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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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MARCH 14, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,365)
Visibly worn and frustrated, a desperate Mike comes home from work after a day of avoiding Adam. Mike admits to Nancy that he spent most of his time in Fenwick Park, thinking and worrying about Laurie. Mike says that he can no longer think logically about the situation. His love and emotion for Laurie Ann overcome logic and reason. Nancy begs Mike not to tell anyone about Laurie's kidnapping, but Mike is still torn about whether or not to inform Adam and Bill. Ben Travis calls, insisting that he come over to discuss the canceled Washington trip. Nancy warns Mike not to even hint that something is amiss. Using a courtroom parallel, Nancy tells Mike that Travis is the jury, and it's Mike's job to convince Ben nothing's wrong. Mona and Barney arrive at the cabin and relieve Earl and JoJo. Mona is uncomfortable with the situation, and immediately feels sympathy for Laurie's plight. Laurie notices Mona's soft-touch, and playing for sympathy, cries that her wrists are sore from the tight ropes. She convinces Mona to loosen the ropes. As Barney comes through the door, arms full of groceries, Laurie makes a mad dash for freedom. Barney catches Laurie, then angrily chastises Mona for being stupid enough to loosen Laurie's hands. At the Karr home, Travis grills Mike about the sudden change in plans. Nancy, listening at the study door, is horrified when Mike states that he has a confession to make. As Mike begins to tell Travis the whole story, he notices a photograph of Laurie and Nancy on his desk. Mike continues saying he's compelled to admit that the loan shark doctor list is phony. All of the men on the list are legitimate businessmen. There's no proof whatsoever that any of them are involved with crime.Travis turns away from Mike, smiling, while at the cabin, a terrified Laurie cries helplessly.



MARCH 17, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,366)
Laurie's constant crying irritates Barney, who warns Mona to shut her up, or else he will. Sweetly, Mona tries to reason with Laurie, but it does no good. Laurie screams that Barney and Mona are no better than the kidnapers, and her father Mike Karr will see that they all rot in prison. Furious, Barney looms over Laurie with fists of rage. Mona barely stops him from striking Laurie. After a call from Bill, Mike and Nancy realize they had invited the Marceaus for dinner. Nancy admits that she won't be able to get through dinner without breaking down. Mike convinces her that she has no choice. Nancy wonders who told Barrington that Mike had the "doctor list," then realizes Mike should warn Ron about Barrington's criminal activity. Then, Nancy arrives at the unthinkable conclusion that Ron might be in cahoots with Barrington, which would devastate Nancy's sister Cookie. Mike is forced to admit that Ron stole the list from Barrington and is working in cooperation with the crime commission. When Martha and Bill arrive, Martha immediately notices Nancy's uneasiness. Mike lies that Laurie took an emergency trip to California, as she has to take a college entrance exam in Los Angeles. With talk of Laurie, Nancy bursts into tears and excuses herself from the room. Back at the cabin, Laurie talks sweetly to Barney, reminding him that he and Mona haven't really committed a crime. If they leave her tied up, though, they'll be kidnapers, too... and some kidnapers get the death penalty. Barney believes Laurie, and after extracting a promise that she won't try to escape, Barney removes the ropes from her hands.



MARCH 18, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,367)
Adam badgers Mike about giving up on the investigation into Eric Barrington's loan shark activity. Wearily, Mike insists that Barrington is legit... at least the ledger suggests he is. Adam cannot be swayed, reminding Mike that Ron overheard someone calling Barrington "doctor". Mike counters that Barrington is indeed a doctor; he has a PHD in philosophy. Despite Mike's unwavering position, Adam still isn't convinced. Liz Prentiss arrives for a private consultation with Mike. Liz tells Mike that she spoke with Ruth Tuttle, who's now living in Los Angeles. Liz says that Ruth received a postcard from Steve, postmarked Mexico. Since Steve obviously doesn't intend to ever return, Liz wants a divorce. Mike informs Liz that Steve must be gone for three years before she can divorce on grounds of desertion, and he suggests she file separation papers instead. Liz steadfastly refuses, and asks about a "quickie divorce"-- the kind of divorce people obtain in places like Reno, Nevada. Mike points out that in order to get those, a person has to establish residency first. Liz continues to badger him about a fast divorce. Mike, frustrated and distracted by the situation with Laurie, snaps at Liz, suggesting that she hire Adam or another attorney, because he doesn't have time to pamper her. In tears, Liz runs out of the office and bumps into Vic Lamont, the assistant DA who prosecuted Liz's step-mother Julie. Vic lends a sympathetic ear to Liz, offering to track down Steve for her so that they can work out a consensual divorce. Vic asks Liz out to dinner, admitting that he wanted to see her for a long time. When Liz wonders if she should accept advice from another attorney, Vic reveals that he's thinking about asking Mike Karr for a job in private practice. Adam comments on Mike's weary appearance, saying that Mike looks like the world has come to an end. Adam reminds Mike about his wonderful wife and daughter. Jean enters and tells Mike that a friend of Laurie called while Mike was with Liz. Mike becomes enraged, screaming that Jean was stupid to hold a call about Laurie. Adam is stunned by Mike's rage.



MARCH 19, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,368)
Lydia rearranges furniture in the Capice home and tells Calvin that she'll see to it that Louise becomes dependent on her. Calvin states that she could make Louise very happy by admitting that Phil briefly opened his eyes and may be coming out of the coma. Angry, Lydia warns Calvin that he must never tell anyone what he saw, adding that Louise might fire them and move Phil to a medical facility. When Louise sees the rearranged furniture, she immediately hates it, saying that they enjoy a status quo at Orchard Hill. Lydia responds that she was only thinking of Louise and trying to make Phil's room cheerier. Lydia's subtle guilt-trip manipulates Louise into agreeing she'll get used to it. Playing the concerned confidante, Lydia asks if Louise has seen Mike or Nicole. Louise, eager to gossip, admits that she had lunch with Nicole, and confides to Lydia that Nicole talked incessantly about her admiration for Mike. Lydia casually remarks that Nancy must know by now that Mike didn't buy the fur coat as a anniversary gift. Then, Lydia reminds Louise that Nancy called her a vicious liar. Lydia's cleverly subtle-yet-loaded remarks goad Louise into paying a call on Nancy. Winston catches Calvin going through Winston's dresser drawers and threatens to call the police. Calvin claims innocence, begging Winston not to involve the police. Winston agrees if Calvin promises to leave Orchard Hill immediately. When Calvin refuses, Winston goes to Louise and Lydia with accusations against Calvin. Louise doesn't believe that Calvin's athief. Lydia slaps Calvin hard across the face, telling him that she won't work with a thief. But, Lydia manages to skillfully manipulate Louise by agreeing Calvin should be dismissed, even if he is indispensable to Phil's full recovery. Brimming with emotion for Phil, Louise declares Phil should have the best care, so she'll give Calvin another chance. Winston is stunned and infuriated that Lydia has manipulated Louise again.



MARCH 20, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,369)
Martha tells Cookie about Nancy's crying jag at dinner. They speculate about the cause, but Cookie attributes it to Laurie's absence. At the cabin, Laurie refuses to eat. Mona warns Laurie that Barney will get very mad, and she won't be able to protect Laurie from his wrath. Meanwhile, Barney meets with Barrington on a deserted road. Barrington gives Barney a handgun, encouraging him to use it on trespassers-- or Laurie if she tries to escape again. Later, Barrington confers with Ron, confessing that Mike has a list of loan shark doctors. Nervous, Ron asks if Barrington knows how Mike obtained the list. Barrington remarks that obviously there's an informer working against the operation. As Ron becomes more nervous that Barrington may be on to him, Barrington states that they ruled out Ron as the leak, since Ron doesn't have access to the ledger or the fiber for such work. Barrington instructs Ron to visit the Karrs often and take notes about Mike and Nancy's behavior. Barney returns to the cabin with food. Seeing that Laurie still hasn't eaten, Barney aims the gun at her, threatening that Laurie will eat...or else...



MARCH 21, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,370)
After dinner, Ron and Cookie visit Mike and Nancy. In the privacy of Mike's study, Ro begs Mike to tell him what's going on with Travis and the canceled D.C. trip. Mike avoids the issue. Ron pleads that he's between a rock and hard place since he has to spy on Mike for Barrington, and on Barrington for Mike. Unable to stand Ron's badgering, Mike tells Ron that they were wrong-- the ledger contained names of legitimate businessmen. Shocked into disbelief, Ron concludes that Mike has been bought by Barrington, too. Cookie notes Nancy's sad, distracted behavior, but Nancy lies that she's just sad about Mike and Laurie both going away. Cookie speculates that the real reason for Nancy's unhappiness is the fact that Nancy won't confront Mike about Nicole's fur coat. At the cabin, Barney shows Mona the gun Barrington gave him. While Laurie pretends to sleep, Mona and Barney argue about keeping the gun. Barney puts it in a drawer and then lies down. Laurie bides her time until both Barney and Mona nod off. Quietly, Laurie slips out of bed and eases over to the drawer. She carefully removes the gun. Barney and Mona jolt awake, as Laurie whirls around, aiming the weapon atthem.



MARCH 24, 1969 (EPISODE #3,371)
Laurie, holding Barney and Mona at gunpoint, nervously moves toward the door. Trying to unchain the lock, Laurie is distracted long enough for Barney to lunge for the gun. He wrestles it out of Laurie's hand, and then with Mona's help, restrains her. Barney laughs that Laurie couldn't have harmed them anyway... she forgot to take the safety off. Barney rails at Mona for being too soft with Laurie, stating Laurie's scared of him but not of her. Barney instructs Mona to hit Laurie-- hard, make her afraid. Mona approaches Laurie with trepidation. She doesn't want to hurt the frightened young woman. At the Karr house, Nancy and Cookie argue about Nicole, with Nancy insisting she doesn't believe Louise's ugly gossip. When Cookie presses about the fur coat, Nancy explains that Nicole merely modeled the coat for Mike, but he didn't actually buy it. Eventually, Nancy snaps under pressure and admits to Cookie something else is bothering her. Ron leaves Mike's study, and Cookie notes his grimness. On the way home, Cookie questions Ron about his meeting with Mike. Ron says that he feels like he's being pulled in too many directions and is about to knuckle under from the pressure. Suddenly, Ron stops the car and tells Cookie that more than anything, he wants to marry her. In fact, he'll marry her tonight, if she likes.



MARCH 25, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,372)
Barrington assures Ben Travis that Mona and Barney are taking good care of Laurie,and she's under control. Travis reminds him ominously that the couple may have to do more than just watch Laurie. Nicole daydreams about Mike and his relationship with Nancy. Nicole wonders why she's attracted to Mike and a boring town like Monticello. Travis arrives and has a heart-to-heart with Nicole about Mike. Travis states that a man with Mike's abilities is only hindered by a woman like Nancy. Furthermore, Travis encourages Nicole to go after Mike, if she really wants him. Nicole is startled by Travis'sudden change in attitude. When Ron says that he and Cookie will be married on April 11th, Barrington informs Ron that it will be a one-day affair, since there's plenty of work to be done with Mike Karr. Barrington eases Ron's curious gaze by admitting that Laurie Karr has been kidnaped and will not be returned until all the loan shark doctors are outof the country. Ron is stunned. Barrington further states that Ron will watch Karr's every move, and if he refuses, Barrington will tell everyone that Ron was responsible for Phil Capice's near-fatal beating!



MARCH 26, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,373)
Cookie tells Nancy about the April 11th wedding to Ron. Nancy hesitantly informs hersister that they may not be able to marry at the Karr home. Cookie says it's okay; they'll marry at City Hall if they have to. All that matters is her marriage to Ron. Prompted by Lydia, Louise calls and invites herself to Nancy's house. Cookie goes back to police headquarters and gives Bill and Martha the wonderful news. Back at the Karrs', Louise brings up the subject of Mike and Nancy's anniversary, then insists on seeing the fur coat she knows Nancy didn't get. On to her game, Nancy snaps that Louise already knows Mike didn't buy her a fur coat. Nancy further states that Louise came over to gloat and see Nancy in agony. Louise assumes a defense, claiming that none of what Nancy says is true. But, Nancy tricks her into admitting that she did know Nicole got the coat instead. Enaraged, Nancy hurls accusations at Louise, stating that she could excuse Louise's behavior regarding Phil, but now Louise has simply turned into a vicious monster. Louise gasps in horror as Nancy declares their friendship to be over. Nancy orders Louise out of the house, screaming that she never wants to see Louise again.



MARCH 27, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,374)
Calvin sweet-talks Vivian into preparing a sirloin steak for lunch. Lydia catches Calvin eating the steak and warns Vivian to watch her step. After Vivian leaves, Lydia chastises Calvin about the incident with Winston. She says that Calvin's a petty thief who wastes his time worrying about pennies when they're sitting on a pot of gold. Calvin again broaches the subject of Lydia's son, whom Calvin says also eats steak for lunch.Lydia angrily warns Calvin not to mention her son again. Lunching with Nicole, Louise insinuates that Mike bought Nicole her fur coat because they're having an affair. Regarding the comment as a personal affront, Nicole gets angry and insists that her father Ben Travis bought the coat after Mike declined it for Nancy's anniversary present. Louise presses Nicole about her feelings for Mike, but Nicole won't play Louise's game.Nicole states that her feelings for Mike are none of Louise's business, but adds that Mike might love her and not know it yet. After weeks with friends, Sara-Louise arrives home and encounters Calvin. Calvin disarms Sara-Louise with clever charm. Flustered and infatuated with an older man's attention, she attempts to act sophisticated,but Calvin realizes it's just an act. Calvin tells Sara-Louise about his unhappy childhood and petty thievery as a teenager, while she counters with stories about her childhood in Swiss boarding schools. The sexual tension between the two is apparent,as Sara-Louise wants to see the tattoo on Calvin's bicep. She is alternately frightened and curious.



MARCH 28, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,375)
Nancy tells Mike about Ron and Cookie's impending wedding. However, they remain distracted with thoughts of Laurie Ann and fears that she hasn't contacted them. Ron stops by the Karr home and reveals to Mike that Barrington admitted kidnapping Laurie. Mike is deeply afraid for Laurie's safety, even if they do cooperate. Mike decides the only answer to their problem is to find Laurie themselves. Mike asks Ron to coax Laurie's location out of Barrington. Frightened, Ron argues that any questions about Laurie might tip off Barrington, who will kill all of them. Mike begs Ron to help in someway, but Ron steadfastly refuses. Barney holds Laurie at gunpoint and allows her to call home. Nancy and Mike are relieved and estatic to hear Laurie's voice. Laurie assures them that she's fine-- they haven't harmed her. Mike allows Ron to listen, as Laurie begs them to cooperate and get her home safely. Ron is visibly moved by Laurie's terrified,desperate pleas.



MARCH 31, 1969 (EPISODE # 3,376)
The Edge of Night pre-empted for special programming. Episode # 3,376 was pretaped for airing Tuesday, April 1, 1969.

APRIL 1, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,376)
Mike pleads with Ron to query Barrington regarding Laurie's location. Ron insisted that Barrington would find questions suspicious. Mike suggested that Ron appeal to Barrington's ego. Ron reluctantly agreed to give Mike's suggestion a try. Embittered, Nancy blames Ron for Laurie's kidnapping and fears that if Ron asks too many questions, Barrington might get nervous and harm Laurie. Mike assures Nancy it's their only chance to get Laurie home safely. Suddenly, Nancy realizes Mike thinks Laurie may be killed even if they operate fully. At the shack, Laurie discusses her future with Mona, but speaks of it in the past tense. When Mona asks why, Laurie bluntly states they'll never let go alive. Mona insists she and Barney won't harm her, though Mona privately shares Laurie's fear.

APRIL 2, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,377)
Travis asks Barrington about Laurie's condition and the Wests' performance. Barrington says Laurie is well and Barney and Mona are performing their job quite capably. When Travis asks about Ron, though, Barrington is forced to admit he told Ron about Laurie's kidnapping. Travis is furious, insisting that Ron cannot be trusted. Barrington replies he knows Ron inside-out, and Ron won't betray them because if he does, everyone will find out Ron was responsible for Phil's near-fatal beating. Ron and Cookie have a tense lunch. Cookie wonders if she's pressured Ron into a quick marriage. Ron assures her that he loves her. When the conversation turns to Barrington, Ron becomes evasive. Ron and Cookie spot Liz Prentiss and Vic Lamont dining together. Liz recounts her marriage to Steve, claiming that it ended the day Steve testified at Julie Jamison's trial. Liz says Steve confessed on the witness stand to having a deep resentment of Liz, her father Orin, and all they represent. She tells Vic she wants a very fast divorce. Vic questions her further, implying that Liz might want to rid herself of Steve because she has someone else on her mind. Liz states flatly that she's not involved with anyone. Travis isn't convinced of Ron's loyalty and warns Barrington that if Ron starts asking questions about Laurie's whereabouts, they'll have to do something about him. Later, Ron visits Barrington and asks quite bluntly if Barrington will tell him where Laurie is.



APRIL 3, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,378)
Jean and Adam discuss Mike's uncharacteristic moodiness. Adam theorizes it stems from the stagnating loan shark investigation, but Jean feels that Mike is under a more personal pressure. Mike visits Louise to suggest she find an interim president for Phil's real estate firm. Angered, Louise snaps that Mike obviously believes Phil won't recover. Mike counters by reminding Louise the company could suffer without someone at the helm. Irrational, Louise states that Mike destroyed Phil's life and now wants to destroy his business, too. Furthermore, Louise brings up Lydia and Mike's investigation of her. Mike tells Louise he only researched Lydia's credentials at Winston's request, but Louise refuses to listen, theorizing that Mike wants to sabotage Phil's recovery. Mike gives up, and as he exits, Louise announces sternly that this goodbye should be a final one. When Sara-Louise comes home from a friend's house, Louise laments her perpetual absences. Sara mentions meeting Calvin and adds that he's quite attractive. Vic asks Adam for a job at Karr and Drake. Later, Adam mentions Vic's job query. Mike enthusiastically tells Adam to hire Vic.



APRIL 4, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,379)
Sara-Louise admits that she's been running away from the reality of Phil's condition situation by staying with friends. Louise is delighted when Sara-Louise vows to spend more time at home. However, Louise doesn't notice her daughter is obviously more interested in Calvin than Phil. Calvin affects a more serious tone with Sara-Louise sympathizing about Phil's condition and assuring her he's more than just a guy out for kicks. Lydia convinces Louise they need a comfortable recliner in Phil's room, arguing it's not just for her comfort, but Winston's as well. Louise gives Lydia carte blanche to order whatever she likes for house and charge it to Louise's account. Louise question Lydia about her family in California. Lydia stiffens, claiming that she doesn't remember mentioning her family to Louise. Louise admits she overheard Calvin and Lydia discussing it. Lydia gives Louise a vague description of sister Rhoda. When Louise wants to know if Lydia has children, Lydia avoids the question by leaving room to call the department store. Alone with Phil, Louise tells her unconscious husband that she longer feels any sympathy for other people. In fact, she feels nothing but hatred for Mike Karr. During Louise's emotional outburst of anger, Phil opens his eyes. Lydia catches Calvin asking Sara-Louise for a movie date. Lydia demands Calvin leave Sara-Louise alone. Calvin broods at her warning. Lydia returns to the sick room and is horrified to see Phil's open eyes. Louise notes Lydia's strange look, then turns to stare straight into Phil's eyes.



APRIL 7, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,380)
Barrington tells Travis that Ron asked about Laurie's location. Travis responds it's easy to testify someone's loyalty, just tell them what they want to know. Lunching with Ron, Mike admits he fears Laurie will be killed regardless of whether or not they cooperate, since Laurie can identify her captors. Ron states Barrington wasn't happy being questioned about Laurie, but Ron doesn't think he's suspicious. Barney and Mona are going stir crazy at the shack, especially since Barrington has said he doesn't see an immediate end to the situation. The two begin to argue, and Barney leaves to go get drunk. While Mona is preoccupied with her styling her hair, Laurie pulls at the telephone cord, which Barney conveniently left nearby. Ron visits Barrington and asks if Barrington is sure that Laurie's well-hidden. Barrington confesses he's keeping Laurie in a gardener's shack off Interstate 56 near the town of Raintree. Ron promptly calls Mike with the news. Meanwhile, Barrington tells Travis the trap is set. Travis comments that if Ron falls into their trap, they'll do what every hunter does to his prey.



APRIL 8, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,381)
Barrington thinks Ron won't fall into Travis' trap, but Travis says if Ron does, he will have to be killed. Barrington reveals the spot he described to Ron would have been a good one in which to keep Laurie. In fact, Barrington has a lodge near the gardener's shack, and he suggests Travis accompany him there. Laurie gets the phone and calls the police, but Mona stops Laurie before she can reveal her identity. Mona and Laurie fight, with Mona insisting that Barney would harm Laurie if he knew what she did. At that moment, Barney walks in and hears part of the conversation. Fearing for Laurie's safety, Mona tries to cover, but Laurie boldly admits she called the police. Furious, Barney vows Laurie will not only be bound and gagged, they might drug her, too. Mike reveals to Nancy that Ron got Laurie's location out of Barrington. Mike and Ron find Raintree on a map, about 30 miles outside Monticello. Ron implores them to tell Bill, but Nancy bristles at the idea, crying that Laurie will be killed at the first sign of police. When Mike suggests the police can be dispatched quietly, Nancy argues that Barrington might have a crooked cop planted at police headquarters. Unable to deny her theory, Mike and Ron realize they must act alone.



APRIL 9, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,382)
Louise was disappointed when Dr. Lacey insisted that Phil's open eyes are more of a reflex rather than a recovery. Lydia lied to Dr. Lacey about never having seen Phil's eyes open before. Cookie and Martha shopped for Cookie's wedding dress at McGrath's. Martha found Nicole to be charming. Nicole told Susan that Ben Travis usually gets what he wants. Lydia continued to exploit Louise's resentment against Mike, and then assured Louise that she's her friend. Calvin secretly met with Sara-Louise for a movie date. Sara realized that she's interested in Calvin, though she shouldn't be.



APRIL 10, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,383)
Ron once again begs Mike to involve the police, but Mike cannot go against Nancy's wishes. Ron reminds Mike they might get killed attempting to rescue Laurie, while Cookie waits for Ron at City Hall. Mike tells Ron he can drop out of the plan if he feels he must. Ron insists he'll help Mike. Cookie confides to Nancy about meeting Nicole at McGrath's with Martha. Cookie says Martha was impressed with Nicole, but Cookie reminds Nancy that Martha doesn't know anything about Ms. Travis. Nancy is preoccupied, constantly glancing at the study where Mike and Ron are conferring. Overwhelmed with curiosity about their plans, Nancy heads for the study but faints at the door. Cookie is frantic about Nancy's condition, though Nancy insists she's simply exhausted from a sudden bout of insomnia. As Cookie and Ron leave, Mike and Nancy worry about what will happen tomorrow.



APRIL 11, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,384)
As Mike and Ron leave for Raintree, Nancy worries about what will happen. On the way, Ron fears he and Mike might be shot by the kidnappers once they arrive at the gardener's shack. Mike reveals he's prepared for that... he's carrying a gun. Back at the Karr home, Nancy agonizes over everything that's happened to her family, Ron, Cookie, Phil and Louise. Nancy prays God will protect them all from Barrington's evil. Martha stops by with homemade soup and tells Nancy that Ron appears more nervous than Cookie. Thinking about Ron's quest in Raintree, Nancy understands why. Mike and Ron arrive at the road Barrington described then walk to the gardener's shack. Cautiously, they enter the shack, but find it empty. The two leave dejectedly, unaware that they're in the frame of binoculars held by Barrington and Travis. Travis says Ron Christopher is as good as dead.



APRIL 14, 1969 (EPISODE# 3,385)
Cookie arrives at Nancy's upset and nervous because Ron isn't at his hotel. Nancy says that Mike and Ron had a business meeting, which obviously delayed Ron. Cookie isn't placated as this is what happened the last time they were to be married. Mike and Ron speculate about the empty gardener?s shack. They theorize that either Barrington got nervous and moved Laurie, or he simply lied about her location. Mike is bothered by the fact that Barrington was so very specific about the location, and everything was just as he said. Mike wonders why Barrington didn't just invent some mythical place. Ron and Mike decide Ron will have to press Barrington further. Ron wants to do it immediately, but Mike warns him he's already running late for the wedding. Ron returns to his hotel room to change and finds Barrington waiting for him with two thugs. Barrington, cigar in hand, coolly tells Ron he walked right into their trap. Furthermore, Ron is a big mistake and Barrington always buries his mistakes. Ron gasps in horror as he realizes his life is in mortal danger.


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