits these "blackouts" are serious and says that she needs professional help. When Mark hears of the suicide attempt, he tells Adam he plans to take Timmy away from the "unfit" mother. Investigating the attempted suicide, Adam interrogates the motel desk clerk, who claims he saw a dark haired woman enter Serena's room. Adam jumps to the conclusion that this may be a possible attempted murder.

Under the direction of Gerald Kincaid, Josie takes up the task of disrupting the Dallas marriage. Kincaid has a spy network so entrenched that it includes Brandy?s private secretary! He wants Mike Karr's every move watched by his son-in-law Johnny and is uses Josie to drive a wedge between the already quarreling couple. Laurie is ecstatic to learn she's pregnant again, but after another near-miscarriage, she becomes pathologically over-protective of herself, which results in a widening rift between her and Johnny. She finally moves out and back to her parents, where she tells Nancy about Johnny's "affair" with another woman. Deciding to go to the New Moon for a possible reconciliation with Johnny, Laurie is met with the horrifying site of Josie brazenly kissing Johnny. Unknown to Laurie, Josie only did that when she saw her enter the restaurant.

Nancy's concern for Mike's safety is somewhat reduced when Mike reveals his plans to resign from the Crime Commission, because he feels personally responsible for Ernie Casper's murder. Later, Mike reconsiders when it is pointed out that his resignation would result in a victory celebration by the mob. Also, Mike prepares to deal with the unexpected offer of valuable inside information from Walter LePage. Fearing for his life, LePage offers to make a secret deal with Mike - demanding immunity, secrecy, and assistance in fleeing Monticello in return for the names of people only the head of the crime syndicate could know. LePage warns Mike their plan better work... or else they will both be dead men.

Josie has a momentary brush with Adam and Brandy at the New Moon but passes by them totally unrecognized by Adam. She returns to Kincaid's apartment, where she has been staying while working for him. When Serena suddenly awakens and finds herself in this strange apartment, she is shaken, bewildered, and runs to Adam's resident hotel suite , where he and Brandy are making plans for a weekend trip. Much to Brandy's displeasure, Serena enlists Adam's help in getting a room at the Monticello Arms.

Tracy returns to waitressing when Noel cuts off all financial support. Danny is happy about Tracy's return, but is sympathetic to her loss of what everyone thinks was a high paying fashion job.

Geraldine's fake heart attack successfully ends Kevin's engagement. Suspicious after a doctor visit, Kevin confronts Geraldine about the EKG test, which showed no change from previous ones and the perfect timing of the attack in canceling his marriage.




Mike learns from LePage about Johnny's working for Kincaid in order to get Crime Commission information. Johnny, drunk and depressed over the separation in his marriage due to Laurie's preoccupation with the unborn child, almost succumbs to Josie's charms. However, he is suddenly stunned by what appears to be bizarre behavior. Serena emerges into a shocking and bewildering situation and screams at Johnny to leave.

Terrified by her frequent blackouts, Serena turns to Nancy for support and is advised to see Quentin Henderson professionally. Nancy discovers a dark wig in Serena's bureau and mentions it to Mike and Adam along with her suspicions that Serena may be afraid to learn the real truth causing these emotional upsets. Mark again threatens a custody suit because he says he now has evidence to prove Serena an unfit mother.

Johnny and Laurie reconcile, but Nancy is still worried because Laurie feels that the unborn baby is an intruder the same way Josie intruded on their marriage. On a visit to Laurie, Josie is frightened off by the appearance of Nancy, who senses the similarities between Serena and Josie. Nancy asks Serena about this coincidental likeliness but unknowingly confronts Josie (who is pretending to be Serena). Serena/Josie shocks Nancy with the story that she has a secret, hidden disreputable "half-sister," who follows her around and causes trouble.

After an unsuccessful attempt to prove Johnny is connected with mob activities, Luke and Mike's fears about Dallas may be verified. LePage's information about Brandy's secretary Lila being the mob's inside informant proves correct. Weary from his confrontation at Police Headquarters, Johnny returns home and receives a call from Josie, who taunts him about leaving a lighter at her apartment. Laurie overhears this on the extension phone and throws Johnny out for his apparent deception and unfaithfulness. Laurie calls Nancy, who rushes to her daughter to comfort her, as Mike leaves for the restaurant to find Johnny.

Josie shows up at the New Moon, and a despondent Johnny, disgusted by her taunting, forcibly moves her toward the door as Kincaid walks in and quietly instructs Josie to leave. While Kincaid orders Johnny to pump Mike about the new informer, Johnny puts two and two together and asks Kincaid if Josie is on his payroll. Kincaid tries double talk, but Johnny realizes that he has been had and emotionlessly refuses to cooperate after Kincaid draws a gun on him. However, when Kincaid verbally threatens Laurie, Johnny wrests the gun from him and clobbers Kincaid with the butt of the weapon. Only Mike's arrival prevents Johnny from killing Kincaid.

After facing Geraldine about his suspicions of her fake heart attack, Kevin prepares to leave for good. Just as he informs Phoebe, he is summoned back by the news of a second more severe seizure which results in Geraldine's hospitalization. Tiffany and Noel are upset to learn that Geraldine had used some pills of Trudy, the maid, which are known to produce heart palpitations. The Douglas', suspicious that the recent heart seizure may have been self induced, agree not to tell Kevin about their doubts. Later Noel arrives home with a lipstick stained handkerchief monogrammed "Tracy" and is discovered by Kevin. As repayment for Kevin's silence to protect Tiffany, Noel tells Kevin about Geraldine's use of Trudy's pills to produce her well-timed heart attack.


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