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"Страсть" (США) - резюме серий

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ep. #1937

in her office, theresa receives an e-mail from the peeper, informing her to go to the alley in which jared was shot. upon arriving there, she finds jared and calls the cops. before kay goes home to get maria, miguel spies on her with fox. after kay leaves with miguel following behind, eve walks in to let julian and fox know they will be starting on a treatment regimen to prolong fox’s life and informs them about the side effects. before kay and miguel arrive, tabitha looks in her bowl, infuriated over the fact that she doesn’t know who’s causing all the pain in town. later, as tabitha talks with kay she can see how kay is torn between miguel and fox. shortly thereafter, kay arrives back at the hospital and learns of the treatment side effects. meanwhile, spike roughs up jessica in an attempt to keep quiet about the fake charity. she then runs into simone. after getting the brush-off by simone, jessica runs into the peeper.
episode overview



ep. #1938

as fancy tries to convince luis and sheridan that a woman attacked her, theresa calls her brother about jared’s shooting. at the recording studio, ethan arrives to ask about theresa’s sudden decision to marry jared. when whitney gets a call about jared, she and ethan go down to the hospital as well. in the parking lot, fancy gets jumped by her attacker and suspects sheridan is the culprit. in fox’s room, he is hesitant to go along with eve’s treatment. on the pier, simone, noah and paloma find jessica wearing the peepers high heels and decide to take her to the hospital after seeing how out of it she is acting.

ep. #1939

after seeing that jared came out of surgery alright, chad and whitney arrive at home. later, when the parents of miles’ friend brings him back to the studio, chad’s attitude towards the couple turns cold when he finds out they’re gay. once they leave, whitney won’t let chad off the hook regarding his homophobic attitude. as theresa tends to jared after his surgery, ethan tries to learn her secrets and what jared was helping her with. as theresa attempts to tell ethan the truth, she gets a call from the peeper and decides not to tell ethan anything. at this point ethan goes back to his office and is served with divorce papers. back at the hospital, vincent lets theresa know of the peeper’s demands. meanwhile, when fancy and luis arrive at sheridan’s cottage, they learn from chris she is gone. after sheridan returns home, they tell her about fancy being jumped at the hospital and how fancy suspects sheridan. after coming up with an alibi, luis and fancy leaves, but chris later sees scratches on sheridan’s arms.



season 8, episode 165 – aired: 2/26/2007
ep. #1940

as whitney tries to talk theresa out of meeting the blackmailer, the peeper is spying on them from their secret room. after whitney leaves, theresa realizes that she has no choice but to meet with her blackmailer. inside the cottage, chris confronts sheridan about the scratches on her arm. it is at this point when sheridan tells chris that the only reason why luis is with fancy is because he can’t have her, and is soon told by chris that she is obsessed with luis. at hearing this, sheridan announces she intends to sleep up at the mansion since he doesn’t trust her. upon their arrival at the inn, fancy and luis share a romantic dinner. they then attempt to dance, but fancy doesn’t like being touched. she then gets ready for bed while luis goes outside to stand guard while fancy sleeps. meanwhile, fox starts panicking over his impending treatment and rushes home. while at tabitha’s, miguel and kay give into their passion again.



season 8, episode 166 – aired: 2/27/2007
ep. #1941

when fox arrives home, miguel has to quickly hide in the closet so fox won’t find him. at seeing him; kay asks fox why he left the hospital and is surprised that he’s refusing his treatment. fox then gets in bed with kay and asks her to make love with him. at crane, whitney and ethan arrive to see theresa. when ethan tells whitney that his divorce is finalized, valerie shows up, asking what they’re doing there. during their search, whitney asks valerie if chad comes off homophobic to her and is told no. meanwhile, chad gets a dvd delivered of his night with his lover. after destroying the movie, chad gets a surprise when he gets a dozen roses from vincent. upon her arrival on the wharf to meet the peeper, theresa gets informed that she has to marry jared and that ethan belongs to the peeper. after drugging luis, the person wearing white gloves sneaks into fancy’s room with a jar of acid in their hand, intent on pouring it on the young crane.



season 8, episode 167 – aired: 2/28/2007
ep. #1942

when kay gets in bed with fox, miguel calls kay on her phone and tells her to get fox back to the hospital or he’ll tell fox everything he knows. upon their arrival back at the hospital, fox continues to refuse his treatment, making kay and a spying miguel suspicious. elsewhere, ethan finds theresa on the wharf, being threatened by a talking box used in crane toys. thinking someone is out to hurt theresa, he suggests hooking the box up to a computer to find out what information it has on it. at the studio, whitney sees the flowers and thinks they’re for her, but the delivery man lets it slip that the roses are for chad. later, chad gets a message from vincent and is surprised that their video is attached to the voice mail. at the inn, sam finds luis standing over fancy with the jar the acid was in. when luis tries to explain what happened, sam has to arrest luis because of the evidence against him.



ep. #1943

upon learning luis got arrested at the inn, sheridan rushes to the police station to comfort him. when she arrives, she immediately starts to blame fancy for luis’ predicament. after sam takes fancy to give her statement, sheridan watches as luis escapes. while at the hospital, julian is able to pay off fox’s nurse so she will give him placebos instead of the regular treatment. at the studio, whitney sees chad and vincent’s sex tape on chad’s phone and demands answers. elsewhere, spike takes jessica to the pier to meet with a john. spike then takes her to a hotel room where the peeper is getting ready for their time with jessica. after parting ways with jessica, spike meets up with chris to demand that they go to crane and steal some of the company’s money. at another part of the pier, theresa decides to throw the voice box in the water. back at the mansion, ethan confronts theresa about her problems, they begin making love



ep. #1944

as the peeper goes toward jessica with a razor, they rush off at hearing noah, simone, and paloma calling out for jessica. after she lets them in her room, jessica informs them that the half man, half woman was just there, causing noah, simone, and paloma to decide to take jessica to the hospital to be checked out by eve. at the hospital, the nurse starts fox’s treatments with the placebos. at a nearby nurse’s station, eve gets a call from a man claiming to be her son. at the station, sheridan and fancy are surprised that sam is contemplating putting a shoot to kill order out on luis, resulting in sheridan asking fancy how she could live with herself if luis dies. in theresa’s room, luis walks in on her and ethan making love. as he is asking for help in escaping, ethan tries to get luis to turn himself in at first, but eventually agrees to help. as this is going on, theresa gets an im from the peeper, demanding that she marry jared tonight else. meanwhile, sam is forced to put a shoot to kill order out on luis.



ep. #1945

julian suggests that valerie be the one to help search for the missing son he and eve had, and after some initial trepidation, eve agrees to let valerie do the search. chad meets up with vincent at the hotel where he rails on him about the threats against whitney. vincent continues to ply chad with tales of how good they are together, and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. luis dresses up and heads to the hardware store, posing as a federal agent, looking for information. he's shocked when he sees who purchased the acid. theresa tells whitney that she doesn't want to marry jared; she wants to be with ethan. fox prepares to undergo treatment.
episode overview

ep. #1946

after another session with vincent, chad again reiterates his plans to end things between them and storms out. a gleeful vincent confirms that his hidden video camera caught their sexcapade on tape. theresa changes her mind about following the blackmailers demands and tells whitney that she's going to be with ethan regardless of the consequences to her brothers, but changes her mind after talking with pilar. fox begins to experience the side-effects of the real treatment, including vomiting. nurse stevens is still unsure as to whether or not fox got the placebo or the real deal. luis panics when the hardware store manager recognises him and tries to figure out how to get out of there.



ep. #1959

luis initially denies that he and sheridan were together but after fancy confronts him with what she saw, he admits that he did kiss her, but only because they were bonding over their shared grief about marty. an eavesdropping sheridan isn't pleased to hear luis downplay what happened. jared convinces chad to help him escape the hospital, reminding the other man that he's keeping his secret, just as theresa admits to whitney that she's glad she has a few more days. ethan confides in sam that theresa has cut him loose. tabitha and miguel talk about fox and kay, and tabitha tries to bolster miguel's spirits when it looks like he's beginning to believe fox is really ill. kay is confused when a randy fox wants to make love to her, not understanding why he isn't impotent until she decides that fox has taken something.

ep. #1960

rae's funeral is nearly turned into a circus when simone continues to point the finger at luis. julian and eve are shocked when valerie insists their child is in harmony. sheridan reveals herself to ethan when she rants about fancy. theresa again delays marrying jared.



season 8, episode 187 – aired: 3/28/2007
ep. #1962

theresa again decides to postpone the wedding after learning ethan has gotten a lead on the blackmailer, and jared demands to know why. fox is convinced that he received the real treatment, which is why he's experiencing all the side effects. fancy tries to convince luis to escape from prison but he doesn't want to drag her down with him. chad is upset when he sees that vincent will be covering theresa and jared's wedding.

season 8, episode 188 – aired: 3/29/2007
ep. #1963

eve announces that the wedding must be postponed because of jared's health, but then the blackmailer calls and tells her she will never see her son unless the wedding takes place. tabitha and endora decide that enough is enough -- they're going to teach spike a lesson that will burn right into his soul. simone goes to the bartender's apartment to get the letter, unaware that the blackmailer is inside.

season 8, episode 189 – aired: 3/30/2007
ep. #1964

luis breaks into the bartender's apartment looking for clues only to find it on fire. when sam and fancy show up, they see only a shape -- convinced it's the arsonist, they both open fire. endora offers jessica a glimpse at what her life would be like if she left spike, and hooking, behind her. eve pronounces jared healthy enough to wed after the blackmailer's threats. tabitha tortures spike.
episode overview



ep. #1965

theresa becomes mrs. jared casey, as a recently arrived ethan looks on. alone, he demands to know why she didn't wait just two more minutes for him. simone remains convinced that luis is rae's killer, especially after dylan is found dead in the apartment. vincent blackmails chad into coming to the hotel, and after some brief resistance, chad again falls into bed with his lover. luis is brought into the e.r. in serious condition, and fancy is devastated that she shot the man she loves. eve is stumped by luis's condition, as she can see the bullet but not get it out.
episode overview

ep. #1966

theresa and ethan enter the blackmailer's apartment, but all the photographs ethan saw are gone. vincent emerges from the hotel bathroom and tells whitney that it's valerie inside, but she's too embarrassed to come out. sheridan swears to chris that he is the man she loves, but after learning of luis's condition she rushes to the hospital to be with him. theresa is disbelieving as ethan tells her that the blackmailer is a he/she who wants to punish all of harmony.



ep. #1967

at the motel, chad fears that whitney is about to find out about his affair with vincent, but he breaths a sigh of relief when vincent tells her a cover story to make whitney leave. while at the hospital, eve stabilizes luis when sheridan uses her pull as a crane to keep luis in harmony. when sam confronts sheridan about her actions, he warns her that even crane’s aren’t above the law and orders her to stay away from luis. however, a little while later sheridan dresses up as a nurse and sneaks in to see luis. in an attempt to counteract the happiness that endora let out, tabitha works on brewing a potion that is pure evil. while she is making it, fox walks in and wonders what the smell is and then begins thinking of ways to get miguel out of kay’s life.

ep. #1968

at their hotel room, noah begins to feel bad about sleeping with paloma. after noah proclaims his love to her, he and paloma decide to go to the carnival happening on the pier. meanwhile, tabitha and endora arrive at the carnival, and find their way to the house of mirrors, only to feel the presence of evil that wasn’t made by the dark side. as they leave, spike arrives to take jessica home with him. he then starts accusing tabitha of being a witch and trying to kill him, but jessica thinks that he took some bad drugs and doesn’t believe him. while at the hospital, ethan and theresa try to figure out the identity of the blackmailer. they then realize it must be someone they know since the person wants to keep ethan for their own pleasure. after whitney left vincent at the motel, chad walks out of the bathroom, and gets into an argument about whitney almost finding out about them. it is during this time when vincent pulls chad into a kiss and asks him to be honest about who he really is and what type of lifestyle he wants to live.



ep. #1969

kay is disappointed when fox turns out to be the man by her in bed. an ill wind blows through tabitha's house. fox and the blackmailer go to see judge reilly.

ep. #1970

after having a nightmare about the blackmailer, paloma graduates from the academy and she then goes to see luis and fancy at the hospital with noah. after she gives fancy her badge, paloma thinks of a way to surprise her with a graduation party. while in bed, theresa gets a call from the blackmailer, informing her that since she slept with ethan, her brothers are going to pay with their lives. elsewhere, judge reilly gets an instant message from the blackmailer to move up the trials of miguel and luis. later, when ethan and theresa meet with the judge, they realize he has been blackmailed as well. meanwhile, as kay and miguel agree to tell fox about their feelings for one another, they are shocked to hear on the news that judge reilly has moved up his trial. as sam gets ready to leave for the police cadets’ graduation, he gets a surprise at seeing jessica getting ready to walk through the door. when jessica tells sam that she left spike for good, he welcomes jessica home with open arms. later, jessica begins to feel a little queasy and fears she might be pregnant.



ep. #1971

upstairs, jessica is ecstatic at learning she is pregnant. when she goes down to see what sam has to surprise her with, her happiness is severely diminished when he mentions how happy he is that jessica didn’t get pregnant by spike since that will keep him in their lives forever. elsewhere, theresa, ethan, miguel, luis, kay, and fancy arrive at the courthouse to have their hearing with judge reilly. before going into his chambers, ethan and theresa warn the others that the blackmailer has gotten to the judge and is out to get them. after they go in judge reilly’s chambers, ethan almost gets his wish to have a change of venue granted, but when everybody gets a message from the blackmailer that ultimately scares the judge into keeping the trial in harmony and to have luis’ and miguel’s trials together. meanwhile, whitney and chad are enjoying lunch when whitney expresses her surprise that valerie hasn’t returned her call yet. later, she gets a call from theresa, asking her to go to the courthouse for moral support, unaware vincent is following, intent on keeping whitney quiet.
episode overview



ep. #1972

as whitney walks through the hallways of the courthouse, a piece of marble almost falls on her, but she is saved by chad. later, when eve is walking by, she checks them out and suggests they go home and rest. after eve leaves, vincent surprises whitney and asks her again if she really plans on telling valerie about his affair. back at the courthouse, everybody is shocked to find out that grace nancier is the new d.a. and picked a jury that will undoubtedly hand down a death penalty. ethan then gets disgusted when judge reilly continually sides with the d.a. whenever he makes object. grace nancier then tells fancy she is her star witness and will be sending luis to the death chamber with her testimony. at home, when tabitha tries to explain why endora needs her witch lessons, they get interrupted, first by the lopez-fitzgerald trial appearing on the blackboard, and then by julian. when he threatens to take endora away from tabitha if their daughter doesn’t get into an elite preschool, tabitha throws him out.



ep. #1973

chad attacks vincent when he mistakenly thinks he's threatening whitney with a knife. vincent warns chad that next time, he won't be able to save her in time. noah becomes overprotective of paloma when sam assigns her to a string of murders on the wharf, not wanting to see paloma get hurt. grace nancier calls fancy to the stand. nancier claims that the reason why fancy shot luis is because her subconscious knew he was guilty.

ep. #1974

whitney can't decide whether she should tell valerie about vincent having an affair or not. spike finds out about jessica's pregnancy. tabitha is confronted by preschool recruiters sent by julian. paloma completes her first assignment as a police officer. sheridan admits her true feelings about luis in front of chris. the jury comes to a conclusion about luis and miguel's trial.

season 8, episode 200 – aired: 4/16/2007
ep. #1975

chris realises that he is never going to stand a chance at winning sheridan's heart and prepares to take james and leave harmony for good. whitney heads to see valerie to tell her that vincent is cheating on her, but valerie first avows her love for vincent. the courtroom reels in shock as luis and miguel are both found guilty.



ep. #1976

tabitha is pleased that endora will not be able to attend preschool. tabitha starts to feel bad when she realizes that endora wants to play with other children. chad's feeling guilty as he listens to whitney telling valerie that any man who cheats is a dog. chad tries to stop valerie from confronting vincent, but she is determined to have it out with him. sheridan is shocked when she comes home and sees that chris and james are leaving her. chris explains that he will not compete with luis for her affections. judge reilly decides to sentence miguel and luis right away. everyone is optimistic that ethan will be able to stop judge reilly from going forward with his sentencing. fox and julian are pleased the blackmailer is doing their dirty work, until they wonder who the next victim will be.

ep. #1977

chad hears screaming coming from valerie's house, and rushes in. chad sees that valerie has been beaten by vincent. chad promises valerie that vincent will never hurt her again. noah and paloma's fire is put out by the rain. noah warms paloma with a passionate kiss. luis is sentenced to death by lethal injection. fancy blames the guilty verdict on sheridan, saying she was more concerned with destroying her and luis's love than saving luis. sheridan, alone after having lost chris and james, vows to save luis from the death penalty. julian stops fox from breaking-up kay and miguel's public display of affection. julian reminds fox that he's won kay, and tells him not to let his jealousy blow it. julian warns fox that if it came out that fox was behind miguel's imprisonment, he could end up in jail.



ep. #1978

chad convinces valerie not to call the police about vincent beating her up, telling her it would be bad for crane industries. chad explains to valerie that if the media found out, it could cause a scandal that would cost valerie her job. whitney spends the evening at home with miles as someone lurks outside. tabitha stirs up a spell to bring the preschool committee women back in order to reevaluate endora. tabitha causes the women to forget their previous experience and sets out to charm them. pilar is distraught over miguel and luis's plight. ethan, theresa and paloma encourage pilar not to give up hope.

ep. #1979

a telephone call from jared interrupts ethan and theresa's lovemaking, and theresa again vows to be faithful to her husband. although spending time with her fox, kay can't stop thinking about miguel. chad warns vincent to leave his loved ones alone.

ep. #1980

ethan and theresa continue to make love, but their rendezvous is cut short when ethan sees the blackmailer spying on them. ivy tries to convince fancy not to waste her heart on luis since he doesn't have much time left, as luis and miguel are introduced to the prison warden. kay tells fox about the truth of her feelings for miguel. sheridan is taken aback by luis's reaction when she verbally attacks fancy.



ep. #1981

fox feigns pain to stop kay before she can tell him that she loves miguel, hoping that if she doesn't come clean, she won't leave him. ethan attempts to save theresa from the blackmailer, and the two chase him around the crane mansion. miguel is shocked and furious to learn from his cellmate that he and luis were set up. fancy tries to spend time with luis, but he demands she leave and never return. julian does his best to convince kay to stay with fox.

ep. #1982

miguel tells kay that since he will be in prison, her life is with fox now. he tells her to go to fox and be a family with him. kay argues against this, but miguel is adamant. theresa and ethan are in the secret passageways of the crane mansion chasing the half man/half woman. the he/she eventually captures theresa in a hidden room where he/she has a breakdown as theresa tries to reason with it. the he/she claims that no one ever wanted him. elsewhere, after luis takes both sheridan and fancy off of his approved visitors list, he is beaten up by a cellmate as a prison guard watches.



ep. #1983

ivy confronts sheridan for the way she handled herself during the trial and how she put fancy down. ivy accuses sheridan of being just as cruel and vindictive as alistair. paloma fixes noah an authentic mexican feast as they discuss the plight of her brothers. noah reassures her that he wants to be with her. theresa watches as the booby-trapped walls begin to close in on ethan. the he/she tells her that if she has jared's baby, ethan will be saved. esmé gives fancy an idea on how to visit luis. sam saves luis from the sadistic prison guards.

ep. #1984

jessica tells simone that she is pregnant and simone advises her that her family will support her through her pregnancy. theresa and ethan continue to chase the he/she and theresa tells ethan that she has to do what the blackmailer wants or her brothers will continue to suffer. fancy disguises herself as a man to see luis. she goes to the prison in hopes of getting a job as a prison guard. sheridan also plots and hires spike. spike tells her that he can't break luis out of prison, but sheridan has another idea up her sleeve. luis has a visitor from heaven and he thinks it is antonio. pilar also has the same visitor as she is crying over her sons.


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