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"Все мои дети" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #9689

Zach helps Lily learn how to feed Ian. Kendall is unhappy when Ryan comments on her bad decision to talk to Dr. Hillard, and then she calls him a quitter for trying to learn more about cochlear implants and sign language. Ryan suggests taking Spike to his home and although reluctantly, Kendall has to let go. Annie goes to work with Emma, and ends up talking about life with Greenlee. She spots rose petals and suddenly has an asthma attack, but Greenlee calms her down and offers to take her home. Babe is having hard time adjusting to changes in her life. J.R. questions Babe about Ava's business contract. Krystal gives some advice about Erica and Greenlee to Jack.

Ep. #9690

A party is underway in The Comeback. Tad and Aidan enjoy a night out, where Aidan tries to forget Di and concentrate on moving on. Krystal entertains them. Aidan mentions a new woman in his life. Ava is bored by Amanda, so she decides to spice up the night by drinking and catching any guy she can. In a moment of boredom and wish for stardom, Ava grabs Amanda and kisses her, and the cameras catch the entire thing. Kendall is having hard time trying to accept the fact that her children are sick. Ryan warns Greenlee to stay away from his family. Annie is nervous when Ryan tells her that Spike will now be with them. Greenlee wants Dr. Hillard to do something about Spike, but he can't do anything because Ryan doesn't trust him. When Greenlee leaves, Dr. Hillard receives a patient -- Aidan.



Ep. #9691

Jack confronts Erica after receiving a contract with a show through mail. She admits singing him to a new show, and explains that Jack will be involved in a show that will explore real life situations, such as Spike's deafness. Greenlee begs Dr. Hillard not to reveal her to Aidan, and the man suddenly realizes that Greenlee is the woman who kidnapped Spike. Aidan pretends to be a man with a shoulder injury, but Dr. Hillard spoils his cover and sends him out. Then later, he writes a check to Greenlee, saying that he doesn't want to be involved in her games. Annie is concerned about Spike living with Ryan and her. Ryan is suspicious of Annie's new behavior, and he's sure that Annie is hiding something. Zach finds Kendall trying to hold a baby of an unknown woman. Annie stuns Zach, Kendall and Ryan by suggesting a solution for the Spike problem -- they should all live together in Zach and Kendall's place. Aidan realizes that Greenlee is the one who contacted Dr. Hillard.



Ep. #9692

Zach, Kendall and Ryan are shocked when Annie suggests they should all live together. Both Ryan and Zach think it's a bad idea, but they decide to do what's best for their women, although it seems like Ryan doesn't care about Kendall. Annie sympathizes with Kendall for the trouble she has been going through. At the beach, Greenlee and Aidan finally bond over their past, as they share past experiences and discuss hot dogs. Greenlee ends up choking on a hot dog, so Aidan performs a Heimlich on her and accidentally hurts her. Lily believes Ava is a lesbian after watching the photo of Ava and Amanda kissing, and Jonathan explains how Ava is trying to get attention to herself. Meanwhile, at the club, Amanda is furious at Ava for kissing her, and she decides to stop being Ava's handler. Krystal decides to make a special birthday party for Tad.



Ep. #9693

Babe gives Amanda advice about how to handle Ava. Kendall is shocked when Dr. Hillard refuses to take Spike as a patient. She takes her anger out on Ryan, who then tries to convince Dr. Hillard to help out, but he refuses again. Kendall pretends not to care anymore, but then she decides to confront the doctor one more time. Annie confides in Babe about having problems, and Babe wants her to be honest with Ryan. Zach bonds with Ian while he's undergoing a medical procedure. Greenlee is acting strange under the influence of medication.

Ep. #9694

Opal, Ruth, Joe, Krystal, Babe, Amanda and others are decorating The Comeback for Tad's surprise birthday party. J.R. tries to persuade Tad to go to The Comeback with him, but Tad keeps refusing the offer, and he suspects something might be going on. Ava wants to go to New York, but Jonathan changes her mind. Babe gives Wes, a new bartender, a grand tour of the club. Kendall finally convinces Dr. Hilliard to take Spike as a patient. Erica visits Ian at the hospital and Zach talks about his future plans for Ian. Then they all decide to go to Tad's birthday party. Annie finally reveals more secrets about her past and Ryan promises to help her. Annie is scared when she has a vision of Ryan knocked out of a window. J.R. arrives at club without Tad, and everyone wonders where he might be.



Ep. #9695

Greenlee refuses Jack's invitation to Tad's birthday party, and then decides to have dinner alone, where she realizes she doesn't have anyone to trust. Tad reveals himself at the party and everyone starts to have fun. Kendall feels weird when people mention Spike. Sean and Colby learn about Tad's past. Greenlee eventually joins the party. Tad kisses Krystal. Julia arrives and questions everyone about Jamie. Ryan and Annie arrive in Chicago, and Annie meets with Walter. She threatens to repeat a thing from her past in case he doesn't stop with the threatening calls. Kendall gives Spike the vitamins from Dr. Hilliard.

Ep. #9696

Aidan and Greenlee make love. Later, they agree not to mention the night they spent together ever again. Krystal wants to slow things down with Tad. Colby, Tad, Sean and Krystal are surprised to learn that a garage band is practicing next door, and then they meet the members of the team-Dre, Corrina and Ren. Zach comforts Kendall. He later finds the vitamins from Dr. Hilliard. In Chicago, Annie begs Walter to stop calling her, and then later Walter meets Ryan.



Ep. #9697

An angry Erica confronts Greenlee, and then Greenlee reminds Erica of all the wrongs she did in her life. Jack questions Aidan about his growing relationship with Greenlee, and Aidan doesn't reveal that he slept with her. On the plane back to Pine Valley, Annie refuses to talk about Walter, so Ryan starts researching Walter on the net. Annie has a nightmare. Later, she confronts Ryan about snooping into her past. Zach confronts Kendall about the vitamins from Dr. Hilliard. Kendall refuses to let Ryan participate in a meeting with the doctor. Julia and Josh bond while watching over Ian. Jack comforts Erica.

Ep. #9698

Ryan takes away Spike when Kendall admits giving him vitamins from Dr. Hilliard. Zach gives Annie advice about past life. Adam pretends to be Stuart again in front of Tad, Krystal, Colby and the rest of the teens. Amanda is annoyed by J.R.'s constant rambling about Ava, but when J.R. suggests an amazing business idea that could bring money, Amanda suddenly changes her mind. Jonathan and Ava spend time some together at the beach talking and eventually get naked, with paparazzi taking pictures of them.



Ep. #9699

Erica and Jack's night at the marina is interrupted by Greenlee. She tries to leave, but Jack convinces her to stay and make peace with Erica. At dinner, the tension rises as Jack tells Erica that Greenlee wants to make up for what happened to Spike. Jack lets it slip about Dr. Hilliard, and Erica angrily storms off. Ryan is surprised when Annie reveals that her mother killed herself after Annie did something to her brother, and that her father always blamed her for her mother's suicide. Then she reveals that she was the one who put her brother Richie in jail for a crime he didn't commit. Ryan tells Annie that he loves her, and he promises to protect her from her past. Kendall and Zach get cozy, but their romantic time together is interrupted when Spike reacts and Kendall is sure that Spike can hear again. Adam worries that Krystal may realize that he is posing as Stuart. He then questions her about her feelings. J.R. reassures Amanda that he'll resolve the financial situation soon. Amanda tries to convince him to ask Adam to return his shares of the company. J.R. catches Adam in Stuart's clothes. Greenlee finds Annie's watch on the beach. Erica bursts into Dr. Hilliard's office and it's obvious that they know each other.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9700

Wes congratulates Babe on getting her high school diploma. Babe suspects Ava might be pregnant. Erica bursts at Dr. Hilliard, whom she knows from the Betty Ford clinic, and she promises to bring him down. Kendall is convinced that Spike can hear again, but when Dr. Norton realizes Spike is having an allergic reaction, he manages to revive Spike, who stopped breathing. Joe makes an examination on Spike to determine if the vitamins might have caused the allergic reaction. Erica informs everyone that Greenlee was the one who hired Dr. Hilliard. Stuart defends Adam's action in front of J.R. Greenlee blames Aidan for spilling her secret to Jack, but he insists that Greenlee was the one who told Jack about it. J.R. pitches that idea about Ava.com to Adam, but he isn't interested and instead, he makes him a partnership offer to help him take back what Zach stole from him. However, J.R. refuses the offer.



Ep. #9701

J.R. finds and sends the photos of Ava and Jonathan naked on the beach to the Fusion girls, who are shocked by the footage. Zach comforts Kendall who, once again, blames herself for Spike's problems. Ryan confronts Greenlee about Dr. Hilliard, and he informs her about having a few guys tracking her every step to prevent her from coming close to either Kendall or Spike. Tad, Josh, Jack and the rest of the gang reminisce about 9/11. Kathy and Julia also join them. J.R. tries to make a business deal with Jonathan, but he refuses. Ava suspects she might be pregnant.

Ep. #9702

Babe realizes Annie is under a lot of stress. J.R. takes Ava to the hospital, where Dr. Joe diagnoses her with appendicitis. Lily comforts Ava, and then Ava loses consciousness. Aidan explains to an angry Greenlee that he did not say anything to Ryan, and then they actually spend some quality time together. Annie realizes Aidan has the pocket watch which she threw out. Later, an unknown person knocks out Aidan and takes the pocket watch. Wes is getting a crush on Babe. Jack and Erica fight during a new show, and Pam tapes their fight. Jack makes a brilliant idea to make their relationship work.



Ep. #9703

Greenlee finds an unconscious Aidan and suspects Ryan might have knocked him out. Kendall holds Ian for the first time. Adam tries to get his house back from Zach. J.R., Lily and Joe fail, so Jonathan finally convinces Ava to go through with the surgery. J.R. tips a reporter about Jonathan and Lilys failed marriage. Aidan and Greenlee confront Ryan and he convinced them that he had nothing to do with the attack. Ryan then reveals the truth to Aidan, and he promises to watch over Greenlee and Annie. Annie is worried that her brother might have attacked Aidan.

Ep. #9704

Kendall takes time so think and resolve her complicated life, and after some reminiscing and talking to Spike, she realizes what she must do next. Greenlee justifies her actions to Zach. Ryan is shocked to learn that Annie's brother Richie was released from prison. Annie finds the mysterious pocket watch in her purse. Aidan tries to persuade Annie to let him protect her and find the attacker, but she is reluctant. Zach is shocked to find Hannah in his office.



Ep. #9705

Aidan and Ryan are worried when Annie suddenly disappears, but she returns soon and covers for her brief exit. Ryan informs her about Richie's release from prison, and it only upsets her more. Wes saves Babe from a robber at The Comeback and she asks him out on a date. Kendall and Greenlee make a deal to finally put the fights behind them, but Kendall wants Greenlee to keep their conversation a secret. Zach realizes Hannah isn't pregnant, and she convinces him that she wants to stay in Pine Valley.

Ep. #9706

Ava is convinced that J.R. could have made her a star, and she's worried that the operation might have cost her the fame. Jonathan then tells her that he won't ever have a child because of his past, but she encourages him to put the past behind him. J.R. delivers a tabloid headline with Ava and Jonathan as The Beauty and the Beast and then says he's no longer interested in Ava. Julia and Tad discuss Kathy and Kate. Tad warns Dre to stay away from Adam. Adam invites Colby to return to the mansion, while J.R. declines his offer. J.R. realizes Adam is trying to win Krystal back by fixing his mistakes, but it seems like Krystal isn't that interested in what Adam has to say. Colby refuses to move in with Adam or quit her job at The Comeback, but she agrees to spend more time with him. Tad invites Julia to live in his new house. Erica and Jack play another fight on their show. Annie and Ryan decide to move out of the house, but they ask Kendall and Zach to take care of Emma for awhile. "Richie" watches them secretly.



Ep. #9707

Greenlee, once again, doesn't trust Aidan, and she confronts him, but then changes her mind later. Annie continues reminiscing about her dark past. Hannah and Josh talk about Hannah's sudden return, and she explains that she isn't interested in Zach anymore. Amanda, Babe, Di, Greenlee and Kendall are on yet another cold Fusion staff meeting. J.R. makes an amazing business deal to Ava, who becomes excited about it and kisses J.R., but then explains it meant nothing. Richie continues snooping around the Lavery house.

Ep. #9708

Babe orders J.R. to stay away from Ava because she's on contract with Ava. Ava wants J.R. to help her break off the contract and win back her fame. Zach and Josh discuss about Hannah and Chandler Enterprises. Annie reassures Ryan that she didn't send the locket to herself and then explains how Ryan has always been one step ahead of her. Derek informs them that a body of a man similar to Richie has been found dead. Krystal is convinced that Adam is impersonating Stuart, so she invites Stuart to The Comeback and starts seducing him. She kisses him and then realizes that it's the real Stuart. Erica surprises Kendall by introducing a deaf boy on New Beginnings.



Ep. #9709

Stuart admits to Krystal that Adam has been posing as him for awhile, and Krystal finds herself confused about her feelings again. Tad warns Adam to stay away from Krystal, Jenny and Colby, and Krystal overhears Tad saying that he loves Krystal. Kendall isn't happy when Erica introduces a deaf boy to her. Wes and Babe identify a dead body of a robber. Wes leaves before Annie arrives at the police station. Annie and Ryan arrive too and Annie is shocked when she sees the dead body.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9710

Tad and Adam fight over Krystal, both claiming that they love her. Krystal and Adam can't hide the obvious attraction between them. Joe and Tad discuss Tad's love life. Jason explains how Kendall doesn't realize what being deaf really means. Zach talks to Kendall about the implants, but Kendall still can't accept something she thinks is giving up on Spike. Annie tells Derek and Ryan that the man in the morgue isn't Richie, and they soon learn that it was actually someone who was in jail at the same time Richie was. Annie opens all the doors and windows in the house and decides to finally confront her brother. Greenlee and Aidan walk down the beach and although Greenlee only wants to make out, Aidan is troubled by his attack, believing that Annie was the attacker. Ryan sees them together.



Ep. #9711

Babe is angry at Amanda for inviting her and Wes to join Amanda and J.R.'s night out. She thinks Amanda is insecure about her relationship with J.R. Later, Babe and Wes enjoy their date alone. Jonathan suggests to leave J.R. out of Ava's deal and work on their own, but Ava realizes Jonathan isn't actually the best man to work with. Ryan isn't too comfortable seeing Aidan and Greenlee together on the beach. Aidan decides to continue helping Ryan find Richie, but he wants Ryan to call off the guards watching Greenlee. Erica is surprised with Kendall and Greenlee's renewed friendship, but Kendall reassures her that it's all a plan of hers to get revenge on Greenlee. Erica wants to help her, but Kendall refuses the offer. Lily makes a comment on Hannah and Josh's lovemaking in the office, but Hannah reassures both Lily, Josh and Zach that she returned to Pine Valley only to work. Later, in the yacht club, Josh visits Hannah, and they make love again.



Ep. #9712

Adam apologizes for his behavior while on a fishing trip with Colby. Sean is trying to take a photo of the hip hop group, and Dre is the only one who refuses to show his face on the picture. Tad and Krystal talk about Krystal's undying love for Adam, and Tad explains that he professed his love only to mess with Adam's head. Ryan convinces a scared Annie to run away with him to a tropical island, where they can hide from her brother. A person breaks into their condo later. Aidan keeps Jack busy while a disguised Greenlee goes undercover as the dead man's wife to pick up his stuff. Jack catches them. Adam is crushed when Krystal tells him that she doesn't ever want to see either Stuart or him.

Ep. #9713

Wes takes Babe talk about their recent friendship, and then Wes takes her to the batting cage. J.R. and Ava continue flirting. He wants her to find a way to quit her contract with Fusion. Kendall and Erica discuss Kendall's plans for the revenge on Greenlee, and Erica warns Kendall that Greenlee won't be able to keep their friendship secret for long. Aidan promises to Jack that he won't Greenlee in his work again. Aidan and Greenlee realize that Eddie had a check from Annie in his briefcase and they trace a phone call to Annie's cell too. Hannah has a secret plan against Zach.



Ep. #9714

Kendall breaks into Greenlee's apartment, keen on fulfilling her revenge, but after seeing pictures and reminiscing about the past, she realizes she can't go through with it. Hannah tries to come up with a plan for Zach to separate Kendall from Greenlee away from each other once and for all. Lily suggests using J.R. for their plan. Zach approaches J.R. Annie and Ryan try to relax on the secret location, but Ryan ruins the moment by questioning Annie about her childhood. Wes and Babe spend quality time together. J.R. is trying to get his deal going by approaching Jonathan, but he refuses the offer. Aidan and Greenlee believe that someone is framing Annie, and after finding a picture of Richie, they e-mail the photo to Ryan. Ryan uses a photo program to find out how Richie really looks like and when he removes the details it turns out to be Wes!

Ep. #9715

Jonathan proposes to a shocked Ava, who then runs away. Zach makes an offer to J.R. and he accepts it. Annie ID's Wes as Richie and then worries about Emma, but Ryan can't reach Julia, who is watching over Emma in Pine Valley. Kendall takes a CD and secretly exits Greenlee's apartment while Aidan and Greenlee are working on identifying Richie. "Wes" and Babe continue bonding. Richie breaks into Ryan's apartment and finds a picture of Emma.



Ep. #9716

Ryan is impressed when Annie makes up a story to convince the coast guard to let them get to Pine Valley as soon as possible. Kendall is harsh at Greenlee in front of Babe and Amanda, and later she apologizes to Greenlee, who has no idea about the revenge that Kendall has going against her. Erica feels guilty after a talk with Jack, and she tries to pursue her daughter to give up the vendetta against Greenlee. Jonathan gives Ava time to decide if she wants to marry him. Hannah and Tad play pool together.

Ep. #9717

J.R. accepts Zach's business offer against Greenlee, and is impressed by Zach's style. Greenlee thinks that Aidan believes she still has feelings for Ryan when Aidan suddenly doesn't need her help in the cast anymore, and she accuses him of being jealous. Erica tries to convince Kendall to give up her revenge against Greenlee, but Kendall decides to remove her mother from the town for a little while by calling Bianca. Colby gives Adam advice about how to win Krystal back. Dre continues being a huge mystery to his friends. Hannah and Krystal form a friendship, and their conversation makes Hannah realize that she has to tell the truth to Zach.



Ep. #9718

A storm causes Babe, "Wes" and the kids to move into a cabin. Babe and Wes become closer, as he finally opens up about his family. Annie and Ryan panic when Greenlee recognizes Richie as Wes, the bartender. Kendall feeds Ian for the first time. Hannah confesses to Zach that she had a mental breakdown after the last time they saw each other. Kendall and Josh walk in on Zach and Hannah hugging.

Ep. #9719

Annie, Ryan, Greenlee, Aidan and others worry about the safety of their loved ones. Richie answers Annie's call, but doesn't say anything. Aidan and Ryan search through Richie's room. Adam makes an apology to Krystal. Babe starts having a bad feeling about staying in the cabin. Kendall and Josh walk in on Zach and Hannah hugging. Josh and Hannah make love. Babe and Richie return to Pine Valley.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9720

Richie gives Emma to a panicked Annie. Ryan and Aidan grab Richie and bring him to an old pump house, where they try to get the truth out of him, but Richie claims he didn't do anything, and that Annie is the crazy one. To make things worse, Aidan tries out a method that involves putting a rope around Richie's neck. The police enters the place just as Richie jumps off the chair to make it seem like the guys were going to kill him. Babe is shocked to hear the truth about "Wes." Krystal is surprised by Adam's new behavior. Zach admits to Kendall that Hannah wanted to have a baby with him, but that he didn't grant her wish. Josh wants to know the real reason why Hannah returned back home. Adam orders Hannah to put their plan into motion.

Ep. #9721

Lily and Ava share a long conversation about Jonathan and his marriage proposal to Ava. Amanda tries to show Jonathan that proposing to Ava isn't his brightest decision. Aidan and Ryan are arrested after Richie makes it seem like they tried to strangle him. Greenlee offers support to Annie. Jack tells Greenlee that freeing Aidan and Ryan won't be easy after what they did. Babe tries to find out more about Richie in the hospital, and she has no idea who she should believe. Annie tries to talk to Richie, but a visit from her father pushes her away.



Ep. #9722

Kendall helps Annie get to Richie's hospital room, where Annie pleads with Richie to leave her family alone. Greenlee encounters Kendall in the hospital, so Kendall is forced to continue faking their friendship. J.R. admits to Amanda that he is working on an assignment to remove Greenlee from Fusion, but he doesn't share the details. Hannah and Adam hide their partnership in front of Krystal. Ava accepts Jonathan's marriage proposal by making an another scene at the club. J.R. is furious to learn about this. Richie arrives at Ryan and Aidan's arraignment

Ep. #9723

Richie surprises everyone in court when he frees Aidan and Ryan, claiming that they didn't do anything to him. Once he's alone with Ryan, he makes it clear that nothing ca stop him, and Ryan answers by claiming that he isn't intimidated by him. Greenlee agrees to pair up with Aidan in the hopes that they'll be able to learn more information about Richie's past sins. Kendall envisions Greenlee and talks to her in the apartment while writing the forged letters. Jack tells Jonathan he hopes he'll be happy with Ava. Ava and J.R. almost give in to temptation, but Ava stops before it's too late.


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