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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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JANUARY 14, 1958 (EPISODE #467)
A depressed Bebe calls Sara and says that she will stop by after school. Mike and Peter Dalton discuss the Nicholson-McGinnis case. They will have to be tried seperately. Peter will prosecute Nicholson, Mike will prosecute McGinnis. Bill Stops by to meet with Mike as Phillips calls Peter to arrange a meeting. Bill expresses his reservations about the case. It is too neat. He is not sure if McGinnis was framed. He asks Mike to drag his feet. He need a little more time. Mike agrees. Bill wants to find out who is the tipster. Bebe visits Sara. She says that she is lonesome. She was not invited to a classmate's birthday party. Phillips assures someone on the phone that McGinnis is as good as convicted. Dalton will see to it. Just then Peter arrives. Phillips shows him the status of his investment account. Peter licks his chops. He says that he would need a lot more money to build his Oakhaven Estates house. He decided to let the investment ride to earn more interest. Phillips asks a favor. Peter says that he can not do anything for him officially. Phillips cuts him off and says that as someone with great interest in the newspaper, he would be appreciative if Peter goes easy on McGinnis. Dalton stands firm and says that he only accepted Phillip's election help if there were no strings attached. Looking at the status of his account, Peter begins to back down and says that he will think about it. Phillips starts to sweat a little as his strategy may backfire. Peter might let McGinnis off the hook. Hester calls worried looking for Bebe. Sara lets her know that she is there. Afterward, Sara tells Bebe that she should have gone straight home because Hester said that there is a party invitation there for her after all. Bebe brightens up. Peter tells Mike that he will prosecute McGinnis and Mike will take Nicholson instead. Mike says that he wants to investigate McGinnis before the trial. According to Capt. Marceau, they don't have knowledge enough to prosecute. Peter insists. Then he calls Phillips and says that he will prosecute McGinnis to the full extent. Phillips is happy that his strategy worked.



JANUARY 15, 1958 (EPISODE #468)
At lunch, Kitty taunts Bebe about Martin. Bebe retreats to her sadness. Mattie visits Sara. Sara says that she received a letter from Grace O'Keefe in San Francisco and she wants Sara to be the maid of honor at her wedding. Mattie tries to convince her daughter to go but Sara is concerned about Bebe. Kitty continues her taunting. There is an accident with a lunch tray and Kitty accused Bebe of attacking her. Kitty, Bebe and Polly are taken to the principal's office. There Polly tells the truth about the accident. Mrs Kerwin, the principal, excused Bebe from classes to compose herself and tells Kitty to meet her after school. Bebe drops in on Sara in another gloomy mood and says she wishes her father never came home from prison. She tells Sara about the school trouble. Sara gives her a pep talk and eases the girl's worries. Bebe says "You know what Sara--- I wish you and Mike were my mother and father!" Mrs. Kerwin reads Kitty the riot act and tells her that she will not be allowed back in school unless at least one of her parents comes to school for a meeting with her and the Spodes.



JANUARY 16, 1958 (EPISODE #469)
Toni Fescina calls Winston and says that she has information he'd like to have. She wants to meet him but asks if there will be a payout. They agree to meet in an hour. At the school, Martin meets Mrs. DeMarco, Kitty's mother. She acts curt when she realizes who he is. Mrs. Kerwin talks to Martin about Bebe's problem and sympathizes over Martin's situation. She tells him not to give up. Toni meets with Winston and Mike. She used to work for Roy Benson and finally admits that she was fired. Mrs. DeMarco is rude to Mrs Kerwin, but the principal put her in her place. She asks that she tell her daughter to apologize to Bebe. That's the only way she will be allowed to return to school. Toni told Mike and Winston some of the information but wants to get paid for the rest. They tell her they'd have to check on what she said so far before deciding to go further. She says that they better make a proposition quick or she might change her mind. Mike warns her of the danger if she is trying to get money from Benson not to talk. Winston tells her to be in touch tomorrow. Mike notes that it is too pat, too neatly wrapped up. He doesn't trust her. He says that if Benson, Fitzsimmons, or "Mr. X" has any idea they are investigating the election, it could be a trap.



JANUARY 17, 1958 (EPISODE #470)
Willy stops by to see Mike. He reports that most of what Miss Fescina said was true. They wonder if she is dumb enough to try to get paid on both sides. Mike decides to go and see if she will sell out to the highest bidder. Martin visits Jack. He asks if there are any openings at Golick Trucking. Jack calls Jake. Mike goes to see Toni. She wants him to start the bidding for the info. Mike says he will offer her something a lot more valuable than money. He will give her advise. He realizes that she is trying to collect money from Benson as well. Toni says he got her wrong. Mike says that she will get paid after she gives a deposition. She doesn't like that and will get in touch with them in a day or so. "Very well" says Mike. "I'd just as soon not prosecute someone for your murder." Just off the phone with Golick, Jack tells Martin there is nothing available. Mike calls Willy and tells him what happened with Toni. He tells Willy to put two investigators on her. She will need protection. Toni tries to contact Roy Benson. She leaves a message: " Tell him to call me right away…if he doesn't it will be too late. Yes-that's what I said too late!"



JANUARY 20, 1958 (EPISODE #471)
Hester again advises her husband to ask Jim Mitchell for a job. Martin tells her to stop pestering him. Benson calls Toni. She tells him they have something to talk face to face about and it needs negotiating. He is about to hang up when she says that if he doesn't meet her he will be very sorry. He agrees to meet. Hester suggests that she get back her job with Hank Muller, but Martin gets mad again. Finally he breaks down and goes to talk to Mitchell about a job. Toni tells Benson for $5,000 cash she will leave town and not tell the cops about how his syndicate elected Peter Dalton. Benson remains unfazed. She threatens to tell Grimsley's crime committee. He tells her she could be hurt real bad. She says that she already spoke to Grimsley but hasn't said anything worthwhile yet. Benson asks her if she hasn't heard that "things happen to stupid little girls who can't keep their mouth shut?" Toni says that if something should happen to her, her boyfriend will open a letter that explains why. She gives Benson 24 hours to come up with the cash. Martin meets with Mitchell and is offered a job. Martin jumps at the offer. Mitchell advances him some money. Mitchell tells general manager Don Harris that they need to keep Spode legit for awhile because if he knew what they really need him for, he'll probably talk. Mitchell tells Harris to pay Spode well and give him a title and some responsibility. "Feed it to him a little at a time. Let him get used to it. By the time [he owes some bills] and things like that, he'll be hooked good. He'll do anything we tell him to keep from losing a soft job and going back to being broke again." Benson calls Fitzsimmons and tells him that there is a little trouble. "That Fescina dame that I fired is getting out of line. Wants five grand to keep her from talking. I've got an idea that there's a much better way to keep her from talking."



JANUARY 21, 1958 (EPISODE #472)
Martin is happy that he has a new job. Harris shows him around and tells him to start tomorrow. Harris goes home and gets into an argument with his wife, Doll, about a vacation to Florida. Since he had said that he won't go, she says that she will go by herself. Her plane leaves tonight. She will stay a month or more. Don says that he can't afford it, but she says that if the police should crack down on him and his uncle Jim Mitchell, he would be glad that she is that far away. She doesn't want to testify against him and doesn't want to know what kind of crook he is. Harris gives in and tells his wife to go where she wants. Martin goes home and happily tells Hester about the job and the money advanced him. While driving to the airport, Don and Doll Harris continue to argue. She wants to have some spending money. She knows he has got plenty of money and wants her share. They bicker so much that they swerve in the wrong lane and just manage to avoid a head on collision. However, the car they almost hit ran off the road. Don notices the car in a ditch and hears a woman crying out for help. He wants to leave but Doll tells him to stay. He checks the scene and sees that the other car had also struck a man. Harris tells the policeman his version of the accident, but the cop says that the man was hurt pretty bad and that they will have to make a statement at headquarters. Capt. Marceau questions Ann Shea, the driver of the other car. He tells her to get an attorney. He receives a call and then informs her that the man had died. She is charged with manslaughter. At home the Harris' argue about the accident. Marceau calls to inform about the death and will need the Harris' statement or the inquest and the Grand Jury.



JANUARY 22, 1958 (EPISODE #473)
Peter Dalton tells Mike that he should take the Harris deposition today. Willy stops by and says that Benson met with Toni Fescina and the operative tailing Benson saw him go to the West Side club, Fitzsimmons headquarters. That could mean Toni is playing both sides against the middle. He surmizes "her neck is now on the chopping block." Mike figures that someone with a lot of money bought votes for Dalton. He tells Willy to put operatives on Toni . He doesn't want her to get hurt. Sara visits Hester. They talk about Grace O'Keefe's wedding. Sara still isn't sure she will go. Martin calls to boast about his new job. After, he becomes disturbed when he notices Harris talking to a familiar man--- Vic Sady. Later Martin asks if he knows who that man was. Harris feigns ignorance but Martin explains that he is the fence that he worked with on the Lane truck hi-jacking. Anything Sady is involved with is crooked Martin tells his boss. Willy returns and tells Mike that Toni Fescina has disappeared. She got into a cab that managed to shake the operative tailing it. They trace the license plate number to try to find Toni and the driver. They wonder if she told Benson that she spoke to Winston. Harris tries to tell Martin that he was wrong about the man's identity, but Martin knows better and keeps quiet. Sara goes to pick her husband up and gets the news of Toni's disappearance. Mike gets a call stating that the cab was stolen. The real cab driver didn't report it for half hour. Toni Fescina was kidnapped Mike says and one of Fitzsimmon's goons picked her up. Another operative calls and says that he has the real driver. Mike orders him to take him to headquarters where he'll meet them.



JANUARY 23, 1958 (EPISODE #474)
Mike and Winston are disturbed by Toni Fescina's kidnapping. Winston is worried that she has been killed. He says that Monticello law enforcement may be controlled by Benson, Fitzsimmons,and Peter Dalton. Mike doubts that Peter is mixed up with this. He is only a stooge who probably doesn't know his election was rigged. Martin recognizes the window washer at work to be Al Wilson from the clink. He advises him to leave the job. He hints that the operation is crooked but doesn't give details. As they speak, a shadowy figure watches them. Sgt. Helen Kilborn reports to Mike that there's nothing new on Toni's APB. She wishes Mike would prosecute McGinnis' case and reasons that someone else had to know about the payoff. Winston calls Mike and says that he has heard from Toni who wants to speak to him. Mike leaves to join them. Wilson continues to refuse to give any details to the true nature of the Mitchell operation. He only says that the only way out of trouble is to keep quiet. He warns Martin to get out while he still can. The shadow still watches them. Afterward, Martin decides to find out if he is mixed up in a racket but wonders if its already too late to get out. Toni Fescina says that she went to spend the night at a girlfriend out of town. When asked for information on the Dalton election she says "I can't tell you anything--- because I know nothing." She explains that she told Benson that she would talk to the crime committee so that he would feel pressured to give her her job back. She didn't get it and will move to New York and get a job. Mike and Winston don't believe her. After she leaves Mike tells Helen to put Toni under surveillance. He explains to Winston that Benson and the others knew that disposing of Toni would stir up a trouble so they sent her to deny ever knowing anything. "Unless we can protect her she'll never get east of the Monticello River. In fact--- her destination may be the bottom of it!"



JANUARY 24, 1958 (EPISODE #475)
As Peter has Sybil put the McGinnis and Shea cases on his calendar, Ollie calls her to meet for lunch. Then Phillips calls for Peter. Peter meets with Virginia to break their lunch date and tells her of his plans for the house in Oakhaven Estates. She asks if Phillips will pay for it. He tells her to see the architect and tell him what she wants. Sybil meets Ollie and he lets on that his boss has got Peter Dalton on a string. Phillips tells Peter that his investment account has not reached its goal yet. Peter is a little disappointed. Phillips says that he is in danger of losing not only money but everything. "That assistant that you kept on your staff against my advise, Mike Karr, is after your scalp!". Phillips explains about Toni going to the crime committee Peter is dumbfounded. He details how Karr advised that Toni got paid for her information and put private eyes to watch her all behind Peter's back in order to get him. Peter says that he will fire him but Phillips says that he can't discharge him with out a reason and they don't want the real reason known. He tells Peter to put Karr on the Shea case. If he gets a conviction, he will be crucified in the press for persecuting the woman(she recently received a medal for bravery for saving three children from a fire). If he doesn't get the full punishment, he will be seen as soft and ineffectual. Phillips runs into Virginia at the club. She asks what are his plans for her husband. Phillips suggests governorship. When asked if he is trying to buy Peter, Phillips explains that he has a lot of power in business and wants to expand it to the political world too. Peter dictates a memo to Mike ordering him to take the Shea case immediately. He thinks over what Phillips told him about Mike working against him. He says to himself "I'll find some other way to --- dispose of him. I'll get him before he gets me!"



JANUARY 27, 1958 (EPISODE #476)
Bebe and Polly talk about Kitty and how she is trying to make up for the trouble she caused. Martin fakes illness so that he would not have to go in to work. He is uneasy about returning to the situation at the job. He decides to look for work else where. Polly cancels and outing with Bebe to go out with Kitty and friends. Bebe gets upset and says that Polly and friends can go to the movies as her treat. Martin asks Jack about the available loader position at Golick's but it has been filled. Martin is dejected. Bebe tells Hester about her movie plans with her friends. When Martin comes home and hears that she will need $5 to treat them, he emphatically says no. He does not have the money to spare. Upset, Bebe runs to Sara's Sara notes the girl's low mood. She gets money to pay the paperboy. With Sara out of the room, Bebe takes a $5 bill from Sara's purse.



JANUARY 28, 1958 (EPISODE #477)
Bebe feels guilty for what she did. She helps Sara with supper but then says she fills sick and wants to go home. Mike arrives. He offers to take her home but she runs out to go by herself. He follows. Bill Marceau goes to the Karrs looking for Mike to talk about the Shea case. When Mike returns, Bill says that he wants Mike to give him some time and help on the case. Mike feels sorry for the woman and would rather defend her instead of prosecute her. He agrees to do what he can for Bill. Bill stays for dinner. Martin and Hester apologize to their daughter for not being able to afford her movie party as guilt eats Bebe up. She finally cracks and tells them what she did. She explains why she did it. Her parents understand. Martin takes the money back to Sara. After dinner, Sara notices the missing money from her purse. She then realizes when it occurred and what must have happened. Martin returns the money and apologizes. He takes the blame since he let Bebe believe that he was making a lot of money. Sara offers the money back to Martin but he says no. he will get the money for his daughter some how. Mike tells Sara that Bebe should be punished for stealing not rewarded for returning what she stole. Martin returns home and says even though there are things about the job he doesn't like, he will put up with it for his family's sake. A fateful decision in deed.



JANUARY 29, 1958 (EPISODE #478)
At breakfast Martin talks to Bebe about the money incident. He is proud of her for not keeping it. He gives her $5 for her movie party. He had to hock his watch to get the money. At work Martin asks Harris about the chances of making the big money. He gives his boss some ideas on how to run the business efficiently but Harris says that he is too new to tell them how to run things. He tells him to stick to what he is doing and stay out of the other areas. When Harris leaves, Martin heads for the taxi operation. Sara goes to Hester to talk about Bebe. Hester tells Sara there are somethings about the job that trouble Martin. Harris angrily calls for Martin and scolds him for going to the taxi shop. Martin says that he wants "in". He feels the so called taxi shop is where the big money is. He tells Harris that he could convert a stolen car in to a taxi fast, cheap, and safe. Harris claims no knowledge but says he'll have to tell Mitchell about these crooked ideas. Sara goes to the school to meet Bebe. The girl feels so guilty that she can't look at Sara in the face. Sara however hugs her. They both sob. Sara tells her that she understands and invites her movie party over for ice cream after the movies. Martin comes home and says that Bebe doesn't need Sara anymore. He then says that he is moving up and that it is all worth the gamble.



JANUARY 30, 1958 (EPISODE #479)
Peter tells Phillips that he will take care of Mike Karr right away. He then calls Virginia and tells her to set up an appointment with the architect. He tells her that he hopes to get Karr out of his hair. Bill meets Mike to talk about Ann Shea. Peter arrives and wants to start the case as soon as possible but Mike says that he wants to investigate thoroughly first. Peter tells him not to be influenced by the sympathy for her and go easy. Bill and Mike try to explain that there may be mitigating circumstances, but Dalton cuts them off and says he wants the girl prosecuted with all possible speed. Harris tells his wife the DA wants to see them. They argue about the accident and the fact that Don caused it and thereby killed the man. He says that if she tries to pin it on him he will he reaches for her throat but restrains himself. Bill brings in Ann Shea. He and Mike interview her. She states that it wasn't her fault. Mike grills her. She says it was an accident. Virginia tells Peter about the meeting with the architect. Mike meets Peter to tell him about the Shea case. He says he thinks she deserves a break. Peter will not have that option at all but Mike says he is not sure it was her fault. Dalton wants him to go to the grand jury tomorrow and ask for an indictment. He wants her brought to trial immediately. "You will follow my orders or resign!" he declares. Mike agrees to proceed with all possible(underline the word possible) speed. Harris tells his wife there's a ticket and money for her to go on her trip tonight. She realizes he wants her out of the way for the testimony and tells him if it weren't for the ticket and money "I'd hope you didn't get away with it---and you might not get away with it after all!"



JANUARY 31. 1958 (EPISODE #480)
Harris sets up a meeting with Martin to talk about his "proposal" for the garage. Sara visits Betty Jean who says that the baby is fine but she can't wait till next spring when it is born. Harris tells Martin that he has the wrong idea about the taxi end of the business. Martin plays along but says that if he knew it were true he would want in on the action. Harris says that if he is right and they give him the low down on the setup, he'd be in so deep that he could never be dealt out. Martin wants in so that he could provide for his family. Harris says that they can use a man like him and begins to explain the set up. He ends by admonishing Martin that everything will be fine "if you keep your mouth shut… We hope nothing happens to keep your little girl from growing up in to a pretty woman do we!" Jack stops by to give Martin some good news. Golick has an opening for a load supervisor. Martin is torn because he has just been let in on the deal with Mitchell Motors and he can't be dealt out. He explains to Jack that he will stay at Mitchell. Jack goes home and tells his wife and sister about Martin not taking the offer. He says that he noticed Martin wanted to take it but something kept him back. Martin is torn. He calls Harris and tries to get out of the deal. "Spode…If you back out now-if you try to back out or if I get the idea that you are thinking of backing out, you'll wish you, your wife, and little girl had never been born." Harris says. Martin says that he would report to his new job Monday morning.



FEBRUARY 3, 1958 (EPISODE #481)
Fitzsimmons calls Phillips and wants to meet him immediately. He is tired of being put off. Phillips agrees to meet saying "I see there are some things that need straightening out." Mike comes home and lets off steam about the job. He rants that Dalton wants to throw the book at McGinnis, Nicholson, and Ann Shea. Mike figures that he is on the wrong side of criminal law. Sara says that he is not a prosecutor, he wants to defend these people. Mike asks her if she is going to go to Grace O'Keefe's wedding in San Francisco. She is not sure. She is concerned about Bebe. Mike convinces her to go. Parole officer Paul Sims makes an appointment to see Martin. Martin asks Hester if she would like to move out of Monticello. Fitzsimmons is mad that Phillips is not ready for the opening of the West Side club. He wants to open up now. Phillips explains that Mike Karr is the hold up. Karr is too interested in Benson and the club. He has the idea that they rigged the Dalton vote on the west side. Phillips continues to explain that Karr will be disposed of. "Just leave him to me" says Fitzsimmons. "Something could happen to him." Phillips cuts him off and says that in a short time Karr will be discredited. Still wanting to take action Fitzsimmons declares "I'll knock off this Karr guy!" Phillips calms him down and says that they will be able to open the club soon. Phillips is concerned about Fitzsimmons threat to his rule. Sims visits Martin who asks for permission to move out of town. Sims doesn't think it is a good idea. Martin is sunk. Sara says that she will go to Grace's wedding but is concerned about Mike especially since the info he is trying to dig up on the election can be dangerous.



FEBRUARY 4, 1958 (EPISODE #482)
Feeling lonely and down in the dumps, Rose Marie Bremen calls Sara and says that everything is all wrong. Sara rushes over. Mike meets with Ann Shea and her lawyer Irma Schneider. They say that Ann will plea not guilty. Mike questions Ann again. She again states she doesn't know how she struck the pedestrian on the highway. Ms Schneider talks to Mike alone and says that if he takes that girl to trial it will be political suidice. Harris gives Martin instructions in his new job at the taxi shop. Harris has to go now to meet with the D.A. about the Shea accident since he saw the whole thing. Martin motes how Harris said that on that night he was tired and aggravated with his wife. He had even loused up some records at work that day. He would be surprised if Harris even knew what happened with the accident. Harris tells him not to say that again. Martin wonders what really happened that night. Harris meets with Mike who is surprised to hear that Mrs Harris has gone away. He says that she would probably have to return. Mike questions Harris who says that he was not upset, nervous or tired that night. He says that Ann Shea's car was driving erratically before it ran off the road. Sara visits lonely Rose Marie. She says that she hasn't seen Willy Bryan in a while. Sara says that he is crazy about her and baby Rose. Then Rose Marie gets a call from a suitor---Sam Haven, who wants to take her to dinner. Sara offers to baby sit. Irma Schneider tells her client that she was foolish for telling Mike Karr that she doesn't remember what happened. She tells Ann that she better remember something because the D.A's office is gunning for her. Then she realizes that it must be Dalton's idea. If he is afraid of Mike there would be no better way to wreck him by prosecuting Ann.



FEBRUARY 5, 1958 (EPISODE #483)
Martin tells Harris that he's already converted four of the stolen cars. Harris congratulates him on a job well done and then broods about his meeting with Mike earlier on the Shea accident. Harris asks Martin to stay a little after work. They need to talk. Sara baby sits for Rose Marie and is happy with her assignment. Mattie comes by. Sara says that she is going to Grace's wedding but is concerned for Mike. She lets on to her mother that she would like to have a baby of her own. Harris tells Martin that "Uncle Jim" liked his work on the "special units". He may turn over the whole taxi conversion operation to Martin before long. Harris gives Martin $200 cash for the good job and says to be careful. Don't let the parole officer know where he got the money from. "Keep your mouth shut" warns Harris. "Even about the accident?" asks Spode. Martin plans to take his family out on the town. Hester is surprised and worried when he shows her the money he got. Jack stops by and sees Sara with baby Rose. Sara tells her brother to tend to the crying baby but he is reluctant to "break" it. He needs practice Sara says. Martin calms Hester's fears about the money and says that it is an advance on overtime. They prepare for their night out when Harris calls to tell Martin that some more hot cars came in that need converting right away. Disappointed, Martin faces the fact that he will not lead his own life.



FEBRUARY 6, 1958 (EPISODE #484)
Mike comes home and finds Sara baby sitting. He is surprised to hear Rose Marie went out with some one other that Willy Bryan who will be by later with info on the election investigation. Mike gives his wife her airline ticket to San Francisco and says that he'll be busy while she is gone. He then proclaims that a baby is just what their house needs. Virginia Dalton and her mother, Mrs Porterfield, go over the blue prints for the Oakhaven Estates house. Mrs. P is concerned about the extravagance and expense of it all. Peter comes home and trades barbs with his mother-in-law. With the women out of the room, he calls Phillips to check on his investment account. They plan to discuss in person. Willy tells Mike that both Benson and Toni Fescina have dropped out of sight. The rumor mill has it that Monticello will be a "wide-open town". He stops short when he hears baby Rose cry and is stirred when he learns that Rose Marie is out with some one else and will be back at 9:00. Upset, Willy leaves and says that he'll be back later. "About nine?" asks Mike amusingly. Dalton meets Phillips and is informed that he has suffered some losses. Peter gets upset and begins to blame Phillips for the losses. He is handed a check for the full amount of the mature investment. Peter says that he can't take it until Phillips says that it is an advance---loan. They sign a demand note. Peter is relieved since the transaction is strictly business and he now has the money that he needs. Willy returns and is upset to see that Rose Marie has already taken the baby home. Sara talks to him about his relationship with Rose Marie and gives him some advice: "Do something!" Peter returns home and gladly shows Virginia ad her mother the check. Virginia is quite happy.




Winston arrived at the Lakeview Inn but was unable to convince Lynn to tell the truth. Patrons in the lobby overheard Winston and Lynn's argument and speculated that the two were having a lover's quarrel. During the altercation, a button from Lynn's sweater came off in Winston's hand.

Emory scaled the trellis outside Lynn's window, arriving after Winston left. Realizing Emory planned to kill her, Lynn ran for her life but crashed through the mezzanine balcony, falling to her death in the lobby below. Winston, Lynn's button in hand, peered over the shattered balcony at her body. Winston was arrested for murder, while Emory made it back to his hospital room in Monticello unseen.

Mike went to Lakeview to defend Winston after DA Nick Bryce indicted him for murder. Lakeview citizen Martin Sider led a crusade to have Winston convicted. Louise and Mattie took a suite at the Lakeview Inn, but were met with hostility from everyone they encountered.

Lee romanced Beth Anderson, while Bill Marceau developed an interest in his secretary Martha Spears.

Mike suspected teenager Joanie Lange had information that would help Winston's case. After weeks of denial, Joanie finally admitted that she and her boyfriend had been parked behind the Lakeview Inn the night of Lynn's murder, and they were nearly hit by a man who sped off in a hurry. Mike realized that Joanie's description matched Emory and suspected that Emory had slipped out of his hospital room to kill his wife.

Wealthy business tycoon Elizabeth McGrath contacted Bill about a robbery at her boutique McGrath's. Liz suspected her incorrigible daughter Gerry had stolen the money to pay gambling debts, but Bill decided Gerry was innocent. Gerry developed a crush on Bill, who proved she didn't commit the crime.

Mike convinced DA Nick Bryce to convene court in Emory's hospital room, where Mike claimed he had evidence to prove Emory's guilt. When the lights went out, Emory escaped through the secret panel into the warehouse next door. Mike and Lee pursued Emory, who injured Lee while gunning for Mike. Emory took Beth hostage and fled in his car. Mike and Bill had the bridge raised, blocking Emory's escape from Monticello. Emory was arrested.

Returned to safety, Beth fretted when Lee awoke and discovered that his head injury left him paralyzed. Doctors sent Lee to a rehab facility, though they couldn't find an organic cause for his paralysis.

Bill investigated illegal gambling at Otto Zimmerman's club. Gerry dated Zimmerman's "errand boy" Davey Hansen, who was like a son to mobster Zimmerman. Davey scrapped with Captain Lloyd Griffin, a Monticello cop. Lloyd accepted payoffs from Zimmerman in order to provide materialistic wife Kate with extravagant gifts.



Holding the threat of gambling debts over her head, Davey exploited Gerry's friendship with Bill to get information about the police investigation into Otto Zimmerman's club. Davey passed on information to Lloyd, but the two continued to spar. While Kate pressured him for more extravagances, Lloyd plotted to get rid of both Davey and Bill.

Lee and Beth continued their relationship after he recovered from his injuries, which were psychosomatic.

The arrival of old flame Malcolm Thomas surprised Nancy. Malcolm promised Nancy that he was sober and convinced her to speak with Joe about a job at the Monticello News.

Davey and Lloyd conspired to trick Gerry into thinking she killed Davey, making her susceptible to blackmail. With the assistance of Ann Kelly, Davey goaded Gerry into a fight, then jumped in front of her car as she tried to drive away. Gerry became hysterical after hitting and apparently killing Davey. After Gerry fled the scene, Lloyd and Davey chuckled about their scam, but when Davey turned his back, Lloyd bludegeoned him to death with a brick.

Joe hired Malcolm as a reporter for the newspaper. Cookie, working at the paper as a secretary, was wildly attracted to Malcom, who found her innocence refreshing.

After being arrested and indicted for Davey's murder, Gerry jumped bail. Lloyd convinced Zimmerman that Bill's good friend Gerry killed Davey in cold blood. Zimmerman hired Cowboy, a sadistic hitman, to kill Gerry. Liz turned her back on Gerry, who escaped an assassination attempt from Cowboy and fled to Los Angeles.

Malcolm and Cookie started dating, much to the chagrin of the Pollock family. Fearful of his past behavior, Nancy cautioned Malcolm not to hurt Cookie. Bill dated Martha Spears, who admitted she once spent time in a sanitarium.

Using Bill's friendship with Gerry and Liz McGrath, Lloyd made it appear that Bill gave Gerry special treatment. Lloyd was named acting Chief-of-Police when his schemes against Bill forced his resignantion. Lloyd used his police contacts to trace Gerry at a rooming house in LA, then passed the information on to Zimmerman.

Mike and Bill searched for Gerry, arriving in California just as Cowboy discovered her hiding place. While Cowboy had a shootout with Bill and Mike, Gerry fled back to Monticello, and Cowboy escaped.

Wealthy widow Eve Morris planned to open a regional theatre in Monticello. While writing a story on the theatre, Malcolm became intrigued by possessive Eve, who vowed he would be hers.

Cowboy found Gerry in Monticello and chased her into an alley with a gun. Attorney John Barnes spotted Gerry being held at gunpoint and struggled with Cowboy, who was shot and killed in the altercation. Gerry was arrested and placed under police guard in the hospital. Mike and Bill realized Lloyd and Zimmerman were in cahoots and probably killed Davey. John, who worked for Zimmerman, quit his job and assisted Mike with Gerry's trial.


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