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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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NOVEMBER 4, 1957 (Episode #416)
Clayton was upset that he didn't get the opportunity to kill Mary Harper the previous night. Liz insisted that she and Clayton couldn't go on hating, suspecting, and threatening one another, but Clayton reminded her that she'd done all of those things to him for years. Later, Clayton called a terrified Mary and told her that Billy's mother Dorothy Haller is in Monticello and has been trying to contact him. Mary begged for Clayton's help. At school, Billy ran into Bebe on the playground and invited her to his house after school. Meanwhile, Clayton informed Irene that they'll definitely take care of Mary Harper before the night is over. Bebe agreed to visit Billy after school, and as they left, Irene arrived pretending to be a friend of Mary's. Irene lied to the kids that she has permission from Mary to take them to the movies. Bebe and Billy noticed that Irene was wearing Mary's brooch. Back at the Harper house, Mary panicked over Clayton's revelation and the fact that Billy wasn't home from school. After letting her worry a while, Clayton telephoned Mary with the news that Dorothy has taken Billy away. Clayton instructed a frantic Mary to drive to the corner of 12th and Main, where he promised to meet her and drive to her Billy. Clayton broke into an evil smile as Mary begged him to tell her Billy's location.



NOVEMBER 5, 1957 (Episode #417)
Mike received a telephone call from an Arizona medical examiner, who confirmed that the real Clayton Pike was murdered, and the man in Monticello is an impostor. Liz begged Clayton not proceed with his diabolical plans, but Clayton met Mary anyway. Mary refused to drive in the blinding rainstorm until Pike gave her more information-- an address where to find Billy. Mike stopped by the Pike's to confront Clayton, but Liz admitted that Clayton wasn't there. After Pike gave her an address, Mary drove perilously through the rainstorm, narrowly missing several near-accidents. However, the car later sputtered and died, leaving a furious Clayton to wonder if his plans would go awry. Mike called Willy Bryan and gave him the details about Clayton Pike. Willy agreed to watch the Pike apartment until Captain Marceau could send officers there and to Pike's favorite gambling hall across the state line.



NOVEMBER 6, 1957 (Episode #418)
Mary attempted to walk to the address Clayton gave her, but Pike pulled her back into the car and instructed her to go to a garage across the street and convince the mechanic to fix the car immediately. After Mary talked the mechanic into repairing the car, Clayton led her on foot to the Throckmorton apartment. Marceau called Mike, who told the Captain to put officers on a stakeout of the Clayton's house and Irene's apartment. Roger stopped by the Karr's looking for Mary and Billy. Mike became suspicious when Roger commented that he needs the car to meet with the new owners of the Retreat Nursing Home, where Billy was born. At the Throckmorton apartment, Clayton bolted the door, while an impatient Mary insisted that she'd go to the police if Clayton didn't explain how he knew Dorothy Haller's plans so well.



NOVEMBER 7, 1957 (Episode #419)
Clayton calmed Mary down and explained that Mrs. Haller told him of her plans in an effort to get his help, but out of loyalty to Mary, he'll help get Billy away from Mrs. Haller. When Mary asked how they could stop Mrs. Haller, Clayton suggested murder. Hester went to the Harper house looking for Bebe, but Roger told her that Mary probably took Billy and Bebe to a movie. Later, Irene dropped Bebe off at the Karr's and took Billy back to Roger. Irene lied to a worried Roger that Mary was driving out to the country to buy an antique desk. Roger was confused when he spotted Irene wearing Mary's brooch. Irene told Roger that Mary allowed her to wear the brooch for a while. Roger telephoned Mike and admitted that he's worried Mary had a car accident. Mike promised to have the state police look for Mary's car. At the Throckmorton apartment, a suspcious Mary ran for the door, but Clayton caught her and restrained her in a chair. When Irene arrived without Billy, Mary realized that she's in a dangerous situation.



NOVEMBER 8, 1957 (Episode #420)
Clayton explained to Mary that she's being held prisoner because they want her to give them Billy. After Mary refused, Clayton locked her in a bedroom. Mike assured a distraught Roger that the state police have been alerted about Mary. Mike didn't pay any attention to Bebe, who rambled on about her afternoon with Irene and Billy and Irene wearing Mary's diamond brooch. Bill Marceau stopped by the Karr's. Mike told Bill that wrapping up the Pike case would help DA Bruce Thompson's waning campaign. Clayton gave Mary's coat to Irene and instructed her to go to the garage, pretend to be Mary, and get the repaired car. Mary overheard Clayton tell Irene that the doorman will make an excellent witness at the coroner's inquest. Locked in the bedroom and realizing that she's going to be murdered, a terrified Mary wondered what would happen next.



NOVEMBER 11, 1957 (Episode #421)
Irene returned with the news that the mechanic hadn't finished with the car, which won't be ready for at least another hour. Irene worried that their plans were going awry. Mike lamented the fact that he had proof against Clayton Pike, but Pike vanished. Mike speculated that Pike's girlfriend Irene Eagan might know Pike's whereabouts. Sara recognized Irene Eagan as being Mary's "friend"-- the one who took Bebe and Billy to the movies. Mike questioned Bebe, who identfied a photo of Irene as being the woman who wore Mary's diamond brooch. Mike theorized that Mary's baby died at the Retreat Nursing Home, and Pike sold Mary Irene Eagan's baby. Mike and Sara rushed to the hospital, where Mike was given permission to view the Harper's medical records. After discovering that Billy's blood type doesn't match Roger's or Mary's, Mike realized that Mary is in serious danger



NOVEMBER 12, 1957 (Episode #422)
Mike informed Marceau of Mary's plight. Bill put out an APB for the principals and placed Irene under surveillance. Clayton planned to send Irene to Springfield then to the West Coast as Dorothy Haller. There, they'll fly to London with Billy and collect the Haller inheritance. Mike told Marceau about the London solicitor, and together, they realized that Pike and Eagan plan to murder Mary and steal Billy's inheritance. Mary tried to escape from the apartment, but failed. Pike schemed to make it appear that Mary was rendezvousing with a secret lover when she has her fatal car crash. After drugging Mary's coffee with sleeping pills, Pike tried to trick her by pretending that he's actually on her side and wants to double-cross Irene. Mary didn't know whether or not to believe Clayton, who claimed that he wants to save her life. Mike devised a plan to trick Irene into leading the police to Mary.



NOVEMBER 13, 1957 (Episode #423)
Clayton promised a drugged Mary that if she goes away with him to Mexico and leaves a signed note for Roger , he'll let her go once he's safely out of the US. After much prodding, Mary reluctantly agreed to sign the note, unaware that it sounds like she's running away with a lover. Mike and Marceau sent Sgt. Helen Killbourn to visit Irene, who had returned to her own apartment. Helen pretended to be call-girl Paula Haken and tipped Irene off that the cops were closing in on Clayton. Irene panicked and attempted to call Clayton, but Marceau made sure that the phone service had been disrupted. Mortified, Irene grabbed a taxi and rushed to warn Clayton that the cops were on to him. Mike, Marceau, Helen, and the police followed Irene to the Throckmorton apartment. Helen arrested Irene. As the police arrived at the scene, Mary signed Pike's note, but then she barricaded herself in the bedroom and attempted to break the metal grating over the bedroom window. As Mary attempted to escape, Clayton tried to break down the bedroom door.



NOVEMBER 14, 1957 (Episode #424)
Mary managed to knock the metal grating off the window and leapt to freedom just as Clayton broke down the door. Clayton jumped after Mary, who escaped to the roof of the parking garage next door. Pike gleefully realized that Mary was heading straight for her car, and his plan might succeed after all. Mike raided the Throckmorton apartment, and seeing the broken window, he realized that Mary escaped with Pike in pursuit. Mike called Bill and requested police back-up. In the parking garage, Pike caught Mary, who was woozy from the drugged coffee. After Mike threatened her with the electric chair, Irene confessed that Pike intends to drive Mary out to Route 7 and stage Mary's death in a car accident. Mike realized that Mary and Pike were heading for Mary's car in the parking garage. Mike and Marceau arrived at the garage, just as Pike forced Mary into the car.



NOVEMBER 15, 1957 (Episode #425)
At the Narraganset Garage, Pike knocked out the night mechanic and prepared to escape with Mary. Mike and Marceau trapped Pike on the second floor as the police surrounded the building. Pike fired a fusillade of bullets out the window and dragged Mary behind a car to use as a shield. Bill went in after Pike and was nearly shot. While Bill kept Pike occupied, Mike took a freight elevator to the second floor and attacked Pike from behind. During the struggle between Clayton, Mike, and Mary, Mary was thrown onto the hood of the car and struck her head on the fender. Mike handed a captured Pike over to Bill, then went to check on an unconscious Mary. Pike suddenly pulled another gun from his coat, fired shots at Mike and Bill, and fled. Helen arrived to take care of Mary, while Mike and Bill purused Pike through the garage with their guns drawn. Trapped, Pike had a violent shootout with Mike and Bill, but they managed to capture him. When Mike returned to Mary, a worried Helen told him that Mary's near death.



NOVEMBER 18, 1957 (Episode #426)
Liz Pike was caught blowing Monticello with a suitcase full of money. Jack noticed that Betty-Jean was unusually irritable. After Mike threatened Irene with the death penalty, Irene confessed that Clayton had drugged Mary with chloral hydrate. Doctors realized that Mary's coma was a result of a drug overdose, rather than head injuries. Betty-Jean wanted to meet with Sara, as BJ has something very important to tell her. Sara guessed Betty--Jean's news.

NOVEMBER 19, 1957 (Episode #427)
Mike convinced DA Thompson to withhold the Harper's involvement with Clayton Pike, so that Mary and Roger could make peace first. Thompson dictated details of the Pike arrest to Sybil, who passed confidential info on to Ollie. Ollie and a reluctant Virginia decided to leak the story to the newspaper, but schemed to make it appear that Thompson was withholding info in order to swipe credit for the arrest away from Peter. Mary recovered, but she refused to tell Roger the truth about Billy's parentage. Mike tried to convince a distraught Roger that he should admire Mary for what she did.



NOVEMBER 20, 1957 (Episode #428)
Mike tried to fend off Monticello Daily reporter Gillian Brill, who got the scoop on Pike and the Harpers from Ollie. A despondent Roger did his best to assuage Billy's fears that Mary and Clayton Pike were an item. Mike confronted Mary and convinced her to tell Roger and Billy the truth before it hit the newspapers. Peter gave his story to Gillian. Peter lied that he had begged Thompson to prosecute Pike, but Thompson had intentionally waited until closer to the election in order to make himself look good. Mary finally decided to confess her sins to Roger, but Gillian arrived and blurted out the truth about Billy's parentage first.

NOVEMBER 21, 1957 (Episode #429)
Gillian felt guilty when she realized that Roger didn't know the truth about Billy's illegal adoption. Sara suspected that Betty-Jean is pregnant. Billy accidentally overheard Mary's confession that Billy isn't Roger's son. A furious Roger told Mary that he doesn't ever want to see her or Billy ever again, then he walked out. Sara tried to console Mary, whose worst fears came true.



NOVEMBER 22, 1957 (Episode #430)
Roger called the Harper house and told Sara to inform Mary that he's moving into the Skyview Hotel and will be sending for his clothes. Sara begged Mike to speak with Roger on Mary's behalf, but Mike steadfastly refused. Mike informed Sara that he already intervened once-- by keeping the Harpers' involvement out of the press, and that may have cost Thompson the election. Bebe tried to console Billy to no avail. Bebe told Billy that her father Martin Spode might soon be released from prison. Sara gave an impssioned speech to Roger about Mary, and Roger finally agreed to give Mary and Billy another chance. Just as Roger informed Mary of his decision, Bebe telephoned to say that Billy ran away and is never coming back.

NOVEMBER 25, 1957 (Episode #431)
Roger panicked at the thought of losing Billy, and realized how much he really does love Billy as his own son. Billy was harassed by a hobo in the park. Mattie told Sara that she intends to interfere in Jack and Betty-Jean's marriage because Betty-Jean is being a tempermental wife. Sara confided to Mattie that Betty-Jean might be pregnant. Roger found Billy and convinced him that he's loved by both of his parents. Billy called Roger "Dad".



NOVEMBER 26, 1957 (Episode #432)
Mike told Ed Parmalee that there's still a security leak in the DA's office. Mike speculated about who the leak might be, but Ed assured him that Sybil is trustworthy. Billy insisted on being present at Mary's deposition to Mike. Ruth Sherman, the wife of a man DA THompson convicted of armed robbery, showed up at Mike's office and claimed that her husband was innocent. Ruth told Sybil that Thompson sent Ruth's husband Patrick up the river just to look good to voters at election time. Sybil passed Ruth's story on to Ollie, who found it useful. The Harpers learned from Mike that Billy is the heir to a million-dollar estate. Billy asked Mary and Roger to legally adopt him.



NOVEMBER 27, 1957 (Episode #433)
Hester informed Bebe that Martin sent a letter about going before the parole board, and he may be home in time for Christmas. Sybil showed up at Ollie's to talk about Ruth Sherman and found Ollie cavorting with a willowly blonde. Paul Simmons, a parole officer, visited Hester to gather information regarding Martin's parole hearing. Sybil and Ollie plotted to set up Ruth Sherman and DA THompson. Sybil visited Ruth, then arranged for Ruth to meet Thompson at the courthouse. Sybil urged Ruth to wear lots of makeup and look "extra pretty".

NOVEMBER 28, 1957 (Episode #434)
Voracious reporter Ellie Fitzgibbons conspired with Ollie to snap secret photos of Thompson and Ruth Sherman. Mattie visited Winston for lunch, and they both admitted they're lonely people. Later, Winston urged Mattie to have her missing husband George declared dead so that she'll be free to become Mrs. Winston Grimsley. Ellie snapped photos of an innocent embrace between Thompson and Ruth Sherman, when Thompson tried to comfort Ruth about convict husband Patrick. Ellie interviewed Ruth Sherman and asked deliberately misleading questions about her relationship with Bruce Thompson. Ellie passed on suggestive photos and a biased manuscript about Thompson to Ollie, who said they've sewn up the election for Peter Dalton.



NOVEMBER 29, 1957 (Episode #435)
Just before visiting the doctor to confirm her pregnancy, Betty-Jean needed comfort from Sara. JH Phillips met with Jim Mitchell, owner of Mitchell Automotives. Phillips, a backer of Mitchell, showed concern about low sales in the repair department. Mitchell admitted that he's had trouble with the repair department foreman ( a convict who slid back into criminal activities). Mitchell assured Phillips that he has another foreman in mind... a man soon to be released from prison. Later, a prison warden named Leroy told Martin Spode about Jim Mitchell needing a good foreman. Martin insisted that he wants to go straight and won't have anything to do with the corrupt Mitchell and his ex-con employees. Betty-Jean learned that she is pregnant, and then she worried that Jack will leave her.

DECEMBER 2, 1957 (Episode #436)
Mike and Ed lamented the fact that they'll both be out of a job if Peter Dalton is elected DA. Ed considered going into private practice. Betty-Jean intentionally left a baby magazine in full view to get Jack's reaction. Later, Betty-Jean was mortified when Jack saw the magazine and told her that he hoped she wasn't getting any ideas about babies because that was the worse thing that could happen to them. Mike told Sara that he's determined to find out who is backing Peter Dalton. Mildred suggested that Mike and Ed open a private law practice together. Jack realized that Betty-Jean is pregnant, and after thinking about it, was elated at the prospect of being a father.



DECEMBER 3, 1957 (Episode #437)
Ed and Mildred argued about whether or not Ed should ask Dalton to keep him on in the DA's office if Peter is elected. Mildred asked Sara's advice in how to make Ed decide. Jack visited Winston, and begged him to help save Jake Golick's floundering business. Willy told Ed that a rumor is circulating about Dalton's plan to reveal a juicy secret about Thompson at the election rally. Winston agreed to Jack's request to help Jake.

DECEMBER 4, 1957 (Episode #438)
Betty-Jean called Jack and the doctor after suffering a dizzy spell. Jack was irked that Betty-Jean was actually okay, then she sent him out for a dill pickle and salami sandwich from Mama Jo's. Willy revealed to Mike that Dalton's secret concerns DA Thompson using his power to seduce young women. Willy speculated that Dalton fabricated the rumor, but Mike didn't believe that Dalton would sink to that level. Rose Marie admitted to Sara that she's attracted to Willy. Mattie had a heart-to-heart with Jack and assured him that Betty-Jean is fine... all she wanted was reassurance of Jack's love.



DECEMBER 5, 1957 (Episode #439)
Jack tried to tell a desperate Jake that Winston will save his business, but Jake thought it was a joke and angrily ordered Jack out of the office. Willy called former girlfriend Ellie Fitzgibbons for the scoop on Dalton's secret, and Ellie reluctantly agreed to see him. Winston told a stunned Jake that Grimsley will help save the company from bankruptcy. Willy lunched with Ellie, with whom he once had a stormy relationship. Ellie joked that she promised to cut Willy's throat one day, then proceeded to lie that Dalton has nothing on Bruce Thompson. Later, Willy informed Mike and Ed that they're all sunk-- he gave Ellie the chance to cut his throat, and she did by reassuring him about the likelihood of Dalton losing.



DECEMBER 6, 1957 (Episode #440)
Ollie showed Sybil the gallery of Ellie's column about Thompson, and they giggled. Ollie gave Sybil money to place a bet against Thompson in the election race. Sara told Mike that Ed is deeply concerned about whether or not he'll have a job after the election. Mildred goaded Ed into calling Peter Dalton and begging to be kept on if Thompson loses.

DECEMBER 9, 1957 (Episode #441)
Sara wondered to Mike if Mattie and Winston are getting serious. Jack stopped by Mike and Sara's to watch Dalton's tv speech. Ed called Peter, who agreed to see Ed right before the tv speech. Peter instructed Virginia to eavesdrop and take notes in case Ed said anything that could be used against Thompson. Later, Peter goaded Ed into asking to keep his job, and manuevered Ed into saying that Ed thinks Dalton will win the election. On tv, Dalton blasted DA Thompson for having an affair with Ruth Sherman, then used what Ed said to make it look as if Thompson's own staff members have lost faith in him. Afterward, an egomanical Dalton patronized Virginia, who decided that his attitude is "dangerous".



DECEMBER 10, 1957 (Episode #442)
Ellie crucified Dalton in the press about his "affair" with Ruth Sherman. Mike and Sara wondered which of Thompson's staff members doubts his abilities. Virginia began to question Peter about who would actually be DA-- Peter or "Mr. X" (JH Phillips). At the election polls, Willy ran into Ellie, who happily informed him that Ed Parmalee was the staff member who said negative things about Thompson. Virginia quarreled with Peter at the polls and started to pull the voting lever for Bruce Thompson instead of her own husband. Later, Virginia was stunned by Peter's announcement that he doesn't need her or anyone else now that he's a shoe-in as DA. Willy informed Mike that Ed was the staff member who talked to Dalton.


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