ep. #1937
in her office, theresa receives an e-mail from the peeper, informing her to go to the alley in which jared was shot. upon arriving there, she finds jared and calls the cops. before kay goes home to get maria, miguel spies on her with fox. after kay leaves with miguel following behind, eve walks in to let julian and fox know they will be starting on a treatment regimen to prolong fox’s life and informs them about the side effects. before kay and miguel arrive, tabitha looks in her bowl, infuriated over the fact that she doesn’t know who’s causing all the pain in town. later, as tabitha talks with kay she can see how kay is torn between miguel and fox. shortly thereafter, kay arrives back at the hospital and learns of the treatment side effects. meanwhile, spike roughs up jessica in an attempt to keep quiet about the fake charity. she then runs into simone. after getting the brush-off by simone, jessica runs into the peeper.
episode overview