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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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MAY 21, 1957 (Episode #297)
Before her graduation, Betty-Jean wrote a letter explaining her actions to Wyn and Ella. Later, after graduation, Betty-Jean lied to her parents that she had a date with Duly Masterson, but she secretly met with Jack, and after a passionate kiss, the two drove out of Monticello. Wyn and Ella failed to find Betty-Jean's note which was blown out of its place by a gust of wind. Wyn was furious when Betty-Jean failed to arrive home and called Duly Masterson's father, who said that Duly saw Betty-Jean get into Jack Lane's car. Enraged, Wyn called Mike and Sara, insisting that an APB be issued for Jack and Betty-Jean.

MAY 22, 1957 (Episode #298)
Mike and Sara argued about Jack and Betty-Jean when Mike didn't seem to take the situation very seriously. Mike refused to stay home because he had a meeting with Rose Marie Bremen and Winston. At the meeting, Mike learned that Winston sent Jack to Hillsdale on a temporary job. Jack called Sara to tell her that he and Betty-Jean were married. Sara convinced Jack to return to Monticello. After finding Betty-Jean's note, a stunned Wyn arrived at the Karr home. Later, Jack and Betty-Jean confronted Wyn at Sara's house. Wyn was devastated to learn that it was too late to have the marriage annulled. Sara suggested that Jack and BJ move in with Mattie, but Jack stood his ground, insisting that they'll live in their own apartment.



MAY 23, 1957 (Episode #299)
Mike visited Winston and had a heart-to-heart with a thankful Louise, who informed him that she and Phil plan to remarry. Rose Marie wanted immunity from prosecution because she sold her baby, but Mike couldn't promise it. Mike informed Rose Marie that he would do his best to find Thomas McMahon and Rose Marie's baby girl.

Louise:Mike, you and I have been at odds for a long time. I thought you were my enemy. Now I know that you were my best friend. Can we stay that way... friends?

Mike:(to Winston about Rose Marie) I've seen about every kind of human meanness there is, but each time, I'm amazed at what people will do for money.

MAY 24, 1957 (Episode #300)
Mike asked Willie for help on the black market baby ring, but Willie was apprehensive because of his last investigation. Mike informed Willie that Thomas McMahon is actually Leo Sekuler, a man Willie once investigated. Rose Marie spotted Sekuler at the charity clinic and called Mike, who told her to leave immediately. Sekuler caught Rose Marie and intimidated her into remaining silent about their association. Willie confronted Sekuler, who denied knowing Thomas McMahon. Rose Marie lied to Mike that she didn't recognize Sekuler's mug shot as being the man she knew as Thomas McMahon. Later, Rose Marie wouldn't finger Sekuler in a police lineup. Willie scolded Rose Marie for protecting Sekuler. Sara noticed a bruise on Rose Marie's face. Mike realized that Sekuler "gave her a small example of what would happen to her if she identified him". Mike told Willy that they must "wrap up Sekuler".



MAY 27, 1957 (Episode #301)
Sekuler visited Rose Marie, who informed him that she wants her baby back. Sekuler told Rose Marie that it would be difficult since the family has had her baby over a year. Sekuler indicated that a payoff from Rose Marie's in laws might get the baby back and cautioned her that without him, she'll never find her baby. Later, Sekuler phoned Clayton Pike with the news that "cash is on the line-- and plenty of it". Pike's wife Liz warned him to stay away from Sekuler with the admonition that Sekuler is trouble, and she doesn't want to get dragged down with him. Later, Pike met with Sekuler again, but was reluctant to accept another deal because of the Rose Marie's involvement with the police. Sekuler admitted that he's stalling for time with Rose Marie until he can make a few more deals. Rose Marie was tormented about whether or not to turn Sekuler in to the police.

MAY 28, 1957 (Episode #302)
During a visit between Sara and Mildred Parmalee, a concerned Roger stopped by looking for Mary. Sara and Mildred noted Roger's distress. Mary met with Clayton, who was angry that she missed her last payment. Mary gave Clayton a partial payment. Furious, Pike threatened to tell Roger the truth about Billy being purchased on the black market. Mary begged Pike not to tell, warning him that the truth could kill Roger. Pike agrees and demands more money within a week. Sara lamented the fact that Mike won't let her return work. When Mike called to say that he'd be late, Sara organized an impromptu party with the Parmalees, the Harpers, and the Clarkes (Mike and Sara's next-door neighbors). Mary was ill-at-ease with Roger after meeting with Pike.



MAY 29, 1957 (Episode #303)
Jack expressed concern that the only jobs that he could get won't pay enough money for him and Betty-Jean to live on. Betty-Jean informed Jack that the landlord wants the balance of their rent, and BJ needs money for groceries. Jack secretly borrowed the money from Sara. Roger read an article to a nervous Mary about Mike's black market baby investigation. Betty-Jean was ecstatic when Jack gave her money, but BJ was upset to smell perfume on the bills. Later, BJ realized where the money came from and called Sara to thank her.

MAY 30, 1957 (Episode #304)
Willie told Mike that he followed Rose Marie to the park, where she met with Sekuler. Noting Rose Marie's civil conversation with Sekuler, Mike and Willie speculated that the two are planning to get Rose Marie's daughter back. Later, Mike urged Rose Marie to testify against Sekuler, but she remained defiant. Sekuler persuaded disbarred attorney Eddie Holland to draft papers which indicate Rose Marie voluntarily forfeited her rights to her baby daughter. Willie and Mike planned to pick up Sekuler and work on him until they can lock him up. With Sekuler out of circulation, Mike hoped to convince Rose Marie that Sekuler can't get her baby back. Sekuler met with Rose Marie and promised she'd soon find out about her baby, then he instructed her to telephone Winston and urge Grimsley to drop the investigation because he double-crossed her by involving Mike and the police. Rose Marie reluctantly agreed, then Sekuler informed her that she must sign some legal documents and bring money before she can get her baby.



MAY 31, 1957 (Episode #305)
Mike didn't want to visit the Harpers, but Sara insisted they go because Mary made the invitation sound important. Rose Marie told Winston that she wants him to cease the investigation into Sekuler, explaining that the story might get into the papers and reach her former in-laws, who don't know about the baby. Winston assured her that the committee would take no further action. At the Harpers, Mary became uneasy after Roger showed Mike and Sara Billy's baby pictures. Winston called Mike at the Harpers and ordered him to take no further action against Rose Marie and Sekuler. An angry Mike agreed to meet with Winston the next morning to discuss the situation with Rose Marie. Mary became upset after hearing Mike exclaim, "When a baby hasn't been legally adopted, a mother is justified in trying to get it back." Mike and Mary argued furiously, then Mary stormed out.

JUNE 3, 1957 (Episode #306)
Roger Harper visited the Karr's to apologize for Mary's behavior the previous evening, but Mike rushed out to meet with Winston. Roger urged Sara to get to the bottom of Mary's behavior. Winston informed an angry Mike that the governor wants no further action taken without the full consent of Rosie Marie Bremen. Mike insisted that he could work on Sekuler and make an arrest. Mary asked for Roger's forgiveness when he admitted that she and Billy mean the world to him. Mike tried to get information on Sekuler from Pat Sherman, owner of the Ho-Hi-Ho Club. Sherman claimed to not have anything on Sekuler but agreed to consult with some contacts who are involved in the rackets. An agitated Mike wanted more info when Sherman called later with preliminary information.



JUNE 4, 1957 (Episode #307)
Sara saw Mary wearing an expensive brooch, which Mary later sold for blackmail money. Roger was elated to learn that he might be transferred at work, thinking that he and Mary need a fresh start in new surroundings. Sara picked Mattie up at the airport, then the two had tea with Betty-Jean. Betty-Jean lashed out at Mattie, who was cold to her daughter-in-law. Mattie apologized and gave Betty-Jean a hug. Roger informed Mary that he's being transferred out of Monticello.

Mary:(in response to Roger's transfer) The farther away-- the better...

JUNE 5, 1957 (Episode #308)
A dejected Jack lamented that he's being blacklisted in business because his last name is "Lane". Later, Jack called Sara to warn her against telling Mattie about the loan, but Mattie answered, and Jack inadvertently told her himself. Jack encountered problems on an interview at Golick Trucking, when owner Jake Golick claimed that Harry Lane had stolen customers and business from him. Golick agreed to give Jack a chance after Jack insisted that he and his uncle were nothing alike. Mattiemet with old friend Sylvester Gowen, the realtor who's selling Cora's house. Mattie asked Sylvester to sell her house, too, since she's all alone now. Jack lied to Betty-Jean that he got a supervisory job at Golick Trucking. Mattie visited Jack and Betty-Jean, scolded Jack for borrowing money from Sara, then announced that she's selling her house and getting a job. Jack boasted about his new job to Mattie, informing her that he's on his way. Mattie cautioned Jack to ask himself "where are you going?".



JUNE 6, 1957 (Episode #309)
Mike told Ed Parmalee that he'll have enough evidence to arrest Sekuler before the end of the day. Winston visited Rose Marie and promised to keep her identity a secret if she agrees to testify against Sekuler. Sekuler got the "legit papers" from Eddie Holland, but was unhappy with the wording of one section. Holland promised that they could add anything after Rose Marie signs the document. Winston asked Mike to wait on the Sekuler issue, since Rose Marie might come around. Sekuler tried to get Rose Marie to sign the document, but she hesitated and put him off until tomorrow. Sekuler reminded Rose Marie that he's the only person who can get her baby back and promised that she'd have the child within 24 hours of signing the papers. Winston informed Mike that he was the one who asked the DA to restrain Mike's investigation of Sekuler. Pat Sherman called Mike with the news that Sekuler's in cahoots with Eddie Holland. Mike told Willy to fill out a warrant for Sekuler's arrest. Winston tried to stop Mike by demanding to meet with Bruce Thompson.

JUNE 7, 1957 (Episode #310)
Mike and Winston had a heated argument when Mike ordered Willy to arrest Sekuler. Rose Marie admitted that she doesn't trust Sekuler and agreed to testify against him. Eddie Holland warned Sekuler to get out of town, but Leo refused, saying that he's got a big deal in the works and when Rose Marie signs the paper, he'll be in the clear. Holland cautioned Leo that Rose Marie was spilling her guts to the DA. Sekuler vowed to find a way to shut Rose Marie up. Later, Willy told Mike and Rose Marie that Sekuler skipped town, and Rose Marie became hysterical.



JUNE 10, 1957 (Episode #311)
Blaming him for Sekuler's disappearance, Rose Marie verbally attacked Mike, then fled. Against orders, Mike followed Rose Marie. Ed Paramlee told Winston that Mike's actions have damaged the crime commission's investigation and promised that Mike would be replaced immediately. Mary took Sara a cake as a peace offering, then told Sara that she and her family will be leaving Monticello soon. Sara realized that Mary wants to run away. Mary admitted that something is troubling her but claimed that moving far away will solve the problem. Mike caught Rose Marie on the docks and vowed that they can get her baby back without Sekuler. Mike took Rose Marie to his home, where Sara offered a sympathetic shoulder. Parmalee called Mike with the news that he's being replaced on the crime commission. Rose Marie told Mike that her baby suffered a rare affliction and needed prescription medicine. Mike had a brainstorm about the child's possible whereabouts.



JUNE 11, 1957 (Episode #312)
Mike told Rose Marie that with the clue she gave him, he might be able to find her baby. Mike met with Parmalee, who admitted that he was distressed by Mike's insubordination and would have to make a report to DA Thompson, who might dismiss Mike. Later, Mike told Ed that he's got a new lead, but refused to turn over the information. Willy agreed to help Mike find Rose Marie's baby. Parmalee lamented the situation with Mike to his wife Mildred, who tried to comfort him.

JUNE 12, 1957 (Episode #313)
Mildred Parmalee tried to reason with husband Ed, who said that he'd fire Mike if Mike doesn't apologize for the Sekuler/Rose Marie situation. Mattie informed Sara that Harry's psychiatrist wants to see Cora. Mildred and Sara conspired to end the tension between Mike and Ed Parmalee. Ed consulted with DA Thompson's secretary Joyce Little about what Thompson would do to Mike if Thompson were in town. Joyce suggested typing a memo detailing Mike's actions and then deciding whether or not to send it. Mildred was concerned when Ed told her that he had Joyce Little type a memo about Mike's insubordination. Later, Ed warned Joyce not to mail the letter, but she told him that she'd already mailed it. After Ed left, Joyce took the memo out of her desk and dropped it in the office mail chute.



JUNE 13, 1957 (Episode #314)
In the psych ward, Harry showed all the symptoms of a paranoiac, retreated from reality, and dictated a letter to Marilyn Bollon for the governor, claiming that he's being persecuted by his enemies. Cora visited with Jack and Betty-Jean. Jack boasted about his new duties at Golick Trucking, but Cora warned her nephew not to lie to himself like Uncle Harry did. Later, Cora visited the prison hospital, where Harry's doctor informed her that Harry is mentally incompetent and will be confined to a state hospital for the criminally insane for the rest of his life. Cora faced Harry, who cowered in a corner and recanted the grandiose plans he has for himself. Cora silently wished Harry "Godspeed" and left.

JUNE 14, 1957 (Episode #315)
Mike told Willy that Sekuler was spotted in Springfield. After Joyce Little informed Mike that DA Thompson will be back in town and wants to see him, Willy warned Mike against Parmalee and Joyce Little. Mike and Sara argued about Sara's desire to work part-time at Mr. K in g' s flower shop, then when Cora let it slip that Sara loaned Jack and Betty-Jean money, the couple argued some more. Later, Mike and Sara made up, but Mike insisted that Sara not work. When Bruce Thompson returned, Joyce Little informed him about Mike's actions then insinuated that Mike's aggression results from his desire to take over Parmalee or Thompson's job. Thompson demanded to meet with Mike and Ed immediately. Willy told Mike that he's located the drugstore which fills the prescription of the Bremen baby. Mike urged Willy to track down the lead, but Willy wanted Mike to do it instead, insisting, "It's your neck. I want YOU to be the one to find the Bremen baby if it's possible."



JUNE 17, 1957 (Episode #316)
Teresa Baccoli tried to locate the prescription for her sick baby. Teresa's husband Louie worried that someone will take the baby from them, but Teresa insisted that no one will get the child once they're safely in Canada. Mike visited the Baccoli's pharmacist Mr. Rogers, who told Mike that the Baccoli baby is probably adopted, since Louie and Teresa are too old to have kids of their own. Mike learned that Baccoli's owned a store that burned down, and they were without insurance. Teresa arrived at the pharmacy for the baby's prescription and just missed Mike, who was away making a call. Teresa told Mr. Rogers that she and Louie are going away for good. Later, Teresa and Louie loaded their car and prepared to leave for Canada.

JUNE 18, 1957 (Episode #317)
Mildred asked Ed if he was punishing Mike for being right in the Harry Lane case. Ed told Mildred that Mike will have to learn to conform. DA Thompson was furious that Mike was late for the meeting and had obtained a warrant for the Baccolis. Mike caught the Baccolis on their way out of Monticello and got them to confess that the baby was not their own. Louie blurted out that he paid for the child, and Sekuler assured them that the mother was dead. Mike informed the Baccolis that their baby's mother is alive and a court appointed welfare agency will consider the situation and the suitability as parents of all those involved. Later, Mike arrived at Thompson's meeting and plead guilty to charges of insubordination, but Thompson decided not to fire Mike after learning that Mike found Rose Marie's baby. Ed was bitter that Mike was given a second chance and vowed that Mike won't be so lucky next time.



JUNE 19, 1957 (Episode #318)
Joyce was shocked to learn from Parmalee that Mike wasn't fired, and playing on Ed's jealousy, insisted that none of them are safe if Mike can so easily influence Thompson. Mike saw through Joyce, who offered her congratulations on Mike' s discovery of Rose Marie's baby. After spotting Ella Battle during lunch at a restaurant, Mattie warned Sara not to invite her to join them. Mattie told Sara that she hasn't forgiven the Battle's for their treatment of Jack. Mike informed an ecstatic Rose Marie that he found her baby, then he convinced Rose Marie to telephone her in-laws and tell them the truth. Mike told Ed that they should bury the hatchet, but Ed retorted, "I'm afraid your idea of burying the hatchet would be in my back!"

JUNE 20, 1957 (Episode #319)
Teresa Baccoli vowed to not give up her baby to Rose Marie. Mike refereed the confrontation between Rose Marie and the Baccolis. Rose Marie tried to explain her situation, but Teresa said that neither Rose Marie nor her mother-in-law were good enough to have the baby. Willy met with Anita Berkowitz at the welfare bureau. Berkowitz told him that at first glance, neither the Baccolis nor Teresa should have the child. Louie tried to convince Teresa to give up the child, but she suggested getting a lawyer and fighting. Willy told Mike that the police definitely traced Sekuler to Springfield, but added that Sekuler could still be in Monticello.



JUNE 21, 1957 (Episode #320)
Louie visited Rose Marie and invited her over to see the baby. Anita Berkowitz sang Mike's praises to Ed, and said that she'll recommend that Rose Marie get custody of the baby if she has financial assistance. Inadvertently, Berkowitz fed Ed's fears that Mike wants to take over the DA's office. Rose Marie arrived at the Baccolis, where Teresa allowed Rose Marie to feed and change her daughter. Filled with emotion, Teresa realized what must be done. Parmalee told Mildred not to be friendly with Sara any more, then admitted that he's jealous of Mike because Mike will always be the "point man" while Ed is just a dependable assistant. Anita Berkowitz visited the Baccolis to see if they'd turn the baby over to the state until a custody decision could be reached, but Teresa insisted that the baby be given to Rose Marie, because Rose Marie is the child's mother. Teresa made Rose Marie promise to always love the little girl.

JUNE 24, 1957 (Episode #321)
Sara and Mattie decided to use reverse psychology to get Mike to change his mind about Sara's part-time job for Mr. King. Betty-Jean stopped by Sara's and was agitated over Jack' desire to start a business with Johnny Phillips, son of J.H. Phillips. Betty-Jean revealed that Jack needs money fast, and she's afraid what he might do to get it. Later, Betty-Jean visited with her mother, who admitted that she and Betty-Jean's father need more time to adjust to the marriage. Mrs. Tupper, Rose Marie's mother-in-law arrived in Monticello and argued with Rose Marie about who should keep the baby. Mrs. Tupper left after Rose Marie accused her of being partly to blame for the situation.



JUNE 25, 1957 (Episode #322)
Rose Marie made arrangements with the Baccolis for Mrs. Tupper to see the baby. Willy dropped by and got everyone to agree to testify against Sekuler. Teresa admitted that she gave Sekuler talked about having an attorney named Holland falsify the baby's paperwork. Mrs. Tupper wanted to return to Lenoxville, but Rose Marie convinced her to see the baby first. Teresa gave Willy the baby's false birth certificate, which Willy took to compare with the type-print on Holland's typewriter. Willy threatened Holland, who began to squirm and talk. Mrs. Tupper melted after seeing the baby at the Baccolis house and realizing that it is her late son's child.

JUNE 26, 1957 (Episode #323)
Sara worked at the flower shop, while Willy cased the hotel across the street for Sekuler. Willy told a relieved Sara that Mike would be working late. Willy spotted Sekuler and tailed him. Sara visited Mary and Roger, who were preparing to move. Roger made up a list of insured items, then noticed that Mary's brooch is missing. Sara took note when Mary lied that she hadn't seen the brooch in a while. Later, Mary pleaded with Sara not to tell Roger that she saw Mary wearing the brooch. Willy confronted Sekuler and invited him "downtown" to answer questions about the Baccoli baby. Roger telephoned the insurance company and ordered a full investigation to find Mary's brooch.



JUNE 27, 1957 (Episode #324)
Mike was surprised that Joyce Little came in to act as stenographer while Sekuler gave his statement. Mike told Sekuler that he's being charged with the illegal traffic of babies and that the Baccolis and Rose Marie will testify against him. Sekuler denied any involvement. Mike released Sekuler on his own recognizance, then informed Joyce that he just wanted to scare Sekuler, who is being tailed. Mike tried to talk things out with Parmalee, who admitted that he wants the Chief Assistant DA post that is opening soon. Furthermore, Ed maintains that he was in the running for the job until Mike made him look like a fool and complains that Mike is spreading the word that Mike is incompetent. Mike realized that Ed's claims were coming from Joyce Little. Cora informed Mike that she's leaving for New England and wants to set up a fund for Harry so that his life will be more tolerable. Mike promised to let Cora know if Bebe Spode ever needs anything and speculated that Martin Spode will be released from prison earlier than expected. Cora wished Mike and Sara a happy life together, and before saying goodbye, warned Mike not to grow apart from Sara like Harry did to her. Mildred tried to comfort a dejected Ed, who lamented the fact that he isn't the man Mike Karr is.



JUNE 28, 1957 (Episode #325)
Sara, Mary, and Mildred got together, and Mildred admitted that Ed is afraid of Mike. Bill Hesse, the insurance claims adjuster, told a shocked Roger that Mary had sold the missing brooch. Roger didn't believe Hesse until Hesse provided a receipt and photo of the transaction. Roger telephoned the Karrs and demanded that Mary come home and talk. Roger confronted Mary, who stuck to her previous lie. Roger showed a stunned Mary the brooch.

JULY 1, 1957 (Episode #326)
Roger plead with Mary for an explanation about the brooch, but she had nothing to say. During the confrontation, Roger suffered a pain. Mary tried to get Roger to rest, though he insisted on settling the matter and showed her the receipt and photograph of her selling the brooch. A stunned Mary finally admitted that she sold the brooch and didn't tell Roger because he was sick. Roger told Mary that their marriage was a farce... how could Mary love him and lie to him at the same time? After Mary fled the house, Roger suffered another attack. Jack filled a dubious Sara in on his plan to go into business with Johnny Phillips. Billy Harper stopped by to see Mike, who wasn't home. Sara made Billy call home to tell Roger and Mary where he was, and Billy was frightened when an ill Roger answered the phone in the middle of an attack. Roger hung up on Sara, who took the phone from Billy. Mary returned and found an ill Roger. Roger insisted that he was fine, but then he collapsed. When Sara called back, Mary instructed her to get a doctor. Later, when Sara, Billy and the doctor arrived, Mary lamented that she'd killed Roger.



JULY 2, 1957 (Episode #327)
Dr. Hobler informed everyone that Roger's condition had stabilized, but more tests are needed. Mary confessed that Roger collapsed because they were arguing. Mary called Clayton Pike, but Clayton's wife Liz answered and mistook Mary for one of Clayton's girlfriends. Liz informed Clayton that Sekuler had been picked up by the police, then she wanted to know if Clayton had any deals with Sekuler or any other black market operators. Clayton lied that he wasn't involved with Sekuler. Liz was concerned that their nursing home not be implicated in any illegal activities and warned Clayton that the law wouldn't be satisfied with having Sekuler in custody. "If he mentions your name or the 'Retreat'... you're strictly on your own. I think you know what that can mean to you, " Liz admonishes her husband. Dr. Hobler told Mary that Roger is doing better, but another attack could kill him. Clayton returned Mary's call and was told that Mary wouldn't be his victim any more. Clayton offered his sympathy about Roger's condition, but warned Mary that if she can't pay the blackmail money, he can't make sure her secret is kept.



JULY 3, 1957 (Episode #328)
Betty-Jean mentioned to Jack that Mattie is moving in with Mike and Sara for a while. Later, Jack met with Johnny Phillips, who urged Jack to get money from Mattie. Jack promised to have his ante for the business tomorrow. Mike gave a pleased Winston a progress report on the black market baby investigation. Winston suggested that Mike be a team player and give Ed Parmalee some credit. Mattie refused to loan Jack the money, informing him that she'd turned over her financial affairs to Winston. A furious Jack lamented to Bett-Jean that his mother has turned against him.

JULY 4, 1957 (Episode #329)
Willy visited Rose Marie and cautioned her that Sekuler is out on bail, so she should be careful. Pike called to remind Mary that they have a meeting tomorrow. Sekuler "bumped into" Pike, who admitted that he doesn't want to be seen with him. Leo told Pike that he's in a jam and needs help from Pike's wife Liz. When Clayton refused to help, Sekuler confronted Liz, who also refused to help. Sekuler informed Liz that he and Clayton have been dealing in black market babies and claimed that Clayton is fooling around with a blond-haired woman. Sekuler told Liz that he'll prove Clayton is making a fool out of her, if she'll help him. Liz pondered the offer, then Sekuler told her where she could go to catch Clayton. Willy told Mike that Sekuler and Pike met with one another. When Clayton returned home, Liz fished for information that would confirm or deny Sekuler's claims.



JULY 5, 1957 (Episode #330)
Clayton called to remind Mary that they have a meeting. Mary told him to never call again, but Clayton goaded her into meeting him. Roger informed Mary that he knows a man calls her before she leaves on mystery errands. Mary met with Pike and told him that doesn't have any money... just the brooch. Liz spied on Mary and Clayton's meeting and thought Clayton was meeting one of his mistresses. When Mary returned home, Roger informed her that he wants their marriage dissolved. Feeling that Roger and Billy would be better off far away from her, Mary told Roger to do whatever he wanted. An enraged Liz confronted Clayton, screaming that she'd throw him and his girl to the wolves.

JULY 8, 1957 (Episode #331)
Liz slapped Clayton, who claimed that he had a business appointment with a lady and lied that he was not involved with baby brokering. Liz threatened to send Clayton back to jail. Mattie moved in with Mike and Sara, then refused to give Jack money when he stopped by. Jack went empty-handed to his meeting with Johnny Phillips. Phillips told Jack that he was being shut of a good deal and suggested that Jack get the money from Betty-Jean's parents. When Jack wanted to see Johnny's ante, Johnny put him off. Clayton told Liz that she's the only woman for him, but Liz didn't know whether to forgive him or turn him over to the authorities. Jack asked Betty-Jean to invite her parents over and ask for the money Wyn was giving her for college tuition. Betty-Jean was furious to realize that Jack wants the money for his deal with Johnny Phillips. Later, Phillips met with family friend Frederick Shulz and asked to borrow money. Shulz was wary of lending Johnny the money, until Johnny claimed that Jack is the front man and insisted that Jack would sign a promissory note. Shulz agreed to the deal. Johnny informed an ecstatic Jack that their deal is on just as soon as Jack signs Shulz's promissory note.



JULY - SEPTEMBER 1957 (Episodes #332-389)
Sekuler and Holland were captured and arrested, but the secret about the true parentage of Billy Harper remained in tact. Following a lead, Mike flew to Arizona where he uncovered startling information about Clayton Pike. Sybil Gordon replaced Joyce Little as DA Bruce Thompson's secretary. Sybil and cohort Ollie Barbour schemed with crooked J.H. Phillips, the top echelon of organized crime in Monticello, to gain control of the district attorney's office. Mike received a letter from imprisoned Martin Spode, who has applied for an early parole, but Mike refused to give him a recommendation. Bebe Spode, living with the Karrs temporarily, was taunted by classmates because her father's a criminal. It was revealed that Billy Harper is actually Ambrose Haller, heir to an English fortune. Pike and his girlfriend Irene Eagan planned to pose as Billy Harper's parents, collect Billy's inheritance, then knock-off the kid.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1957 (Episode #390)
At the airport, Sybil Gordon met Mike, who returned from his investigation in Arizona. Sybil eyed Mike's briefcase speculatively and insisted he meet with Bruce Thompson immediately. Later, Sybil opened a confidential letter from Bruce Thompson to Ed Parmalee, then she arranged to share the information with Ollie. Clayton and Irene discussed their plot to steal Bi lly Harper's fortune and decided they would have to kill him afterward. Irene worried that Pike's wife Liz might be a problem, but Clayton revealed that he has "plans" for his wife. Mike and Ed discussed the possibility that someone in the DA's office is leaking information, but Bruce Thompson insisted that they're wrong. Mike wondered about Sybil's loyalty, though Thompson vouched for her. Mike was unhappy when Thompson ordered him to prosecute the Sekuler/Holland case rather than pursue the Clayton Pike investigation.


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