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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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JANUARY 15-19, 1979:
Albert drowned Cody instead of Deborah, when Steve and Elliot came to the rescue. All of the Children murders had been planned by Cody without Elliot's knowledge. Raven and Logan named their baby Jamey. Logan stalled on an immediate wedding. April's cellmate Hannah convinced her that they could break out of prison. Nancy was suspicious of Diana's attention to Mike.

JANUARY 22-26, 1979:
Miles and Draper confronted Denise's father Gus, who made a deathbed confession that he killed Denise because she had planned to murder Miles then commit suicide. Before April learned that she had been exonerated, she and Hannah broke out of prison. Miles and Nicole argued when she admitted that she viewed Wade's videotape before destroying it. Winter asked Margo for a job. April arrived at her abandoned childhood home.

JANUARY 29 - FEBRUARY 2, 1979:
April had flashbacks about her past and saw a tombstone with her own name engraved on it. Draper and Miles searched for April after learning about her jailbreak. Raven confessed to Logan that she had paid Winter a visit to make sure it was over between Logan and Winter. Margo cried on Miles' shoulder about her lonely life. Nicole was unhappy to find Miles and Margo together. Elliot began drinking heavily.

FEBRUARY 5-9, 1979:
April continued reviewing her unhappy childhood and deranged mother. Miles and Draper learned that April's problems are linked to the old Cavanaugh home, which Miles left as a teenager. Nicole suggested that she and Miles slow down their relationship. Diana insisted on helping Mike after hours at the law practice. Wade's porn theater burned to the ground. Winter began working for Margo at WMON.



FEBRUARY 12-16, 1979:
Miles and Draper found April, who told them about seeing her own tombstone and a vision of her mother standing in the shadows. Miles insisted that their mother is dead. Draper learned that Miles and April's mother is only presumed dead following a supposed drowning. Wade blackmailed Margo and Logan to finance and legalize a new porn theater. Nancy was disturbed that Diana is working after-hours for Mike. Mike comforted Diana, who is having nightmares about her father's death. Logan was upset that Raven turned over the care of Jamey to a nurse.

FEBRUARY 19-23, 1979:
Margo got a copy of Wade's videotape of Nicole and hoped to destroy Miles and Nicole's relationship with it. Miles saw the tape but suspected that Nicole had been drugged. Later, Nicole happily accepted Miles' marriage proposal. April had another vision of her late mother, who said she's coming to see April. Tank declared his love for Winter. Logan broke off his relationship with Raven, who tried to discover what Wade is holding over Logan's head. Margo arrived at the Scott's apartment, while April insisted that her mother is coming.

FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 2, 1979:
Margo confessed that she's actually April's mother. Margo had given April to the Cavanaugh's after their own daughter (also named April) had died, which explained the tombstone. Draper was furious with Margo for not confessing the truth sooner and allowing everyone to think that April was mentally unbalanced. Elliot was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, but Diana convinced Mike to bail him out. Raven paid Wade for the tape of Logan's bribe, but later Raven learned that Wade had a duplicate and threatened to kill him. The police informed Wade that the theater fire was arson. Wade realized that Tank was the arsonist and threatened to send Tank back to prison. Winter promised Tank that she'd stop Wade. Miles and Nicole learned that Wade had drugged Nicole in Chicago. Wade blackmailed Margo, who loaded her gun and headed for Wade's apartment.



MARCH 5-9, 1979:
Steve and Deborah found Wade, who had been shot to death. Miles and Nicole were married. Margo burned an incriminating manuscript that Wade had written. Draper discouraged April from pursuing a relationship with Margo. Tank told Raven that he burned down Wade's porn theater. Wade's blackmail tapes were stolen.

MARCH 12-16, 1979:
Witnesses claimed that they saw Winter leaving Wade's apartment the night of the murder. Winter admitted arguing with Wade, but insisted that he was alive when she left. Elliot found new employment as Margo's "paid companion". Elliot found Margo's gun. Mike caught Diana lying about maneuvering his office secretary. Calvin comforted Star when she feared that she'd soon be unemployed.

MARCH 19-23, 1979:
Winter was arrested for Wade's murder. Draper was suspicious when Margo posted Winter's bail. Elliot convinced Margo to "keep" him, but when she was gone, he seduced her maid Sara. Steve and Deborah found one of Wade's videotapes. Logan saw the tape, which showed Winter and Wade together. Tank disappeared while being sought for questioning in the theater fire. Logan and Raven suspected that they'd each been at Wade's the night of the murder. Mike told Diana that he was fed up with her constant lying. Diana declared that Mike doesn't deserve her father's eyes and bought a bottle of acid.

MARCH 26-30, 1979:
Diana attempted to blind Mike with acid, but Mike was saved. Diana was taken away by the police. Cliff Nelson was assigned to prosecute Winter after Logan disqualified himself. Cliff was smitten with Raven. Draper disapproved of Margo's relationship with Elliot and her attempts to make up for lost time with April.



APRIL 2-6, 1979:
Elliot convinced a willing Margo to marry him. Later, Elliot shared Sara's bed, convincing her that they'll all make a lovely family. Raven refused to tell Logan her whereabouts the night of the Wade's murder. Cliff received an anonymous copy of Wade's financial activities, which implicated Margo's involvement. A hotel guest identified Margo as being seen at Wade's apartment the night he was murdered.

APRIL 9-13, 1979:
Margo announced her engagement to Elliot at a welcome home party for Miles and Nicole. Nancy learned that the Berry sisters, the chief witnesses against Winter, have a history of being involved in court cases. Logan told Raven that he'll marry her after Winter's trial ends. Elliot conned Margo into financing his new nightclub. Tank surfaced, insisted that he didn't kill Wade, then fled again when Logan called the police.

APRIL 16-20, 1979:
One of the Berry sisters identified Raven as being at the murder scene. Raven testified that she bought Wade's tape of Logan and claimed that she overheard Wade blackmailing Margo. Margo was a suspect because she was Wade's financial backer. Elliot learned that Margo's gun is the same caliber of the one used to murder Wade. After Sara taunted him about being Margo's errand boy, Elliot faked a robbery in the penthouse and anonymously sent Margo's gun to Draper.



APRIL 23-27, 1979:
April accused Draper of wanting to nail Margo for Wade's murder, but ballistics proved that Margo's gun wasn't the murder weapon. Steve and Deborah investigated the robbery that Elliot and Sara set up at the penthouse. Logan's political career was salvaged when Geraldine convinced the mayor to issue Logan a reprimand for his involvement with Wade.

APRIL 30 - MAY 4, 1979:
Cliff presented as evidence a videotape that showed a back view of a woman approaching Wade's body moments after he was shot. The woman was unmistakably Winter, but Winter denied being there. Elliot remodeled his new club with the help of Antoine, Margo's lackey. Deborah speculated that the robbery at Margo's penthouse was an inside job. Upon examining Cliff's videotape, Mike realized that the girl who shot Wade was wearing a different kind of coat collar than witnesses had testified seeing Winter wear.

MAY 7-11, 1979:
During his closing summation, Draper suggested to the jury that Tank had murdered Wade and chroma-keyed the videotape to make Winter appear to be the killer. Elliot told Antoine and Margo that he would be the sole manager of the nightclub. Margo encouraged April to take a job at WMON. April and Draper went house hunting. The jury acquitted Winter in Wade's murder.

MAY 14-18, 1979:
After being acquitted, Winter recalled shooting Wade. Tank, who had altered the tape to fool the jury, resurfaced and tried to force Winter to leave Monticello with him. Steve arrived and had a shootout with Tank who escaped to the roof. Before Steve could arrest Tank, Winter pushed Tank to his death off the roof to keep her secret. Everyone is convinced that Tank murdered Wade. Margo paid off a real-estate dealer to give April and Draper a "discount" house. Elliot hired Mickey Dials as his bartender at the Unicorn. Calvin remembered that he once arrested Mickey's teenage brother Joey. April urged Draper to defend Paige Madison, a young heiress who was arrested on a weapons-conspiracy charge.



MAY 21-25, 1979:
Logan and Raven were married. Nicole was suspicious after discovering that Tank's altered tape was dated the night of Wade's murder. Winter insisted to Nicole that it was misdated. April and Elliot learned that Margo had secretly paid off the real estate broker for April and Draper's new house. Cliff looked forward to prosecuting the Paige Madison case while Logan and Raven honeymooned. Worried that Nicole will discover her secret, Winter tried to kill Nicole with sleeping pills.

MAY 28 - JUNE 2, 1979:
Winter's plan to kill Nicole went awry when the sleeping pills turned out to be placebos. Winter decided to invent a stalker and sent Nicole poison pen letters. Margo introduced Owen Madison and his daughter Paige to Draper as potential clients. Deborah turned down Steve's marriage proposal because it would interfere with her career. Calvin lamented that his relationship with Star is going nowhere. Joey Dials was arrested for rowdy behavior.

JUNE 4-8, 1979:
Cliff tried to get romantic with Deborah after she and Steve broke up over her refusal to marry. Paige took an interest in Draper. Winter lied that she saw a mysterious man lurking around the Cavanaugh home and may be the man who is sending Nicole threatening notes. Joey bought a gun and plotted to rob a stranger, but he couldn't go through with it.

JUNE 11-15, 1979:
Draper accepted the Paige Madison case. Sarah was jealous that Elliot ignored her. Elliot took an interest in Raven instead. Cliff learned that he will prosecute Paige's case. Winter trapped Nicole at WMON and confessed that she had indeed murdered Wade. Nicole escaped into the rafters with Winter in pursuit. As the two struggled on a high catwalk, one plunged over the railing.



JUNE 18-22, 1979:
Winter fell off a catwalk while trying to kill Nicole. Winter was rushed to the hospital, and before she died, she told Logan that she did everything because she loved him. Paige was disturbed when her half-brother Brian arrived. Margo got fed up with being ignored by Elliot, who continued to sleep with Sara on the sly. Elliot daydreamed about Raven, too. Raven was fascinated by Elliot's come-ons. Joey attempted to rob a stranger and was pursued Steve. Joey pulled a gun on Steve, who shot him to death. Joey's gun turned out to be a toy pistol. Steve was devastated that he killed an unarmed teenager.

JUNE 25-29, 1979:
The Madison's were stunned when mother Nola arrived unexpectedly after checking herself out of a "drying out" spa. Paige agreed to turn state's evidence against her revolutionary pals if brother Brian would stay in Monticello. Brian feared that Paige's testimony would put her life in danger. Flattery got Elliot everything he wanted from a willing Raven. Sara learned about Elliot's relationship with Raven and threatened to tell Margo, unless Elliot continues to visit her bedroom, too. A guilt-ridden Steve quit the police force and became a cab driver.

JULY 2-6, 1979:
Margo hired April as her assistant. April discovered Elliot and Sara in bed together and threatened to tell Margo. Elliot fired Sara, promised to be faithful, and convinced April to keep quiet for Margo's sake. Paige's former revolutionary friends fired a shot at her.



JULY 9-13, 1979:
Raven dropped Jamey off with April while cavorting with Elliot. Draper was annoyed over April's willingness to take Jamey. Owen tried to hire Steve as Paige's bodyguard, though Paige insists she's not in any danger. Later, she was nearly killed by another gunshot. Paige secretly met with former gang member Jed, who assured her that their leader Tobias doesn't want to kill her. Tobias later told Jed that they have to get rid off Paige. Nola forced Owen to fire their housekeeper Edith, who caught Nola guzzling more liquor. Raven and Elliot plotted a weekend together with their mates at Palace Park, a couples resort. Calvin followed Paige to the Electric Balloon disco, where a shot rang out.

JULY 16-20, 1979:
Calvin saved Paige from another assassination attempt. The gunman tried to stab Calvin in the back, but was electrocuted to death when the knife struck a transformer. Paige finally realized that she's in serious danger and agreed to have Steve as her bodyguard. Mike turned down a New York job offer, which was then offered to Draper. Elliot and Mickey plotted to get rid of Antoine, who spys on them for Margo. Owen realized that Nola is hitting the bottle again. Miles and Nicole are joining Raven, Logan, Margo and Elliot at Palace Park. Raven plotted to see Elliot on the sly.

JULY 23-27, 1979:
Miles discovered Raven and Logan's affair, while Logan was on the golf course. Nola was jealous of Owen's interest in Deborah. Brian seemed obsessed with Paige, after disapproving of her being escorted everywhere by Steve. Later, Brian gave Paige a less-than-brotherly kiss. Jed tried to shoot Paige, but accidentally shot Calvin instead. Elliot and Mickey set up Antoine to make it appear he's stealing. April and Draper argued about Draper's New York job offer, as April doesn't want to leave Monticello. Nola hired a new maid named Louise, who's keeping an extremely large knife in her dresser.



JULY 30 - AUGUST 3, 1979:
Brian agreed to stay in Monticello for a while longer. Steve noticed Brian's strange reaction when Paige gave Brian a kiss in gratitude. Margo feared that Draper will accept the New York job and take April away from her. Margo urged a New York pal to prevent Draper from getting the job. Owen took Deborah out to dinner. Logan spotted Raven flirting with Elliot. Louise plotted to stab a sleeping Paige.

AUGUST 6-10, 1979:
Louise tried to stab Paige, who shot her. Louise escaped. Geraldine noticed the sparks between Raven and Elliot and warned Raven that any scandal could ruin Logan's political career. Margo succeeded in getting Draper's job offer rescinded.

AUGUST 13-17, 1979:
Mickey recalled substituting Joey's real gun for a toy one, after Steve shot him. Since Joey's death, Steve is gunshy. Raven left Jamey alone in order to meet with Elliot at a motel. A masked man, who turned out to be Tobias, abducted Miles and forced him to treat a wounded Louise. Margo didn't know whether to believe Antoine or Elliot, who framed Antoine for skimming money out of the till. Jed tried to shoot Paige in a parking garage, but Steve returned fire and chased him away.

AUGUST 20-24, 1979:
Miles escaped from Tobias after Louise died from the gunshot wounds. Jed donned a ski-mask, pretended to be Tobias, and tried to murder Paige. Steve shot and killed Jed. Margo hired Brian to work with April. Draper was furious to learn that Margo had secretly paid for the house in Oakdale. Nola was offered the lead in a jinxed horror movie. Margo hired a new maid named Jenny, who drew Elliot's attention. Meanwhile, Sara blackmailed Elliot.



AUGUST 27-31, 1979:
Tobias was revealed to be Mickey Dials, who assured Paige that he doesn't want her dead. Later, Mickey arranged to have Paige and Steve killed by gang member Zack. Sara and Raven had a catfight over Elliot. Sara warned Logan that Raven is cheating on him. Nola overheard Owen tell movie producer Eddie Vaughn that she's washed up, then she went on a drunken bender. Owen consented to direct the horror movie "Mansion of the Damned" with Nola as its star.

SEPTEMBER 3-7, 1979:
Owen spotted Paige and Brian kissing and reminded Paige that Brian is her half-brother, not step-brother. Mickey shot and killed Zack before Zack could murder Paige. Mickey really loves Paige and planned for them to leave Monticello together. Logan left on a campaign tour, but Raven feigned illness to stay behind for an assignation with Elliot. Eddie and Nola have a past relationship, and he admitted that he still loves her. Steve recognized Mickey's gun as being the one Joey had the day Steve shot him, and realized that Mickey had switched the real gun for a toy one.

SEPTEMBER 10-14, 1979:
Raven blamed Geraldine, after Logan returned early and found her in bed with Elliot. Cliff was jealous that Owen is pursuing Deborah. Bill rehired Steve. Logan prepared to fight for Jamey's custody, after ending his marriage to Raven. Owen and Eddie planned to film "Mansion of the Damned" in Monticello. Brian told Paige that they can never be together, so she agreed to runaway with Mickey. Mike and Nancy were in quandry after learning that Margo was responsible for Draper's New York job loss. Paige realized the extent of Mickey's criminal activities and refused to leave with him. Mickey knocked Paige unconscious and turned on a gas stove.



SEPTEMBER 17-21, 1979:
Steve arrived just as Mickey took his money and planned to leave town. Cornered, Mickey dove out of a window, only to discover there was no fire escape. Mickey plunged to his death in a courtyard below. Steve rescued the unconscious Paige. Raven decided to leave for London, and gave Jamey to April, insisting that April and Draper could raise him as their own son. Raven left signed adoption papers with them. All of the charges against Paige were dropped after she confessed that Mickey was really Tobias. Sara told Margo that Elliot and Raven had an affair.

SEPTEMBER 24-28, 1979:
Draper and April argued after Draper insisted that they can't keep Jamey. April is desperate to have a child of her own and moved in with Margo. Owen got chummier with Deborah, which infuriated Nola. Owen hired movie star Trent Archer to play opposite Nola. Reports of the "Mansion" curse seemed to come true as a light on the set suddenly exploded. Paige was hired to play Nola's step-daughter Patience Revere.

OCTOBER 1-5, 1979:
April caught Elliot and Sara together at the penthouse. Elliot threatened to throw April off the terrace, and during the altercation, April fell and was knocked unconscious. Margo offered big bucks to buy Jamey from Logan as a gift for April and Draper. Elly, the new Madison housekeeper, is superstitious. Weird lights began emanating from the "Mansion of the Damned" set. Deborah admitted to Nancy that she's attracted to Owen. Bill Marceau retired from the Monticello PD and joined wife Martha in Florida. Calvin was named the interim chief of police.



OCTOBER 8-12, 1979:
Trent collapsed after complaining that it was hot as the devil on the "Mansion" movie set. Paige was nearly crushed when a wall flat almost fell on her. April recovered from her fall and learned that she's pregnant.

OCTOBER 15-19, 1979:
April was convinced that she saw a ghost on the movie set. Trent fled back to LA, scared out of his wits. Nola took an interest in Elliot and convinced Owen to hire Elliot to play the Devil. Calvin and Star became engaged. Nola accused Paige of joining forces with Deborah to take Owen away from Nola. Chris Rafferty was hired to play Paige's leading man.

OCTOBER 22-26, 1979:
Owen offered Deborah kisses after her apartment was ransacked and she received mysterious phone calls. "Mansion's" director Jason Reinhart died of a heart attack after an unexplained accident on the set. Calvin asked to be relieved as chief of police. Derek Mallory was named new chief of police. Margo let it slip that she was responsible for Draper not getting the job in New York.

OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 2, 1979:
Nola is responsible for Deborah's harassing phone calls. Owen admitted to Eddie that he wants a future with Deborah. Nola and Eddie talked about the "pranks" they've pulled off to make it appear that the movie is jinxed. Deborah learned that it was all a publicity stunt. Paige was convinced that Nola is playing her witch role for real. Logan received his separation papers from Raven.



NOVEMBER 5-9, 1979:
Eddie realized that Brian and Paige are in love. Eddie urged Nola to confess the truth that he, not Owen, fathered Brian, so Paige and Brian aren't related. Nicole interviewed Derek Mallory, who very abrasive with his police officers. Paige and Deborah realized that Nola is behind Deborah's harassing phone calls. Deborah warned Nola to lay off because she isn't interested in ruining Nola's marriage. Nola decided to send Deborah a deadly gift.

NOVEMBER 12-16, 1979:
Deborah had her stomach pumped after Nola sent a box of chocolates laced with bug spray. Everyone suspects that Nola was responsible for Deborah's poisoning, but they couldn't prove it. After "Mansion of the Damned" was completed, Nola doused the set with gasoline, lured Deborah to the studio, and planned to trap her in the fire. Instead, Eddie arrived and died in the holocaust.

NOVEMBER 19-23, 1979:
Steve and Deborah realized that they still have feelings for one another. Steve promised to wait until Deborah makes up her mind about her feelings for Owen. Draper learned about Margo's connection with David Henson and suspected that she had something to do with his losing the New York job. Eddie's attorney arranged to have Eddie's will read to Brian.

NOVEMBER 26-30, 1979:
Brian was stunned to learn from Eddie's will that Eddie was his biological father. Brian and Paige were married and left Monticello. A furious Owen called off any reconciliation with Nola. Elliot planned to take Nola away on a Caribbean vacation. Deborah doubted her career competence. April confided to Nancy about Margo arranging for Draper's cancelled job offer. Nicole and Miles discussed having children, and Miles assured her that his mother's schizophrenia is inheritable.



DECEMBER 3-7, 1979:
Nola didn't go to the Caribbean. Instead, she disguised herself as an old woman, modeled after street lady Rachel Barnes. Nola called herself Mrs. Cory and moved into an apartment by Deborah. Geraldine informed Logan that Derek supposedly battered his ex-wife Ivy. Nancy and Mike noticed that Derek seemed interested in Nicole. Derek suspended Deborah, who investigated drug dealer Benny Hayes. Star and Calvin set a wedding date. Elliot set bait to romantically entice Nola.

DECEMBER 10-14, 1979:
As a favor to Nicole, Derek lifted Deborah's suspension. Nola bought drugs from Benny, which she used to lace soup that she gave to Deborah while pretending to be Mrs. Cory. Deborah collapsed and was hospitalized after eating the soup.

DECEMBER 17-21, 1979:
Deborah was released from the hospital when doctors couldn't find any reason for her illness. Nola paid Benny to get rid of Deborah. Benny gave the job to a friend, who abducted Deborah and dumped her in the woods. Deborah was nearly shot and killed by hunters. Derek was smitten with Nicole, but learned that his wife Ivy is coming to town. Nancy convinced Benny to give her an interview about his drug dealings. Miles was suspcious of Mrs. Cory (Nola).

DECEMBER 24-28, 1979:
Mrs. Cory (Nola) gave Deborah a Christmas fruitcake that was laced with drugs. Miles learned that the real Martha Cory was a witch who died, and Nola is impersonating her. Nola bought more drugs from Benny to slip to Deborah, who is becoming deathly ill. April felt that Draper is finally growing closer to Margo. Miles confronted Nola about her impersonation of Martha Cory and threatened to tell the police. Nola agreed to leave Deborah alone, but dumped drugs into Miles' water cooler.



DECEMBER 31, 1979 - JANUARY 4, 1980:
Miles drank the water Nola drugged and had a reaction that resembled schizophrenia. Mike promised not to interfere with Nancy's investigation of Benny. Elliot and Nola got cuddly and realized that they both despise Miles. At Margo's New Year's Eve party, a stoned Miles nearly pushed Nicole over the terrace railing.

JANUARY 7-11, 1980:
Cliff accidentally ate Mrs. Cory's soup and got sick. Miles' drug reaction caused him to accuse Nicole and Derek of a sexual liasion. Star and Calvin were married. April had a vision that her baby will be a girl named Julia. During an interview with Nicole, Derek learned that Nancy had met drug dealer Benny. Derek had Benny brought in for questioning.

JANUARY 14-18, 1980:
Nola and Elliot wanted to run away together, but Margo refused to give Elliot a divorce. Draper exploded after learning that Margo convinced David Henson to revoke the New York job offer. Miles had visions of Denise, who taunted him about losing Nicole to Derek. Miles consulted with psychiatrist Alison Perry about him possibly having the same schizophrenia that plagued his mother. Benny assumed that Nancy was responsible for his being questioned by the police and plotted revenge. Steve and Deborah planned to spend a romantic weekend together.

JANUARY 21-25, 1980:
Deborah and Steve were snowbound together. Miles hallucinated Nicole and Derek in bed together, then confronted Nicole in a drug-induced rage. During the argument, Nicole fell on the stairs. Miles moved to a hotel to avoid further injury to Nicole.Benny tried to assault Nancy and was arrested. Nola and Elliot were furious that Margo won't ever give Elliot his freedom. Draper told April that he could kill Margo for all of her treachery, then in a rage, he left to confront her.



JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 1, 1980:
Draper saw Margo enter the penthouse elevator. When Draper took the next elevator, he found Margo, who had been bludgeoned with a fire poker. Draper searched the penthouse but couldn't find Margo's assailant. Steve saw Nola dressed as Mrs. Cory and chased her, but she got away. Deborah told Owen that she loves Steve. Derek suspected that Draper bludegeoned Margo. Margo awoke. Elliot overheard Margo say "no" when April asked Margo if Draper was innocent. Margo died from head injuries. The police searched for Miles, who was missing in a drugged stupor.

FEBRUARY 4-8, 1980:
Deborah suspected that Elliot killed Margo. Elliot claimed to have been at a movie when Margo was attacked, but Deborah proved that he was lying. Elliot confessed that he'd actually been with a married woman. April was devastated by Margo's death. Draper wondered if April believes in his innocence. Nola admitted to Steve and Deborah that she posed as Mrs. Cory as a joke. Logan insisted to Derek that Draper couldn't have killed Margo. Nicole professed Draper's innocence to Derek, who pointed out that it's easy for men like Draper and Miles to commit violent acts.

FEBRUARY 11-15, 1980:
Miles resurfaced and attacked Derek, who had him arrested. April experienced premature labor pains when Draper was indicted for Margo's murder. Cliff hoped to prosecute Draper, while Logan vowed to find the real killer. Benny was released on bail and tried to stab Nancy, but Mike saved her. Deborah taunted Nola about Elliot's "mystery woman" alibi. Miles feared that he might have killed Margo.

FEBRUARY 18-22, 1980:
Derek urged Deborah to press attempted murder charges against Nola, whose name was on Benny's drug customer list. Derek realized that Miles' water cooler was spiked with drugs and stopped Miles from drinking another dose. Deborah talked Logan and Cliff into putting Elliot on the stand at Draper's trial. Nola learned that Elliot still has keys to Margo's apartment building. Oscar, Margo's doorman, testified that Nola visited Margo the night of the murder, but Margo had left the apartment after Nola's visit.



FEBRUARY 25-29, 1980:
Elliot's surprise alibi turned out to be Raven, who testified that she had returned to Monticello the night Margo was murdered, and Elliot couldn't be the killer. Later, Raven told Elliot she has to be a good girl in order to get Jamey from Logan. Derek vowed to nail Nola, even though Deborah and Miles both refused to sign complaints against her.

MARCH 3-7, 1980:
April gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Julia, Logan's mother's name. Draper was found guilty of killing Margo and ordered to leave for Redstone Prison. Deborah and Calvin searched for more clues at the penthouse, and Deborah found a wig-pin. April offered a job at WMON to Geraldine. Draper asked Logan to take care of April and Julia while he's in prison. Logan was suspicious of Raven's reason for returning to Monticello. Steve realized that he saw Rachel Barnes, not Nola, the night of Margo's murder.

MARCH 10-14, 1980:
Nola hit the bottle again, accusing Elliot of wanting to dump her and run to Raven. Raven teased Derek in front of Logan. Miles made amends to Nicole about his accusations of her having an affair with Derek. Logan promised Draper that he would take care of April and Julia while Draper's in prison. On the train to Redstone prison, Draper's police escort Sam Dwyer admitted that he'd attended Draper's trial every day because he believes in Draper's innocence. Nicole confirmed for Deborah that Margo sometimes wore wigs. A torrential rainstorm washed out the Grand Falls bridge, causing Draper's train to crash.

MARCH 17-21, 1980: Draper's police escort Sam Dwyer was trapped in the wreckage of the train. Believing Draper's innocence, Dwyer released him then handcuffed himself to a dead passenger. Draper escaped from the train, but received a head injury when the train exploded. Everyone presumed that Draper died in the train crash. Deborah confronted Nola with one of Margo's wigs, claiming it was the won she wore the night she died. Nola confessed that she had bludegeoned Margo before Draper arrived, then donned a wig and disguised herself as Margo, which is why Draper thought he saw Margo enter the penthouse moments before her attack. April went beserk when she learned that Nola confessed to Margo's murder, moments before Draper's death. Draper collapsed on the doorstep of a neurotic woman named Emily, who thinks Draper is a man named Kirk.



MARCH 24-28, 1980:
Draper has amnesia. Emily's father Leo Gault realized that Emily thinks Draper is her ex-lover Kirk Michaels. Raven attempted to kidnap Jamey, but her plan was thwarted by Geraldine and Mrs. Goodman. Logan almost found Elliot in Raven's bed.Leo promised his housekeeper Molly that he'd get rid of Kirk (Draper), but then he suffered an angina attack.

MARCH 31 - APRIL 4, 1980:
Leo read a newspaper account of the train accudent and realized that Kirk is really Draper. Fearing for Emily's sanity, Leo burned the newspaper so that Emily won't have to lose "Kirk" again. Raven got caught trying to kidnap Jamey again. April moved in Mike and Nancy temporarily. Logan comforted April about Draper's death and promised to take care of her and Julia. Logan wanted to have himself legally named as Jamey's father. Geraldine helped the case by handing over records of Kevin Jamison's sterility, which prove that he couldn't have fathered Jamey. Miles was unable to make love to Nicole.

APRIL 7-11, 1980:
Deborah became Jamey's "security sitter". Mike and Nancy unwittingly played matchmaker for Cliff and April. Miles admitted to Derek that he'll only rest easy after Derek has his own girlfriend. Emily told Kirk (Draper) that they had eloped years ago with the family jewels, but Kirk disappeared after a state trooper stopped them with news that Emily's mother died in a car crash while attempting to stop the elopement.

APRIL 14-18, 1980:
April learned that she inherited most of Margo's fortune and fumed that Elliot inherited the Unicorn. Draper underwent hypnosis to get his memory back, but confused being sent to jail with Kirk's marriage to Emily. Raven seduced Derek. Nicole and Miles finally made love. Cliff has his eye on Draper's job and told Logan that he intends to resign.



APRIL 21-25, 1980:
Derek resisted Raven's seductions. Jamey became ill. Raven fears that she'll be cut off financially by Nadine if Raven loses Jamey. April dreamed about Draper's death and a carousel. Miles accepted Derek's offer as chief of forsenic medicine for the police department.

APRIL 28 - MAY 2, 1980:
Mike and Nancy learned that their nephew Kelly is arriving in Monticello. Draper questioned whether or not he might have had a car accident. Elliot turned the Unicorn into a disco. Cliff is anxious to begin working with Mike. Unsure of his identity, Draper informed Leo that he'd like to compare his fingerprints to Kirk Michaels'.

MAY 5-9, 1980:
Draper matched his fingerprints with those on Kirk Michaels' arrest record, and they matched perfectly. With Elliot at the wheel of the getaway car, Raven snatched Jamey from the hospital while Logan was out of town. Nancy's nephew, who uses the stage name Kelly McGrath, is a puppeteer. Steve asked Deborah to marry him, but once again, Deborah refused.



MAY 12-16, 1980:
April moved into Margo's penthouse. Draper and Emily checked into the same hotel that Raven and Elliot are staying in. Logan was furious to learn about Jamey's kidnapping and vowed to retrieve him.

MAY 19-23, 1980:
Disappointed over Deborah's refusal to marry, Steve accepted an undercover job in Arizona. Emily checked with Deborah and learned that Kirk doesn't have a current record. Draper was hit by a car. Nancy and Nicole helped Kelly get a job with his puppets. Ravenforced Elliot to babysit, then slipped off to meet with Derek. Draper was taken to the hospital, where Miles approached him.

MAY 26-30, 1980:
Draper wasn't spotted by Miles when he bandaged after the car mishap. April gave Logan the letter Raven wrote before leaving Monticello, which proved that she abandoned Jamey. Leo remembered substituting Kirk's fingerprints for Draper's. Draper and Emily went house hunting and wanted to buy April and Draper's former house in Oakdale. Leo feared that Draper's real identity will be exposed. Raven tried to enlist Cliff in her scheme to win custody of Jamey.


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