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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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JUNE 2-6, 1980:
Raven dropped the abndonment letter over the side of April's terrace. Elliot retrieved the letter from the sidewalk below. Leo decided to tell Emily and Draper the truth, but before he could, he had a heart attack, fell down the stairs, and died. Molly vowed that she would always take care of Emily.

JUNE 9-13, 1980:
April agreed to testify on Logan's behalf in the custody trial. Deborah and Calvin tracked down Raven and learned that she's hired an inept babysitter for Jamey. Nicole is having dizzy spells. April planned to meet Kirk/Draper and Emily, who decided to buy April's house in Oakdale. Elliot kept Raven's abandonment letter to keep her in line. Logan kissed April.

JUNE 16-20, 1980:
A mysterious stranger named Jody tailed Miles and Nicole. April failed to recognize Draper's voice on the phone when he called to arrange for he and Emily to move in the house in Oakdale. Raven accused Logan of having a fling with April. Logan is falling in love with April. April and Emily became friends. While examining photos of the train crash, Mike realized that the position of "Draper's" body was wrong for a handcuffed man. Derek ordered Draper's body to be exhumed.



JUNE 23-27, 1980:
Mike's theory proved correct when an autopsy revealed that the body attached handcuffed to Sam Dwyer wasn't Draper. Jody found shelter at Gavin Wylie's dance studio, then found a job with Kelly at the Unicorn. April got Emily a job as Miles' receptionist, and Molly was hired as Jamey's babysitter. Raven revealed to Elliot that Jamey is worth a multimillion dollar inheritance. Deborah tipped off Logan that Kirk/Draper has a police record and may be pulling a con on April.

JUNE 30 - JULY 4, 1980:
Molly spotted a photo of April and Draper, realized that Kirk is actually Draper Scott, and warned Emily that Kirk must never meet April. Nicole was stunned that Jody's last name is Travis, which is Nicole's maiden name. Kelly was interested in Jody. Draper took a factory job with Jock DeLucca, then recalled a blond woman from his past.

JULY 7-11, 1980:
Cliff got drunk and blabbed to Raven that Draper wasn't killed in the train crash. Raven promised Logan not she wouldn't tell April about Draper, if Logan drops the custody fight. Jody revealed to Nicole that they're half sisters, since Nicole's father Ben Travis had an affair with Jody's mom Billie Lorraine. Gavin warned Kelly to stay away from Jody. April wondered why Logan Logan is suddenly cooler toward her. Molly confessed to Emily that Kirk is actually Draper Scott.

JULY 14-18, 1980:
Emily planned to tell Kirk/Draper the truth, but then he admitted that he is falling in love with her. Miles offered Jody money, but she refused to take it. Deborah and Logan decided to investigate the train crash, hoping to uncover information about Draper. Draper received free tickets to an amusement park, where he and Emily spent the day. Larry Watts, an amusement park employee, mistook Draper for the real Kirk Michaels, then produced a loaded gun.Deborah received a letter from Steve, who said that he's found a girlfriend in Arizona and will not be returning to Monticello.



JULY 21-25, 1980:
Emily feared for Draper/Kirk's life after he was kidnapped by Larry Watts and Larry's bosslady Frankie. Gavin and Kelly vied for Jody's attention. Jody was taken ill and moved in with Miles and Nicole. Logan admitted his love for April. Deborah was upset over Steve's departure. Frankie and Larry demanded to know where Kirk had stashed the money they stole in a robbery years before.

JULY 28 - AUGUST 1, 1980:
Larry and Frankie beat and tortured Draper when he couldn't tell them where the robbery money is hidden. Jody's interest began to steer in Mike's direction. Gavin punched a man who offended his manhood at the dance studio. Derek realized that Raven is using him so that she'll look more acceptable to Nadine. Logan learned that Emily had lived in the area near Draper's train crash and questioned whether Emily saw anyone following the crash.

AUGUST 4-8, 1980:
Logan learned that the real Kirk Michaels was killed in a payroll heist years ago. Frankie and Larry didn't believe Emily's story that Kirk/Draper is not the same man who double-crossed them in the past. Calvin strutted his stuff in Gavin's dance class. Kelly told Jody that he split from his parents, who believed that he attacked a girl in Italy. April suggested to Deborah that Derek would be a good new man in her life. Raven hustled to keep Nadine from learning about her true relationship with Jamey.



AUGUST 11-15, 1980:
Nadine fell for Raven's lies that Geraldine has been spreading ugly gossip about her. Raven told Elliot that she's off limits to him while Nadine is in town. Emily turned to April, when Frankie and Larry demanded ransom money for Draper, but Emily lied to April that it was to pay off a gambling debt. Kelly told Jody that his former girlfriend Karen had used him to make her Italian boyfriend Giorgio jealous. Giorgio beat up Karen then blamed Kelly. Raven played the "good mother" routine for Nadine. Derek and Logan investigated Kirk Michaels and ran a trace on the fingerprint card Logan took from Emily.

AUGUST 18-22, 1980:
Raven told April that Logan investigated Draper's death and has been witholding the fact that Draper might not have been killed in the train accident. After Emily confessed to Frankie, Larry, and Kirk/Draper that Kirk is actually attorney Draper Scott, Draper regained his memory. Emily and Draper escaped into the amusement park, with Frankie and Larry in pursuit. Logan and Derek learned that Kirk's supposed fingerprints match Draper's. Calvin and Deborah arrived at the amusement park and heard gunshots.

AUGUST 25- 29, 1980:
April and the police converged on the amusement park when everyone realized that Kirk is actually Draper. Just as Larry was about to shoot Draper, Calvin shot Larry, who fell from a roof and died, while Frankie was captured and arrested. Logan and Emily witnessed April and Draper's emotional reunion in front of the carousel from her visions. After Draper told Emily that their relationship is over, Emily attempted to jump to her death, was hospitalized, and slipped into a state of catatonia.



SEPTEMBER 1-5, 1980:
Raven told Draper that Logan and April had fallen in love while Draper was presumed dead. April footed Emily's psychiatric hospital bills. Elliot had the hots for Jody, who showed an unusual interest in Miles. Elliot suggested that Raven make Geraldine and Logan a monetary offer for the return of Jamey. Nicole didn't tell Miles that she's anemic. April and Draper decided to keep Molly in their employ.

SEPTEMBER 8-12, 1980:
Raven and Nadine had a strange conversation before Nadine left for the airport, where Nadine crashed her car and died. Deborah suspected that Nadine had been poisoned, but Raven had Nadine's body cremated before an autopsy could be performed. Elliot warned Kelly to cool his temper after Kelly nearly strangled a drunk who made fun of his puppets during a show at the Unicorn. Gavin noticed that Elliot is muscling in on Jody, who complained that Gavin is working her too hard at the dance studio.

SEPTEMBER 15-19, 1980:
Deborah continued to investigate the possibility that Raven poisoned Nadine, resulting in the car crash that took her life. Draper spotted Logan and April locked in an embrace, but April claimed that it was just a friendly hug. Miles insisted that Nicole be hospitalized when her dizzy spells worsened. Kelly was furious with Elliot, who made a pass at Jody.



During the custody trial, Raven testified that she never wrote a note relinquishing her right to Jamey. Later, Elliot taunted Raven that he still has the note in his possession and can give it to Logan at any time. Deborah learned that Raven will inherit a fortune if she attains custody of Jamey and realized that it's Raven's motive for killing Nadine. Emily came out of her catatonia and insisted that Kirk still exists. Kelly and Jody were fired after he punched Elliot for propositioning Jody. Elliot suspected that Raven killed Nadine and confronted Molly, who admitted that Raven served Nadine a cup of tea just before Nadine's car crash. Raven threatened Elliot's life, while Kelly vowed he'd kill, too, if Elliot makes another sexual play for Jody.

OCTOBER 6-10, 1980:
A jealous Elliot threatened to expose Raven's letter in court after he found Raven in Derek's arms. Later, while alone at the Unicorn, Elliot was stabbed in the back by someone wearing one of Kelly's hand puppets. Elliot left Raven's note in a magazine in his office. Martine DuVal, one of Gavin's former dancers, arrived in Monticello. April forbade Draper to visit Emily. Elliot's body was discovered.

OCTOBER 13-17, 1980:
Kelly asked Mike for help when he realized that one of his puppets was missing and he was being set up for Elliot's murder. Martine told Gavin that her current lover Sky will soon join her in Monticello. Deborah suspected that Raven murdered Elliot, because he had discovered that she killed Nadine. The police found Raven's custody note, which was turned over to Mike.



OCTOBER 20-24, 1980:
Raven lost the custody case after Mike presented Raven's note as evidence in court. April reassured Draper that she loves only him and not Logan. Jody was jealous that Martine is Gavin's former lover and dancing partner. Martine's present lover Sky arrived in Monticello with his menacing servant Gunther Wagner.

OCTOBER 27-31, 1980:
Nicole collapsed and was hospitalized. Geraldine stopped Raven from kidnapping Jamey. Cliff asked Mike to handle Kelly's case, and suspected that Raven was responsible for the murders of Nadine and Elliot. Kelly and Jody sealed their relationship with a kiss. Cliff learned that Kelly was acquitted in Italy of stabbing Giorgio, his former girlfriend's lover, in the back.

NOVEMBER 3-7, 1980:
Draper sent Molly to retrieve some papers from his office, and she bumped into to Kelly, who was rushing out of the building. Molly discovered Cliff, who had been stabbed in the back. Cliff survived the attack and claimed that the assailant had been a woman. Raven took a pillow into Cliff's hospital room and threatened to smother him if he doesn't stop spreading rumors that she killed Nadine and Elliot. Kelly asked Jody to provide him with an alibi for the night of Elliot's murder. Sky was jealous of Gavin's relationship with Martine. Emily admitted to Sharkey that she intends to leave the sanitarium and get Draper away from April.



NOVEMBER 10-14, 1980:
Emily stunned Draper with the news that she's pregnant with his child. Molly learned from Emily's psychiatrist that Emily is still mentally unbalanced. Jody confided to Nicole that she's jealous of Martine. Martine invited Jody to be a part of her dance troupe. Sky was revealed to be Geraldine's nephew Schyuler Whitney. Forensics proved that the same knife was used to murder Elliot and injure Cliff. Miles learned that Nicole will probably die without a risky bone-marrow transplant.

NOVEMBER 17-21, 1980:
Miles asked Jody for a bone-marrow transplant to save Nicole's life. Molly spotted Kelly's puppet show at the hospital, then feared that he was following her. Later, the police found Molly unconscious on the sidewalk, with Kelly's puppet by her side. Derek assured Raven that Kelly is the main suspect in the knife attacks. Miles feared that time is running out for Nicole. Kelly convinced Jody to join Martine's dance troupe.

NOVEMBER 24-28, 1980:
Nicole assured Jody that she doesn't have an obligation to donate the bone-marrow. Jody and Kelly decided to leave Monticello to escape their predicaments. Sky warned Gavin to steer clear of Martine. Emily taunted April that she will have to share Draper since Emily is pregnant with his baby. April suspected that Emily is lying about her pregnancy to trap Draper.



DECEMBER 1-5, 1980:
Nancy broadcast an appeal for Kelly and Jody's return after Derek issued a warrant for Kelly's arrest. Logan realized the basis for Raven's manueverings after learning that Jamey inherited the bulk of Nadine's estate. Raven met Sky and was swept off her feet. Draper insisted that Emily see a doctor to confirm her pregnancy claims.

DECEMBER 8-12, 1980:
Logan accepted a lucrative New York job offer. April and Draper were devastated to learn that Emily's telling the truth when the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. Emily took great delight in flaunting her condition in front of April. Jody and Kelly managed to get rid of a cop who showed up at their beach house hideaway. Kelly admitted that he's in love with Jody. Nicole's condition grew very grave.

DECEMBER 15-19, 1980:
Mike accepted the mayor's offer to be the new district attorney. Jody and Kelly decided to return to Monticello. Kelly was arrested for Elliot's murder. Jody agreed to donate her bone marrow to Nicole. Logan bid April a tender farewell before leaving for New York. Derek refused Deborah's request to bring Raven in for questioning even though Raven admitted to being in the Unicorn the night Elliot was killed. Raven claimed that she saw Kelly leaving the scene of Elliot's murder.



DECEMBER 22-26, 1980:
Emily warned Draper that if he doesn't stick by her, she'll get an abortion, but April wasn't fooled by the ploy. Kelly was released on bail. Raven told Derek that she was frightened by a shadow holding a knife outside her apartment. Nicole prepared to undergo the transplant surgery.

DECEMBER 29, 1980 - JANUARY 2, 1981:
Jody was hospitalized and underwent the bone-marrow extraction. Martine convinced Sky to hire Gavin as the director of the Whitney dance company after Sky's New York director decided not to come to Monticello. April found Emily asleep on the Scott's sofa and ordered her out of the penthouse. Raven persuaded Derek to give her a handgun and shooting lessons. Kelly decided to visit Raven and force her to admit that she lied about seeing him at the Unicorn the night Elliot was murdered. Raven was stalked by a knife-wielding shadow.

JANUARY 5 - 9, 1981:
Raven claimed that Kelly was at the Unicorn the night of Elliot's murder. Derek taught Raven how to fire a gun. April moved herself and Julia out of the apartment and into the house in Oakdale before Draper could tell Emily that he wants nothing to do with her or the baby. Draper offered to support financially Emily and her child. Logan returned briefly and urged April to reconcile with Draper. Jody survived the transplant operation. Martine cuddled with Gavin, while Sky entertained Raven, Geraldine, and Deborah. Alone in the Oakdale house, April dreamed that Draper and Emily slept there in separate beds. Emily searched for Matt Sharkey. Molly arrived at Raven's apartment and confronted her about who she saw leaving the scene of Elliot's murder.



JANUARY 12 - 16, 1981:
Molly confessed to Raven that she had accidently killed Nadine, after putting poison in Raven's sugar bowl to murder April, who was scheduled for a visit that night. Molly recalled stabbing Elliot and Cliff, because each had gotten too close to the truth. After her confession to Raven, Molly brandished a knife, admitting that she intended to murder April next. Raven managed to get Derek's revolver, but before she could call the police, Molly grabbed the gun in a struggle and shot Raven. When Deborah phoned Raven's apartment repeatedly and didn't get an answer, she speculated that Raven had skipped town. Molly arrived in Oakdale, and attempted to kill April with a cup of poisoned tea, but April didn't drink it. After April made Molly leave, Draper and Miles each phoned to persuade April to return to Monticello. Molly secretly re-entered the house after April went to bed, and, armed with a rope, planned to strangle her. April discovered Molly, who trapped her in the house as a violent thunderstorm raged. April hid in the basement, but Molly found her. As they struiggled, April fell and was knocked unconscious. Molly made a noose and prepared to hang April from the basement rafters.

JANUARY 19 - 23, 1981:
Before she could hang April, Molly spotted Raven, who hadn't been shot since Derek loaded the gun with blanks. Thinking Raven was a ghost, a terrified Molly lost her balance, falling to her death down the basement stairs. Emily remembered seducing hospital orderly Matt Sharkey, who is the real father of her unborn baby, not Draper. After learning about Molly's death, Emily lashed out at April, accusing of her of deliberately pushing Molly down the stairs. April warned Draper that the situation with Emily will only get worse now that Draper is the only person left in Emily's life. Emily insisted to Draper that she'll die if he cuts off all ties with her and the baby.



JANUARY 26 - 30, 1981:
Nancy suspected that Emily's baby was fathered by Sharkey. Geraldine asked Raven to move into her suite at the Monticello Arms, since Raven's place now holds too many unhappy memories. Raven accepted Geraldine's offer, but moved in only to get closer to Sky. Gunther mistakenly reported to Sky that Martine met secretly with Miles, of whom Sky is jealous. Nancy tracked down Sharkey's former girlfriend waitress Bobbie Gerard and grilled her about Sharkey's whereabouts.

FEBRUARY 2 - 6, 1981:
Gunther warned Miles to stay away from Martine. Sky romanced Raven on the sly, just as Raven had hoped. Nancy learned from Bobbie Gerard that Sharkey is now working for a private clinic in Eastmeadows. Calvin and Nancy both planned a trip to San Francisco to trail underworld crimelord Ira Gideon, who skipped town with a fortune. Mike was appointed Monticello's new district attorney, and later grew frantic when Nancy apparently never arrived in San Francisco.

FEBRUARY 9 - 13, 1981:
Calvin and Mike met in San Francisco, but they were unable to uncover any leads on Nancy, who has seemingly vanished off the face of the earth. Draper spent the night on Emily's sofa, after Emily claimed to experience pregnancy complications. Later, April discovered Emily and Draper together and angrily refused to accept Draper's explanation of the incident. Mike's panic intensified when the airline confirmed that Nancy had boarded the flight to San Francisco; meanwhile, it was revealed that Nancy is completely swathed in bandages and is being held captive in a mysterious location.



FEBRUARY 16 - 20, 1981:
Nancy is being held captive at the Rexford Institute by Sharkey and Dr. Kenneth Bryson. Jody rejoined the Whitney dance troupe. Gavin told Calvin that a masked man had assaulted him years ago outside a New York nightclub, breaking his leg and consequently ending his dancing career. Gavin suspects that Sky was responsible for the assault. Sharkey ordered Bobbie to keep quiet about Nancy's visit with her and request for information about him. Mike was desperate to find Nancy.

FEBRUARY 23 - 27, 1981:
Sharkey and Beth Bryson, Dr. Bryson's jealous wife, tormented Nancy. Nancy realized that she's being held captive at the Rexford clinic because she saw something she shouldn't have. A drunken Gunther confessed to Raven that he had broken Gavin's leg to keep Gavin away from Martine, but later, Raven told Gavin that Sky was responsible for the crime.

MARCH 2 - 6, 1981:
Nancy discovered that she had seen underworld crimelord Ira Gideon, who is undergoing plastic surgery at the Rexford to alter his appearance and escape prosecution. Ira is using the alias "Mr. Kincaid". April pretended to be Emily, then searched for Sharkey after Bobbie confessed to her that Nancy visited her and had been asking questions about Sharkey's whereabouts. A disgusted Martine severed her relationship with Sky when she learned that Sky had paid Gunther to break Gavin's leg in New York.



MARCH 9 - 13, 1981:
April posed as June, a gum-chewing tramp, and made her way to the Rexford. Later, April met Sharkey and barely escaped his sexual advances. Mike refused to believe the general consensus that Nancy has met with foul play, and speculated that Nancy never actually left Monticello. After sneaking into the clinic, April accidently stumbled into Nancy's room but didn't recognize her because of the bandages. April accepted a waitress job with Sid Brennan at a luncheonette near the Rexford clinic.

MARCH 16 - 20, 1981:
Sky revealed Martine's checkered past as a thief to Gavin, who didn't believe the story. Later, Gavin confronted Martine, and she tearfully admitted that Sky was telling the truth. Sharkey tried to force himself on April. Mike identified Nancy's bracelet, which Gideon's men had planted in San Francisco to throw the police off track. Draper learned that April has gone to Eastmeadows in search of Sharkey. Mike gave in to fears that Nancy might be dead.

MARCH 23 - 27, 1981:
April managed to escape Sharkey's sexual advances, while Draper arrived in Eastmeadows and assumed the name Richie Johnson. Apri remembered staring into the bandaged patient's eyes at the clinic and realized that Nancy is the bandaged patient. Draper and April reconciled, then Draper got a job as an orderly at the Rexford to rescue Nancy. Cliff revealed to Mike Emily's claims that Draper fathered her baby. Raven considered moving in with Sky.

MARCH 30 - April 3, 1981:
After finding a stranger in Nancy's room, Draper quit the Rexford, unaware that Nancy had just been switched to another room. Dr. Bryson promised a desperate Nancy that he would find a way to get an anonymous message to Mike, revealing that Nancy isn't dead. Sky gave Raven the same jewels that Martine returned to him. Calvin's new police partner Damian Tyler remembered Martine from Paris, where Sky's home had been robbed by a jewel thief during a dance company opening. Emily learned that April and Draper are in Eastmeadows under assumed names and looking for Sharkey.



APRIL 6 - 10, 1981:
Dr. Bryson admitted that he's falling in love with Nancy, whom he kissed. Emily arrived in Eastmeadows to end Draper and April's masquerade as Richie and June. Gavin proposed marriage to Martine, but she turned him down. Later, Gavin was jealous when Damian came to see Martine at the dance studio. Sky issued Raven an ultimatium to dump Derek, and she feared that she'd lose Sky to Jody if she didn't obey Sky's wishes.

APRIL 13 - 17, 1981:
At Gideon's insistence, Sharkey and Beth plotted to kill Nancy. Nancy considered sleeping with Dr. Bryson to escape the clinic. Emily met with Sharkey and warned him that April and Draper are on his trail. Gavin stormed out on Martine when Damian revealed that Martine can't marry anyone because she is still married to jewel thief Collier Wells. Raven accused Sky of using Jody to make Martine jealous. A bereft Martine planned to commit suicide.

APRIL 20 - 24, 1981:
Damian saved Martine after she jumped off of a bridge. Miles treated an injured Martine. Sky named Jody as his principal dancer in the Whitney Dance Company, replacing Martine. Geraldine applauded Raven's decision not to live with Sky. Beth and Sharkey set a trap for Nancy. Damian told Gavin that he's positive Martine was in love with her husband Collier. Desperate to find Nancy, Mike sought advice from professional psychic Zelda Moffett, who told him that she had a vision of Nancy in another man's arms.



APRIL 27 - MAY 1, 1981:
Ira refused to pay Dr. Bryson's surgical unless Nancy is eliminated. April accused Sharkey of fathering Emily's child, but Sharkey denied it. Later, Sharkey caused Bryson's colleague Dr. Arnold Featherstone to have a stroke after Featherstone recognized Nancy's picture in a magazine article. Damian kept quiet that he was the stranger who saved Martine's life. Beth prepared a lethal injection for Nancy.

MAY 4 - 8, 1981:
Dr. Featherstone collapsed and died after showing Nancy's picture to Draper. Dr. Bryson saved Nancy from Beth's fatal injection. Raven accepted Derek's marriage proposal. Valerie Bryson, Dr. Bryson's daughter, arrived at the Rexford. When Dr. Bryson refused to harm Nancy, Sharkey suggested performing plastic surgery on Nancy, altering her appearance so that no one would ever recognize her again.

MAY 11 - 15, 1981:
Dr. Bryson decided to change Nancy's face, but secretly planned to take her to Europe while leaving Beth and Sharkey behind. After Emily met Valerie, Valerie recognized Emily's photo of Draper, whom she had seen at the Rexford. Sky speculated that Raven is just using him to incite Derek's jealousy. Martine became more attached to Miles.

MAY 18 - 22, 1981:
Despite Nancy's pleas for him to let her go, Dr. Bryson took Nancy into surgery, intending to perform plastic surgery on her. Emily grew suspicious of Valerie, who met Draper, and deciding his story was true, agreed to help him prove that Sharkey fathered Emily's baby. Raven continued to plan her wedding to Derek, but she secretly hoped that Sky would prevent her from marrying him. A blood-stained Dr. Bryson emerged the operating room and declared Nancy's facial reconstruction a success.



MAY 25 - 29, 1981:
After Nancy awakened from her anesthesia, Dr. Bryson confided to her that he faked the plastic surgery to fool Beth, Sharkey, and Gideon. Martine's husband Collier Wells arrived in Monticello. Raven pumped Gunther about Sky's reaction to the news that she's engaged to Derek. Kelly made a scene after catching Jody having an intimate dinner with Sky. Draper sneaked back into the clinic and discovered Nancy, who revealed to him that she's being held captive because one of Dr. Bryson's patient Mr. Kincaid is actually Ira Gideon.

JUNE 1 - 5, 1981:
Beth and Sharkey caught Draper with Nancy, then they held Nancy, Draper, April, and Dr. Bryson hostage at the hospital. Martine pretended to leave for New York, but she actually shared a hotel room with Collier, who's calling himself Carlo Crown. Carlo planned to open a photography studio in Monticello and rekindle his relationship with Martine. Nicole phoned Miles from Key West with news that she will be returning to Monticello soon.

JUNE 8 - 12, 1981:
Sharkey planned to kill the hostages but was overpowered by a bandaged Ira Gideon, who was actually a disguised Mike. Mike and Calvin saved Nancy, April, Draper, and Dr. Bryson. Sharkey confessed to April and Draper that he fathered Emily's baby. Sharkey, the Brysons, and Ira Gideon were arrested and taken into custody. With all of her lies exposed, a scorned Emily left Monticello, vowing never to return. A jealous Sky proposed marriage to Raven. Martine told Gavin that she intends to stay in Monticello. Nicole returned from Key West. April suprised Draper with the news that she's pregnant.



JUNE 15 - 19, 1981:
Derek was devastated when Raven called off their engagement. Damian unsuccessfully attempted to talk Raven out of marrying Sky. Sky bought the Whitney Mansion as a wedding present for Raven. Nancy played mother hen to Valerie, but Kelly harbored animosity toward Val because she's Dr. Bryson's daughter. April planned to reopen the Unicorn restaurant, which reverted back to her ownership after Elliot's death. Sid agreed to manage the Unicorn for April. Carlo hired Valerie to work as his assistant at the photography studio. Draper left town after being appointed to a special task force investigating Dr. Bryson's criminal activities in Europe. Sky caught Raven snooping around his private study, which he keeps locked at all times, and violently slapped her across the face.

JUNE 22 - 26, 1981:
Mike speculated that Valerie might be in danger because of her father's criminal activities. Valerie remembered meeting Sky in Switzerland years ago during a summer at her father's clinic in Lucerne. Not recognizing him as thief Collier Welles, Sky hired Carlo to photograph the wedding. April and Sid hired Bobbie Gerard to waitress at the Unicorn, which April plans to remodel as a country-and-western tavern. Kelly's animosity toward Valerie began to fade.

JUNE 29 - JULY 3, 1981:
A curious Raven lifted the key to Sky's locked study. Sky threatened to permanently paralyze Gavin if he interferes with Jody as he did with Martine. Valerie recalled spending time with Sky years ago in Switzerland, as well as her romance with a bandaged army officer named Jim Dedrickson. Cliff and Kelly vied for Valerie's attention. Calvin and Star's marriage was on shaky ground after Star announced that she's leaving Monticello for an extended singing engagement in San Francisco.



JULY 6 - 10, 1981:
Gavin and Jody concealed their mutual passion at Sky and Raven's wedding, while Miles caught Gunther throwing darts at a photo of Sky. Calvin clashed with idealistic attorney Didi Bannister. Raven gained access to Sky's locked study, where she uncovered a photograph of Sky, Valerie, and a man named Jefferson Brown. Damian suspected that Carlo is really Collier Wells, who Damian pursued in Paris after Collier robbed Sky. Martine denied Damian's accusations that Carlo is actually her husband.

JULY 13 - 17, 1981:
Jody informed an enraged Sky that she's going to withdraw from the dance troupe, and Sky blamed Gavin for Jody's decision. Derek learned that Damian isn't using his surname which is Wilcox, not Tyler. Damian refused to explain to Derek the reason he's concealing his true identity. Calvin and Didi Bannister clashed in the courtroom over a young punk who Calvin arrested. Derek told Miles that Gunther doesn't have a criminal record, but Roxanne Walker, Gunther's last girlfriend, is confined to a state mental hospital. Raven noticed that the scar on Sky's back is an exact match to the one on appearing on Jefferson Brown's body in the old photo. Dr. Bryson suffered a major heart attack in Redstone Prison. Raven wondered if she's actually married to Jefferson Brown instead of Sky Whitney.

JULY 20 - 24, 1981:
After Dr. Bryson died in prison, the Karrs and Kelly promised to help Valerie recover from her father's death. Gunther picked up Jody in Sky's limousine then terrorized her. Raven asked Nancy to investigate Sky's past in Switzerland. Miles was enraged to learn about Gunther's sexual advances toward Jody. Sky overheard Nancy informing Raven that three years ago, Sky piloted a private plane that crashed in the Swiss Alps, killing fellow passenger Jefferson Brown. Sky feared that Raven is getting too close to the truth and considered having her killed.



JULY 27 - 31, 1981:
Sky, who is actually a surgically altered Jefferson Brown, remembered seeing the real Sky dead in the snow, just before his body was carried into a mountain crevasse along with the wreckage of their plane. Jeff then pretended to be Valerie's army officer Jim Dedrickson, while awaiting facial reconstruction at Dr. Bryson's clinic in Lucerne. Miles and Damian confronted Gunther, warning him to shape up or face criminal charges for terrorizing Jody. Fearing that Raven knows his secret, Sky hired hitman Romeo Slade to kill her.

AUGUST 3 - 7, 1981:
Romeo paid small-time thug Sammy Wheaton to mug Raven and swipe her purse. After having a copy made of the keys to the Whitney Mansion, Romeo returned Raven's purse. Sky and Gunther left Monticello for Chicago on the pretext of a business trip so that Sky will have an airtight alibi when Raven is murdered. Mike speculated that a letter written by Dr. Bryson to Valerie shortly before he died might contain coded information about surgically-altered criminals. Damian grew suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Raven's mugging.

AUGUST 10 - 14, 1981:
Damian hinted that he knows something about Sky's criminal past and suspected that Sammy Wheaton was responsible for swiping Raven's purse. Romeo gained access to the Whitney mansion and assaulted Geraldine, who arrived unexpectedly to keep Raven company in Sky's absence. Raven discovered a severely injured Geraldine at the foot of the stairs and tried to escape, but Romeo caught her. Romeo ransacked the house, while holding Raven at gunpoint, and broke into Sky's locked study. Valerie had more memories of the real Sky Whitney, who she met before the plane crash. In Chicago, Sky had a change of heart and fled back to Monticello alone in a desperate attempt to stop Raven's execution. Just as Romeo took aim at Raven, Sky burst through the front door with a shotgun and shot Romeo, who was killed instantly.


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