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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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AUGUST 17 - 21, 1981:
Sky confessed to Raven that he's actually Jefferson Brown and admitted that Dr. Bryson altered his appearance to resemble Sky so that Jeff could aassume Sky's identity and family fortune. Raven happily agreed to keep Jeff's secret and spend Sky's money. Sammy Wheaton confessed to the police that he lifted Raven's purse for Romeo. Gunther, who knows that Romeo is nicknamed "The Ladykiller", theorized that Sky hired Romeo to murder Raven. Raven told April that she and Sky are soulmates, and there's a whole lot more to Sky than she ever imagined. Sid realized that Bobbie is falling in love with Gavin, who is romancing Jody. Gunther broke into Sky's locked study to find out what he's hiding.

AUGUST 24 - 28, 1981:
Sky ordered Gunther to "take care" of Gavin, who quit the Whitney dance company along with Jody. Gunther blackmailed Sky into giving him Sky's treasured pocket watch, then Gunther warned that the watch is only the beginning. Damian suspected that Jefferson Brown survived the plane crash in Switzerland along with Sky. Gunther manhandled Jody again. April decided to join Draper in Europe and offered her penthouse to Miles and Nicole. Valerie learned that her father's letter indicates that Jim Dedrickson (Jeff Brown) might be in Monticello. Nancy suggested that Val advertise her story to bring Jim forward. Damian confessed to Derek that Jefferson Brown was an assistant to Damian's father Senator Fowler Wilcox, and Damian believes that Jeff was responsible for stealing confidential documents that led to his father's suicide after he was accused of treason.



AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 4, 1981:
Sky concocted a scheme to goad Gavin into shooting Gunther with a gun loaded with blanks, then forcing Gavin to leave town rather than face conviction for Gunther's "murder". With the promise with great wealth, Gunther agreed to the plan and threatened Gavin, who bought a gun for protection. Later, Gunther broke into the dance studio and switched the real bullets with blanks. Marcus, one of Didi's punk clients, held Didi at knifepoint. After Calvin rescued her, a thankful Didi's kiss in gratitude turned passionate. Valerie showed Kelly a photo of a bandaged Jim Dedrickson, a picture she had secretly snapped without his knowledge. Miles, Nicole, and Jody packed to move into April's penthouse, after she left for Europe. Nancy wrote a feature article for the newspaper about Valerie's relationship with Jim Dedrickson, a man whose face she never saw. Mike speculated that Valerie stands to inherit several million dollars from Dr. Bryson's estate. Gunther trapped a terrified Jody in the dance studio.

SEPTEMBER 7 - 11, 1981:
Gavin rescued Jody from Gunther, and after she left, Gavin and Gunther struggled for possession of Gavin's gun, which discharged. After the gun went off, Gavin fled the dance studio, thinking he had killed Gunther, then Sky arrived and shot Gunther with live ammunition. Miles arrived at the studio and found a wounded Gunther, who mumbled to him about Sky's pocketwatch. Before Miles could call for an ambulance, Sky knocked him unconscious and removed the watch from Gunther's body. After Miles phoned with news that Gunther died, Gavin returned to the studio to turn himself in, but fled when he saw a cop, who fired shots at him. Raven feared that Nancy's feature story about Jim Dedrickson could lead back to Sky.



AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 4, 1981:
Sky concocted a scheme to goad Gavin into shooting Gunther with a gun loaded with blanks, then forcing Gavin to leave town rather than face conviction for Gunther's "murder". With the promise with great wealth, Gunther agreed to the plan and threatened Gavin, who bought a gun for protection. Later, Gunther broke into the dance studio and switched the real bullets with blanks. Marcus, one of Didi's punk clients, held Didi at knifepoint. After Calvin rescued her, a thankful Didi's kiss in gratitude turned passionate. Valerie showed Kelly a photo of a bandaged Jim Dedrickson, a picture she had secretly snapped without his knowledge. Miles, Nicole, and Jody packed to move into April's penthouse, after she left for Europe. Nancy wrote a feature article for the newspaper about Valerie's relationship with Jim Dedrickson, a man whose face she never saw. Mike speculated that Valerie stands to inherit several million dollars from Dr. Bryson's estate. Gunther trapped a terrified Jody in the dance studio.

SEPTEMBER 7 - 11, 1981:
Gavin rescued Jody from Gunther, and after she left, Gavin and Gunther struggled for possession of Gavin's gun, which discharged. After the gun went off, Gavin fled the dance studio, thinking he had killed Gunther, then Sky arrived and shot Gunther with live ammunition. Miles arrived at the studio and found a wounded Gunther, who mumbled to him about Sky's pocketwatch. Before Miles could call for an ambulance, Sky knocked him unconscious and removed the watch from Gunther's body. After Miles phoned with news that Gunther died, Gavin returned to the studio to turn himself in, but fled when he saw a cop, who fired shots at him. Raven feared that Nancy's feature story about Jim Dedrickson could lead back to Sky.



SEPTEMBER 14 - 18, 1981:
Gavin, who was shot in the leg, turned to Bobbie for help. Bobbie spirited him away to her abandoned childhood home, after Jody, Didi, and Calvin realized where Gavin was hiding. Gunther's autopsy revealed that he had been shot from at least ten feet away, which contradicted Gavin's claims of a close struggle. Derek pressed Mike for Gavin's indictment, while Sky attempted to implicate Miles in Gunther's murder. Collier planned to rob the Whitney Mansion on the dance company's opening night and promised to grant Martine a divorce if she helps him. Nicole hired newcomer Nora Fulton as an executive secretary. While hiding Gavin, Bobbie investigated a noise outside her abandoned home and was grabbed from behind by Matt Sharkey.

SEPTEMBER 21 - 25, 1981:
The grand jury indicted Gavin for Gunther's murder. Jody uncovered Gavin's hideout and followed him, only to be taken hostage by Sharkey, who's also holding Gavin and Bobbie captive. Derek learned about Sharkey's prison break and suspected that Sharkey might have gone to Bobbie's old house. Nora spied on the Cavanaughs and after overhearing Miles and Nicole talking about Gavin's murder indictment, she spoke lovingly to a newspaper photo of her "poor, darling Gunther". When Gavin barricaded Jody and Bobbie behind a locked door, Sharkey found an old shotgun, lured Gavin to the door, and fired the shotgun at him

Sharkey was injured when the shotgun backfired, wounding him in the chest. Derek arrived at Bobbie's house to arrest Sharkey, but Gavin and Jody managed to escape the police. Later, Gavin and Jody holed up in a seedy rooming house run by Mrs. Arnold and her dimwitted son Benny. After recognizing Gavin from the news, the Arnolds demanded money in exchange for not turning Gavin over to the police. Nora, who was revealed as Gunther's former girlfriend Roxanne Walker, blamed Miles for Gunther's death and plotted to make the Cavanaugh family pay. Sky hired Spencer Varney to replace Gunther and act as a bodyguard, while Sid hired ditzy actress Mitzi Martin to replace Bobbie.



OCTOBER 5 - 9, 1981:
As opening night at the Whitney theater neared, Carlo prepared to rob Sky and Raven. Damian commented to Martine that history seems to be repeating itself, since Sky was robbed years ago on opening night in Paris. Martine tried to stop Carlo, but was too late. Gavin and Jody realized the significance of Sky's pocketwatch, which could prove Gavin's innocence. Carlo successfully broke into the Whitney mansion. Cliff took Mitzi to the opening, but Didi refused to attend with Calvin. Mrs. Arnold allowed Jody to leave for ransom money and held Gavin prisoner. Martine was a brilliant success onstage. Damian arrived at the Whitney mansion and caught Carlo, who was stealing the pocketwatch Sky had removed from Gunther's body after shooting him.

OCTOBER 12 - 16, 1981:
Collier managed to escape from Damian. Martine confided to Jody that Collier lifted Sky's pocketwatch, but Collier later returned the watch to the Whitney mansion along with all of Sky's other possessions. A strange man stalked Valerie, who sensed being watched. Calvin was jealous to learn that Didi is dating successful Chicago attorney Julius Newcombe. Mrs. Arnold called the cops on Gavin, but he and Jody fled the scene before Derek arrived. Damian caught up with Collier, who was planning to give Martine her freedom then leave town.

OCTOBER 19 - 23, 1981:
Martine and Collier left Monticello together after Damian agreed to let them go. Gavin and Jody broke into the Whitney mansion to steal Sky's pocketwatch. Valerie's apartment was broken into but nothing was taken. Sky gave Spencer a gun. Damian revealed to Sky and Raven that Spencer killed two men for Mr. Bowie, his last employer, but Spencer claimed both incidents were in self-defense. It was revealed that Gunther, Nora, and Spencer all worked together years ago for Mr. Bowie. After Sky and Raven left for a trip to New York, Gavin and Jody, hiding in the attic, prepared to steal the watch.

OCTOBER 26 - 30, 1981:
Sky and Raven returned early from New York and caught Gavin stealing the pocketwatch. When Spencer hesitated, Sky grabbed his gun and fired shots at Gavin, who fled the mansion and got away. Later, Spencer discovered Jody hiding in the attic and turned her over to the police. Miles treated beautiful young actress Jinx Avery, who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Romance blossomed between Cliff and Mitzi. Mrs. Goodman grew suspicious of Nora's intentions, when Nora made subtle insinuations about Miles' relationship with Jinx.

NOVEMBER 2 - 6, 1981:
Valerie confronted her stalker who claimed to be Jim Dedrickson, her former flame from Bryson's clinic in Lucerne. Jody told Mike her theory about the pocketwatch and Sky's possible involvement in Gunther's death. Gavin went to the bus station and planned to flee to Los Angeles. Mike, Derek, and Jody confronted Sky about the pocketwatch, but the watch didn't play the same distinctive tune that Jody and Gavin had heard Gunther's watch play.



NOVEMBER 9 - 13, 1981:
Jinx turned to Miles for help after she was caught shoplifting an expensive necklace from a jewelry store. Raven warned Sky that Damian thinks Jefferson Brown framed Damian's father for stealing government documents, but Sky denied being involved in the crime. Gavin, who's hiding in the dance studio, phoned Jody, who agreed to leave town with him. After eavesdropping on Jody and Gavin's conversation, Nora tipped off the police about Gavin's whereabouts. Calvin arrived at the dance studio and arrested Gavin for Gunther's murder. Jim planned to rent Gavin's empty studio.

NOVEMBER 16 - 20, 1981:
Gavin was jailed, and no one believed his story that he killed Gunther in self-defense. Mike suggested that Gavin recant his story and change his plea to guilty. Nora followed Miles to a meeting with Jinx. Bobbie replaced Chrissie as the Whitney's maid after Raven caught Sky drooling over Chrissie's tight uniform. Bobbie plotted to find the real pocketwatch and exonerate Gavin. Mitzi joined Jim's new repertory theater which is housed in the old dance studio. After proving his identity to Valerie with facts about their past relationship, Jim remembered researching Jim Dedrickson's past in Switzerland.



NOVEMBER 23 - 27, 1981:
Calvin declared his love for Didi. After Bobbie found the real pocketwatch, Spencer prevented her from stealing it. Bobbie accidently dropped the watch and broke it. Learning about Bobbie's fascination with his watch, Sky realized that Bobbie is actually working to clear Gavin's name. Raven pumped Geraldine, who knew Damian's father, for information about Fowler Wilcox's relationship with Jefferson Brown. Bobbie found Sky's jeweler who she theorized sold Sky a second pocketwatch with a different tune.

Bobbie took Sky's watch to be repaired, where Mr. Hoffman, the owner, admitted that he sold Sky a duplicate pocketwatch. Before Bobbie could leave with the evidence, Sky arrived and forced Bobbie into his limousine. Nora battled with Mrs. Goodman who is wise to Nora's true nature. Nora made insinuations to Nicole that Miles is having an affair with Jinx. Sky forced Bobbie to sign a confession to stealing his watch, then he demanded that she leave town permanently. Derek assigned Damian to nail racketeer Eddie Lorimer. Spencer found a note in the mansion indicating that Bobbie had decided to quit and leave town. Later, Bobbie's corpse was found in the woods.

DECEMBER 7 - 11, 1981:
Calvin discovered that Sky's pocketwatch was missing from Bobbie's body. Derek dated Jinx, who was also befriended by Nancy. With all of the suspicion surrounding Bobbie's murder, Sky made plans to whisk Raven off to Switzerland for an extended second honeymoon. Derek made it appear that he suspended Damian, so that Damian could go undercover to nail Eddie Lorimer. Nora's insinuations about Miles and Jinx started to upset Nicole.



DECEMBER 14 - 18, 1981:
Sky deliberately blew Damian's cover with Eddie Lorimer. Damian learned from Eddie's associate Chummy Davis that Gunther had purchased a box of blank cartridges just days before he was shot by Gavin. The government seized all of Valerie's inheritance from Dr. Bryson. Nora pursued Spencer, while Jinx and Derek's relationship grew much closer. Sky's jeweler Mr. Hoffman died suddenly and mysteriously. Having learned that Damian set him up, Eddie had Damian stabbed.

DECEMBER 21 - 25, 1981:
Jinx was hospitalized with another relapse of her illness. Mike confided to Geraldine that he suspects Sky murdered Gunther and framed Gavin, but admitted that the police can't prove their theory. Sky slapped Raven who was upset after hearing news of Damian's stabbing. Damian survived the knife attack, while Eddie and Chummy were arrested for his assault.

DECEMBER 28, 1981 - JANUARY 1, 1982:
Mike and Geraldine confronted Raven with all of the evidence against Sky, but Raven refused to believe that he could have had any responsibility in Gunther's death. A furious Raven told Geraldine that she'll never forgive her for betraying Sky and ordered her to leave the Whitney mansion. Jinx was released from the hospital and joined Jim Dedrickson's repertory theater. Mike gave Jody an unexpected Christmas present by arranging for Gavin to be released into the Cavanaughs' custody until his trial begins.



JANUARY 4 - 8, 1982:
Smiley Wilson, Hector's brother, eyed Nancy. Kelly proposed to Valerie. Jinx slept with Derek but continued to rely upon Miles. Raven found Bobbie's shoe in the limousine. Sky burned the shoe then lied to Raven that it belonged to one of Spencer's girlfriends. Before leaving for Switzerland, Raven wrote a letter to Damian about the shoe, but Sky secretly destroyed the letter.

JANUARY 11 - 15, 1982:
Sky and Raven arrived at an isolated mountain cottage in St. Moritz. Raven called Spencer and learned that Bobbie's shoe had been destroyed. Sky panicked and decided to murder Raven. Nora admitted to Damian that she's Gunther's girlfriend Roxanne. Damian agreed not to reveal Nora's identity to Miles and Nicole if Nora gives him the last letter she received from Gunther. Didi told Calvin that she turned down Julius' marriage proposal. As Raven stood on a mountaintop observation deck, Sky approached with the intention of pushing her off.

JANUARY 18 - 22, 1982:
At the last minute, Sky was unable to murder Raven. Gunther's letter to Nora revealed that he was being paid a lot of money to play a practical joke on someone in Monticello. Damian realized that Gunther faked being shot in the struggle with Gavin and was later murdered by Sky. Didi admitted to Calvin that she's in love with him. Jinx planned a romantic weekend with Derek, while Nora continued making insinuations to Nicole about Miles and Jinx. Damian's gun went off during a struggle with Chummy Davis. Sky planned to push Raven out of an alpine gondola above the alps.



JANUARY 25 - 29, 1982:
Derek proposed to Jinx, who accepted but didn't tell him that she's terminally ill. Damian was reported to be in critical condition after the shooting, but Calvin was unable to see him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Damian arrived safe and sound in Switzerland and searched for Raven. Sky's attempt on Raven's life was unsuccessful, so he tampered with her skis, hoping for an accident. Damian confronted Sky, who attacked Damian and left him for dead in the snow. Kelly convinced Nancy to visit Beth Bryson in prison, thinking that Beth might be able to discredit Jim Dedrickson's identity. Johnny tried to con money out of Geraldine by claiming that Jim wants to produce a play based on Geraldine's late husband Gordon Whitney. Raven was injured in a skiing accident. Sky promised to carry Raven to safety, but instead, he prepared to throw her off a snowy cliff.

FEBRUARY 1 - 5, 1982:
Calvin learned that Damian had been shot with a gun loaded with blanks. Before he could toss Raven off the cliff, a masked man on skis shot and killed Sky then fled. Gavin was cleared over evidence that indicated Sky killed Gunther and Bobbie. Smiley urged Johnny to put the make on wealthy widow Buffy Revere for money. In prison, Beth told Nancy that the man currently calling himself Jim Dedrickson is not the patient Valerie fell in love with years before. Jim confessed to Valerie that he's the real Jim Dedrickson, whose identity was stolen by the patient at Dr. Bryson's clinic. Valerie couldn't forgive Jim for lying. Raven informed Damian that Jeff Brown is dead. On the flight back to Monticello, Raven and Damian were shadowed by a mysterious woman dressed in black. Nora goaded Nicole into admitting that Jinx is dying.

FEBRUARY 8 - 12, 1982:
Before Jinx and Derek could marry, a vindictive Nora told Derek that Jinx is dying. Derek confronted Miles, who was forced to confirm the story. Jinx and Derek fought, then called off the wedding. Nicole slapped Nora, then fired her. Miles blamed Nicole for Jinx and Derek's problems. An enraged Raven ordered Gavin and Jody out of the chapel when they arrived for Sky's memorial service. Jinx planned to commit suicide.



FEBRUARY 15 - 19, 1982:
Ralph Suncliffe, Jinx's father saved her from a drug overdose. Raven considered faking a will for Sky, who failed to leave one. Smiley showed an interest in Sid, while Johnny made time with Buffy. Raven gave Jim free use of the Whitney Theater. Geraldine disapproved when Raven hired Nora as her private secretary. Later, Raven was followed by the mysterious "black widow" from the plane.

FEBRUARY 22 - 26, 1982:
Spencer recognized the Black Widow as Libby Webster. Libby threatened Raven. Derek tried to forget Jinx by picking up other women. Valerie told Kelly that she's no longer in love with Jim. Raven fired Cliff from handling Sky's estate. Star returned with the news that her show is going off-Broadway, so she won't be staying in Monticello.

MARCH 1 - 5, 1982:
Raven caught Calvin kissing Didi then happily broke the news to Star that Calvin is having an affair. Calvin vowed to make Raven pay. Star returned to New York. Raven discovered that Gavin is a member of Jim's acting troupe and threw the whole company out of the Whitney Theater. Smiley concocted a plan to make Raven think that she shot and killed Jinx, proving to Raven that Sky could have similarly framed Gavin for Gunther's murder. The real Sky Whitney arrived in Monticello very much alive.



MARCH 8 - 12, 1982:
Derek was shot but not seriously wounded by an escaped criminal. Jinx realized that she and Derek really need one another. Sid told Jim about a deserted police precinct that might be converted into a theater, but Smiley had more devious uses for it. Libby snooped around Valerie's studio. Sky vowed to take everything away from Raven. Cliff and Calvin agreed to assist with Jim and Smiley's scam. After Buffy left for Palm Springs, Johnny pretended to be wealthy playboy Lance and tried to seduce Raven.

MARCH 15 - 19, 1982:
Nicole was relieved when Jinx and Derek decided to marry. Nicole and Jinx finally set aside their differences regarding Miles. Geraldine spotted Raven with "Lance" and informed Raven that he's actually Johnny Gentry. Raven refused to believe that "Lance" is a fortune hunter. Spencer and Libby cautioned Sky about Raven after Sky insisted on confronting her. Later, Sky lurked near Valerie. Jody received word that her mother Leonie Travis is seriously ill.

MARCH 22 - 26, 1982:
As Smiley's scam went down, Buffy arrived unexpectedly. Smiley managed to detain Buffy. Pretending to be a jealous lover, Jinx forced her way into Buffy's penthouse and pulled a gun on Raven. Jinx faked death when the gun went off during a struggle with Raven. Jody went to Springfield to visit with Leonie, who was smothered to death by thug Joe Bulmer. Jody got a good look at Joe before he could flee the scene. Calvin "arrested" Raven for Jinx's "murder", and she was jailed at the abandoned police precinct, which had been restored to look real. Raven called Cliff and begged him to help her. Sky had a dizzy spell outside Valerie's apartment.



MARCH 29 - APRIL 2, 1982:
A shocked Valerie discovered Sky, who told her the whole story about having his identity stolen by Jeff Brown. Sky claimed that he had amnesia following the crash in Switzerland and spent two years recuperating in a Swiss hospital. Jim wanted to end the scam against Raven, but Smiley insisted that she remain in "jail" to learn her lesson. Derek was concerned about Jinx, who suffered more spells.

APRIL 5 - 9, 1982:
Spencer and Libby confessed to Sky that Libby shot and killed Jeff Brown because he was about to throw Raven off a cliff. Sky confronted an astonished Geraldine, but she refused to believe any of his claims. Hector admitted to Jim that Smiley plans to extort a fortune from Raven in exchange for her freedom. Johnny led Nora to Raven. Nora got chummy with Smiley and conspired to help him blackmail Raven. Jinx and Derek were married.

APRIL 12 - 16, 1982:
Jinx and Derek enjoyed a romantic honeymoon. Geraldine went to Washington on business after Nora lied that Raven is on a cruise. Joe Bulmer works for art gallery owner Dwight Endicott. Dwight's daughter Grace arrived. Damian punched Sammy Wheaton, who made lewd and suggestive remarks to Eddie Lorimer's secretary Poppy Johnson. Mrs. Ingersoll, Leonie's former landlady, discovered a portrait in the basement of Leonie's roominghouse. The portrait bears a striking resemblence to Jody.



APRIL 19 - 23, 1982:
At Jim's urging, Smiley released Raven, but later, he convinced Raven that she's being indicted for Jinx's "murder". Jody consulted with the Endicott Gallery for information about her portrait. Grace questioned Nicole about Leonie's death. Jinx's condition worsened. Spencer kept Sky from confronting Raven. Damian realized that he'd been set up by Eddie Lorimer when Sammy Wheaton filed police brutality charges against him. Star urged Calvin to make a decision regarding Star.

APRIL 26 - 30, 1982:
Nora and Smiley plotted to swipe Raven's money by convincing Raven to clean out her bank account and flee the country. Nora told Raven that she knows "criminal travel agents" in New York, who'll help get Raven out of the country. Star's understudy Samantha arrived in Monticello and told Calvin that Star is pregnant. Damian was suspended from the Monticello PD. Damian tried to stop Raven, who fled thinking that he was there to arrest her. Libby and Spencer investigated Jeff Brown. Didi was upset that Calvin couldn't ask Star for a divorce, but Calvin didn't tell her about Star's pregnancy. Kelly decided to vacation in Rome, while Valerie decided to spend time in Switzerland, since she's still torn between Kelly and Jim. Jody met artist Chad Sutherland at Dwight Endicott's dinner party.

MAY 3 - 7, 1982:
Smiley kept close to Raven, who left Monticello for New York with 20 million dollars. After Jody spotted Joe at the gallery, Grace insisted that Joe didn't know Leonie and had never been to Springfield. Grace slapped Joe for not admitting that he had been at Leonie's the day she was murdered. Geraldine returned from Washington and worried about Raven's absence. Spencer convinced Damian that Raven had a nervous breakdown and is in a clinic out of the country. Dwight lied to Jody that a patron wants to buy her portrait. When Jody refused to sell, Dwight ordered Joe to hire a thief.



MAY 10 - 14, 1982:
Vincent Green, Joe's hired thief, robbed the Endicott Gallery but decided to keep Jody's portrait for himself rather than destroy it as planned. Later, Vince attempted to rob Calvin's apartment, but he was caught after dropping his wallet at the crime scene. Dwight was furious that the portrait was returned to Jody. Calvin was suspicious of Dwight and Grace's involvement in the robbery. Damian's suspension was extended. Raven escaped from Smiley, who posed as a cab driver, a cop, and a fireman. Jinx died in Derek's arms.

MAY 17 - 21, 1982:
Calvin told Didi that Star is pregnant. Hector informed Jim that Smiley is continuing the scam against Raven. Jim confided to Johnny that he fears for Raven's safety. Johnny planned to skip the country with Buffy. Raven arrived in New York, where she met Nora's criminal travel agent friends Wolfy and Al. Hector decided to find Raven after Nora admitted that the scam is going awry. Grace worried that Leonie's friend Mrs. Ingersoll is a loose end, while Joe promised Dwight that Mrs. Ingersoll is no longer a problem. Later, Nicole learned that Mrs. Ingersoll fell to her death down a flight of stairs. Nancy noticed the word "eridu" inscribed on the cameo in Jody's portrait.

MAY 24 - 28, 1982:
Jim panicked and confessed Smiley's scam to Mike Karr. In New York, Wolfy and Al planned to murder Raven and steal her fortune. Chad Sutherland agreed to share studio space with Jim. Eddie hired Didi to defend Vincent. Miles and Nicole learned that eridu is the Latin name for the Garden of Eden. Hector arrived at Wolfy and Al's posing as a cop, and Wolfy shot him.

MAY 31 - JUNE 4, 1982:
Hector shot Wolfy and Al, then confessed to Raven that she didn't really kill Jinx. Both Hector and Al died. Johnny left for Europe with Buffy. Raven returned to Monticello, but Smiley caught up with her. When Raven insisted that Jinx isn't dead, Smiley took her to Jinx's grave. Raven was incarcerated at the abandoned police precinct, which is scheduled for demolition. Art crtic Barclay Foster told Jody that Eridu is the name for the Republic of Eden, a small, war-torn Mediterranean country.



JUNE 7 - 11, 1982:
In exchange for her freedom, Raven gave Spencer a taped confession that she knew Jefferson Brown was posing as Sky Whitney. Johnny sent a written confession that Raven didn't really kill Jinx, but Smiley destroyed it. Valerie returned from Europe. Kelly found Val in Jim's arms and moved back to Rome. Libby returned to Switzerland after Sky threatened to tell the police that she killed Jeff Brown.

JUNE 14 - 18, 1982:
Jim came to Raven's rescue just as workers started demolition work on the police precinct. Smiley was trapped in Raven's cell and was presumed dead when the building collapsed on top of him. A mysterious girl named Viva tailed Jody. Damian seduced Poppy, but she refused to testify at his hearing. Raven fainted at the sight of Sky, who went to the Whitney Mansion to confront her about Jeff Brown. Raven claimed that Sky is faking his identity to inherit the Whitney fortune.

JUNE 21 - 25, 1982:
The charges against Damian were dropped, then Sammy Wheaton was found murdered. Sky learned that Jeff Brown killed Gunther's twin Bruno. The real Gunther is alive in Paris. Viva and partner-in-crime Pietro planned to kidnap Jody. Calvin visited Star, and they agreed to give their marriage a second chance. Gavin saved Jody from Pietro, who attempted to abduct her at Chad's studio.



JUNE 28 - JULY 2, 1982:
After Raven inadvertently mentioned a scar on Jeff's back, Mike and Sky realized that Raven did know that she married Jeff Brown instead of Sky Whitney. Sky hired Spencer. Vincent was murdered. Viva and Pietro kidnapped Jody and held her captive in a secret room at the Keyes Bookstore.

JULY 5 - 9, 1982:
Viva and Pietro told Jody that she's a descendant of Marie Bonaventure, the "Martyr of Eden". The Republic of Eden wants Jody to save the country from organized crime. Calvin and Damian searched for Jody. Raven schemed to seduce Sky, in order to hold on to the Whitney millions. Sky rehired Gunther, who returned to Monticello. Ted Loomis, a crooked cop, was ordered to find and kill Jody.

JULY 12 - 16, 1982:
Raven plotted doom for Sky and Val's developing romance. Eddie and Poppy took over the Endicott Gallery after Dwight skipped out of Monticello. Ted Loomis found Viva, Pietro, and Jody. Ted mistakenly shot and killed Viva and wounded Pietro, while Jody managed to escape. Pietro held Jody and Miles hostage.

JULY 19 - 23, 1982:
Raven learned she's homeless after the court restored the Whitney fortune to Sky. Sky gave Jim free use of the Whitney Theater. Gavin suspected that Pietro brainwashed Jody. Sky demanded that Raven return all of the jewelry that Jeff Brown bought for her. Didi's brother Troy Bannister arrived in Monticello. Ted Loomis schemed to get rid of Damian. Pietro was captured and hospitalized.



JULY 26 - 30, 1982:
Eddie is importing illegal art for the Republic of Eden. Joe Bulmer is now working for Eddie. The Eden mob ordered Eddie and Joe to keep tabs on Jody. Gavin and Jody learned that Chad is actually the prince regent of Eden. Grace left Monticello. Damian was assigned to the Eden case and continued to spar with Ted Loomis.

AUGUST 2 - 6, 1982:
Raven dated Derek, hoping to make Sky jealous. Pietro escaped from the hospital. Star admitted to Calvin that her New York director is actually the father of her baby. Buffy Revere returned without Johnny and offered to help Jim with the Whitney Theater. Valerie warned Jim that Buffy is after his body. Pietro told Jody that Chad is a criminal.

AUGUST 9 - 13, 1982:
Calvin was suspended after roughing up Troy, who has a criminal record. Didi and Calvin argued about Troy. Calvin and Star are getting divorced. Jim accepted a loan from Buffy. Valerie agreed to hostess a party for Sky, who took great delight in rubbing his relationship with Val in Raven's face. Damian suspected that Loomis is a crooked cop. Loomis plotted to kill Damian.



AUGUST 16 - 20, 1982:
Sky foiled Raven's seduction plans. Jody informed Pietro that his father and brothers were killed while fighting against the criminal dictatorship in Eden. Ted Loomis tried to kill Damian, but his plan was thwarted. Troy found work with Eddie Lorimer. Cliff and Mitzi got closer, but Gunther developed a fascination with Mitzi, too.

AUGUST 23 - 27, 1982:
Gunther romanced Nora while also pursuing Mitzi. Nora told Raven that Sky wants Jeff Brown's saftey deposit box key. Jody and Gavin found Chad beside Pietro, who was stabbed to death. Chad told Jody that he's actually working against the Eden mob and wanted to help Pietro. Poppy tended to Damian who was injured in fracas with Loomis. Troy butted heads with Joe, who wants to get rid of Troy.

AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1982:
Raven and Spencer found a coded diary in Jeff Brown's safety deposit box. Later, Raven was abducted by a man named George Foley, who wants the diary, too. Chad told Jody that like the Martyr of Eden, Jody is doomed to die in order to restore freedom to the Republic of Eden. Calvin is suspicious of Loomis. Sky decided to buy WMON. Jody learned that the Republic of Eden is having a medieval festival upstate. Chad urged Jody to attend the festival and expose the corrupt government.

SEPTEMBER 6 - 10, 1982:
The Eden mob ordered Eddie to make sure that Jody doesn't attend the festival. Eddie passed the job to Troy, who was told to beat up Jody. Joe conspired with Loomis to kill Troy after he attacks Jody. Raven lied to Geraldine that she's on a vacation, but she's actually being held prisoner by George Foley at a house in Monticello. Troy couldn't harm Jody, but Loomis arrived to kill them both. During a struggle between Troy and Loomis, the gun went off and Loomis was killed. Renaldo, the leader of the Eden mob, ordered Joe to kidnap Jody, who arrived at the festival with Miles and Nicole. An assassin shot Jody with a crossbow during her speech to the citizens of Eden.



SEPTEMBER 13 - 17, 1982:
David Cameron, a counter-espionage agent, arrived to keep tabs on George Foley. Jody survived the attempt on her life. Joe and Renaldo stashed Jody in a dungeon. Sky vowed to get Jeff Brown's diary. Troy fled from the police, who didn't believe his story that he killed Loomis in self-defense. Didi begged Calvin to help her find Troy before a trigger-happy cop does.

SEPTEMBER 20 - 24, 1982:
Gavin rescued Jody from her dungeon prison. Chad returned to rule Eden after Renaldo was deported and the Eden mob overthrown. Didi and Calvin reconciled their differences. Joe, who murdered Mrs. Ingersoll, Vincent, Sammy, and Pietro, escaped a police dragnet. Didi found Troy and convinced him to turn himself in.

Raven was smitten by Ian Devereaux, an old of friend of Sky, who owns the house where Raven is being held by George. After being run off by Ian, George pumped Valerie for information about Jeff Brown. Sky bought WMON. The case against Troy looked bad.


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