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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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SEPTEMBER 30, 1957 (Episode #391)
Ollie and John Phillips discussed Sybil's trustworthiness. Later, Ollie met with Sybil who told him that Mike and Ed suspect there's a spy in the DA's office. Ollie questioned DA Thompson's vulnerability, but Sybil theorized that Thompson is too honest to be blackmailed. Ollie evaded Sybil's desire to know the identity of "Mr. Big", though he did reveal that his boss wants to replace Thompson with one of the DA's assistants. Sybil agreed to get dossiers on Mike, Ed, and Peter Dalton. Bebe Spode received taunts about her imprisoned father from mischievous classmate Kitty. Kitty accused Bebe of stealing money. Mrs. Kerwin, the school principal, believed in Bebe's innocence and claims that the other schoolchildren are harassing her. Mrs. Kerwin told Sara that Bebe should bring her father to school to show Bebe's classmates that he's a father any girl could be proud of. Sara commented that Martin has applied for an early parole. Ollie took Sybil's dossiers to John Phillips, and they decided that Peter Dalton will be the next District Attorney of Monticello County. Phillips instructed Ollie to sound out Dalton and see if Dalton would be "willing to show the proper amount and kind of appreciation for our sponsorship."



OCTOBER 1, 1957 (Episode #392)
Sybil and Ollie speculated that Peter Dalton's wife Virginia would jump at the prospect of her husband becoming the DA, since he wasn't appointed Chief Assistant DA. Ollie met Dalton and explained that a wealthy philanthropist wants to put Dalton in charge of the DA's office. Dalton refused, claiming that he'd feel disloyal to Bruce Thompson who probably can't be defeated. After Ollie insinuated that Thompson could be defeated, Dalton gave the offer some thought. Winston and Mattie discussed Mattie's presumed-dead husband George and George's life insurance policy. Virginia Dalton told Peter that she wants him to accept Ollie's offer, but she won't push him into it. Later, Dalton agreed to an exploratory meeting with Ollie's backer. Ollie told Sybil that Dalton took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

OCTOBER 2, 1957 (Episode #393)
Sara and Mike argued about Mike's refusal to endorse Martin Spode's parole, but when another letter from Martin arrived, Mike agreed to discuss the matter further. Liz promised Lt. Gerry Harrison that he could meet Clayton at the nursing home. Clayton continued to profess his "love" to Liz and wanted to know how he'd get along without money. Liz warned Clayton that he wouldn't need any money where he's going and threatened to turn him over to the police. Clayton showed Mary Harper's brooch to Liz as a symbol of his love, but Liz locked the brooch in a jewel case. After Liz left, Clayton tried to break into the jewel case, and when he failed, he conned a hardware store clerk into making a key for him. Mike met with Lt. Harrison and related the information Mike learned about Clayton Pike in Tucson: Fifteen years ago, Pike's car crashed and burned. Mike found a picture of Clayton Pike when he lived in Oregon, but the man in the photograph bears no resemblence to the man currently living in Monticello as Clayton Pike, and the two mens' signatures are disssimilar. Pike claimed that he was driving the car at the time of the alleged accident and was thrown clear from the wreckage, while an unidentified passenger burned to death in the car. Mike says that he found a witness who saw the survivor of the crash changing his clothes while the car and victim burned. The medical examiner ruled at the time that the victim's skull fracture was not caused by the accident. Mike revealed that a man in Oregon is collecting data on the real Clayton Pike's dental and bone repair. If the data matches that of the man who burned to death in Arizona, then the Monticello Clayton Pike is an impostor.



OCTOBER 3, 1957 (Episode #394)
Jack complained to Sara and Betty Jean about the amount of work he does for the amount of money he's actually paid. Sara advised Jack not to try to move up too quickly in business. Later, Jake Golick admitted that someone wants to ruin him and take over the business. Jake received bad news about the business and assured Jack of a good work recommendation. Betty Jean was pleased at Jack's maturity when he felt sorry for Jake's predicament. Peter Dalton was disappointed to learn that he hadn't received a call from Ollie. Sybil called Ollie and suggested that he call Dalton immediately since Dalton is publicity hungry and will most likely jump at the chance to run for DA. Dalton tried to hide his anxiety when Ollie finally called.

OCTOBER 4, 1957 (Episode #395)
Ollie told Dalton that since he turned down the election proposal, the sponsor doesn't see a need to meet. A nervous Dalton countered that he could persuade the sponsor to back Bruce Thompson instead. Later, Ollie and John Phillips laughed at Dalton's suppressed hunger, so Ollie arranged a meeting between the two men. Sara wrote a letter to Cora about Bebe Spode's troubles, then Sara and Mike quarreled again when Mike remained adamant about not supporting Martin Spode's parole. Mike had an enlightening encounter with Mama Jo and her son Jose at the Chili Parlor. Mama Jo and Jose argued about the proper way to make chili. Mike talked to Jose about arguments and commented that the most important part is when it all blows over. Realizing how silly his argument with Sara was, Mike patched things up with his wife. Dalton met with Phillips, who revealed his plans. Phillips showed Dalton an editorial from the Monticello News, calling for a change in the DA's office. Furthermore, the new publisher of the newspaper is a friend of Phillips, who has an investment in the business and agrees with the editorial's constructive ideas. Dalton asked what would be expected of him if he accepted the sponorship, and Phillips assured him that nothing would be expected other than a commitment to agressive law enforcement. After making it clear that he wants to be his own man, Dalton decided to consider the offer and left. Afterward, Ollie and Phillips found it amusing that Dalton wants to be his own man. Later, Dalton gazed at his door plaque and imagined being DA, then a senator, and finally the Governor.



OCTOBER 7, 1957 (Episode #396)
A restless Bebe had nightmares about Martin. Sara comforted Bebe, who fears she'll never see her father again. Mike came home and related his experience at Mama Jo's, telling Sara how silly their argument was. But, after Sara calmed Bebe and tucked her into bed, Mike and Sara argued again when Mike admitted that he hasn't changed his mind about keeping Martin in prison. Peter Dalton told wife Virginia about his meeting with Phillips. Although she's pleased, Peter refused to reveal Phillips' identity. Virginia guessed that Winston was the anonymous sponsor, but Dalton told her that Winston will most likely be in Bruce Thompson's corner. Mike couldn't sleep until his argument with Sara was settled. Sara lamented to Mike about Bebe's unhappiness, which led Mike to reconsider Martin's release. Dalton mulled over Phillips' offer, but was torn between potential power and his loyalty to Thompson. Virginia planned a dinner party for Thompson, which Peter planned to use as a pretext for learning Thompson's strategy for the election. Peter and Virginia toasted the new district attorney-- Peter Dalton.



OCTOBER 8, 1957 (Episode #397)
Clayton Pike showed Mary Harper's brooch to girlfriend Irene and revealed that he intends to use the brooch to trap Liz and get himself off the hook. Pike promised Irene that once he gets the incriminating documents away from Liz, they can dispose of the Harper kid and get his inheritance. Dalton met with Phillips and reiterated that he wants to be his own man. Phillips said that he'd arrange for the publisher of the Monticello News to dramatize Dalton, who is relatively unknown to the public. Phillips' comments gave Dalton an idea about having Mike reassigned so that Dalton could prosecute the high-profile, front-page Sekuler/Holland trial. Phillips agreed that it would be a splendid maneuver if Dalton could pull it off. Dalton promised to get the ball rolling and finally agreed to run for the DA's office. Clayton baited his wife Liz, who slapped him and claimed that she'd call the police and expose him as a murderer and fraud. Liz picked up the phone to call the cops, but at the last minute, she hung up saying, "No. You haven't suffered enough." Clayton urged Liz to wear the brooch he gave her. Liz accused Clayton of taking the jewel when she discovered it was missing. Peter told an ecstatic Viriginia that he's going to run for District Attorney. After revealing his plan to get Mike reassigned to a less important case, Peter warned that he'd do anything to get elected.



OCTOBER 9, 1957 (Episode #398)
Sybil told Mike that Thompson was bothered by the editorial in the Monticello News. Later, Winston informed Mike that he wants Monticello's most important citizens to endorse Thompson. Winston included John Phillips on his list of supporters for Thompson, but Mike wasn't personally familair with Phillips. Sybil met with Ollie and lamented the fact that she's bored, but Ollie insisted that he's too preoccupied with Phillips and Dalton; he doesn't have time to entertain her. Sybil expressed anger because Ollie isn't spending enough time with her, and when she baited him by speculating what he'd do if she remained loyal to Bruce Thompson, Ollie warned her that she'd be making a big mistake. Winston urged Mattie to sign insurance documents since her husband George has been missing for eight years and is obviously dead. Mattie remained adamant about not pursuing the issue. Ollie called Phillips saying that he's concerned about Sybil and needs to "handle it". Later, Ollie called Sybil and agreed to spend more time with her. Sybil lied to her husband Joseph about having to work late, but she secretly planned to meet with Ollie.



OCTOBER 10, 1957 (Episode #399)
Mike and Dalton talked about the editorial in the Monticello News, and when Mike wondered who would run against Thompson, Dalton said that Thompson should win easily. Mike informed a shocked Peter that the Sekuler/Holland case is being brought to trial in a week. Sara stopped by Mike's office to tell him she received a telegram from Hester Spode, who is returning to Monticello tomorrow. Sara reminded Mike that they'd have to tell Hester about Mike's decision to reject Martin's parole. Mike showed Sara a report from the prison warden's office whic revealed that Martin had gotten into a fistfight with another prisoner. Mike told Sara that based on Martin's behavior, the parole board would most likely deny Martin's request for release. Sara wondered how they'd tell Hester the news and felt sorry for Bebe. Mike lamented the fact that they couldn't get Bebe's father released, but agreed that he'd try again if Spode will. Liz asked her maid Frances about Mary Harper's brooch, and Frances admitted that she saw a guilty-looking Clayton with the jewelry case. Liz said that she was going to make an important long distance call and instructed Frances to send Clayton up to her room as soon as he arrives home. Peter commented to Virginia that if Mike collars Clayton Pike, Peter could get great press from prosecuting Pike. Peter and Virginia conspired to work on getting Bruce Thompson to reassign Mike in the Sekuler-Holland trial. Later. after running into the Karr's at a restaurant, Peter suggested that Virginia get chummy with Sara and find out if Mike is firmly behind Thompson or would be amenable to a new DA. Just as Clayton was about to instruct Frances to tell Liz to get lost, Liz appeared and demanded the brooch back. Clayton baited Liz, whose rising anger alerted him that his plan was succeeding. Clayton informed that he has enough documentation to frame her as the mastermind behind the black market baby scam. Liz countered with a threat to send him to prison in Arizona on a first-degree murder charge. Liz gave Clayton one day to return the brooch and stormed off.



OCTOBER 13, 1957 (Episode #400)
As Peter and Virginia prepared for their dinner party with Thompson, Peter felt a twinge of guilt over his betrayal. Virginia warned Peter that he owes his mysterious sponsor more loyalty than Bruce Thompson. Bebe wished that she could remain living with Mike and Sara, then she and Sara went to meet Hester at the train station. Sara informed a dejected Hester that Martin had been involved in a prison fight, which would most likely kill his chance for an early parole. Mike promised Hester that he would help get Martin out of prison if Hester thinks it's the best thing for Bebe. At the Dalton's dinner party, Peter loaded Bruce Thompson's drink with extra gin, while Virginia laid the charm on him. Peter expressed discontent about his new case-- the Webber shooting-- which Peter feels would be better handled by Mike since Mike is a former police officer. Peter suggested reassigning Mike to the Webber case and giving Peter the Sekuler-Holland trial, as the case is so strong, anyone could win it. Peter was very, very pleased when a tipsy Thompson agreed to the plan.



OCTOBER 14, 1957 (Episode #401)
Joseph Gordon was dejected when wife Sybil claimed to be too busy at the office to have lunch with him and admitted that she might be very late getting home. Sara lamented that the Karr home seemed so empty without Bebe. Mike noted Sara's hint about having children, then read another editorial in the Monticello News, blasting DA Thompson about the handling of the Webber shooting. A furious Thompson read the editorial and got Mike up-to-speed on the case. Thompson told Mike that since Mike had previously sent crooked gunsmith Willard Benner to jail, and Willard is suspected of tampering with the gun found at the Webber crime scene, Thompson is taking Mike off the Sekuler-Holland trial and reassigning him to the Webber case. Mike and Thompson reached an impasse over Mike's refusal to be reassigned. Sybil met Ollie for lunch with news of the discord between Mike and DA Thompson. When Sybil's husband Joseph happened to catch them together, Sybil introduced Ollie as "Mr. Smith", Thompson's campaign manager. Not wanting to intrude, Joseph bought the story and left. Sybil told Ollie that Joseph is dull, but he's security. Ollie cautioned Sybil that they'd have to play it safe until the election is over. Mike cried on Sara's shoulder about being reassigned. Sara made the point that Mike might be the best man to prosecute the Webber case adding that when visits Willard Benner in prison, Mike could use the opportunity to find out why Martin Spode went beserk. Later, Mike called Thompson and agreed to take the reassignment. At the Gordon home, Joseph admitted that he was jealous when he saw his wife wi th Mr. Smith. Sybil quietly relished h er a bility to keep her husband und er control.



OCTOBER 15, 1957 (Episode #402)
As Mike prepared to visit Willard Benner in the State Pen, Hester asked Mike to do what he could to get Martin sprung. Phillips told Ollie that he's going to attend a fund-raising rally at the Community Center and hopes to get Mrs. Katherine Guthrie to announce Peter Dalton's candidacy. Later, Phillips visited Katherine Guthrie and gave her a substantial check. When Phillips started his pitch for Dalton, Mrs. Guthrie handed him back the check saying that she wouldn't accept the money if it was contingent upon her support of Dalton. Phillips acted offended and informed her that he's disturbed by a growing wave of crime in Monticello and feels that it's a result of inadequate law enforcement from Thompson's office. Furthermore, if Mrs. Guthrie could find a better candidate, he'd be willing to support that man. Mrs. Guthrie agreed to call an executive meeting to discuss Phillips' ideas.



OCTOBER 16, 1957 (Episode #403)
Irene called Clayton, who told her that they'll be putting their plan into action very soon...perhaps even today. Bebe admitted to Sara that she's afraid to face the kids at school. Sara advised Bebe to just be friendly and avoid the Kitty-the-troublemaker. Later, Kitty taunted Bebe, attempting to make her cry, but Bebe befriended Kitty's companion Polly. Liz warned Clayton that he must return the brooch by this afternoon and told him that she had almost telephoned the authorities in Arizona, but she decided to give him on more chance. After Liz threw him out of the house, Clayton visited Irene and instructed her to wear Mary Harper's brooch. Clayton called the Monticello National Bank to finalize his plans, then he told Irene that they'll finsish off Liz and Billy Harper, Irene will pose as Mrs. Haller, Billy's mother, and collect the inheritance.



OCTOBER 17, 1957 (Episode #404)
Clayton and Irene put their plan into motion. Clayton called Liz and told her that he stole brooch and used it to pay off an obligation, then he dispatched Irene to the beauty shop where Liz has an appointment. Later at the beauty shop, Liz had a fit when she saw Irene wearing the brooch. Irene told Liz that the brooch was a gift from a very dear friend. An enraged Liz followed Irene, who left the beauty shop. Mike met with Willard Benner at the State Penetentiary. Benner refused to identify the gun from the Webber shooting, insisting that he wouldn't rat on a client, but since Mike helped his son out of some trouble, Benner finally agrees to have a look at it. Mike believed Benner, who said that the gun wasn't one of his jobs. Irene returned to her apartment and informed Clayton that Liz would probably arrive any minute. Irene wanted to keep the brooch, but Clayton said he wants it when they're finished with their plan. When Liz approached the apartment, she found the door ajar and spotted Clayton and Irene in a passionate embrace.



OCTOBER 18, 1957 (Episode #405)
An enraged Liz watched Clayton and Irene with cold, hard hate, then she slammed the door on her way out. Clayton and Irene followed Liz to the bank in a taxi cab he had borrowed. Clayton instructed Irene to wait in a doorway next to the bank until Liz leaves. Clayton tried to give Irene a gun, but she had her own. At the State Pen, Mike met with Martin Spode and confessed that he fought with a cellmate because the fellow was making inappropriate remarks about Hester. Mike was sympathetic to Martin's dilemma, but wasn't sure that the parole board would be. Posing as a taxi driver, Clayton picked up Liz, who left the bank with a large manila envelope. Liz ordered a disguised Clayton to take her to the nearest police station, but Irene jumped into the cab and held Liz at gunpoint. Clayton cautioned Liz that she wouldn't get hurt if she followed their instructions. Liz tried to escape the cab, but Irene stopped her and got the envelope. Back at Irene's apartment, Clayton examined the contents of the envelope, and pleased, he burned the papers. Liz informed Clayton that she knows the contents of the envelope and could still contact the police in Arizona and tell them that he murdered the real Clayton Pike. Clayton responded to Liz's threats by saying that although Liz was very clever, she made her biggest mistake by shackling him and never letting him feel like a man. When Liz wanted to know what they intend to do with her, Clayton replied suggestively, "You'll find that out soon enough!" .



OCTOBER 21, 1957 (Episode #406)
Clayton gleefully taunted Liz with his plans to use her the same way she used him for so many years. Liz threatened to tell the police about the murder of the real Clayton Pike, but Pike presented Liz with photostats of documents which implicate Liz as an accessory after the fact. Willy Bryan told Rose Marie Bremen that Leo Sekuler copped a guilty plea, so Rose Marie won't be forced to testify against him at the trial. Later, Rose Marie met with Peter Dalton who wanted her to appear on television and make a statement about her pleasure over Dalton's victory in the Sekuler case. When Rose Marie refused, Dalton informed her that she didn't have a choice. Willy assured Rose Marie that she didn't have to make the tv appearance. Dalton scolded Willy for interfering with Rose Marie. Seeing the evidence against her, Liz agreed to give Clayton $10, 000. After cashing Liz's check at the bank, Clayton released Liz and told Irene that Billy Harper will live, but someone else is going to die.

OCTOBER 22, 1957 (Episode #407)
At the state prison, Mike questioned Martin Spode's cellmate Tom Hill, who confessed that Spode hit him because Hill had made suggestive remarks about Hester "having a high old time" while Martin's in prison. Mike told the prison warden that Spode was provoked into attacking Hill. After Jack told her about Jake Golick losing the business, Betty Jean suggested that Jack help Golick by asking Winston to invest in Golick's business. Jack agreed to help Golick.



OCTOBER 23, 1957 (Episode #408)
Mrs. Guthrie told JH Phillips that the executive board of the Parent's Organization authorized her to study Bruce Thompson's record, and she couldn't find a reason for thinking him unfit as a district attorney. After Phillips sang Dalton's praises in the Sekuler-Holland case, Mrs. Guthrie agreed to make a televised endorsement speech for Dalton. Rose Marie Bremen lamented to Willy that in order to keep her baby, she'll have to move upstate with her mother-in-law. Willy told Rose Marie that she could get a job in Monticello to support herself and the baby. Rose Marie decided to give herself a week to find a Monticello job. English attorney Russell O'Brien stopped by the Karr home and told Mike that he's looking for the heir to the Ambrose Haller estate. O'Brien explained that Ambrose Haller left his entire estate his nephew, who came to the United States and married. After the junior Haller's pregnant wife Dorothy entered the Pike's Retreat nursing home, both the junior and senior Haller died. Dorothy Haller and her child (if living) are now the heirs to a half-a-million pounds. O'Brien told Mike that a letter was sent to Mrs. Haller via the nursing home, and Clayton Pike claimed that her forwarded the documents to an address in Bradford. Mike promised O'Brien that he'd help find Mrs. Haller and the child, especially if it will help put Pike away.



OCTOBER 24, 1957 (Episode #409)
Clayton gloated that he has LIz over a barrel; he could have her in jail in 20 minutes on baby racket charges. Mike informed Sara that Martin Spode now has a good chance at parole. Sara countered with good news of her own... she quit her job. Hester Spode was alternately pleased and grateful when Mike told her about his visit with the prison warden. Jake pitched the idea of helping Jake Golick to Winston. Winston was impressed with Jack's business acumen and agreed to speak with Golick. Clayton theorized to Irene that if a boy set to inherit a million dollars gets bumped off, the police will ask questions, but if Mary Harper has a fatal accident, no one will care. Later, Clayton and Irene drove out to a lonely stretch of country road and planned Mary's fate. Clayton suggested that Irene take Billy Harper to the movies, while Clayton lures Mary out to the country on the pretext of getting her son back from Mrs. Haller. Clayton revealed that he actually intends to drive Mary out to a deserted road with a flimsy guard rail. There, Mary Harper will meet her fate in a fatal car crash.



OCTOBER 25, 1957 (Episode #410)
Mike enlisted Willy's aid in finding Mrs. Haller, but Willy declined because he is meeting with Rose Marie. Peter told Virginia that the announcement of his election plans will be made tonight. Mrs. Guthrie made her televised speech endorsing Dalton for DA. After the speech, reporter Charles Fisher was dispatched to get Dalton's reaction, but Peter feigned surprise and claimed that this was the first he'd heard of a campaign to elect him DA. Peter stated that Thompson's made some mistakes, but admitted that he's reluctant to run against his boss. Virginia complimented Peter on the way he handled the situation. Willy offered to buy a telephone answering service for Rose Marie to run.

OCTOBER 28, 1957 (Episode #411)
Peter received a call from the the tv station manager who wanted Peter to make a televised statement in response to Mrs. Guthrie's speech. Mike was suspicious of what and who was behind Mrs. Guthrie's speech. Bruce Thompson, Mike, and Winston met to watch Peter's tv speech. In the speech, Peter stated that if Monticelloites don't want change, he won't run, but if they do, he will. Thompson wondered if Peter was really surprised by Mrs. Guthrie's endorsement and vowed to give Dalton a good fight. The Daltons basked in the glow of their triumphant evening, but Peter admitted to Virginia that if (or rather when) he is elected, he'll need Mike's support. When Peter called Mike to ask for support, Mike flatly refused.



OCTOBER 29, 1957 (Episode #412)
Bruce Thompson told Mike to expect extra work because Peter Dalton is going to be fired. Mike countered that Dalton intends to resign. Bruce and Mike theorized that some powerful force is at work to put a puppet in the DA's office and perhaps impede law enforcement. Mike and Thompson wondered who might be behind Dalton's campaign. Dalton gave Thompson a resignation, but Thompson threw Dalton out of the office. Faith Fleming, a campaign organizer, met with JH Phillips who told her he wants Peter elected DA. Faith agreed to do anything necessary-- short of something illegal. Phillips gave Faith carte blanche to spend as much money as necessary on the campaign. After meeting Peter, Faith wanted to speak with Virginia. Thompson wanted to call a press conference about Dalton's campaign, but Mike warned Thompson that it will only give Peter more publicity. Mike told Thompson that they have to fight the real adversary-- whoever is behind Peter Dalton. Mike enlisted Willy's help in getting to the bottom of the Dalton's benefactor. After meeting with Virginia, Faith was pleased and informed Phillips that they good material with which to work. Faith planned a big tv rally, complete with a band and a claque that will cheer and applaud on cue. Faith assured Phillips that Peter Dalton is as good as elected.



OCTOBER 30, 1957 (Episode #413)
Clayton called Mary with the news that there's been a disturbing development, and they need to meet immediately. Mary made an excuse to Roger and left to meet with Pike. JH Phillips told Ollie to cut a deal with William Herman Fitzsimmons for $5,000 plus expenses to suply the shills for Peter's tv rally. Ollie nervously remembered that he once had a run-in with Fitzsimmons. Mary met with Pike who lied to her that Billy's real mother is in Monticello and consulting with an attorney. Clayton was pleased with Mary's reaction. Later, Roger noticed Mary's agitation, but she claimed that she's feeling unwell. Ollie faced difficulty with Fitzsimmons who wouldn't agree to Ollie's offer of $4,000. Realizing that he was being cheated, Fitzsimmons said he'd do the job for $6,000. Ollie agreed and raced to the bank to make up the difference. Phillips realized that Ollie tried to cheat Fitzsimmons and had to pay more than necessary to get the job done. Phillips threw Ollie out of the office but was secretly amused at the lengths Ollie went to in order to not get in trouble.



OCTOBER 31, 1957 (Episode #414)
Faith Fleming and emcee Al Nilson prepared for the election rally at the Community Center. Faith admitted to Al that Peter doesn't know that the rally is rigged. Mike told Sara that he won't attend Peter's rally since some people might interpret his presence as support. Peter was worried because he wants to be his own man but fears he's being manipulated. Virginia tried to assuage Peter's fears. At the rally, Faith cued the crowd who chanted, "We want Dalton!". Peter agreed to the crowd's "demand" that he run for DA. While watching the rally on tv, Mike commented to Sara that Dalton was putting on a good show. Later, Peter called Mike and offered him one last chance to get on the bandwagon. Mike refused again, which prompted Dalton to exclaim that he doesn't need anyone because he's the man that the people of Monticello want. Al Nilson asked Faith how long it would take for Peter to fall off his high horse. Faith responded that he won't have to because she knows the man who will take Peter off of it.

NOVEMBER 1, 1957 (Episode #415)
Clayton told Irene that they'll have to pose as Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton from Kansas City and rent an apartment as part of the Harper plan. As Irene dressed for the part, Clayton wanted Irene to give him her pistol. At a luncheon, Sara and Mildred Parmalee overheard two women who were singing Dalton's praises. Mildred tried to set the strangers straight, but they left offended. After renting an apartment as the Throckmortons, Clayton and Irene put the finishing touches on their plan to kill Mary. Clayton telephoned Roger and made an appointment as Mr. Willoughby, in order to make sure that Roger doesn't arrive home early. Irene made a reservation for Mary at a tavern on route 43, which will give Mary an excuse for being on the road where the fatal car "accident" occurs. Clayton's plans went awry when he called Mary to set events in motion, but Mary wasn't home.


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