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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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SEPTEMBER 12 - 16, 1983:
Miles and Chris found Davey and returned him to Monticello. Chris was reluctant to tell Derek that she slept with Miles. Gavin fired Jody after her behavior grew more bizarre. California actress Shelly Franklyn replaced Jody. Sky returned after he failed to find Spencer. Derek suspected that Miles and Chris slept together. Calvin dismissed Cliff's claim that Isis Building tenants are going insane. Beth had therapy sessions with Davey and Didi. Cliff took his suspicions about the Isis building to Miles, who has several patients exhibiting paranoic behavior.

SEPTEMBER 19 - 23, 1983:
Beth was stumped by Didi's case, but she suspected that Davey was ordered to attack Mike. Beth hypnotized Davey, who admitted that he likes the Video Disco, but denied any involvement with Robbie Hamlin. Miles was still convinced that both Jody and Davey were somehow influenced by Robbie. Chris couldn't make love with Miles after feeling guilty about betraying Derek. Preacher saved Cliff, who fears that he knows too much about the Isis Building. Cliff and Didi's paralegal Marty Stillwater agreed to checkout info on Donald Hext.

SEPTEMBER 26 - 30, 1983:
Jody told Preacher to leave her alone, since she's with Robbie now. Sky and Raven met Isis building owner Louis Van Dine, who walks with a limp. Van Dine fumed that Hext's thugs failed to take care of Cliff. Hext confirmed Derek's suspicions that Miles and Chris slept together. Derek confronted Miles and promised that he'll never forgive Miles. Raven and Sky suspected that Louis Van Dine is in cahoots with his sister Alicia, Sky's old girlfriend.



OCTOBER 3 - 7, 1983:
Van Dine realized that Miles and Cliff are getting too close to the truth. Preacher was beaten by Robbie's thug Michael Stern. Later, Michael was found dead after Robbie overheard him setting up a meeting with police. Cliff planned to ditch out of Mike's fundraiser and search for clues in the Isis building. Miles met a beautiful new patient named Faith King. Derek continued to avoid Miles and Chris.

OCTOBER 10 - 14, 1983:
Derek asked Beth to attend Mike's fundraiser with him. Miles learned that Faith King is actually Alicia Van Dine. At Mike's fundraiser, Jody and Shelley fought over Preacher. Gunther thought that Beth was a hooker. Raven and Sky had a bitter argument, and Raven walked out of the fundraiser. Later, it was revealed that Sky and Raven staged the estrangement for Alicia's benefit. Raven left to track Spencer. Hext and Van Dine caught Cliff snooping on the 30th floor, then they imprisoned him in an electronic torture room. Mitzi fretted about Cliff's disappearance. Didi begged Calvin to get her out of the psychiatric facility. A body fitting Cliff's description was found floating in the Monticello River.

OCTOBER 17 - 21, 1983:
The body in the river wasn't Cliff's. Mike was concerned that many of Monticello's city officials are exhibiting strange behavior. Gavin was offered an LA job and left Monticello. Miles and Beth caught one of Van Dine's thugs trying to bug the penthouse. During a struggle with Miles, the intruder fell to his death over the terrace railing. Calvin tried to question Ron Mims, Robbie's bartender. Ron pulled a knife on Calvin, but Robbie shot and killed Ron before he could give Calvin any info about Michael's death. Calvin learned that Ron's knife was used to stab Michael. Alicia warned Louis that she'll stop any of his devious plans. Louis ordered Robbie to send subliminal messages to Jody, urging her to kill Preacher.



OCTOBER 24 - 28, 1983:
Calvin convinced Beth to release Didi on an outpatient basis. Calvin and Mitzi welcomed Didi home, but Didi was uneasy about returning to the Isis building. Nancy was worried that when Mike began to exhibit strange behavior and stare at the television in a catatonic state. Alicia saved Sky from Hext after Hext caught him snooping on the 30th floor. Robbie sent subliminal messages to Jody, warning her that Preacher is her enemy and wants to hurt her. A fearful Jody turned to Robbie, who gave her a gun. Jody pulled the gun on Preacher at the Video Disco and shots were fired.

OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 4, 1983:
Alicia told Sky that Robbie stole experimental equipment from the Grantman Research Labs that can produce multiple subliminal images. Sky realized that Van Dine has been broadcasting the images over cable tv and at the Video Disco. Raven returned and saw Sky kissing Alicia. Jody shot the video screen instead of Preacher. Preacher fought off Shelley's advances. Hext ordered his men to kill Sky, Raven, and Preacher. Mitzi found a hidden camera in the Isis wall relief. Hext kidnapped Mitzi, who was placed in the electronic torture room. Van Dine locked Alicia in the torture room, too. Robbie kidnapped Jody and stashed her in a supply closet at the Video Disco. Hext planted a fire-bomb behind the video screen. Preacher arrived looking for Jody, and during a fight with Robbie, Hext's bomb exploded. Preacher dragged Robbie to safety, unaware that Jody was trapped in the inferno.

NOVEMBER 7 - 11, 1983:
Preacher saved Jody from the fire at the disco. Robbie was arrested and jailed. The district attorney accused Mike of rigging the election. Sky told Derek about Van Dine's plans. Raven hid in the secret room at the Whitney theater after Sky killed a hired assassin who tried to murder them. Beth escaped to the state capitol for help. Miles and Derek clashed with each other on the way to the Isis building, where they planned to overthrow Van Dine with the help of Sky and Gunther. Derek saved Miles, who was almost shot by Hext. Calvin and Chris were arrested by police officers controlled by Van Dine. Gunther found Mitzi and helped her search for Cliff on the 30th floor. During a sword fight with Sky, Hext was stabbed and died.



NOVEMBER 14 - 18, 1983:
After being captured, Louis tried to commit suicide. Cliff was found and hospitalized in a catatonic state. Sky realized that Alicia wasn't aware of any of Van Dine's schemes. Mike won the election. Shelley kept mum that Gunther is skimmimg money from the theater. Raven and Sky agreed to investigate the Whitney mansion, which the Earle's claim is haunted. Calvin proposed to Didi, who accepted. Jody lost her virginity to Preacher. Raven and Alicia clashed over Sky. Nancy met with Lane Wilton and Eric Blake, Alicia's PR men who are publicizing Nancy's romance novel.

NOVEMBER 21 - 25, 1983:
Chris' apartment was ransacked. The intruder only stole personal mementos. Sky and Raven moved into the Whitney Mansion to investigate the haunting. Shelley attempted to blackmail Gunther, but her plan backfired when Geraldine bought Gunther's share of the theater. The Earle's hosted a weekend for guests Heinrich Kraus, his secretary Sofia Capulet, wealthy couple Sir Humphrey and Lady Gillian Digby, and attractive Frenchman Gui Tavernier. Gui was attracted to Raven, while Lady Gillian showed an interest in Sky. Dot was frightened by a vibrating vase and sounds of rattling chains. Nancy met Lane Wilton and Eric Blake who are helping to publicize her romance novel.

Sky and Raven investigated the death of Heinrich Kraus, who was strangled by a chain and stuffed in a trunk. Preacher fretted he'll lose Jody when she goes away to Wellington College. Miles decided to visit Adam, who will be staying with April and Draper in London. Nancy's editor Lane Wilton admitted he's falling in love with her. Gunther got a job as the Earle's driver to help Sky and Raven. Beth agreed to host a radio talk show. During a fracas at the Isis building, Chris' service revolver was stolen.



DECEMBER 5 - 9, 1983:
Dot told the houseguests that a young woman had been killed on the property long ago, and her ghost still haunts the grounds. A mysterious bum lurked around the Whitney mansion. Sofia was strangled to death after seeing the ghost of a woman at the top of the stairs. Sky discovered Sofia's body in the gazebo, but the killer didn't leave any footprints in the snow. Worried about the break-in and her stolen gun, Chris sent her son Matthew to stay upstate with his grandparents.

DECEMBER 12 - 16, 1983:
Jose, the mysterious bum, searched for the diamonds that Spencer had hidden in the mansion. Spencer confessed to Jose that he killed Kraus and Sofia, then Spencer murdered Jose, too. Didi and Cliff agreed to help Marty's uncle Chief Standing Elk buy or lease his tribe's burial ground. Alicia's employee Greg Schaeffer was upset with Alicia. Spencer recalled hiding the diamonds in a doll. Chris caught the masked intruder ransacking her apartment again, but before she could apprehend him, he shot her with her stolen service revolver.

DECEMBER 19 - 23, 1983:
Spencer was caught and arrested for the murders. Raven and Sky had an early Christmas when the found the missing diamonds and recovered all of their fortune. Raven admitted that she had been posing as the Whitney Mansion ghost in order to scare the Earle's into leaving. Sky bought the mansion back from Jim and Dot. Greg plotted against Alicia, who is his secret lover. Preacher was lonely without Jody, who left for college. Chris survived brain surgery for her gunshot wound, but she's still unconscious.



DECEMBER 26 - 30, 1983:
Raven's son Jamey Swift arrived with his irritable nanny Mrs. De Groot, who told Raven that Logan is working on a case in Japan and can't take Jamey with him. Shelley was excited that Preacher and photographer Jeremy Rhodes came to blows over her. Nancy's book was released and received terrible reviews. Chris regained consciousness and confided to Miles that she's blind.

JANUARY 2 - 6, 1984:
Chris' assailant ran off after failing to strangle her. Derek learned that Chris is blind, and along with Miles, agreed to keep her blindness a secret. Derek discovered that Jeremy Rhodes had once photographed Chris, Walter, and Matthew in New York City. Alicia realized that Greg is afraid of the police and suspects he's hiding something. Standing Elk received threats.

JANUARY 9 - 13, 1984:
Counselor Lyn Wallis helped Chris cope with her blindness. Nancy got Jeremy a job on the Monticello News. Miles proposed to Chris, but she rejected the idea, since she fears Miles only wants to marry her because she's blind. Geraldine worried about Shelley, who began drinking heavily and mixing pills with alcohol. Mitzi considered an offer from Gordy Bellen, who wants to buy the Rock Garden.

JANUARY 16 - 20, 1984:
Alicia told Jeremy that Shelley has been sleeping with Greg. Jeremy dumped Shelley, who called Preacher's suicide hotline. Marty was attacked by thugs wanting to stop Standing Elk. Mitzi sold the Rock Garden to Gordy.



JANUARY 23 - 27, 1984:
Preacher helped Miles and Calvin save Shelley, who nearly died of a drug and alcohol overdose. Chris' attacker stalked Chris and Lyn. Later, Chris realized that her assailant had mentioned the name Pat. Derek learned that Chris once killed a man named Pat, while Calvin discovered that Lane Wilton's ex-wife is named Pat.

JANUARY 30 - FEBRUARY 3, 1984:
Raven fired Mrs. DeGroot for negligence after Jamey faked a fall down the staircase. Lyn realized that someone is following her and Chris. Derek learned that Lane's ex-wife Pat is married to crime lord Vincent Kayle. Alicia discovered that Greg is using an assumed name. Beth admitted that she loves Miles.

FEBRUARY 6 - 10, 1984:
Greg admitted to Calvin and Alicia that he's actually Greg Parker. Lane blurted out that he loves Nancy. Mo Eberhardt warned Derek that Sky and Raven's investigation for Standing Elk has placed them in great danger. Shelley agreed to Geraldine's offer that Shelley live with her at the Monticello Arms. Standing Elk's enemy sent a hitman Donny Jacobson to the Whitney house.

FEBRUARY 13 - 17, 1984:
To protect Jamey, Gunther fought with Donny at the top of the stairs. During the struggle, Donny fell through the railing and plunged to his death. Mo was suspcious of Chris, who pretended she wasn't blind at a press conference. Later, Chris left for her parents' upstate farm, but her stalker followed her. Standing Elk insisted that Sky and Raven drop the lawsuit since their family is now in danger. Miles and Chris split up. Raven vowed to keep Jamey after Logan sent word that he's returning to Monticello.



FEBRUARY 20 - 24, 1984:
Logan arrived on Raven and Sky's doorstep demanding to see Jamey. Jody told Preacher that her dorm monitor Maxine Burton has mysteriously vanished. Chris' attacker arrived at the farm and tormented her. Miles and Derek arrived to save Chris, who struggled with her attacker. During the struggle, the assailant fell on a pitchfork and died. Chris was shocked to learn that the assailant was Alicia's assistant Eric Blake, who was really Partick Kendall.

FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 2, 1984:
Preacher and Jody investigated Maxine's disappearance after Maxine was found murdered. Logan learned that Sky and Raven have taken Jamey to Europe. Didi's brother Troy returned to Monticello to attend Didi's wedding. Calvin and Didi married. Chris publicly announced her blindness. Marty discovered that Standing Elk is keeping a secret about the past and agreed to keep quiet.

MARCH 5 - 9, 1984:
Steven Adler, who is behind the threats against Standing Elk, ordered his thugs to kill Sky and Raven. Sky and Raven searched for information on Proud Bear, Standing Elk's brother, who disappeared during World War II. Logan agreed to represent the city in Standing Elk's burial grounds case, and told Cliff that he has proof that Standing Elk and Proud Bear are guilty of treason.

MARCH 12 - 16, 1984:
Cliff left to begin an out-of-town job. Mitzi bought a pizza parlor on the Wellington College campus. Sky saved Raven from being shot by one of Adler's thugs. Steve admitted that he killed Proud Bear during the war and framed Proud Bear and Standing Elk for treason. Standing Elk died in peace. Logan vowed that he won't let Jamey live with Raven.



MARCH 19 - 23, 1984:
Mike investigated crime lord Vincent Kayle, whose organization is infiltrating Monticello. Logan allowed Janey to stay with Raven temporarily. Coed Hollace Dineen was jealous that her boyfriend Jack Boyd came on to Jody. Chris' eyesight is returning. Logan opened a law practice in Monticello.

MARCH 26 - 30, 1984:
Preacher, Derek, and Calvin were lured to, then trapped in, an office that had been wired to explode. Derek suspected that Vincent Kayle is behind the murders at Wellington College. Alicia and Sky vied to market Dr. Anton Engler's new plastic formula. Gary Shaw was smitten with Shelley. Shelley suspected that Gunther is selling Alicia's secrets. Sky suspects that Logan still loves Raven.

APRIL 2 - 6, 1984:
Jody defused the mystery office bomb, saving Preacher, Calvin, and Derek. Mitzi's waiter Russ Powell spied on Jeremy and Nancy, who located the graves of three other Wellington coeds. Determined to split-up Jody and Preacher, Hollace arranged for her boyfriend Jack to tutor Jody, making Preacher jealous. Calvin's partner Michael Gallagher was found shot to death. Tess, Jody's roommate, confided to Preacher that she fears becoming one of the campus killer's victims.



APRIL 9 - 13, 1984:
Sky was jealous to learn through Jamey that Raven has been secretly meeting with Logan. Calvin discovered that his partner Michael Gallagher was murdered by the same gun used to kill Maxine Burton. Russ kept tabs on Tess for an anonymous boss.

APRIL 16 - 20, 1984:
Sky spent the night at his men's club after learning that Raven, Logan, and Jamey all took in a movie together. Jody agreed to go to the spring dance with Jack. Jeremy was jealous that Shelley has been seeing Jack Boyd. Raven had nightmares about being torn between Sky and Logan. Tess was trapped in the sorority house by hitman LK Pendleton, who fired a shot at her as she tried to escape.

APRIL 23 - 27, 1984:
Jody worried about Tess, who didn't arrive at the dance. LK Pendleton murdered Tess. Later, Mitzi saw Pendleton talking to Russ. Pendleton's real name is Judd Wallace. Preacher recognized Jack's voice on a cassette tape found in Vincent Kayle's office. Sky and Raven learned that Carmen Engler owns Engler Chemical Corporation. Les Grafton agreed to spy on Sky for Alicia.



APRIL 30 - MAY 4, 1984:
Alicia caught Raven leaving Logan's hotel bedroom. Raven feared that Alicia will tell a jealous Sky what she saw. preacher suspected that Jack knows more than he's telling about the campus murders. Sky fired Les Grafton after realizing that Grafton is Alicia's spy.

MAY 7 - 11, 1984:
Jeremy and Nancy learned that Russ is actually investigating the Wellington campus murders. Sky and Raven met Alicia at Dr. Engler's laboratory. Raven learned that Logan is planning to keep Jamey permanently, then she discovered that she's pregnant.

MAY 14 - 18, 1984:
Les Grafton was strangled to death by an unseen assailant. Alicia learned that Raven is pregnant and suspected that Logan fathered the baby. Logan nixed selling Engler's formula to either Sky or Alicia. Later, Alicia seduced Logan into bed.



MAY 21 - 25, 1984:
Geraldine found Grafton's body and told the police that Grafton was Alicia's spy. Russ was switched to a new case and left town. Vincent had Judd lean on Didi. Raven told Sky that she's pregnant.

MAY 28 - JUNE 1, 1984:
Judd kidnapped Jody and shot Preacher, after Gary unsuccessfully tried to eliminate them both. Judd searched for Didi. Calvin resigned, but he and Chris continued to search for Judd and Vincent Kayle. Logan admitted to Alicia that he's still in love with Raven.

JUNE 4 - 8, 1984:
Alicia hinted to Sky that Raven may be carrying Logan's baby, not Sky's. Gary, who was arrested, blew the whistle on Judd. Judd admitted to hostage Jody that he killed the Wellington coeds. Vincent plotted escape as the police closed in. Chris experienced blurred vision.



JUNE 11 - 15, 1984:
After a shootout with Calvin and Chris, Calvin arrested Judd. Jody and Preacher reaffirmed their love. Jody got a job as Beth's assistant and transferred to a Monticello college. Jeremy and Shelley reconciled. Vincent escaped from police.

JUNE 18 - 22, 1984:
Dr. Juliana Stanhower helped Beth cope with her secret. Preacher is being stalked by a mystery man. Logan, Sky, and Alicia were all suspects in Les Grafton's murder. Logan told Raven that he wants Jamey back.

JUNE 25 - 29, 1984:
Preacher was upset to find that he's being followed by his father Del, who returned to Monticello while running from the police. Carmen Engler was kidnpped after she met with Sky, Alicia. and Logan in Switzerland. Beth left Monticello for an indefinite amount of time. Miles agreed to host Beth's radio talk show while she's gone.



JULY 2 - 6, 1984:
Kidnappers locked Sky and Carmen in Dr. Engler's lab, but Sky and Carmen escaped. Raven, Sky, and Carmen found the body of the real Dr. Engler and learned that the man they know as Dr. Engler is an imposter named Ludwig Krich. Juliana refused to reveal Beth's location to Miles. Alicia suspects that Logan has a copy of Engler's plastic formula. Sky and Raven argued about Alicia's allegations against Raven and Logan, just as Sky and Raven's private plane headed for a crash landing.

JULY 9 - 13, 1984:
Fearing death in the plane crash, Raven convinced Sky that the baby she's carrying is his. Sky piloted the plane to safety. Logan informed Raven that she'll never see Jamey again unless she divorces Sky and remarries him. Alicia had Logan's office ransacked, but Engler's formula was nowhere to be found. Alicia hired Dave Grace to break into Geraldine's hotel suite and rob the wall safe, where she suspects Logan hid the formula. Del told Preacher that he and Ludwig Krich had conspired to get the binder's fee for Dr. Engler's formula. Jeremy and Shelley saw Raven and Logan embrace. Logan and Raven made amends, and he agreed to let her have Jamey. Later, a drunken Logan called Miles' radio talk show, just as Raven arrived looking for Sky. Part of Raven and Logan's conversation was caught on tape at the radio station.



JULY 16 - 20, 1984:
Dave Grace broke into Geraldine's wall safe. Geraldine awoke and fired shots at the intruder. Alicia broke into Logan's suite and searched for the formula. Sky arrived at Logan's hotel suite and heard Logan arguing with someone, then a gunshot was fired. Sky broke down the door and found Logan murdered in a locked room. Sky was knocked unconscious. Derek arrived to find Sky standing over Logan's body. Sky was arrested for Logan's murder. Preacher admitted that he went to see Logan about Del. Del saw Dave Grace fleeing the hotel. Dr. Engler's formula is missing.

JULY 23 - 27, 1984:
Alicia, who stole Engler's formula, went to her villa in Mexico. Krich took off after Alicia, while Del followed Krich. Sky jumped bail and flew himself and Raven to Mexico. Preacher stowed away on Sky and Raven's plane. Derek suspected that Krich killed Grafton. Dave Grace was found shot to death in car outisde the Monticello Arms. In Mexico, Sky and Raven were tailed by armed assassins on motorbikes. As the thugs approached, Sky and Raven were trapped on the edge of a seaside cliff. TO BE CONTINUED...



JULY 30 - AUGUST 3, 1984:
"EDGE OF NIGHT" was pre-empted by the 1984 Summer Olympic Games.

AUGUST 6 - 10, 1984:
"EDGE OF NIGHT" was pre-empted by the 1984 Summer Olympic Games.

AUGUST 13 - 17, 1984:
Preacher saved Sky and Raven, who were terrorzied on a cliff by hired assassins. Liz Corell, Beth's sister, arrived at Derek's office with human bones she found at a palentology dig site. Geraldine fired Shelley from WEON, after Shelley disobeyed her wishes and played rock music. Del blackmailed Alicia. Alicia, Del, Sky, Raven, and Preacher were held hostage by Krich. Preacher and Krich fought on the edge of a seaside cliff, where Krich fell to his death on the rocks below. Sky was cleared of killing Logan, but Calvin arrived in Mexico and arrested Raven for Logan's murder.

AUGUST 20 - 24, 1984:
Alicia swore she'd get Del, who admitted that he saw her knock Sky out after Sky found Logan's body. Geraldine vowed to prove that Raven didn't kill Logan. Mike ran a police background check on Liz Corell. Geraldine reinstated Shelley at WEON.



AUGUST 27 - 31, 1984:
Sky hired Brian Murdock to handle Raven's defense after Raven was indicted by the grand jury for Logan's murder. Liz was instantly infatuated with Preacher, which irked Jody. Liz and Jeremy hit it off, too. Miles tracked Beth down in Chicago and tried to persuade her to return to Monticello.

SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 1984: Miles managed to persuade Beth to return to Monticello, but she's still keeping a secret from him. Beth was furious after catching Liz coming on to Miles, then kissing him. Gunther blackmailed Alicia. Shelley accepted a role in the new film Gavin is directing and decided to return to Hollywood.

SEPTEMBER 10 - 14, 1984:
Raven's trial began. Mike produced an audio tape of Logan admitting Raven to his apartment just moments before he was shot. Liz accused Beth of sabatoging Liz's sculpture of the dead girl, whose bones Liz found. Alicia gunned for her pilot Rick Meade. Nancy worried about Mike, who showed signs of serious fatigue.

SEPTEMBER 17 - 21, 1984:
Raven lost custody of Jamey because of Logan's murder. Beth confessed to Jody that she loves Miles, but she's embarrassed because she's still a virgin. Rick Meade disappeared. Beth dated Miles at Jody's urging. Someone broke into Miles' lab. Chris and Derek resumed their romance.



SEPTEMBER 24 - 28, 1984:
Miles broke up a fight between Liz and Beth, who fumed beacuse Liz claims to be in love with Miles, too. Preacher disappeared while working on Raven's case for Sky. Geraldine testified that Raven had access to Geraldine's gun. Alicia claimed that she has proof that Raven didn't kill Logan, but Alicia won't testify unless Sky agrees to leave town with her. Jamey was returned to Sky and Raven.

OCTOBER 1 - 5, 1984:
Alicia claimed that Logan struggled with a man before being shot. Sky made love to Alicia, who agreed to testify on Raven's behalf in court. Sky confessed to a devastated Raven that he slept with Alicia to save Raven's life. Raven wasn't grateful for Sky's "sacrifice". In court, Alicia reneged on her promise, and told the jury that Raven murdered Logan in cold blood. Sky tried to attack Alicia and was thrown in jail for contempt of court. Mike collapsed with chest pains during the altercation. In the melee, Alicia escaped from police detention.



OCTOBER 8 - 12, 1984:
Chris, Del, and Jody rescued Preacher, who'd been kidnapped by Alicia and Rick Meade. Sky realized who really killed Logan and convinced Chris to spring him from jail so that he can prove his theory. Chris forged Derek's signature to get Sky out of jail. Jeremy fumed that Liz is sleeping around. The police issued outstanding warrants against Alicia, who was missing. The jury found Raven guilty of first-degree murder.

OCTOBER 15 - 19, 1984:
Sky proved that Geraldine accidentally shot Logan instead of Dave Grace, who broke into Logan's apartment and was shot by Logan. Raven was freed and all the charges against her were dropped. Rick Meade pressed charges against Preacher, who impersonated Rick and searched Rick's safe deposit box. Liz freaked when her sculpture of the mysterious dead woman was trashed by Benedict Croft and Timothy Mellis. Beth refused to talk to Miles about Liz's addiction to men. Marty took on Preacher's legal case.

OCTOBER 22 - 26, 1984:
Miles worried that Liz could be in danger from the people who attacked her sculpture. Del consoled Geraldine, who was bereft that she killed Logan. The mayor rejected Mike's resignation. Rick dropped charges against Sky and Preacher. Sky planned to take Raven on a vacation in the mountains.



OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 2, 1984:
Raven and Sky vacationed at Marblehead Lodge. While washing her face in a brook, Raven disappeared. Sky found Raven's scarf near the water. Students at a nearby campsite found human bones. Sky was suspcious of locals Kyrie Stanton and her father Roy.

NOVEMBER 5 - 9, 1984:
Timothy and Benedict stole Liz's sculpture. Sheriff Ken Bloom suspected that Sky killed Raven and is pretending that she's missing to cover up the crime. Benedict picked up Liz in a seedy bar. Sky tried to prove that Roy Stanton is responsible for Raven's disappearance.

NOVEMBER 12 - 16, 1984:
Still alive, Raven lapsed into a trancelike state in an undisclosed location. Miles realized that he's fallen in love with Beth and wants to marry her. Preacher grew protective of Liz and argued with Benedict, whom he spotted with Liz.

NOVEMBER 19 - 23, 1984:
The police developed film that Jeremy had taken of the sculpture of the dead woman. Jody realized that Liz is trying to take Preacher away from her. Kyrie was nervous when Sky included Roy as a suspect in Raven's disappearance. Sheriff Ken Bloom fumed to see Kyrie coming on to Sky.


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