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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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NOVEMBER 26 - 30, 1984:
Geraldine enlisted Del's aid in keeping an eye on things at Whitney International while Sky is searching for Raven. Timothy cut the brake line on Preacher's car. Roy ran Preacher and Sky off his property. Sky and Preacher nearly crashed their car going down the mountain. Liz stole sexy photos that Jeremy took of Jody. Mike and Nancy arrived at Greenhaven Sanitarium to visit their daughter Laurie Ann, who has been institutionalized for seven years.

DECEMBER 3 - 7, 1984:
Liz spied on Jeremy and Jody. Raven, who's being held in a secret room underground, failed to escape from her captor. Timothy trapped Preacher, Sky, and Kyrie in a mineshaft, which caved in. The three were saved by Mark Hamilton, a mysterious young man who lives in a ghost town near Marblehead Lodge. Beth admitted to Miles that she's a virgin. Miles convinced Beth that he loves her and proposed marriage. Beth accepted, and they set a Christmas wedding date. Del stole money from Sky's safe at Whitney International to keep Dreamwalker, a horse that he and Gunther won in a horseracing bet.

DECEMBER 10 - 14, 1984:
Benedict vowed he'd stand by Dr. Eleanor Prentice, who remembered struggling with Maria, who hit her head and died. Benedict buried Maria, whose bones were found by Liz. Liz confessed to Preacher that she, Maria, and Laurie Karr were all friends at the sanitarium, and Benedict has been drugging Laurie, because Laurie knows Dr. Prentice killed Maria. Timothy caught Preacher and Liz sneaking Laurie out of Greenhaven. Raven's captor is Mark Hamilton, whose wife Michelle died giving birth to their daughter. Raven resembles the late Michelle. Didi told Calvin that she's pregnant. Sky found Raven after speaking to Mark's father Desmond Aldrich. Sky shot Mark.



DECEMBER 17 - 21, 1984:
Liz confessed that she was admitted to Greenhaven after being beaten senseless by a john. Benedict and Timothy held Eleanor, Laurie, Liz, and Preacher hostage as the police closed in. Preacher escaped . Chris saved Preacher who was about to be shot by Timothy. Eleanor convinced Benedict to put down his gun. Benedict shot the sculpture of Maria instead. Mike and Nancy were reunited with Laurie. Miles and Beth made wedding plans. Preacher and Jody agreed that their relationship is over. Preacher decided to stand by Liz. Del proposed to Geraldine, but guilty about stealing from Sky, revoked the proposal. Mitzi sold Dreamwalker back to Mr. Westcott. Mark survived being shot by Sky, but Raven went into labor.



DECEMBER 24, 1984: EPISODE 7,416.
Sky is coaching Raven as she goes into labor. A squeamish Gunther can't watch and decides to leave the room, then hears the cries of Sky and Raven's new daughter. Raven and Sky name the baby Charlotte Alexandra. Mark apologizes for all of the trouble he caused and says that he's finally strong enough to face his father and the consequences of his actions. If he had stood up to his father earlier, his late wife Michelle might still be alive.

Laurie returns home from the sanitarium with Mike and wanders around the house in bewilderment. Everything is just the same as when she left. Mike informs Nancy that the doctors are hopeful for a full recovery for Laurie. Later, Mike, Nancy, and Laurie decide to decorate the Christmas tree. While looking through ornaments, Nancy and Laurie reminisce about Uncle Winston Grimsley and Sara-Louise Capice. Laurie finds an ornament from her last Christmas with ex-husband Johnny Dallas and son John Victor. Laurie's only wish is to see her son again.

Del discovers that Mitzi has sold Dreamwalker back to Mr. Wescott and enlists Preacher and Liz's aid in putting the money back in Sky's safe, as Del is afraid of Whitney employees Jim Riley and Miss Eileen. Liz suggests that Del probably doesn't want her help, but Del reminds Liz that there is a security guard to contend with...and men are Liz's specialty.

Beth and Miles argue about Liz. Miles convinces Beth that she should see Liz before they marry and give Liz a second chance. Beth realizes that she wouldn't give up on one of her own patients, so Liz does deserve a second chance, too. Jody is packed and ready to be in her new apartment by January 1st. Miles offers to let Jody live with him and Beth, but Jody nixes the idea. It's about time that she gets out into the world.

Mark says goodbye to Raven and asks Gunther to help him find Michelle's diary. Raven is taken above ground to await an ambulance. Sky holds baby Charlotte and finishes the story he began two months earlier when Raven disappeared, " And that is the story of my search for Raven and how I found a family instead..."



DECEMBER 25, 1984: EPISODE 7,417.

It's wedding day for Miles and Beth, and both are trying desperately to pretend they aren't nervous. Calvin reminds Miles that he missed Sky and Raven's wedding, then teases Miles about honeymooning at Marblehead Lodge where Raven disappeared. Miles suggests that the guys play poker to kill time.

At Beth's house, Didi, Chris, and Jody are helping Beth get dressed. They do the traditional "something old, something new" routine to which Beth quips, "Will the bride do for something old?" Later, Beth is in a tizzy when she can't reach Liz. The girls tell her not worry, but Beth insists on speaking to Liz before the wedding, after all, she promised Miles she would.

At Whitney International, a frumpy security guard is sitting alone listening to holiday music. "Christmas Day, " he moans, "and here I am without a present in sight." Suddenly, the elevator doors fly open, revealing Liz, who's clad in a tight top and sexy little black miniskirt. Liz lies that she's in the secretarial pool and is looking for someone to help her drink a bottle of champagne. Eventually, she manages to lure the guard away from his post long enough for Del to slip in unnoticed. But, Del is in for a shock after he finds Jim Riley and Miss Eileen making out on the conference table in Sky's office.

Sky and Raven are enjoying a Merry Christmas with their family and new baby girl. Jamey wants to know how they can tell that Charlotte is a girl. Sky promises to explain it right after Christmas...after a few Christmases, in fact. Mitzi calls to tell Gunther he's a rich man, since she sold Dreamwalker to Mr. Wescott for $200, 000. Gunther insists that Mitzi accompany him to the Cavanaugh wedding. Raven wants to know if Geraldine really intends to marry Del. Geraldine hesitates, admitting that Del is much more like Anthony Saxon than Gordon Whitney, but if certain conditions are met, she might marry him anyway.

The Karr's enjoy a quiet holiday with Laurie, who tells them about her experience at Greenhaven Sanitarium. Despite what happened to Maria, Laurie insists that Dr. Prentice was an excellent physician and Laurie made great progress under her care. Mike and Nancy ask Laurie to attend the Cavanaugh wedding, but she declines as she needs time alone before facing so many people. Nancy astutely guesses that Laurie will be thinking about John Victor. Laurie vows that she'll find her son, and Mike reassures her that he and Nancy will help.

Back at Whitney international, Jim Riley and Miss Eileen announce their engagement to Del. They start to leave, but catch Preacher, Liz, and the security guard giggling and swilling champagne. Liz tells everyone that she's in the typing pool. Just as Miss Eileen announces that she knows every girl in the typing pool and she's never seen Liz in her life, Sky arrives unexpectedly to retrieve a present for Raven that's locked in his office safe. Surveying the eclectic crew, Sky barks, "What the hell's going on here!" Liz hands him a glass of champagne and grins, "You're just in time for the office party..."



DECEMBER 26, 1984: EPISODE 7,418.

It's still Miles and Beth's wedding day, but they aren't any closer to getting married. Miles, Jeremy, and Calvin are playing poker, unaware that the clock has stopped and they're running late. At Beth's house, Beth still insists on speaking to Liz before the wedding. When Beth calls Miles at the church to warn him that she's late, Beth is horrified to hear that none of the groom's party has arrived. Jody calls the penthouse looking for Miles, but Jeremy is on the phone with Mitzi, trying to convince her to attend the wedding with Gunther. Although she's horribly late, Beth refuses to get dressed until she speaks to Miles or Liz.

Geraldine arrives at the Karrs' and has a reunion with Laurie. Geraldine tells everyone about Del's proposal, which he then revoked. All of the complicated lives prompt Laurie to remark, "Monticello. I've been gone seven years, and it's still just as wild as ever."

At Whitney International, Del speaks with Sky in private and confesses the whole story about Dreamwalker and the money Del "borrowed" from Sky's safe. Del then gives Sky a check for $40,000, his 20% of the winnings, and announces that he's ready to pay for his sins. Sky insists that the check be turned over to Mitzi, since she's the one who actually sold the horse. Sky thanks Del for paying back the "loan", which is how Sky will describe the transaction if anyone asks. Sky then warns Del that if he hurts Aunt Geraldine, he'll have Sky as a very unwanted enemy. Now that they understand one another, Sky tells Del, "let's make this the last episode."

Beth is dressed, but she still won't budge. Jody suggests that it's an emergency like the one that kept Miles from attending Sky and Raven's wedding. Beth really panics then, and Jody assures her that Miles won't miss his own wedding. Miles, who finally realized that the clock had stopped, calls from the church. Beth wants to know what was wrong, but Didi instructs Beth to ask Miles about it on their honeymoon. "It's time to get married, Beth," Didi intones. Beth looks lovingly at a picture of her mother. "Hey, Ma. Guess what? I'm getting married," she cries.



DECEMBER 27, 1984: EPISODE 7,419.

Del is getting dressed for the wedding and notices Liz and Preacher's backpacks. Preacher explains that it's time he and Liz moved on. Del tearfully announces that he isn't ready to his son go. They've had such a short time together. Preacher reassures Del that he'll be okay. Del has Geraldine now, and she'll love him just as Preacher does. Del hugs Liz and tells her to take care of his son, then he leaves in tears. Liz informs Preacher that she has one stop to make before they leave Monticello.

Chris sees Miles before the wedding. He tells her that he was sorry to hear that things didn't work out between her and Derek, who has gone home to his family in Virginia. Chris says that it's okay. She's going to find a man just like Miles.

Liz and Preacher arrive at the church just as Miles and Beth exchange vows. Liz laughs that she thought it would be a fun joke to see Miles and Beth get married, but admits she's terribly jealous of their happiness. Chris tells Liz that Beth wants to see her. Will Liz please come to the reception? Liz finally agrees to see Beth.

Del makes it to the wedding and faces Geraldine afterwards. He tries to explain about the gambling and theft, but Geraldine reminds him that they're in church, and he can save his explanations for later. Del tells her that he feels worthy now, as worthy as he'll ever be, and asks Geraldine to be his bride. Geraldine asks sarcastically if Del plans to revoke this proposal, too. "No, this one's for life," he promises. Geraldine melts. "In that case, Mr. Emerson, I think I will marry you," Gerladine smiles. "But don't think you're conning me," she adds, "I know exactly what I'm getting into."

At the penthouse reception, Chris thinks about Derek and decides to step out for some fresh air. Geraldine tells Sky and Raven that she and Del have important news. Preacher and Liz arrive. Beth thanks for Liz for coming and suggests that they have a brief chat on the terrace.

Chris is daydreaming about Derek again at a coffeeshop, when she looks out the window and spots Alicia Van Dine on the street. Realizing that the Monticello PD still has outstanding warrants for Alicia's arrest, Chris hurries out of the coffeeshop and follows Alicia into a snowstorm.



DECEMBER 28, 1984: EPISODE 7,420. (The Edge of Night's final telecast)

On the penthouse terrace, Liz tells Beth she'll probably be getting used to the view, but Beth reveals that she and Miles are planning to live at the Corell house. This prompts a catty remark from Liz, and the sisters begin to argue. Beth informs Liz that their mother wasn't a bad person. Liz breaks down and admits that she didn't mean to cause their mother any pain, and she didn't want their mom to die. Beth knows. Liz wanted to die instead. Liz admits that it's true, and that's why she has to leave. Liz says that one day maybe they can talk again. Beth smiles and tells her sister that she'd like that.

Jody and Preacher say goodbye to one another. Jody wishes Preacher luck and gives him a kiss, adding that she hopes he finds what he's looking for. With an eye to Jeremy, Preacher says that he hopes Jody finds what she's looking for, too.

On the snowy streets of Monticello, Chris follows Alicia to Wonderland Lane, where Alicia enters M. Hatter Antiques. Chris goes in after her. Alicia stumbles through a curtain and whispers, "Off with her head," before collapsing to the floor with a large knife stuck in her back. Chris is stunned when Louis Van Dine appears from behind the curtain. Then, Chris is grabbed from behind by Donald Hext, who still wears the bloodied uniform from the day Sky Whitney killed him in a duel. Chris manages to escape with Hext in pursuit. Van Dine kneels over Alicia's body and laughs hysterically. Running from Hext, Chris slips in the snow and drops her purse by a trash can with a large stuffed bunny sitting on top.

After Miles and Beth have left the wedding reception, Mike and Nancy announce to their friends that Laurie is home for good. Mike then remarks to everyone, "There's a fitting completeness to this day. I can't describe it, but it's very special."

A package arrives at the Whitney house for Geraldine, who informs Del that it's the prenuptial agreement she had drawn up after he revoked his last marriage proposal. Del reluctantly signs the document, commenting that he'll have to get up pretty early to put one over on Geraldine. "Just you try," laughs his bride-to-be.

Chris brings two cops to the scene of Alicia's murder, but the antique shop and Wonderland Lane have been replaced by a large brick wall, with a factory on the other side. The two officers tell Chris that they've walked the same beat for years, and they've never heard of Wonderland Lane. One of the officers notices Chris's purse in the snow. She tells them that's where she slipped after running away from the antique shop, which is owned by the Mad Hatter. "Was the rabbit there late for a very important date," the officers joke. Chris insists that it was all there, but it's gone now.

Miles and Beth are basking in the afterglow of making love. As Miles holds her very close, Beth dreamily declares, "This is going to last forever."

Chris returns to the penthouse to tell everyone about her strange experience. Although the police didn't believe her, Mike and Calvin do and organize everyone into action.

At the Whitney mansion, Sky and Raven kiss passionately and answer a knock at their front door. Sky finds the sword he used to kill Donald Hext on the doorstep. Sky and Raven look at one another in bewilderment. Another mystery has begun...

With that, twenty eight years of murder, mystery, and mayhem comes to an end.


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