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"На пороге ночи" (США) - резюме серий на английском

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Mike arrived at Ron's hotel room, saving his life. Later, Mike and Vic figured out Laurie's true location. With the police closing in, Barrington attempted to kill Laurie by locking her in an ambulance which was set to be firebombed. Vic rescued Laurie and locked Barrington in the ambulance. Barrington died in the explosion. Ingratiated by Vic's heroic gesture, Laurie found herself falling in love with him. Mike hired Vic as a junior law partner.

Cookie and Ron were happily married. However, shortly after their marriage, Cookie became violently possessive of Ron, developing an irrational obsession that other women wanted to steal him from her.

Senator Ben Travis' arrest for loan-sharking, kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit murder devastated Nicole. With no one to turn to, Nicole apologized to Mike and Nancy for her dreadful behavior and was grateful that the Karrs' not only forgave her-- but befriended her, as well.

Lydia and Calvin's presence at Orchard Hill grew more ominous as they deliberately attempted to sabotage Phil's recovery. Louise was horrified when she eventually learned the extent of Lydia's treachery. Lydia admitted that she desperately needed money to care for her son, who suffered a serious and expensive ailment. Louise immediately fired Lydia and Calvin, and when Phil recovered from his injuries, Louise humbly accepted Mike and Nancy's forgiveness.

Nicole focused her attention on McGrath's dress shop. Nicole and business partner Susan Forbes hired Stephanie Martin, a recent widow with an austistic daughter named Debbie. Meanwhile, Nicole was disturbed by the arrival of ex-husband Dwayne Stewart and his new wife Pamela. Dwayne, expressing unhappiness with Pamela, told Nicole that he wanted to rekindle their relationship.

With Vic's assistance, Liz found husband Steve, who granted her a divorce. Liz's friendship with Vic was complicated by his attraction to Laurie. Liz turned her attention to Dr. Jim Fields, a handsome psychiatrist new to Monticello.

Nicole weathered romantic complications of her own. While trying to discourage ex-husband Dwayne's attention, Nicole found herself being pursued by Adam, who was intrigued by her cool disinterest. Preoccupied with work and Dwayne, Nicole didn't notice that her partner Susan had fallen deeply in love with Adam.

Meanwhile, Nicole suddenly became the target of a maniacal stalker, who sent taped messages of cryptic Shakespearean quotes and, donning a stocking, lurked outside McGrath's. Soon, however, the incidents turned violent. First Nicole received a box of chocolates laced with arsenic, followed by a parcel containing a poisonous spider. Nicole turned to the Karrs', Bill Marceau, and Adam Drake for help. The police were stymied by the stalker's identity, though they did have several suspects in mind: Susan Forbes (Nicole's partner, who loved Adam and resented his attraction to Nicole),Dwayne and Pamela Stewart, Nicole's ex-husband and his new wife, and Cookie Christopher, who feared Nicole might make a play for Ron.

As months passed, the stalker's actions grew more deadly. One night Nicole was standing in front of her apartment window, unaware that the stalker was watching her every move. When the doorbell rang, Nicole pulled down the shade and let in Nancy. During their conversation, Nancy positioned herself in front of the window. Seeing a woman's shadow, the stalker drew a gun and fired a shot. Nancy was felled by the bullet, but fortunately the shoulder injury wasn't serious. However, at McGrath's, another attempton Nicole's life went awry, and a customer was killed instead!




Despite protests of innocence, Dr. Jim Fields remained the prime suspect in the murder of his former girlfriend Rosella Gray. Jim professed his innocence, arguing he had not given Rosella a key to his apartment. However, based on an anonymous tip, the police obtained a search warrant for Jim's apartment and uncovered a house key and note signed "R." Jim was soon indicted for Rosella's murder. Despite the evidence against her fiance, Liz vowed to stand by Jim. Adam agreed to defend to Jim, and recalling Dr. Charles Weldon's threats, began to suspect Charles was the real killer.

Jonah Lockwood convinced Laurie to move out of her parents home and in to an apartment with Jonah's friend Tango. Nancy was concerned about Laurie's safety, as the apartment was located in a seedy section of town. Behind Laurie's back, Jonah tried to make time with the free-spirited Tango, who enjoyed dabbling in the counterculture drug scene.

Across town, Nancy's sister Cookie suffered romantic troubles of her own. Diagnosed with melancholia, Cookie's condition worsened. Noting that Tiffany Whitney's roving eyes seemed to look in Ron's direction, Cookie became obsessed with the idea Tiffany and Ron were having an affair. At first, Cookie's fears were completely irrational. But after many months of Cookie's jealous, neurotic nagging and neglect, Ron finally did succumb to an affair with Tiffany, herself bored with being the wife of a preoccupied politician. Geraldine, learning about the affair, discredited Cookie's accusations by goading her into mental instability. When Cookie ultimately displayed violent and aggressive behavior toward the pair, Ron committed her to Greenhaven Sanitarium. Meanwhile, Colin discovered the affair between his wife and his PR man, too. Colin managed to set aside his anger, realizing the negative publicity would ruin his career.

With her parents in Europe, Mike in Capitol City, and Laurie in an apartment of her own, Nancy grew bored and restless. She decided to fly to the island of St. Elenora, which seemed to be the source of trouble for so many people. There, she investigated Keith's former fiance Suella Duval. On the island, Nancy learned Suella had drowned in a boating accident. However, Suella's grandmother insisted to Nancy that Suella had been a very strong swimmer, and her death seemed extremely suspicious. Meanwhile, Nancy was secretly being followed by someone. First, the stalker placed a poisonous scorpion in Nancy's bed, with the intent of scaring her away. Nancy was bitten, but the species of scorpion wasn't deadly, so Nancy wasn't seriously harmed. Next, the stalker spiked Nancy's drink with poison. This too failed when she was discovered and had her stomach pumped in time. Nancy returned to Monticello, this time asking Adam for help with the case.

Along with Nicole and Professor Neil Davenport (Colin Whitney's campaign manager), Adam flew back to St. Elenora. His investigation uncovered claims that Keith Whitney had secretly married Suella before her death. Doing his own investigating, Professor Davenport managed to locate Suella's former home. He went there and was astonished to find a Monticello newspaper dated the same day as Keith Whitney's death. Before Davenport could take the evidence to Adam, he was bludgeoned to death by an unseen assailant. Davenport's car was later found at the bottom of a ravine, leading authorities to believe he had died in a freak car accident.

Back in Monticello, Bill and Martha Marceau decided to purchase a new home in Graham County. Kate Sloane, a nurse at Monticello General and the house's former occupant, warned the Marceaus that the house was haunted. They didn't heed her wild tales and moved in anyway. However, it soon became apparent that Kate Sloane's stories might be true. At night, Martha heard footsteps, sounds of laughter, and even saw blood dripping from the walls. Normally level-headed and rational, Martha told Bill that the paranormal experiences convinced her that Kate was telling the truth. Suspicious, Bill decided to investigate the background of their home. He was surprised to discover that Kate's late husband was Frank Sloane, a thief who had supposedly drowned a year earlier, after falling into the Monticello River during a shootout with several of Bill's own officers. The Sloane house had been placed on the market, as Kate couldn't pay the back taxes.

Secrets were also floating around the Whitney Mansion. Adam Drake continued to suspect Geraldine's mysterious brother Dr. Charles Weldon was responsible for the deaths of Suella Duval, Rosella Gray, and Professor Neil Davenport. Indeed, Geraldine often spent time in the company of Charles, whispering and planning secret meetings. However, the case suddenly took a new turn when Charles' body was discovered at the base of a tower on the family's summer estate. When Geraldine hired Adam to replace Charles as her trust fund manager, Adam discovered Charles had embezzled over a million dollars from the account. This prompted the police to rule Charles' death as a suicide. Satisfied with the ruling, Adam decided the only way to prove Jim's innocence would be to find the key-maker who duplicated Jim's house-key for Rosella. Meanwhile, an intruder broke into the Whitney mansion. Shortly afterward, Geraldine received an anonymous call from someone who claimed to possess a manuscript written by Charles, which contained all of the Whitney family's dirty secrets. Geraldine secretly agreed to meet the blackmailer in the park to exchange money. At the park, Geraldine accidentally came face-to-face with the blackmailer and was shocked to discover it was her "late" son Keith, who now disguised himself as a bearded hippie named Jonah Lockwood! Keith's death had been staged by Geraldine and Charles to cover up a dirty family secret: Keith had been in the boat the day his fiance Suella Duval drowned. Fearing Suella's scandalous death would ruin Colin's Senate nomination, Geraldine devised and executed Keith's "death" then paid him to go into hiding in Mexico. Geraldine begged Keith to return to Mexico, and he agreed, but Keith really didn't want to leave without his true love...Laurie Karr.

By June, Mike Karr returned from Capitol City and was disheartened to learn about Laurie's growing relationship with Jonah. Mike felt that Jonah, Laurie's roommate Tango, and Tango's pot-smoking boyfriend Max were negative influences on his daughter. Meanwhile, Tango continued to carry on with Jonah. One day while Jonah was out, Tango let herself in to his apartment. She happened to discover a briefcase that contained a photo of Keith Whitney. Bored, Tango penciled in a beard and mustache on the picture, and she was shocked to realize that Jonah Lockwood and the late Keith Whitney were one and the same. Stupidly, Tango confronted Keith the evidence, demanding payoff money. Keith went to Uncle Charles, whom Keith knew had embezzled over two million dollars from Geraldine's trust fund account. At first Charles agreed to help, but after accidentally learning that Keith had murdered Suella Duval and Neil Davenport, Charles refused to be an accomplice to murder and threatened to expose his nephew. Later, Keith lured Charles to Hawley Farms, the family's summer retreat. Meeting in the turret of a high tower on the estate, Keith pushed Charles to his death and skillfully arranged the murder to look like suicide. When Adam discovered Charles' embezzlement from the Whitney's, everyone seemed satisfied that Charles had murdered Suella Duval and Neil Davenport, then committed suicide as he was about to be exposed as a murderer and thief. Meanwhile, Keith planned to get rid of Tango, too. After inviting Tango and Max to a college pot-and-pill party, Keith tipped off the police, who arrested Tango and Max for drug possession.

At Greenhaven Sanitarium, Cookie Christopher made progress by realizing that perhaps Ron hadn't been unfaithful after all. One day while visiting, Ron spoke with Cookie's psychiatrist Dr. Kevin Reed. Unaware that a tape recorder had been activated, Ron confessed his affair with Tiffany Whitney to Dr. Reed. Later, Cookie accidentally heard the tape and went insane with anger. Finding a pocket knife in Ron's jacket, an enraged Cookie attempted to stab him. Afterward, Cookie exhibited the behavior of a small child, insisting that Mike and Nancy were her loving "parents" who would take care of her and protect her from evil people like Ron and Tiffany.



AUGUST 19, 1971 (EPISODE# 3,999)
Jonah told Laurie about Max and Tango's arrest. Following her release from jail, an enraged Tango confronted Laurie and Jonah. Tango made sarcastic comments about how convenient it was that Laurie and Jonah left the party right before the police arrived, insinuating that Laurie and Jonah left to have sex. Laurie volleyed Tango's accusations with a hard slap across the face. Adam informed Nicole that Gordon Whitney doesn't want anyone to know about Charles Weldon's two million dollar embezzlement of Geraldine's trust fund. Adam theorized that Charles accidentally murdered Rosella Gray while attempting to silence Jim. Vic showed Adam and Nicole his hand, which has healed nicely after punching Jonah. Adam told Vic that he doesn't deserve Laurie, which goaded Vic into calling her. Laurie agreed to meet Vic for lunch at The Raven. After Laurie left the apartment, Tango confronted Jonah with her suspicion that he had tipped off the cops about the pot party. Jonah proclaimed innocence, but Tango didn't believe him. As Tango demanded $5000 or otherwise tell the world that Jonah is really Keith Whitney, Jonah secretly drugged her coffee with LSD.



AUGUST 20, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,000)
Martha informed Nancy that Lt. Anderson caught Kate Sloane sneaking into the Marceau home with a jar of whole blood, stolen from Monticello General. Nancy was preoccupied with thoughts of Laurie, and told Martha that she hates Tango. Martha convinced Nancy that it would be a parent's prerogative to get rid of Tango. Nancy decided to issue Laurie an ultimatum: make Tango move or out or lose Mike and Nancy's financial support. At lunch, Vic revealed to a stunned Laurie that Tango had called him with a message to meet Laurie at an unknown apartment, which turned out to be Jonah's. Laurie realized Tango had set up Vic to fight with Jonah. Furious, Laurie vowed to give Tango more than a slap in the face. Nancy arrived at Laurie's apartment, just as Jonah pushed a drugged Tango to her death out the window.



AUGUST 23, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,001)
After pushing Tango from the fifth floor apartment, Jonah closed the window, but he failed to notice that one of Tango's shoes had fallen off. Nancy grilled Jonah about his and Laurie's intentions. Jonah assured Nancy he's against drug use, and he respects Laurie. Before Nancy could spot the picture of Keith that Tango had penciled a beard and moustache on, Jonah destroyed the photo. In Washington, Tiffany gave Colin a photo album containing pictures of Keith. Tiffany's realization that there weren't any pictures of Keith and Colin together before age ten prompted Colin to recall how insanely jealous Keith was of him. Colin remarked that Geraldine and Gordon gave Keith everything he wanted...except for a brilliant political career. When Tiffany speculated about Keith's sanity, Colin recounted Keith's affinity for cruelty and torture of animals. Realizing that it's been exactly a year since Keith's "death", Colin and Tiffany decided to hold a memorial service in Monticello. Lt. Anderson informed Adam and Nicole that Mr. Schreiber, the blind keymaker, positively identified the perfume Rosella wore the day she had Jim's apartment key duplicated. Another customer--Lucille Meeker-- identified Rosella's photograph, and recalled that Rosella had been in the key shop. Anderson admitted he believes in Jim's innocence. At Laurie's apartment, Nancy pressed Jonah about whether or not he and Laurie are engaged, then Nancy found Tango's shoe.



AUGUST 24, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,002)
Jonah worried about the shoe Nancy found, realizing that he'd stupidly closed the window after pushing Tango out of it. Jonah smooth-talked Nancy with lies about convincing Laurie to move back home. Laurie enlisted Vic's help in persuading Mike and Nancy that Jonah really isn't bad. Adam and Nicole joined Vic and Laurie for lunch and urged Laurie not to rush into marriage when she graduates college at the end of the semester. Later, at home, Laurie found Tango's shoe and screamed when she spotted Tango's corpse in the alley below.

AUGUST 25, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,003)
Bill and Lt. Anderson questioned Laurie about Tango's involvement in the drug scene. Bill learned that Jonah was the last person to see Tango alive. Mike and Nancy arrived to comfort Laurie. Nancy told the police that she arrived at 1pm, and Tango was already gone. Bill discovered that the shoe on Laurie's bureau matched the one on Tango's body. Vic remarked to Adam and Nicole that Laurie is sometimes afraid of Jonah. Later, Mike called Adam with news of Tango's death. Lt. Anderson interrogated Jonah, who said Tango had left the apartment to buy LSD, and the last time her saw her, she looked like she had gotten it. Jonah lied that Tango had a "flying fantasy" in which she dreamed about having wings. After learning that Lt. Anderson questioned Nancy, Jonah worried about her statement to the police.



AUGUST 26, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,004)
Bill discovered that Tango's real name was Gloria Humphries, and after locating her parents in Seattle, was astonished that Mr. and Mrs. Humphries demonstrated no remorse for their daughter's death. Mike asked Bill if the police suspect foul play or Jonah's involvement in Tango's death, but Bill stated that it's too early to tell. Geraldine refused to attend Colin and Tiffany's memorial service for Keith, claiming it was too soon after Charles' death. Colin told Geraldine that before his death, Keith insinuated that Uncle Charles embezzled Geraldine's money. Geraldine denied Colin's remarks. The autopsy report on Tango revealed that she was high on a hallucinogen when she flew out the window.

AUGUST 27, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,005)
Nancy helped Laurie pack when she decided to move home temporarily. Nancy wanted to know if Jonah had a part in Laurie's decision, then asked point blank if she and Jonah are engaged. Laurie admitted that she and Jonah are engaged, though not formally. Geraldine called Jonah and begged him to return to Mexico. Jonah told a shocked Geraldine that it's time Keith Whitney came back to life. At Keith's "grave", Gordon admitted to Colin and Tiffany that he considered his son to be quite mad. Nancy went to Jonah's apartment, pleading with him to not influence Laurie into moving out again. Jonah laced a glass of sherry with LSD and served it to Nancy.



AUGUST 30, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,006)
On the way home from Keith's memorial service, Gordon told Colin and Tiffany that he had wanted Keith to consult with a psychiatrist, but Geraldine refused. Gordon shocked Colin and Tiffany by revealing that as a child, Keith tried to smother a little girl who caught him stealing. Gordon remarked that it's hard to love a child whom you also fear. Laurie stopped by Jonah's apartment just as Nancy was about to take a sip of the drug-laced brandy. In front of Nancy, Jonah told Laurie that going might be good for her and stated that he's decided to return to Atlanta himself. After Nancy left, Jonah giggled to Laurie that he didn't mean anything he said... it was all an act for Nancy's benefit. Jonah remarked to Laurie that Nancy is as shrewd and calculating as his own mother. Laurie picked up Nancy's glass of sherry and was about to drink it, when Jonah batted it out of her hand.

AUGUST 31, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,007)
Adam told a delighted Jim and Liz that Lt. Anderson no longer believes Jim murdered Rosella Gray. Certain that Jonah knows who sold Tango the LSD, Lt. Anderson got permission from Bill to question Jonah. Martha informed Bill that they received a note from Kate Sloane, who's spending thirty days in jail for petty larceny. Bill feared that Kate would do worse than stealing blood, when she gets out. DA Quinn dropped the murder charges against Jim. Lt. Anderson threatened Jonah, who countered that his "father-in-law" Mike Karr would get Anderson fired. Jonah merely laughed when Anderson asked if Mike Karr knows what kind of man he's getting for a son-in-law.

NOTE: This script called for announcer Harry Kramer to read a special announcement over the closing credits: "We of The Edge of Night offer our congratulations to Search for Tomorrow, this week celebrating its 20th year on the air."



SEPTEMBER 1, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,008)
Liz, Jim, Adam, and Nicole broke Jim's good news to Mike. Liz suggested to Jim that they set a wedding date. Jonah quietly seethed with fury when Nancy stopped by Laurie's apartment and mentioned that the murder charges against Jim were dropped. Jonah told Laurie that he was going to miss her, then he gave her a long, passionate kiss. With Laurie's back turned, Jonah flashed Nancy a sardonic smile and smirked with self-satisfaction.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 (EPISODE #4,009)
Dr. Kevin Reed and Dr. Stephen Warner argued about Cookie's case. Reed stated that Cookie is psychotic and sees Mike and Nancy as her parental figures. Warner countered that Cookie appears rational and ready to be placed under minimum supervision. Dr. Reed told Ron that a tape recorder was activated the day they discussed Ron's affair with Tiffany Whitney. Reed confessed that Cookie accidentally heard the tape and now hates Ron. Reed commented that Cookie's hatred is good because it forces her to face reality. Colin was elated that an anti-poverty bill he sponsored passed the Senate, but things turned grim with talk of what Keith might have accomplished had he lived. Geraldine became furious when Colin and Gordon discussed Keith sadistic nature. Colin told the family a story about Keith locking him in the tower room at the family's summer home. Colin said that Keith wanted him to die so that Keith would be the next in line for a political career. At Greenhaven Sanitarium, Ron confronted Cookie who told him that they'd never be together again. Cookie insisted that Mike and Nancy are her parents now and that they'd take care of her. Ron informed Cookie that she can't stay with the Karrs since Laurie has moved back home. Dr. Warner received a letter from Geraldine, urging him to call her. On the phone, Geraldine hinted to Warner that her very generous donation to the clinic might be revoked unless Cookie is discharged from the hospital. Later, Warner told Cookie that she could go home.



SEPTEMBER 3, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,010)
Laurie celebrated her 21st birthday with Liz, Adam, Nicole, and Winston. At the birthday party, Jim and Liz announced Jim's freedom and their upcoming wedding. Jonah overheard a radio news broadcast about Jim's release, and kicked himself for not killing Jim when he had the chance. Jonah realized that he couldn't attend Laurie's birthday party and risk being recognized by Jim. Geraldine and Gordon quarreled about Keith and Gordon's insistence that Keith was insane. Geraldine slipped by stating that she's sick of hearing that Keith is a madman. Gordon noted that Geraldine spoke of Keith in the present tense. Gordon commented that Keith had a death wish, but not for himself...he enjoyed killing other things. A stunned Geraldine was horrified by Gordon's statement until she realized that he was talking about killing animals. Geraldine begged Gordon not say another bad thing about Keith because their son is really alive.



SEPTEMBER 6, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,011)
Geraldine called Keith and put an astonished Gordon on the line. Both were stunned to hear each others' voice. Keith apologized to Gordon for everything that happened, but he insisted it was for the good of the family and Colin's senate nomination. Geraldine explained to Gordon that she and Charles faked Keith's death in the car crash because of Keith's marriage to Suella Duval, who committed suicide rather divorce Keith. Geraldine admitted that she was afraid the scandal would have ruined Colin's political career. Tiffany and Colin discussed Keith and wondered what kind of monster he'd be if he were still alive. Cookie vanished from Greenhaven Sanitarium.

Note: Due to the Labor Day holiday, this episode was pre-taped on September 3, 1971.

SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,012)
Geraldine telephoned Nancy with news of Cookie's imminent release from Greenhaven. Dr. Kevin Reed was frantic when he learned about Cookie's disappearance. Ceila Burns told a stunned Dr. Reed that Cookie ran away from the sanitarium after learning she was soon to be discharged. A nurse verified Celia's story. Laurie lamented to Nancy that the birthday party would have been perfect with Jonah's attendance. Nancy worried Cookie's immediate release might not be a good thing and told Laurie she has more confidence in Dr. Reed's abilities than Dr. Warner's. Geraldine assured Gordon that she had to fake Keith's death in order to save Colin's campaign and the family's future. Gordon asked Geraldine if she's sure Keith didn't drown Suella the same way he once drowned a family kitten. Nancy was disturbed by Laurie's plans to marry Jonah, then got a bigger shock when Dr. Reed called with news of Cookie's disappearance.



SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,013)
Dr. Reed and Dr. Warner argued about Cookie, who apparently escaped via an open door in the sanitarium kitchen. Reed implied Cookie ran away because she viewed her early release as a rejection from Dr. Warner. Mike, Nancy, and Ron arrived at Greenhaven, outraged over Cookie's vanishing act. Liz and Jim stopped by Adam's office and told Adam, Nicole, and Vic that they're getting married tomorrow at 9am. Adam and Nicole agreed to be best man and bridesmaid. As a wedding gift, Adam canceled Jim's legal fees. Ron worried Cookie might be found dead, then learned from travel agent Phil Stevens that Cookie booked a morning flight to Paris. Nancy realized Cookie is running to Rose and Joe.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,014)
Nancy called her parents with news Cookie might be on her way overseas. Bill agreed not to notify the Paris police for at least 24 hours. When Lt. Anderson stopped by Bill's office with an evidence bag containing Tango's effects, Nancy recognized Tango's shoe as being a mate to the one she saw in Laurie's apartment the day Tango died. Released early from jail, Kate Sloane tried to convince Martha all the tricks to scare the Marceaus away were done for their own good. Martha refused to believe the house is actually haunted. Nancy insisted Jim and Liz marry at the Karr home instead of City Hall. Liz and Jim graciously accepted Nancy's offer. Bill caught Kate in the Marceau house and threatened to arrest her for trespassing. Kate collapsed, and upon awakening, began to speak about death in an eerie, otherworldly voice.



SEPTEMBER 10, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,015)
Laurie begged a reluctant Jonah to escort her to Liz and Jim's wedding. After accidentally referring to Jim as "Crazylegs," Jonah informed Laurie he's going back to Atlanta due to family problems. Laurie was upset at Jonah's implication he might not return to Monticello. Martha decided to RSVP the Fields wedding since she has to baby-sit a sedated Kate Sloane. Jim and Liz were married by Judge Fine. After the wedding, Jonah and Laurie arrived at the Karr home. Alone, Nancy confronted Jonah about Tango's shoe and wanted to know how it was in the apartment if Tango was out buying LSD.

SEPTEMBER 13, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,016)
Jonah reacted violently to Nancy's questions about Tango's shoe, and accused Nancy of trying to railroad him into a murder rap. Nancy insisted she was only trying to understand how Tango's shoe could have been in the apartment if she was out, as Jonah claimed. Jonah threatened Nancy, promising he'll convince Laurie that Nancy is intentionally trying to break them up anyway she can. Nancy was shocked by Jonah's threats, but kept mum when Laurie and Mike entered the room. While Martha pitied Kate and Bill insisted she's insane, an "unconscious" Kate listened to every word the Marceaus said. Kate "awakened" after Bill left the room and told Martha someone is trying to possess her soul. Bill telephoned Mike and Nancy with news of Cookie's safe arrival in Paris. Jonah lied to Laurie that Nancy accused him murdering Tango and ordered him to not marry Laurie.



SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,017)
Mike informed an unhappy Vic that Laurie considers herself engaged to Jonah. Nancy heard from her father Joe and learned Cookie is alive and well at their house in Paris. Bill congratulated Lt. Anderson on his "Pyrrhic victory." Now that Jim is cleared, they have no leads in the Rosella Gray case. Bill told Adam and Nicole about Kate Sloane's pranks, then confided to them he fears Martha might begin to believe the tales of hauntings and spirits. Kate told Martha the ghosts of a woman and her lover haunt the house. Later, Kate "sleepwalked" toward Martha's back, arms menacingly outstretched.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,018)
Kate attempted to strangle a terrified Martha, then snapped out of her "trance." Kate insisted she was possessed by the spirit of the woman who haunts the Marceau home. Adam agreed to help Bill convince Martha that Kate is faking the hauntings. Nancy questioned Bill about Tango's shoe, but he insisted the shoe Tango wore when she fell and the one Nancy saw in the apartment were different. Adam and Nicole visited Martha, who admitted she believed in ghosts as a child. Martha recalled her foster parent Aunt Margaret, an eccentric old woman who dragged young Martha to seances and convinced her the dead could return to life. Kate left the Marceau, warning Martha that she and Bill should do the same before it's too late.



SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,019)
Nancy called Dr. Warner with news about Cookie's safety. Warner informed Nancy there's no need for Cookie to return to Greenhaven, since she's already formally discharged. Dr. Reed reminded Warner that Cookie is only half-well and feared what might happen to her without additional psychiatric care. Dr. Warner suggested Reed will be first in line for a promotion when the hospital expands, but implied Reed had better keep quiet about Cookie. Reed was surprised to learn the hospital might expand, since cutbacks were previously planned. Later, Reed intercepted a call from Geraldine, whom he tricked into admitting she's paying for the hospital expansion. Geraldine told Gordon about Cookie, then commented she can drop the "keep-Mrs.-Karr-happy" campaign. Gordon disapproved of pretending to be friends with the Karrs just to keep them quiet. Geraldine stated she spent enough money to keep Nancy quiet for a long time. When Gordon insisted on seeing Keith, Geraldine said no, as she's sending Keith back to Mexico immediately. Later, Geraldine called Keith, who assured his mother he's leaving for Mexico as planned. Before Keith could leave, Laurie stopped by to see him off. Laurie resisted Keith's attempts to get physical, wanting only to talk about their future together. Keith was livid when Laurie mentioned Nancy dropped her off on the way to the police station. Fearing what Nancy told the police about Tango's shoe, Keith went to the Karr home where he found Nancy alone.



SEPTEMBER 17, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,020)
Keith, as Jonah, grilled Nancy about her meeting with Bill Marceau. Nancy insisted she only wanted to clear up the questions surrounding Tango's death... not to implicate Jonah. Keith became angry, then, gaining his composure, claimed that he went to the cellar to check on Laurie's laundry the day Tango died and that must have been when Tango returned to the apartment. Nancy discredited Keith's story, reminding him that the window was closed when she arrived; therefore, Tango couldn't have already fallen into the alley. Panicking, Keith drugged Nancy's sherry with knockout drops. Laurie stopped by Mike's office, just as Mike told Vic that Laurie and Jonah are officially engaged. An uncomfortable Vic made a hasty retreat. Mike offered to take Laurie and Nancy to the Coach House for a fancy dinner, since Nancy needs a distraction from worrying about Cookie. Just as Mike called home, Keith raised a poker above an unconscious Nancy's head, ready to bludgeon her to death, but he couldn't bring himself to dispose of Laurie's mother in such a grisly manner. Later, Keith dragged Nancy to the garage, and after binding her hands to the steering wheel with a length of rope, turned on the car's ignition. As Mike called the Karr home again, an unconscious Nancy was slowly dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.



SEPTEMBER 20, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,021)
At the Karr home, Jonah shaved off his beard and mustache, while Nancy lie dying in the exhaust-fume filled garage. Laurie wanted to drive home and pick up Nancy for dinner, but Mike insisted they call her again from the Coach House. Driving to dinner, Geraldine admitted to Gordon she was very sad about sending Keith away. When Gordon accused her of loving Keith more than she does Colin, Geraldine reminded him Keith always needed more love. At the Coach House, Mike tried unsuccessfully to contact Nancy. Laurie told Mike she fears Nancy would do anything to end her engagement to Jonah. After shaving off his beard and mustache, Keith declared it's time he "return from the dead." Geraldine commented to Gordon that Keith can re-appear in Monticello as soon as she's sure Nancy won't cause trouble for them by publicizing Suella's death. Gordon wondered if Geraldine was able to buy Nancy's silence by having Cookie released from Greenhaven. Geraldine instructed Dennis, the chauffeur, to drive them to the Karr home. Mike and Laurie began to worry when Nancy didn't answer the phone after an hour of calling. Arriving at the Karr home, Dennis told the Whitney's he heard a car running in the closed garage. Geraldine gave Dennis permission to break into the garage. Dennis dragged Nancy to safety, but he feared it was too late to save her life.



SEPTEMBER 21, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,022)
Dennis performed artificial respiration on Nancy, who had stopped breathing. Gordon called for Dr. Wolfe and an ambulance. Mike grew uneasy after calling the Marceaus and learning they hadn't seen Nancy. Gordon speculated Nancy's "accident" might have been a suicide attempt, but Dennis informed them it was attempted murder-- he found Nancy's hands bound to the steering wheel. Gordon decided to call the police, but was interrupted by another call from Mike. A stunned Mike asked Gordon not to telephone the police immediately. Martha discounted Bill's theory that Kate wants the house back, since Kate couldn't afford the mortgage payments anyway. Bill suggested Martha is falling for Kate's tricks, reminding Martha she was influenced as a child by her Aunt Margaret's obsession with the occult. Mike called Bill about Nancy's attempted murder. At the Karr home, Dr. Wolfe assured an upset Mike and Laurie that Nancy will be just fine. When Bill arrived, everyone speculated a burglar might have attacked Nancy, since she could probably identify him. However, Nancy awoke and shocked everyone with the news Jonah Lockwood was her assailant.



SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,023)
Laurie refused to believe Jonah attacked Nancy. Geraldine suggested Nancy was confused by the carbon monoxide poisoning and didn't know what she was saying. When Colin invited Ron over for drinks, Tiffany feared Colin would be upset to see her and Ron together. Colin assured Tiffany he's forgiven both of them and wants to concentrate on the future. Ron told Tiffany and Colin that Cookie ran away to Paris and has no intention of continuing their marriage. Tiffany tried to convince Ron that Cookie will come back to him. Dr. Reed confronted Dr. Warner about Geraldine funding the hospital expansion. Rather than be bought or blackmailed into submission, Dr. Reed resigned from Greenhaven. Laurie begged Bill not to believe accusations against Jonah, and argued Jonah couldn't have harmed Nancy because he was on a flight to Atlanta. Bill learned via police headquarters that Jonah bought a ticket to Mexico instead of Georgia.



SEPTEMBER 23, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,024)
Martha was relieved to learn Nancy survived the attack. Bill and Lt. Anderson decided to search Jonah's apartment after learning Jonah never got on the flight to Mexico City. Vic stunned Adam and Nicole with news of Nancy's attack. An upset Nicole recalled the time Nancy was mistakenly shot by Stephanie Martin. Bill and Lt. Anderson wondered how an unemployed Jonah was capable of affording a $650 a month apartment and couldn't find a single trace of him in the apartment, not even a fingerprint. Martha, alone in the house, vowed to find the tape recorder when she heard the laughing woman again. Martha traced the laughter to a hall closet and screamed in terror when she discovered the ashen face of a man inside.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1971 (EPISODE# 4,025)
Mike informed Adam and Nicole that Nancy identified Jonah as her assailant. Gordon was puzzled by Geraldine's nervous demeanor and insistence that Jonah didn't try to murder Nancy. Adam confided to Mike he feared for Nancy's safety since Nancy had threatened to expose Keith's marriage to Suella. Nancy finally awoke and told a disbelieving Laurie that Jonah tried to kill her. After Geraldine assured Gordon that Keith is safely back in Mexico, Keith stunned them by casually strolling into the house as if he'd never been gone.


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