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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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DECEMBER 11, 1957 (Episode #443)
Sara invited Ed and Mildred over to wtach the election returns. Ollie and Phillips were gleeful that Dalton will no doubt win. Ollie voiced concerns about keeping Dalton's ego in check, but Phillips told him not to worry. Ed was grief-stricken that his comments might have cost Thompson the election. Everyone was thrilled when Thompson opened the race with a overwhelming lead. Mike commented that Dalton's dirty tactics might have backfired. Ed worried that if Thompson wins, he'd probably fire Ed for stabbing him in the back. Ollie and Phillips grew restless as the numbers held for Thompson. At the last moment, as larger precincts closer to Monticello closed, Peter Dalton won the election in a landslide victory. With an inflated ego, Dalton refused to phone calls from Ollie and Phillips after the election. Phillips laughed to Ollie that with enough rope, Dalton will hang himself... and Phillips will be delighted to supply the rope.

DECEMBER 12, 1957 (Episode #444)
Mike told Sara, Mattie, and Winston that he plans to go into private practice. Ed confessed his guilt to Mike about stabbing Thompson in the back. Mike couldn't understand Ed's reasons for doing what he did. Winston offered Mattie a temporary holiday job at the Louise Grimsley Foundation. Mattie was reluctant to accept Winston's offer. Sara and real estate agent Sylvester Gowen scouted possible offices for Mike's new practice. Mike, devastated about Ed, assured Sara that he thinks Ed is a good man. Mike begged Sara to show him how to help his friend.



DECEMBER 13, 1957 (Episode #445)
Dalton and Phillips met, and Dalton expressed interest in retaining Mike in the DA's office. Phillips warned Dalton that Mike is a troublemaker and insisted Mike be fired. Dalton exerted his independence by reiterating that he's his own man now. Hester was upset after receiving a letter stating that she's being promoted to district supervisor with her book company. Hester worried that Martin wants a "stay-at-home wife" and is insanely jealous of her male co-worker Henry Muller who kisses all the women and calls them "darling". Henry told Hester that she should accept the position as it will be difficult for Martin to find steady work after being released from prison. Phillips and Ollie schemed to get Dalton on the hook by getting him to invest in Clark Chemical-- whose stock Phillips can manipulate at will. Bebe saw Henry give Hester an innocent kiss, but Hester made a guilty Bebe swear to never tell Martin.



DECEMBER 16, 1957 (EPISODE# 446)
Peter admired his new office and gingerly touched the name plate on the door. Mike met Sara for lunch and while going over plans for his new office, she correctly guessed he was thinking of asking Ed Parmalee to join him.Sara was disheartened to learn Martin Spode's parole chances are less than 50/50. Sara changed the subject when Peter approached her at lunch and subtly hinted she convince Mike to stay on as his assistant.The members of Martin's parole board weren't impressed with his obviously memorized speech about rehabilitation, but were moved when he truthfully spoke of wanting to return to Hester and Bebe. Dalton refused Mike's resignation then argued to him that leaving would be more of a disservice to the public than to Dalton himself. Spode's parole was precarious with one vote yes and one vote no, while the third was undecided.



DECEMBER 17, 1957 (EPISODE# 447)
Mike received word from Warden Flagg that Martin Spode was granted parole. Mattie joked to Mike that she can support the Karrs while Mike opens his practice since she's working for the Grimsley Foundation now. Ed choked up when Mike asked him to join the private law practice. Sybil and Virginia sparred over Sybil's casual relationship with Peter. Peter ignored Virginia and vowed to make Parmalee crawl for his job.Dalton used the same "public service argument" on Parmalee, then frightened him into withdrawing the resignation. Mattie confided to Winston that she thinks Mike should remain in the DA's office. Parmalee refused Mike's law partnership. Winston urged Mike to reconsider the resignation. Virgina interrupted Peter's call with the governor, insisting Sybil be terminated, then went into a cold rage when Peter ignored her warnings about surrounding himself with Bruce Thompson's people.

DECEMBER 18, 1957 (EPISODE# 448)
Jake Golick thanked Winston for saving his business, but Winston suggested Golick thank his employees who have remained loyal. Jack and Sara shared a warm family moment with Mattie who cooked Christmas fruitcake. Mattie grew somber about receiving a letter from Cora who misses Monticello and Harry. Billy Harper was among the Christmas carolers outside the Lane home and stopped in to say hello. Winston goaded Mike to remain in the DA's office to keep an eye on Dalton and the dirty goings-on. Golick visited the Lane home with apologies for mistreating Jack and thanks for saving the business. Jack beamed over Golick's offer of a raise and promotion to dispatcher. Mike told Sara about his meeting with Winston and confessed that staying in the DA's office would be dangerous.



DECEMBER 19, 1957 (EPISODE#449)
Peter attempted to fire Willy Bryan, but Willy irritated him with the news he'd already resigned. Sara dropped the keys to Mike's new office, one by one, then hugged him with her approval to do what he feels is right. Mike agreed to remain with Dalton if Dalton allows him to hire Willy as an investigator. Peter reluctantly agreed, but stipulated that Willy has to apologize first. Willy went to see Rose Marie. Mike tracked him down, urging him to eat crow for Dalton. Later, Willy half-heartedly apologized to Dalton, who uneasily accepted him back. After Mike explained his motives, Willy warned Sara that they're going after "big-game" and could be in great danger.



DECEMBER 20, 1957 (EPISODE# 450)
Bebe was ambivalent about Martin's homecoming and worried that she'll miss her only friend Polly's party. On the train home from prison, Martin met old friend Victor, who was returning to Monticello from Seattle. Martin was forced to admit his incarceration when Victor insisted they go to the Club Car for drinks. Victor took a powder after the news. Virgina bumped into Peter in a professional building and became suspicious when he avoided her questions about why he was there. Virginia pretended to leave but followed her husband to John H. Phillips Investment Company. Hester worried that Martin will feel unloved by Bebe, who left for Polly's party rather than wait for her father's arrival. Martin couldn't hide his disappointment over Bebe's absence and lamented she probably hates him. Hester tried to console Martin who stated he probably should have remained in prison. Martin was reduced to tears when Bebe came back home, birthday present still in hand, and told Martin how much she loves him.



DECEMBER 20, 1957 (EPISODE# 450)
Bebe was ambivalent about Martin's homecoming and worried that she'll miss her only friend Polly's party. On the train home from prison, Martin met old friend Victor, who was returning to Monticello from Seattle. Martin was forced to admit his incarceration when Victor insisted they go to the Club Car for drinks. Victor took a powder after the news. Virgina bumped into Peter in a professional building and became suspicious when he avoided her questions about why he was there. Virginia pretended to leave but followed her husband to John H. Phillips Investment Company. Hester worried that Martin will feel unloved by Bebe, who left for Polly's party rather than wait for her father's arrival. Martin couldn't hide his disappointment over Bebe's absence and lamented she probably hates him. Hester tried to console Martin who stated he probably should have remained in prison. Martin was reduced to tears when Bebe came back home, birthday present still in hand, and told Martin how much she loves him.



DECEMBER 23, 1957 (EPISODE# 451)
Martin insisted he'll support his family when Hester informed him her publishing company job is still open. Virginia met with her brother Nathan Porterfield, who dislikes Peter. Virginia admitted she thinks JH Philips is Peter's mysterious sponsor. Martin was disappointed that friend Louie Turner hired his wife's kid brother Clarence as the master-mechanic. Louie offered Martin a position as Clarence's apprentice, and Martin reluctantly accepted. Martin complained to Hester about once a con, always a con", then considered applying for a job at Mitchell Automotives, since Jim Mitchell has a reputation for hiring ex-cons.

DECEMBER 24, 1957 (EPISODE# 452)
Phillips dispatched Ollie to San Francisco to get one of Fitzsimmons boys out of a jam. Phiilips told Ollie that Dalton unwittingly got his first payoff in the Clark Cemical stock transaction, now they've got something to hold over Dalton's head. Phillips warned Ollie they've got trouble with McGinnis, a Monticello News reporter who wants to do an expose on the election. Ollie offered to take care of McGinnis, but Phillips insisted he'll handle it personally. Martin had his first meeting with parole officer Paul Sims. Virginia acted unimpressed when Peter gave her an expensive fur coat for Christmas, then she asked if it was financed by JH Phillips. Virginia called Peter a fool after her warned her to keep her nose out of his busines with Phillips. When Ollie broke his date with Sybil to leave town, she warned she'd find a new playmate, then hinted he might be Peter Dalton. Sims laid down the rules of Martin's parole and told him to stop feeling sorry for himself. Peter blew off Virginia and Nate's Christmas party and invited Sybil to dinner.



DECEMBER 25, 1957 (EPISODE# 453)
Sara gave Mike an engraved gold cigarette case for Christmas, while Sara received a sexy nightgown/negligee set. Martin glowered when Bebe showed more excitement over a wrist watch from Mike and Sara than the practical winter coat Hester gav her. Paul Sims' arrival deterred Martin from taking Bebe to the Harper home so that she could attend the movies with Billy. Bebe fled the room in tears. Sims chastised Martin for taking a message from a fellow prisoner to his wife. Sims offered to drop off Bebe at the Harper home. Mike and Sara teased Willy about the jack-in-the-box he bought for Rose Marie's baby. Willy told Mike he's tracking Ruth Sherman, in hopes she'll confess that the photographed kiss between her and Thompson was rigged. Winston offered unlimited financial support to get Dalton out of office and agreed to hire an investigator named Harrington to find Ruth Sherman. While looking at the star atop the Christmas tree, Martin told Hester he loves her and vowed he'd make a new life for them.



DECEMBER 26, 1957 (EPISODE# 454)
Willy informed Mike that Harrington found Ruth Sherman living in a nice apartment in Monticello. Clarence was cold and defensive to Martin their first day of work. Ruth Sherman admitted to Willy she set up Bruce Thompson and vowed to make things right. Martin made Clarence look foolish when he repaired a car Clarence had been working on all day. Clarence accused Martin of making him think the car wouldn't start, then fixed it to make him look like an idiot in front of Louie. Mike insisted to Willy that Ruth Sherman's confession isn't enough to expose Dalton's backer. Mike plotted to have Lillian Brill plant a news item about Thompson and Sherman in the Monticello Daily, in hopes it will draw out the person who paid off Sherman. Louie told Clarence to lay off Spode, but Clarence warned Louie will be sorry for hiring an ex-con.

DECEMBER 27, 1957 (EPISODE# 455)
Jack asked Sara and Mattie to keep an eye on Betty while he's on business in Edgewater. Sara lamented to Mattie that Jack never learns his lesson after he talked about getting a house with his $25 per week raise. Mike received a call from Audrey Veniard, a photographer who stated she has business with the DA's office. Veniard informed Mike and Willy that she got a picture of a man at Dalton's election rally, then he broke her camera. With Winston's offer of unlimited funds in mind, Mike paid Veniard $150 for the picture. Bebe cried when Martin told her she can't take dancing lessons with Billy Harper because they can't afford it. Martin silently wished he'd stayed in prison since things seem even worse with him home.



DECEMBER 30, 1957 (EPISODE# 456)
Mike showed Audrey Veniard's photo to Sara, but neither recognized the man at the election rally. Mike insisted the photograph will lead them to Dalton's backer. Clarence was mad when Martin replaced a minor part on a truck rather than installing an expensive new transmission. Martin insisted they run an honest business. Clarence lied to Paul Sims that Martin isn't a good worker and probably won't last long in the job. Hester lied to Sara that things with Martin are just fine, but then she broke own in Sara's arms. Sara advised Hester to shower Martin with confidence in his abilities. While holding a wrench, Martin approached Clarence and wanted to know what he told the parole officer. Martin threatened to hurt Clarence if he ever tries to louse up Martin again.



DECEMBER 31, 1957 (EPISODE# 457)
Hank Muller visited Hester and offered to pay for demographic information about her former book customers. Hester impulsively refused but agreed when Hank suggested she tell Martin the money came from back commissions. Phillips plotted to have reporter McGinnis arrested, request Peter to release him, then put the screws to Dalton when he refuses. Jim Mitchell told Phillips he needs an ex-con who's also a good mechanic to work in his garage. Phillips suggested hiring Martin Spode. Mike silently delighted over Dalton's sweaty reaction to Audrey Veniard's photograph of the man at the election rally. Phillips vowed he'll make Dalton prosecute or release any person Phillips wants then phoned a salivating Peter with a "hot" investment tip. Martin boiled when he walked in on Hester and Hank giggling uproariously. Hester tried to soothe Martin, but he left. Hester threw Hank out of the apartment and instructed him to never come back. Phillips' instinct about Peter's greed was on the money when Dalton arrived in 26 minutes. Jim Mitchell stopped by the Spode apartment with a job offer. Although Hester was skeptical, Mitchell badgered her into encouraging Martin to accept the job.



JANUARY 2, 1958 (EPISODE #459)
Jack tells Mattie that he and Betty Jean have rented an apartment. He takes her there and she approves---with some silent reservations. Jack takes his car to Turner's garage to get his car tuned up and meets up with Martin Spode who works there. Spode takes offense when Jack asks if he can work on the car. He has sour grapes and advises Jack to be careful "The higher they go, the harder they fall". Mattie and a pregnant Betty Jean decorate the apartment. With Mattie out of the room, Betty Jean begins to hang curtains. She reaches too far and falls off the chair and falls to the floor. Mattie finds her daughter-in law and calls the doctor. Martin goes home in a foul mood and tells of his meeting with Jack. He is mad that the tables have turned. Hester tells him that Mr. Mitchell came by 2 days ago trying to get Martin to work for him. Martin says that he has already indicated that he wants no part of that 'ex-con set-up'. He is also furious that he found Hester's ex-boss, Hank Muller, with her the other day and says that he doesn't want to see her alone with another man again. They argue about Muller offering Hester another position. Martin is afraid that Hester and Bebe have grown away from him. Jack comes home and is worried when he learns that Betty Jean is being treated by a doctor.



JANUARY 3, 1958 (EPISODE #460)
Jack is anxious to see Betty Jean and find out how she is doing. The doctor says that the baby's condition is critical. Hester and Martin continue to argue over Hank Muller. She tells her husband that she will stay with him as long as he believes she loves him, but when he doesn't she will be gone. Martin backs down and admits that he is jealous and storms off. Hester tries to explain to Bebe, who overheard her parents argument, what they were discussing. When told that they were talking about Mr. Muller, Bebe responds "I remember him." Unknown to them, Martin entered the apartment and was listening. "He was the man that kissed you!" Bebe continued. Martin is about to blow his stack and Hester explains the circumstances about the innocent kiss. He contends that she has changed. She agrees and says that she is pleased to have men think that she is attractive. Martin looks at her in a new light and agrees that she is attractive. Dr. Logan says that Betty Jean is out of danger but he can't promise anything about the baby. He orders a week's bedrest for the patient. Mattie agrees to move in and look after her. Martin says that he is beginning to understand a little better, but he is still timid toward Hester. He explains the fear and the lack of feelings that he had in prison. He begins to soften and finally hugs and kisses his wife.



JANUARY 6, 1958 (EPISODE #461)
Dr. Logan left Jack's place and told him not to worry. Jack never the less worries about Betty Jean and the fetus. Sara calls, gets the news and rushes over. From the bedroom, Betty Jean calls for Jack. Winston and Mike try to figure who a man in a photo taken at Dalton's rally is. He had destroyed the photog's camera when he realized his picture was taken. Mike said that the man was obviously electioneering for Dalton since he is seen in the picture with the organizer of the rally. Betty Jean tells Jack that she is sorry for the accident. He calms her down. Mattie and Sara go shopping. At the drugstore Sara bumps into a man that she recognizes as being in the photo. She calls Mike and tells him. When the man leaves the store, Sara rushes off to follow him. She spots him in a bar. Before she could get to the phone booth to call Mike, the man recognizes and confronts her. He offers her a drink so "we could talk things over."



JANUARY 7, 1958 (EPISODE #462)
Sara calls Mike and tells him where she is. He orders her to get out of there. She joins the man for another drink as a stalling tactic. JH Phillips thanks Fitsi Fitzsimmons for a job well done--- installing Dalton as D.A.. Phillips offers Fitsi to expand his "operations" to the whole west side. Now that they have the D.A. under control, Phillips promises protection to Fitsi's operatives and certain acquittals in case Dalton has to prosecute. Fitsi gladly accepts. Phillips tells him " You will have the franchise for as long as you deserve it. If I ever suspect that you can't be trusted, you will be--- 'removed' ". Sara continues her charade of picking up the man in the bar. Mike and Willy finally show up. Mike goes into the bar to keep an eye on Sara. He tells Willy to tail the man and find out where he goes, lives and who he is. When Mike enters, Sara pretends he is her boyfriend. The man is upset that his easy pickup didn't pan out. He leaves. Sara tells Mike to follow him but Willy has already done so. Fitzsimmons gets a visitor at his office:the man that Sara had followed, Roy Benson. Fitsi tells him that there is a potential big deal and that he must "keep clean". They discuss plans for an illegal gambling parlor. Willy tells Mike and Sara that was the man they were looking for. He works for a ward-boss named Fitzsimmons. Mike decides they will have to check out those two and have an operative tail Benson.



JANUARY 8, 1958 (EPISODE #463)
Martin is reluctant to go to work and face fill-in manager Clarence. Allen J. Ford calls JH Phillips from the airport and says that Ollie gave him the number. Phillips meets him at the Plaza Hotel. Remaining anonymous Phillips tells Ford that he looks like a local newspaper man that must be removed from circulation. Ford gets nervous. Phillips tells him that if he is not comfortable, then he can leave. Ford asks what is the job that he is to do. Clarence taunts Martin. When he can't take more, Spode punches him. Clarence fires him. Martin tells him off. Clarence calls the police. After being explained what the job entails, Ford is not sure it will work. Phillips assures him that it will if he does as he is told and gives him his first payment. The rest will come after the job is done. Phillips wants Ford to impersonate newspaperman Mac McGinnis. Ford sees his picture and hears a recording of his voice but he wants to see him to copy his mannerisms. Martin goes home and tells Hester what happened at work. She suggests that he get a job with Mr. Mitchell. Martin opposes the idea.



JANUARY 9, 1958 (EPISODE #464)
Peter Dalton talks about his staff to Virginia. She raises some concern over Sybil Gordon, but Peter is concerned that Mike hasn't warmed up to him yet. While browsing the newspaper, Virginia shows interest in a new home in an expensive neighborhood. Peter shows no interest and tells his wife to take Sara to lunch. Before lunching with Sybil, Peter checks the status of his investment account with JH Phillips who tells him that it is shaping up just fine and offers him an advance on interest on a personal note. As D.A. Peter wants to steer clear of any personal obligations. Phillips smiles as he is happy to see that he has Dalton right where he wants him. Over lunch, Peter tells Sybil that he is glad that most of Mr. Thompson's staff stayed---especially her. Just then Virginia and Sara enter the same restaurant. Mrs. Dalton appears cold to see her husband out with Sybil. Peter asks Sybil to discreetly check on available property in Oakhaven Estates. JH Phillips calls Allan Ford to ask him if he had made a decision. Ford agrees to impersonate McGinnis. Pleased,Phillips tells him to meet him later to get instructions. Phillips then anonymously calls the police to ask who he should talk to in order to report the time and place where a prominent official will pay a bribe to a well known person for not exposing his connection to embezzlement. While waiting for a friend at the club, Virginia bumps into Phillips and identifies him as "Mr. X". He say the he wants to keep his identity confidential because he doesn't want to create enemies with any of his clients. He wants to remain politically neutral in their eyes. After she leaves, Phillips says that she is interesting, clever and dangerous. Sybil calls Peter at home to say that there are no homes left in Oakhaven Estates but it would cost minimum $60K to build.



JANUARY 10, 1958 (EPISODE #465)
Ford meets with Phillips and is surprised to learn his identity. Phillips gives him his instructions: to impersonate newspaperman Mac McGinnis, go to Commissioner Nicholson and tell him that he has been discovered skimming money. Martin Spode still broods over losing his job at the garage. Hester again suggests working for Mr. Mitchell. Martin again pooh-pooh's the idea. Parole officer, Paul Sims calls Martin and says he will be over. Commissioner Wheeler Nicholson nervously denies the embezzlement accusation to "McGinnis" and then explains to pay it all back. When "Mac" puts on the pressure, Nicholson asks how much it will take to keep the story quiet till he can pay back the money. "McGinnis" orders him to meet in an hour at the Plaza Hotel bar with $1,000 in used fifties. Sims visits Spode and tells him that he has a week to find a job or he will go back to prison. Martin considers working for Mitchell. Nicholson meets "McGinnis" and makes the pay off. Afterward Ford calls Phillips to tell him "mission accomplished". Phillips tells him to go to McGinnis' hotel and get out of the make-up. There a car will take him to the airport.



JANUARY 13, 1958 (EPISODE #466)
Capt. Marceau and Helen Kilborn look at a photo of the Nicholson-McGinnis transaction. Helen can't believe that McGinnis would turn out to be a blackmailer. Marceau says the auditors are going over Nicholson's books now. The auditor calls and reports a $35,000 shortfall. Bill leaves to pick up the two men as Mike arrives. Helen tells Mike what's going on and he says that the photo doesn't prove anything. Mac McGinnis and coworker/galpal Francesca Lowrey talk. She is upset that he didn't follow her wishes and become city editor. He says that he is happy doing what he does--- exposing all the dirt. Marceau arrives and takes both a stunned McGinnis and Lowrey in for questioning. Nicholson becomes nervous when he learns that the police have subpoenaed his books. Marceau arrives and informs him that a shortage was found. He takes the commissioner downtown for questioning. Helen tells Mike that she couldn't find anything on Roy Benson. He is as clean as a whistle. Marceau questions both men at the same time. Nicholson explodes at a clueless McGinnis and finally tells about the request for hush money. Mac is further dumbfounded when he sees the photo and claims a frame up while Nicholson admits wrong doing. Bill notes to Helen that the whole thing looks too neat and too perfect. They wonder who the tipster was.


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